How to compress an array? - php

Lets say, I have an array with 1000 values (integers). And I need from this array to have an array with f.e. 400 values (the number can be changed, f.e. 150, etc.).
So I need to return each 2.5th array value, i.e. 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, etc.
Is this somehow possible?
I dont need a code, I just need some way, how to do it.
My array is array of elevations (from another array with GPS coordinates). And I want to draw a 2D model of elevation. Lets say, my map will always have 400px width. 1px = 1 point of elevation. Thats why I need each 2.5th elevation value...
Like this:

You don't want the 2.5th one. You effectively want to divide the set into blocks of five and get the first and third from each set.
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
You want the first and third columns.
This is PHP, so we've got 0-based arrays.
We can divide it into groups of 5 using the modulo operator %. We can then see if the return value is 0 (i.e. it's in the first column) or 2 (i.e. it's in the third column).
I'm going to presume your array has numeric keys starting from 0.
// PHP 5.6
$filtered = array_filter($array, function($value, $key) {
$mod = $key % 5;
return ($mod === 0) || ($mod === 2);
// pre-PHP 5.6
$filtered = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$mod = $key % 5;
if (($mod === 0) || ($mod === 2)) {
$filtered[$key] = $value;

How about using the modulo % operator?
Say you want to make 1000 into 200 values, loop through all the items in the array and keep a counter, if the counter % 5 == 0 then put that value into a new array, or if != 0 then remove from array. We use modulo 5 because 1000 / 200 = 5.

Below is the way to start with. It does not ensure that first and last elements are included in the output and, probably, has some other glitches. But since you requested the idea, here you go—array_reduce:
$step = 2.5;
$i = 0;
$r = array_reduce($a, function($memo, $curr) use(&$i, $step) {
if($i === round($step * count($memo))) {
$memo[] = $curr;
return $memo;
}, []);
[0] => 1
[1] => 4
[2] => 6
[3] => 9
[4] => 11
Hope it helps.

This should be pretty close to what you seem to be looking for. It will collect whichever values are closest (rounding down) to the float values.
$list = range(1,1000);
$targetSize = 300;
$new = array();
$step = count($list) / $targetSize;
$curStep = 0;
for( $i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++ ) {
if( $curStep > $step ) {
$new[] = $list[ floor($i) ];
$curStep -= $step;

So this is it:
$arr = range(1, 1387); // f.e.
$cnt = 296; // f.e.
$new = array();
$max = count($arr);
$step = $max / $cnt;
for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i += $step) {
$new[] = round($arr[(int)$i]);


Optimizing Find nearest sum of numbers in array to a given number

Say I have an array [10000,5000,1000,1000] and I would like to find the closest sum of numbers to a given number. Sorry for the bad explanation but here's an example:
Say I have an array [10000,5000,1000,1000] I want to find the closest numbers to, say 6000.
Then the method should return 5000 and 1000
another example : we want the closest to 14000 , so then he should return 10000 and 5000
I've tried with code below, here is working one but if the $desiredSum and $numbers array is big. it's running so slow until php execution timeout
$numbers = array(
$desiredSum = 6000;
$minDist = null;
$minDist_I = null;
// Iterate on every possible combination
$maxI = pow(2,sizeof($numbers));
for($i=0;$i<$maxI;$i++) {
if(!(($i+1) % 1000)) echo ".";
// Figure out which numbers to select in this
$sum = 0;
for($j=0;$j<sizeof($numbers);$j++) {
if($i & (1 << $j)) {
$sum += $numbers[$j];
$diff = abs($sum - $desiredSum);
if($minDist_I === null || $diff < $minDist) {
$minDist_I = $i;
$minDist = $diff;
if($diff == 0) break;
$chosen = array();
for($j=0;$j<sizeof($numbers);$j++) {
if($minDist_I & (1 << $j)) $chosen[] = $numbers[$j];
echo "\nThese numbers sum to " . array_sum($chosen) . " (closest to $desiredSum): ";
echo implode(", ", $chosen);
echo "\n";
Anyone can help me out ?
function coinChange($numbers,$desiredSum){
$set = [];
$set[0] = [];
for($i = $numbers[0];$i <= $desiredSum;++$i){
foreach($numbers as $index => $current_number){
if($i >= $current_number && isset($set[$i - $current_number])){
if(isset($set[$i - $current_number][$index])) continue;
$set[$i] = $set[$i - $current_number];
$set[$i][$index] = true;
if(count($set) === 0){
return [0,[]];
return [
$keys = array_keys($set);
$nearestSum = end($keys);
$sum = 0;
$rev_numbers = array_reverse($numbers);
$result = [];
foreach($rev_numbers as $number){
$sum += $number;
$result[] = $number;
if($sum > $nearestSum && abs($nearestSum - $desiredSum) > abs($sum - $desiredSum)){
$nearestSum = $sum;
}else if($sum > $nearestSum && abs($nearestSum - $desiredSum) < abs($sum - $desiredSum)){
$result = formatResult($numbers,array_keys($set[$nearestSum]));
return [
function formatResult($numbers,$keys){
$result = [];
foreach($keys as $key) $result[] = $numbers[$key];
return $result;
This is similar to coin change problem.
We first sort the numbers.
Now, we iterate from minimum number in the array to the desired sum.
Inside it, we iterate through all elements in the array.
Now, we can make $i(which is a sum) only if we have made sum $i - $current_number. If we have the previous one, then we add $current_number to our collection for sum $i.
Two Scenarios:
If we can make the exact sum, then we return the result as is.
If we can't, then are 2 possibilities:
We would already have nearest sum possible in our $set which would be the last entry. We keep them in a variable.
Now, the nearest sum could also be higher than the desired sum. So, we get the larger sum and check if it's nearer than nearest smallest sum and then compare both and return the result.
Result format:
Let's take the below sample output:
[0] => 15000
[1] => Array
[0] => 10000
[1] => 5000
It simply means that the first index is the nearest sum possible and array at 2nd index is all elements it took from $numbers to make that sum.

Program to find X-numbers in an array

in an N numbers of array a number is a X-number if it is divisible by atleast one other number in the array. Program to find how many such numbers exists in an given array
example 1 : in array [1,2,3] , number of x-numbers is 2 ( 2 and 3 as they are divisible by number 1 )
example 2 : in array [2,3,5,8] , number of x-numbers is 1 ( 8 is divisible by 2 )
example 3 : in array [2,3,6,12] , number of x-numbers is 2 ( 6 is divisible by 2 and 3 , 12 is divisible by 2 and 3 and 6 )
I am using the below code, but i want to optimize it in a way if the array size increase the performance should not hamper :
$arr = array(2,3,6,12);
$count = 0;
function check_special_num($tnum, $tarr){
if( $tnum % $tarr[$i] == 0 ){
return true;
return false;
$temp = $arr;
$num = $arr[$i];
array_splice($temp, $i, 1);
if( check_special_num( $num, $temp ) ){
$count += 1;
echo $count;
Coding language is PHP
It might be faster this way:
$arr = array(2,3,6,12);
function x_numbers_count($arr) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($arr as $i => $number) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
if ($number % $arr[$j] == 0) {
return $count;
echo x_numbers_count($arr);
The main differences, which can be expected to improve performance:
the array is sorted only once, before beginning to work (this could also improve your own method, without changing anything else)
the search loop stops as soon as it is to reach the current investigated number
less variables are used

Randomly pick array values, add them up, until you get a certain value in php

I have the following array with undefined number of elements
I want to randomly loop through the array, add up the values I fetch until the total is my target.
$total=0; /////initialize total
/////////Pick up random values add them up until $total==$target
/////////return the new array with selected elements that sums up to
I hope my question is clear, also note that the loop should not iterate too many times since the elements might never add up to the total. I have tried adding the items in line but to no avail. Thanks in advance
I think this'll work for you and always return you value of count to be 50 only
$marks = array(6,7,9,6,7,9,3,4,12,23,4,6,4,5,7,8,4);
$target = 50;
function sum($marks, $target) {
$count = 0;
$result = [];
for ($i = 0; $i <= $target; $i++) {
if ($count < $target) {
$add = $marks[array_rand($marks)];
$count = $count + $add;
$result['add'][] = $add;
} elseif ($count == $target) {
} elseif ($count >= $target) {
$extra = $count - $target;
$count = $count-$extra;
$result['extra'] = $extra;
return $result;
print_r(sum($marks, $target));
The way you describe your logic, a while loop might make more sense:
$marks = array(2, 4, 9, 3);
$target = 50;
$sum = 0;
$i = 0; // to keep track of which iteration we're on
// PHP can natively randomize an array:
while ($sum < $target && $i < count($marks)) {
$sum += $marks[$i];
$i++; // keep track of which iteration we're on
// after the loop, we've either added every number in $marks,
// or $sum >= $target
Don't forget that it might exceed $target without ever being equal to it, as Dagon pointed out in a comment.
Look into PHP's native array shuffle:
This may be a good alternative for the above answer.
Why I say so is that I have set it in such a way that it doesn't let the total go over the target, and when there is such a situation, the current number in the array is decremented by one and added as a new element so that if there is no possible number in the stack, there will be one eventually making this loop not go on infinitely. :)
$marks = ['2', '4', '9', '3'];
$target = 50;
$total = 0;
$numbersUsed = [];
while($total != $target) {
$index = rand(0, count($marks) - 1);
$number = $marks[$index];
if($number + $total > $target) {
$number = 0;
$marks[] = $marks[$index] - 1;
} else {
$numbersUsed[] = $number;
$total += $number;
echo $total . "\n";
// To see which numbers were used:
Starting with the array ['2', '4', '9', '3'],
We loop and get the result:
4 13 17 20 22 31 35 44 46 48 48 48 48 50
And we get this array which includes the numbers used to get the final result:
[0] => 4
[1] => 9
[2] => 4
[3] => 3
[4] => 2
[5] => 9
[6] => 4
[7] => 9
[8] => 2
[9] => 2
[10] => 2

Generate an array in PHP of random number not close to the X previous element

I want to generate in PHP an array of random numbers, but each number should not be the same as any of the X (for example 2 ) numbers bofore it and not even close to any of them by a define range (for example 5).
So for example:
I need numbers between 1 and 100
i've set my "range" to 5
the first two generated number are 20 and 50.
the third number will be a random number between 1 and 100, excluding all the numbers between 15 and 25, and between 45 and 55.
I can't figure out a function to achieve it. Ideally I want to call something like this:
getRandomNumbers( $min, $max, $previous, $range);
where $previous is the number of previous elements to take in consideration when generating the next one and $range is the "proximity" to those number where I don't want the next number to be.
I hope I explained in a decent way my request. :) Please, add a comment if you have any question about it.
I just came up with this:
function getRandomNumbers($min, $max, $previous, $range) {
static $generated = array();
$chunk = array_slice($generated, -$previous);
// Added this infinite loop check to save you some headache.
if (((($max - $min + 1) / (($range * 2) + 1)) + 1) <= $previous) {
die("Values set have the potential of running into an infinite loop. Min: $min, Max: $max, Previous: $previous, Range: $range");
while(true) {
$number = rand($min, $max);
$found = true;
foreach ($chunk as $value) {
if (in_array($number, range($value-$range, $value+$range))) {
$found = false;
if ($found) {
$generated[] = $number;
return $number;
Test it using this:
for ($i = 1; $i < 25; $i++) {
echo getRandomNumbers(1, 100, 5, 5) . "<br />";
PHPFiddle Link:
Edit: Added a check to prevent a possible infinite loop. For example: if you set the following values:
$min = 1;
$max = 100;
$previous = 5;
$range = 12;
echo getRandomNumbers($min, $max, $previous, $range);
Then let's say, in a really unfortunate situation it would generate 13, 38, 63 and 88. So the 5th number cannot be anything between 1 and 25, 26 and 50, 51 and 75, 76 and 100. So it would result in an infinite loop. I've updated the PHPFiddle link as well.
getRandomNumbers( $previous, $range ) {
//I'm assuming that previous will be an array of your previous X that you don't want to be close to
$num = getRandomNumber() //However you are doing this now
foreach( $previous as $key => $value ) {
if ( ( $value - $range ) > $num && ( $value + $range ) < $num ) {
return getRandomNumbers($previous, $range);
//You need to also replace a value in previous
return num;

Find which two values of an array a given value is belongs

Suppose I have an array similar to this:
$months = Array('3','6','12','15','18','21','24');
and I have $n = 5, what would be a good way to find that $n falls in array ?
also element should be append after 3 & before 6 because 5 in between 3 & 6
$n = 5; then array will be
$months = Array('3','5','6','12','15','18','21','24');
$n = 7; then array will be
$months = Array('3','6','7','12','15','18','21','24');
also i need to display progress according to $n
$n=3 then up to $3 color will get filled
$n=5 then color will get filled up to middle of 3 & 5
i have placed array value on div & i need to display progress accordingly.
Assuming the months array is initially sorted, we iterate through that array and find the exact position to insert $n, partition that array in two and insert $n in middle of the slices
for($pos = 0; $pos < count($months); $pos++) {
if($months[$pos] > $n) {
$end_part = array_slice($months, $pos);
$first_part = array_slice($months, 0, $pos);
$first_part[] = $n;
$months = array_merge($first_part, $end_part);
$n = 7;
$months = Array('3','6','12','15','18','21','24');
$i = 0;
foreach ($months as $k => $v) {
if ($n < $v) {
$months = array_merge(array_slice($months, 0, $i), array("$n"), array_slice($months, $i, count($months)));
This is how to insert the value at the correct position in your array:
$months = [3, 6, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24];
$n = 5;
$idx = count(array_filter($months, function($val) use($n) {
return $val < $n;
array_splice($months, $idx, 0, [$n]);
This is how to calculate the progress to use for your progress bar, assuming that:
The first value (3 in this example) is 0%
That the last value (24) is 100%, and
There is the same difference between each number in the array (3 in this case)
$pct = ($n - min($months)) / (max($months) - min($months)) * 100;
