Positioning else condition in php - php

I have found this little piece of php codes that suites my requirements.
$allDocs = mysql_query("SELECT id, parent FROM modx_site_content ORDER BY id DESC");
while($doc = mysql_fetch_assoc($allDocs)) {
$parent = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM modx_site_content WHERE parent = " . $doc['id'] . " AND id = " . $doc['parent']);
if(mysql_num_rows($parent)) {
while($parentDoc = mysql_fetch_assoc($parent)) {
echo 'Infinte loop found<br /><br />';
echo 'Document #' . $doc['id'] . ' and document #' . $parentDoc['id'] . ' are each others parent.';
I tried putting the else condition like this:
$allDocs = mysql_query("SELECT id, parent FROM modx_site_content ORDER BY id DESC");
while($doc = mysql_fetch_assoc($allDocs)) {
$parent = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM modx_site_content WHERE parent = " . $doc['id'] . " AND id = " . $doc['parent']);
if(mysql_num_rows($parent)) {
while($parentDoc = mysql_fetch_assoc($parent)) {
echo 'Infinte loop found<br /><br />';
echo 'Document #' . $doc['id'] . ' and document #' . $parentDoc['id'] . ' are each others parent.';
else {
echo 'No loop found';
But it goes into the while loop. Where is the appropriate place to put the else condition?

Indenting was the solution:
$allDocs = mysql_query("SELECT id, parent FROM modx_site_content ORDER BY id DESC");
while($doc = mysql_fetch_assoc($allDocs)) {
$parent = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM modx_site_content WHERE parent = " . $doc['id'] . " AND id = " . $doc['parent']);
if(mysql_num_rows($parent)) {
while($parentDoc = mysql_fetch_assoc($parent)) {
echo 'Infinte loop found<br /><br />';
echo 'Document #' . $doc['id'] . ' and document #' . $parentDoc['id'] . ' are each others parent.';
} else {
//Your Code Here
The else of the if is inside the first loop but not the second.
Edit:Added the Break to Exit Loop.

Please intent your codeexample before submitting your question. Easeier to read...
It seems like the else-statement is placed correct. Look at your while-statements. Maybe the code never reaches the if-else statement because the first while-loop quits before the if-statemnt gets false. Or as long as the first while-loop runs, you'll always get a row with the the statement
$parent = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM modx_site_content WHERE parent = " . $doc['id'] . " AND id = " . $doc['parent']);


Sorting nested While() Loops

I'm able to sort the second tier while loop for obvious reasons but I cannot get the first one to sort. I know its cause the "for" loop is incrementing. What I want is alphabetically sort first while loop then the second ASC...any suggestions? Here's my code
function get_content() {
$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM category";
$res1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die(mysql_error());
$total = mysql_num_rows($res1) or die(mysql_error());
for($a = 1; $a <= $total; $a++) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM weblinks INNER JOIN category ON category_weblinks = id_category WHERE id_category = '$a' AND status_weblinks = 'checked' ORDER BY title_weblinks ASC";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
echo "\n\n\n" . '<div class="post">' . "\n";
echo '<div class="title">' . "\n";
echo '<h2><a name="' . $row['shortcut_category'] . '">' . $row['title_category'] . '</a></h2>' . "\n";
echo '<p><small>Posted by Joe email</small></p>';
echo '</div>' . "\n";
echo '<div class="entry">' . "\n";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
echo "\n" . '<p><b>' .$row['title_weblinks']. '</b><br>' . "\n";
echo $row['description_weblinks']. '<br>' . "\n";
echo 'Link: ' .$row['link_weblinks']. '<br>' . "\n";
echo 'User: ' .$row['username_weblinks']. ' | Password: ' .$row['password_weblinks']. '</p>' . "\n";
echo '<p class="links"> Back to Top</p>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';

Order by rand(). Put first row in the end

Is this possible somehow?:
Select all rows ( order by rand() )
Make a while loop that outputs all rows except the first one
$sql = 'SELECT id, name FROM tablename ORDER BY rand ()';
$stmt = $conn->query($sql);
while ($row = $stmt->fetch_assoc()) {
$text .= '<p>' . $row['id'] . '<br />' . $row['name'] . '</p>';
And then include the excluded row at end
$text .= '<p>' . $FIRSTROW_id . '<br />' . $FIRSTROW_name . '</p>';
Create a count and if it's first value, save it in variable.
Then, after loop, you use your variable with data from first row.
$sql = 'SELECT id, name FROM tablename ORDER BY rand ()';
$stmt = $conn->query($sql);
$i = 0;
while ($row = $stmt->fetch_assoc())
if ( $i == 0 )
$firstrow = $row;
$text .= '<p>' . $row['id'] . '<br />' . $row['name'] . '</p>';
if ( $firstrow )
$text .= '<p>' . $firstrow['id'] . '<br />' . $firstrow['name'] . '</p>';
EDIT : From what you said in comments, you can just pass first row as param in AJAX and exclude it in your query :
$sql = "SELECT id, name FROM tablename WHERE id != '".intval($_GET['id'])."' ORDER BY rand ()";
$stmt = $conn->query($sql);
$_GET['id'] will be param you send by AJAX.

Display list by most recent item first

I have an old CMS and i need to edit the code so that it displays the most recent items first as apose to the oldest first. The code below is from the file that i beleive needs editing. Any help most appreciated...
if ($cms->mrow['usrlvl'] < $cms->ulid) {
header("Location: " . $cms->folder . "/home");
if (isset($_GET['dm'])) {
if ($_GET['dm'] == "a") {
$cms->dmsg = $cms->mrow['singular_title'] . " Added Successfully";
} else if ($_GET['dm'] == "u") {
$cms->dmsg = $cms->mrow['singular_title'] . " Updated Successfully";
} else if ($_GET['dm'] == "d") {
$cms->dmsg = $cms->mrow['singular_title'] . " Deleted Successfully";
} else if ($_GET['dm'] == "bd") {
$cms->dmsg = $_GET['t'] . " "; if ($_GET['t'] > 1) { $cms->dmsg .= $cms->mrow['title']; } else { $cms->dmsg .= $cms->mrow['singular_title']; } $cms->dmsg .= " deleted Successfully";
echo "<h1>" . $cms->mrow['title'] . "</h1>";
// Add button
if ($cms->user['ulid'] <= $cms->mrow['usrlvladd'] && ($cms->mrow['allowadd'] || $cms->user['ulid'] == 1)) echo "<span>Add " . $cms->mrow['singular_title'] . "</span>";
// Bulk button
if ($cms->user['ulid'] <= $cms->mrow['usrlvladd'] && $cms->mrow['allowbulkadd']) echo "<span>Add Multiple " . $cms->mrow['title'] . "</span>";
if (!empty($cms->dmsg)) echo "\n<div id=\"dmsg\"><h3><span>" . $cms->dmsg . "</span></h3></div>";
// Set Order BY based on previously saved session or Module Default
if (isset($_SESSION['module' . $cms->mid]['orderby'])) {
$cms->orderby = $_SESSION['module' . $cms->mid]['orderby'];
} else if ($cms->mrow['orderby'] > 0) { // Get order based on field in module table (default)
$fres = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM `" . $cms->prefix . "field_" . $cms->tbl . " WHERE fid=" . $cms->mrow['orderby']);
$cms->orderby = mysql_result($fres,0);
} else if ($cms->mrow['allowposition']) { // Order by ID otherwise
$cms->orderby = "position";
} else { // Order by ID otherwise
$cms->orderby = $cms->idname;
// Set Order By Direction based on previously saved session or Module Default
if (!empty($_SESSION['module' . $cms->mid]['direction'])) { // Set Order By first based on session if set
$cms->direction = $_SESSION['module' . $cms->mid]['direction'];
} else { // Order by ID otherwise
$cms->direction = $cms->mrow['direction'];
// List Filter Bar
if ($cms->mrow['allowsearch'] == 1 || $cms->mrow['allownpp'] == 1) $cms->listSearch();
// Set Current page based on previously saved session
if (isset($_SESSION['module' . $cms->mid]['pg']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['module' . $cms->mid]['pg'])) {
$cms->pg = $_SESSION['module' . $cms->mid]['pg'];
} else {
$cms->pg = 1;
// Generate ajax request to load content into div
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo "$(document).ready(function(){\n";
if (isset($_GET['upid'])) { $upid = $_GET['upid']; } else { $upid = 0; } // Update Record ID
echo "
document.pg = " . $cms->pg . ";
document.order = '" . $cms->orderby . "';
document.direction = '" . $cms->direction . "';
showModuleList('" . $cms->mrow['tablename'] . "',document.pg,document.order,document.direction,false," . $upid . ");
// Ajax target div
echo "<div id=\"list\"></div>";

php and mysql to xml

i have 2 tables, first one which stores restaurant info and second stores dishes served in each. They are linked using res_id.
1) info_main [id, res_id, res_name,res_pc]
2) dishes [id,dishName,price,res_id(Foreign key)]
My SQL query is
$query = "SELECT * FROM info_main LEFT JOIN dishes ON info_main.res_id = dishes.res_id";
I am inserting the results from the query into an xml file which works fine. Below is the code:
$query = "SELECT * FROM info_main LEFT JOIN dishes ON info_main.res_id = dishes.res_id";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo '<markers>';
// Iterate through the rows, printing XML nodes for each
while ($row = #mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo '<marker> ';
echo '<detail1>';
echo '<resdetails ';
echo 'name="' . parseToXML($row['res_name']) . '" ';
echo 'id="' . parseToXML($row['res_ID']) . '" ';
echo 'pc="' . parseToXML($row['res_pc'] ). '" ';
echo '/>';
echo '<dishdetails ';
echo 'name="' . parseToXML($row['dishName']) . '" ';
echo 'price="' . parseToXML($row['price']) . '" ';
echo '/>';
echo '</detail1>';
echo '</marker>';
This work fine however if a restaurant has 3 dishes in the database, then xml create 3 nodes: Something like this:
I want the xml structure like
<resdetails name="spoted dog" id="xyz" pc="xyz"/>
<dishdetails name="bean burger" price="1" />
<dishdetails name="cheese and tomato panini" price="3" />
<dishdetails name="veg salad" price="2" />
I cant figure out a way how to achieve the above stated xml structure. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
$query = "SELECT * FROM info_main LEFT JOIN dishes ON info_main.res_id = dishes.res_id";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo '<markers>';
// Iterate through the rows, printing XML nodes for each
$resname = "";
while ($row = #mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
if ($resname!=$row['res_name']) {
//restname isn't populated or doesn't match current so output new headers
echo '<marker> ';
echo '<detail1>';
echo '<resdetails ';
echo 'name="' . parseToXML($row['res_name']) . '" ';
echo 'id="' . parseToXML($row['res_ID']) . '" ';
echo 'pc="' . parseToXML($row['res_pc'] ). '" ';
echo '/>';
//this bit needs to always happen
echo '<dishdetails ';
echo 'name="' . parseToXML($row['dishName']) . '" ';
echo 'price="' . parseToXML($row['price']) . '" ';
echo '/>';
if ($resname!=$row['res_name']) {
//restname isn't populated or doesn't match current so output new headers
echo '</detail1>';
echo '</marker>';
$resname = $row['res_name']; //set resname to this res_name as this is our check to see if we've already put out required headers for this item that way every change it'll put this back in
Something like this (note may need some tidying up)
For that structure just do this:
echo '<marker> ';
echo '<detail1>';
while ($row = #mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo '<dishdetails ';
echo 'name="' . parseToXML($row['dishName']) . '" ';
echo 'price="' . parseToXML($row['price']) . '" ';
echo '/>';
echo '</detail1>';
echo '</marker>';
All that is really different, is that I moved a portion of your code out of the while loop.
Atlast i got that working, i used two query's, one getting distinct restarant and other getting dishname. i used loop in the main loop. below is the code.
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM info_main";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo '<markers>';
// Iterate through the rows, printing XML nodes for each
while ($row = #mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo '<marker> ';
echo '<detail1>';
echo '<resdetails ';
echo 'name="' . parseToXML($row['res_name']) . '" ';
echo 'id="' . parseToXML($id) . '" ';
echo 'pc="' . parseToXML($row['res_pc'] ). '" ';
echo '/>';
$dishes = "SELECT * FROM dishes WHERE res_id = '" . $id . "'";
$dish = mysql_query($dishes);
while ($row2 = #mysql_fetch_assoc($dish)){
$id2 = $row2['res_id'];
echo '<dishdetails ';
echo 'name="' . parseToXML($row2['dishName']) . '" ';
echo 'price="' . parseToXML($row2['price']) . '" ';
echo '/>';
echo '</detail1>';
echo '</marker>';
echo '</markers>';

Extraction of the data from MySQL using PHP

$query = "SELECT * FROM `status_info_private` WHERE `id`=$id ORDER BY `Status_Date` DESC LIMIT 100";
if ($query_run = mysql_query($query)) {
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query_run)) {
echo '<font color="#009900" > ' . $rows['Name'] . ' ' . ' Says :' . '</font><br/>';
echo '<p align="justify> ' . $rows['Private_status'] . '<br/>';
echo '<p align="right">' . $rows['Status_Date'] . '<br/>';
$like = $rows['Like'];
$unlike = $rows['Unlike'];
I think everything is correct in the piece of code. But still I am unable to get the output under the column titled as "Private_status". The above code is producing everything correctly except the message under cols "Private_status". I have already checked the spelling of the col name & there is no error in that part.
So, Please tell me what exactly is missing ?
first close your <p> tags and then do a print_r to check what is in $rows
Also, start using PDO or mysqli
$query = "SELECT * FROM `status_info_private` WHERE `id`=$id ORDER BY `Status_Date` DESC LIMIT 100";
if ($query_run = mysql_query($query)) {
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query_run)) {
echo '<a href="view_profile.php?id=' . $id . '" color="#009900" > ' . $rows['Name'] . ' ' . ' Says :' . '</a><br/>';
echo '<p align="justify"> ' . $rows['Private_status'] . '</p>';
echo '<p align="right">' . $rows['Status_Date'] . '</p>';
$like = $rows['Like'];
$unlike = $rows['Unlike'];
