Custom URL rules with modules in Yii2 - php

I have been looking around but haven't found what I needed. Basically, I have a few small modules which have just the DefaultController and a few bigger ones with multiple controllers.
My rules for the small modules work fine but the ones of the big modules won't. Here are my rules:
'<module:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<module>/default/<action>',
'<module:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<module>/default/<action>',
'<module:\w+>/<controller:\w+>' => '<module>/<controller>/index',
'<module:\w+>/<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<module>/<controller>/<action>'
The first two rules work fine, allowing me to access:
http://host/news/create and routes to news/default/create.
The last two are supposed to do the following:
http://host/posts/category which should route to posts/category/index
http://host/posts/category/create which should route to posts/category/create
They do not seem to work, sadly. Any suggestions?

It looks like the first rule will capture any request that could also match the third one.
Think of it in the terms of its representing regex: w+/w+: as a generic rule for routes in Yii, more prescriptive rules should go on top and less more generic, catch-all rules should be at the bottom.
Now the best way to obtain what you need would be to do something along the lines of:
'<module:news>/<action:\w+>' => '<module>/default/<action>',
'<module:news>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<module>/default/<action>',
'<module:posts>/<controller:\w+>' => '<module>/<controller>/index',
'<module:posts>/<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<module>/<controller>/<action>'
this way you are explicitly expressing the routes for each of the modules in a clear and immediate way which will also help you in the long-term.


Laravel exclude route

I have this in my web.php (Laravel 5.3)
Route::get('/{perfil}/{seccion}', 'HotelsController#index')->where(['perfil' => '(perfil|profile)'])->where(['seccion' => '(mis-hoteles|my-properties)']);
Route::get('/{perfil}/{seccion}', 'PerfilController#index')->where(['perfil' => '(perfil|profile)']);
I want the urls /perfil/mis-hoteles and /profile/my-properties to be served by the first route. And the urls /perfil/[whatever] and /profile/[whatever] to be served by the second route.
It does not work, /perfil/mis-hoteles is redirected by the second route.
I'd also tried something like
Route::get('/{perfil}/{seccion}', 'PerfilController#index')->where(['perfil' => '(perfil|profile)','seccion' => '^(!mis\-hoteles$)'])
for the second route, but it does not work .
What am I doing wrong?
The weird thing is, if I delete the second route and leave only
Route::get('/{perfil}/{seccion}', 'HotelsController#index')->where(['perfil' => '(perfil|profile)'])->where(['seccion' => '(mis-hoteles|my-properties)']);
it works, so there is a match. Why if there is a match laravel continues looking for a match finding the second route?
Laravel does not like it when your routes have the same method and uri sring. If you have two routes with same methods and uri strings (not the actual uris they WILL receive) which you do, it just overrides it.
So we need to "trick" it a bit.
Instead of this:
Route::get('/{perfil}/{seccion}', 'HotelsController#index')->where(['perfil' => '(perfil|profile)'])->where(['seccion' => '(mis-hoteles|my-properties)']);
Route::get('/{perfil}/{seccion}', 'PerfilController#index')->where(['perfil' => '(perfil|profile)']);
We are going to "lie" and say:
Route::get('/{perfil}/{seccion}', 'HotelsController#index')->where(['perfil' => '(perfil|profile)'])->where(['seccion' => '(mis-hoteles|my-properties)']);
Route::get('/{perfil}/{section}', 'PerfilController#index')->where(['perfil' => '(perfil|profile)']);
Notice the {perfil}/{seccion} and {perfil}/{section} just this one letter will tell Laravel that we don't want to override the old route.
Don't forget to change the accepted parameter in the Controllers respectively.
Hope this solves your problem, it did for me.

How can I have more than 2 directories deep with a controller in Kohana

I have a stat, in which many can exist for an improvement, which is one model in my about page. I initially built the page as one giant controller having silly actions like "action_editimprovementstat".
So I tried to move things into directories, so rather than everything being in "[...]/controller/about", I moved things into there perspective folders, for example: "[...]/controller/about/improvement/stat"
I changed the regex of the route, so the controller would accept slashes, which judging by the debugger, worked, because now the controller text will show up as "about/improvement/stat", unfortunately it still tells me the requested url can't be found.
So, I ask, what is the simplest way to have a hierarchical controller structure?
Here is an example of controller URLs that I would prefer:
Those would also have actions, so for example:
I'm willing to compromise if there are issues with ambiguity.
(Btw, I think I could manage a way if I did my own routing through a single controller, but I'm wondering if there is a better way, or if that way is well documented [so I can learn from another's experience].)
You can simply add additional variables or constant values to the route if you live.
The Kohana documentation even shows a concrete example, where an extra directory is added in front of the route, which can have only one of two given values:
Route::set('sections', '<directory>(/<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))',
'directory' => '(admin|affiliate)'
'controller' => 'home',
'action' => 'index',
Of course you can add values in the back or inbetween as well. The only requirement is that your route will always result in at least a controller and an action. But they don't actually have to exist in the url. You can specify routes that match other values and have a constant value for controller and/or action, like this:
Route::set('search', ':<query>', array('query' => '.*'))
'controller' => 'search',
'action' => 'index',
The greatest pitfall: It is important to understand that routes are matched in the order they are added, and as soon as a URL matches a route, routing is essentially "stopped" and the remaining routes are never tried. Because the default route matches almost anything, including an empty url, new routes must be place before it.
Maybe that is what's going wrong now?
Anyway, rather than adding trickery to match slashes, I'd rather create a route that accepts a large number of optional variables, so you could read 'urlpart1' to urlpartX' from your generic controller. That is, if you need to. The setup, of course, is to let you create different controllers for different urls, so you don't need a humongous controller with a gigantic method to decide what to do based on the url parts.
Ever since I learned Kohana, my programming experience has been greatly improved because prior to Kohana I never gave a moments thought to how my urls were constructed. In the MVC world using Pretty URLs makes you really think about what you want to do and how to go about it.
In my opinion by looking at what you are wanting to do in the examples above, it seems to me that you are thinking backwards. You said the URLS that you preferred are: /about /about/internal /about/external /about/improvement /about/improvement/stat
It seems to me that "about" is really an action, not a controller. The url "/about/" is pretty confusing because it doesn't tell me what I'm getting information about but we can let that one slide because it's probably about the site in general. "/about/internal" is pretty clear but in a lot of ways you are trying to write your urls so that they read in proper English. In reality I would write them as: /about, /internal/about, /external/about, /improvement/about, /improvement_stat/about
I'm not sure why you are resisting have several controllers unless perhaps you are setting up your controllers as template controllers and maybe you think you have to do that for each one. You dont. In general I create a controller named "page" which is my template controller. Then all other controllers extend the page controller. I can define constants and other variables in the page controller that can be used in all the controllers that extend the page controller.
But if you are really resisiting writing multple controllers, you can always write specific routes that will let you reach any controller and action that you want. For example I used a route for a comparison where I wanted up to 4 id's passed into my route. I wrote that route like this:
Route::set('thing_compare', 'thing/compare/<thing1>/<thing2>(/<thing3>(/<thing4>))')
'controller' => 'thing',
'action' => 'compare'
Note that thing3 and thing4 are in parens which means they are optional. Then in my controller I can get those values by doing something like:
$thing1 = $this->request->param('thing1');
But going back to the examples you gave, just write the routes something like this (assuming your controller is named "about":
Route::set('about_internal', 'about/internal')
'controller' => 'about',
'action' => 'about_internal'
Route::set('about_external', 'about/external')
'controller' => 'about',
'action' => 'about_external'
Personally I would avoid setting routes like this and really reconsider how your urls need to be setup so that it creates a sensible design strategy.

Define a singular rule in the bootstrap for Inflector

I'm using CakePHP 2.1 and need to define an Inflector rule for the word "Software", because CakePHP is converting all references to the plural form "Softwares" which isn't correct. Cake is looking for SoftwaresController and a table named Softwares.
I do know to create the rule in the boot strap, and read this doc reference.
I also took a look at the lib/Cake/Inflector.php file, but can't figure out the syntax for defining a rule. It looks kind of like regex. Here are a few rule examples.
'/(s)tatus$/i' => '\1\2tatuses',
'/(quiz)$/i' => '\1zes',
'/^(ox)$/i' => '\1\2en',
'/([m|l])ouse$/i' => '\1ice',
'/(matr|vert|ind)(ix|ex)$/i' => '\1ices',
'/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i' => '\1es',
What would be the correct code to define a Software singular Inflector rule?
Inflector::rules('singular', array('rules'=>array('/software/'=>'software'),'irregular'=>array('software'=>'software'),'uninflected'=>array('software')));
I tried adding this rule, which works for the SoftwareController but Cake is complaining that it can't find the Softwares table, which is actually named "Software". I feel I'm close, but still missing something about how this works.
you just have to know where to look (or search) in the book:
in your case
Inflector::rules('singular', array(
'uninflected' => array('software')
Inflector::rules('plural', array(
'uninflected' => array('software')

Cakephp Routing

I want that users can surf to for xxx being a parameter. and so with . I have following routing which works fine:
Router::connect('/:town', array('controller'=>'places', 'action'=>'index'), array('pass' => array('town')));
Router::connect('/:town/:category', array('controller'=>'places', 'action'=>'index'), array('pass' => array('town', 'category')));
But when I want tot surf to a different controller example it goes back to the places controller unless I make a routing for it...
any ideas?
The second rule on your routing list is simply looking for two sets of any combinations of characters after the domain name and treating the first as a town and the second as a category. As a result it mistakenly parses 'differentcontroller' as a town name and 'add' as a category. If you want to keep this URL structure then you'll need to add more specific routes to your routing file to cover situations like the 'add' route, or consider changing your existing URL layout to something more specific, like:
Router::connect('/places/:town', array('controller'=>'places', 'action'=>'index'), array('pass' => array('town')));
Router::connect('/places/:town/:category', array('controller'=>'places', 'action'=>'index'), array('pass' => array('town', 'category')));
My memories about cake routing is quite rusty, but you can use :controller/:action as a rule to make cake look for a valid controller/action pair, if I remember correctly.

cakephp routing for cushycms preview link

I have a set of rather static pages wich I moved to the views/pages folder. The resulting *.ctp files are editable by my customer through CushyCMS (simplistic cms perfect for dummy proof editing). However CushyCMS generated preview links that obviously don't take CakePHP into account. I would like to solve this little problem with custom routing, but can't get my head around the details..
How can I dynamically connect the url http://localhost:8888/cake125/app/views/pages/test.ctp to http://localhost:8888/cake125/pages/test?
I added the following in my routes.php:
Router::connect('/pages/test.ctp', array(
'controller' => 'pages',
'action' => 'display', 'test'));
This works ok for connecting: http://localhost:8888/cake125/pages/test.ctp to http://localhost:8888/cake125/pages/test. Somehow following snibbet doesn't do the trick:
Router::connect('/app/views/pages/test.ctp', array(
'controller' => 'pages',
'action' => 'display', 'test'));
Ideally I'd like to have a single Router::connect statement which connects all /app/views/pages/*.ctp requests to the right place.
Finally I would also like to correctly handle google search results for the old version of the site. Like so:
Router::connect('/test.html', array(
'controller' => 'pages',
'action' => 'display', 'test'));
This works ok but I'd rather have anypage.html connect to /pages/anypage. Can anyone help with this?
Thanks in advance!
First, by virtue of having Cake in a subdirectory (/cake125), I think you may need to connect the /cake125/:controller/:action, rather than how you have it. Not 100%, though; Cake might be robust enough to handle that use case. If you have weird errors, I'd check that.
On with my answer:
I think you are somewhat misunderstanding how the Router class works. You connect URLs, not relative filesystem paths, using Router::connect. By default (which you may have erased, but it's pretty simple to fix), Cake will route requests to /pages/* to the PagesController::display() function, passing it one argument (the action listed in the http request).
So, to have the pages controller map /pages/one to the app/views/pages/one.ctp element, simply make sure that the following (default, i.e. Cake normally has this setup) line is in the routes config (and make sure that lines above it do not match that pattern):
Router::connect( '/pages/:action', array( 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', :action);
This should ensure that PagesController::display( $action ) is invoked during the request, which is (I think) what you're after.
If your CMS generates preview links that you want to correctly re-route, I'd suggest adding a new route. E.g., if your CMS generates links like, you can route it like this:
Router::connect( '/cms/preview/:action', array( 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', :action );
For your second question: have a default rule in your routes (make it the last rule, and have it match *). It will then be configured to route all not found requests to your controller/action pair as requested. Try this:
Router::connect( '/:action', array( 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', :action );
Major caveat this will break your existing routes. You will need to manually add an entry for each of your existing controllers (Router::connect( '/users/:action', ...etc...). If you google around you can find some clever solutions, such as having that list generated at runtime for you. But you will need to address "normal" routing, once you've added that catch-all (and make sure your catch-all is at the end of the routing file).
Also, if you want to parse URLs like /test.html, simply add a call to Router::parseExtensions(...) so that Cake will register .html as an extension for it to parse. Check the manual on that function for more info.
As others have pointed out how CakePHP Router works, I'll leave it at that.
For the second part of your question (handling old links), I'd suggest adding this to the end of your Routes list:
Router::connect( '/:page',
array (
'controller' => 'pages',
'action' => 'display',
array (
'pass' => array ('page'), // to pass the page as first arg to action
'page' => '.+\.html$', // to verify that it ends with .html
You'd unfortunately have to parse out the .html yourself though
How can I dynamically connect the url http://localhost:8888/cake125/app/views/pages/test.ctp to http://localhost:8888/cake125/pages/test?
Well, the thing is, you don't. :-)
What I mean by that is, you do not connect a URL to another URL. What you really do is, you make certain URLs trigger certain Controller functions (or Actions for short) which in turn may (or may not) render certain Views. By default it's all straight forward through naming conventions. The URL /foo/bar triggers the Controller Foo's Action bar and renders the View /views/foo/bar.ctp.
The PagesController is already a special case. The URL /pages/foo triggers the Controller Pages's Action display, passes it the parameter foo, which renders the View /views/pages/foo.ctp. Notice the difference in which Action is triggered.
Since there are a lot of steps inbetween, it's not a given that a certain URL corresponds to a particular file on the hard disk. The URL /foo/bar might trigger Controller Baz' Action doh which renders the View /views/narf/glob.ctp.
This makes translating http://localhost:8888/cake125/app/views/pages/test.ctp to render the file /views/pages/test.ctp somewhere between an uncertainty and a pain in the rear.
Having said that, the particular problem in your case is that the base URL is http://localhost:8888/cake125/app/. You can invoke a Cake app from http://localhost:8888/cake125/, http://localhost:8888/cake125/app/ or http://localhost:8888/cake125/app/webroot. All three URLs will be handled by the same file cake125/app/webroot/index.php, if you use one of the shorter URLs the request will be "forwarded" (rewritten) via .htaccess rules.
So the Route you're trying to connect, the Route that Cake sees, is actually /views/pages/test.ctp.
Actually, my mistake, this might not be the problem, but it depends on your .htaccess files and server configuration.
It doesn't seem to make much sense in a CMS though, since every newly created page would need its own rule. So I'd recommend against trying to do so and rather hack Cushy to properly construct URLs using the Cake HtmlHelper or Router::url(). Failing that, connect all URLs with a catch-all rule to some Action, parse the URL there and render the correct View "manually".
Alternatively, use .htaccess files and rewrite rules to actually rewrite the URL into a normal Cake URL, so Cake doesn't have to worry about it. As said above though, this can be very fragile.
