I'm using "paypal/rest-api-sdk-php" in my PHP application, been testing perfectly in the sandbox for past month. Moved to LIVE tonight to finish pre-prod testing and now getting this response.
[03-12-2014 01:46:32] PayPal\Core\PPHttpConnection: FINE: Response : {"name":"INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR","message":"An internal service error has occurred","information_link":"https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR","debug_id":"9a4e0771d4d79"}
Any suggestions as I have searched and not found a suitable answer.
Here is the payload I'm sending (removed URL returns for safety)
PayPal\Core\PPHttpConnection: FINE: Payload :
{"items":[{"name":"Full Event","description":"This is a full event membership","sku":"547e5ff327a7c","currency":"USD","quantity":1,"price":"35.00"}]},"description":
"Purchase from Site","invoice_number":"547e69aad333b"}]}
Looks like the item description from your request exceeds the maximum number of characters, can you post your complete API request.
This is the error from the logs for this transaction
value too large for column ITEM_DESCRIPTION (actual: 142, maximum: 100),
Strangely, I was able to run the samples with a very long text, and it worked just fine on sandbox.
When woocommerce (webhook) send a success message (200) but the body contain the below
"errors": {
"rest_api_unavailable": [
"The Rest API is unavailable."
"error_data": []
Has anyone happened this error?
Thanks in advance
I did some additional testing on the site I was experiencing this on and narrowed it down to define('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true) being set in wp-config.php. If you have this set, try commenting it out. In my tests, the correct payload was sent every time after commenting this constant out. Also, on a completely different site that I configured the same exact webhook/endpoint on that had no issues, as soon as I set ALTERNATE_WP_CRON to true, it started sending rest_api_unavailable for the payload. Please refer to these links for additional information and bug report:
There's a lot to unpack here. First of all, I've edited the title because I realize while eventually my REST request will be implemented into PHP code, right now I've stripped this down to Postman to test JUST the REST, so I've stripped it as low and basic as possible. I can officially say the problem is with my request.
Basically, I'm making a POST request and also testing with a PUT request to Walmart's API using the "new" OAuth authentication. Sounds grand. GET works BEAUTIFULLY in Postman and in my actual PHP code. POST and PUT immediately return the exact same error, no matter what and how I do: 400 Bad Request, Invalid URL. In the case of my PUT test, which I was doing because it's a simpler and faster text with far less XML to try to comb through, here's the exact response in HTML headers:
<H1>Invalid URL</H1>
The requested URL "http://%5bNo%20Host%5d/v3/inventory?", is invalid.
Reference #9.c9384317.1556319123.8c89b8dc
I have left testing in PHP through my server and moved into Postman to try to locate the exact issue I'm having, and GET requests work beautifully. I am generating a new Token every 15 minutes or so. I have done... SO many minor changes, but the way the Feed examples and requests work, for all that I can tell I'm doing everything right. I honestly think I'm losing my marbles at this point.
What is most frustrating to me is that GET works. My TOKEN is working. My OAuth is working just fine. A lot of the headers that GET uses for the Walmart API are the exact same between PUT/POST/GET. The difference here is ONLY that the link has query parameters AND XML being shoved into the body. Edit: What I mean is that my headers do not change between the GET and the POST; the only thing that changes in what I am supplying is that XML is being sent in the body, and that query params are required. This is the only thing that changes between a successful GET and an unsuccessful 400 bad request PUT/POST. This leads me to believe something is wrong with how I'm processing the query params or my XML, but considering in the below example I've copy/pasted the XML... I'm not sure. It is an existing item in our catalog, I know for a fact.
Something I have noticed that I'm not quite knowledgeable enough to know if it's an issue or not with Postman is that Walmart's API requests that content-type be multipart/form-data. I've noticed it uses the term "example" when stating this, however, it usually says "this or this" if it'll accept something else. If I switch content-type in Postman to multipart/form-data, however, the Body automatically becomes raw: text instead of raw: XML(application/xml) or text/xml. If I try to swap the raw to those types, it flips my content-type automatically to application/xml, so that's a little... hinky.
I am not going through a Proxy. I've turned off Global Proxy Configuration and Use System Proxy. Request timeout is set to 0. There's nothing Client Certificates. I mean, GET works, and my Token is successfully generated via outside PHP code (not in Postman, couldn't get that to work, said heck it).
PUT URL: https://marketplace.walmartapis.com/v3/inventory?sku=0xyz0
Bearer Token: Bearer Basic --insert token here--
WM_SVC.NAME: Walmart Marketplace
WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID: randomString123
WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN: --insert token here--
Accept: application/xml
Host: https://marketplace.walmartapis.com
Content-type: multipart/form-data
raw: XML(application/xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inventory xmlns="http://walmart.com/">
Exact response
400 Bad Request
<H1>Invalid URL</H1>
The requested URL "http://%5bNo%20Host%5d/v3/inventory?", is invalid.
Reference #9.c9384317.1556320429.8ca752c4
Please send help, I think I've been staring at this so long I'm going to leave this physical world behind. Walmart relatively recently updated their authentication to OAuth and they've made vague passes at saying their old authentication will be deprecated and phased out, so I obviously want to try to get this to work.I tried to copy paste everything as best as possible. That XML is copy-pasted almost letter for letter from their example, with my own product switched in.
Also, the reference number down there always changes every time I run this, so it's not something I can actually look up. I've only supplied the Postman side of things because frankly if I can get that to work, my PHP will be fine, I've already knocked out some minor issues with the successful GET request.
If it's a semi-colon issue, I'll scream.
API Documentation: https://developer.walmart.com/#/apicenter/marketPlace/latest#updateInventoryForAnItem
Well, I've figured it out.
You'll notice I'm required to supply a "Host" with my headers. That host is replacing my URl that I'm trying to connect to via POST/PUT/GET, so if my Host is https://marketplace.walmartapis.com, then my request URL is https://https://marketplace.walmartapis.com.
Once I took the https:// out of the host, the entire thing granted me a 200 response. The times I got a correct GET response, I had actually copy-pasted the correct HOST without the HTTPS by pure chance, so I completely missed this between my two separate test cases.
I'm trying to create a web hook notification. The documentation of the service i want to use requires that i specify a URL where POST requests can be performed. This URL will receive the following object, in json format, and must respond with a Status Code between 200-299.
"type": "ping"
I don't know how to proceed making my server on localhost respond with a 200 status code. http_response_code(200) works well on live server but nothing seem to be happening on localhost.
Is there any way i can make it work with localhost?
I've included the link to the documentation here (i hope it's not against the rule).
I am thinking that you wouldn't have to send them the response. The webhook would know about the response. If it reached your URL successfully, it would be a 200 OK right off the bat. If the API is requesting a response back then I imagine that you would have to call it back somehow. Is this a well-known API? Any documentation?
The response code is in the response header, not in the content.
PHP defaults to a response code of 200, so if you don't mess with it at all, you should be good.
If you want to set a different response code (202 for example), just call:
Or set the full header yourself:
header('HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted');
Proper way to explicitly set 200 (or any other) status code with http_response_code function is just as following (don't echo or json_encode it):
It should force webserver to use 200 status code in it's response. However, webserver could possibly ignore it. To check what response code your webserver sends, use telnet or any REST tool like Postman
I am using graph api to get a list of albums of a user. Now in case the user signs out or has changes password or any error condition, I do not get any response whereas some error code should be returned. The graph API url when opened in the browser shows the error but on using file_get_contents() i get error 400. On using curl, I get an empty response. Is there any way that I can find out when an error occurs and the reason for it?
The graph API url when opened in the browser shows the error but on using file_get_contents() i get error 400.
Well, that is the HTTP status code that Facebook sends with Oauth errors – nothing wrong about that.
But file_get_contents by default does not show you the actual HTTP response body content in case of an HTTP status codes that signals an error …
… which is just another reason, why one should use the official PHP SDK, which handles all of that nicely and presents you with an exception that tells you exactly what is up.
So do it, please.
(Even with file_get_contents one can get the body content of the response, when setting a “stream context” with the according option first. But using the PHP SDK is way simpler, so again: Please do it.)
I used curl instead of file_get_contents and the issue got resolved.
file_get_contents() gave me error many times when I put https instead of http or If I forgot to put any of them.
Your URL from which you get the content must have "http" at the starting, like:
If this solves it?
I've got a problem when checking for a response error after sending a Push Notification. This is my setup:
From my PHP server, I'm sending Push Notifications. These notifications are send in the enhanced format, so I can get an error response from the Apple server. For example: Error #7 "Invalid payload size".
The way I check for errors is reading the socket response:
$errorResponse = #fread($this->_apnsSocket, self::ERROR_RESPONSE_SIZE);
This works fine when there is an actual error. By my problem is: when there's no error, the "fread" call doesn't return anything and keeps loading forever.
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks for your help!
You need to set stream_set_blocking($this->_apnsSocket, 0); to 0 which is non-blocking mode, because on success Apple doesn't send back anything, but the fread is waiting for data in blocking mode.