I'm attempting to implement a global scope in Laravel 4.2 by following the documentation. I have created a UserTypeTrait to add a UserTypeScope to the global scope. This is my UserTypeTrait:
trait UserTypeTrait
public static function bootUserTypeTrait()
Log::info('bootUserTypeTrait fired');
static::addGlobalScope(new UserTypeScope);
This is my UserTypeScope:
class UserTypeScope implements ScopeInterface
public function apply(Builder $builder)
Log::info('apply fired');
$model = $builder->getModel();
public function remove(Builder $builder)
// #todo
I'm attempting to apply this trait to my Customer object:
class Customer extends User
use UserTypeTrait;
Whenever the application boots, I'm getting confirmation that the bootUserTypeTrait() method fired in my log file. I'd like to add a constraint to all queries related to my Customer model in the apply method of my UserTypeScope, but I can't figure out how to trigger the apply method. From the documentation, it seems that it should be triggered any time I query the model. I've tried a few tests, but none of them result in the apply method being fired. For example:
public function testUserTypeScopeApplyFires()
$customers = Customer::all(); // this does note fire `UserTypeScope::apply()`
$customer = Customer::first(); // neither does this
In my log file, I see plenty of bootUserTypeTrait fired and no apply fired entries. When is the apply() method invoked? I thought I followed the documentation correctly. Am I missing something?
I have a model in laravel and I want to do something after the first time which an object of my model is created. the simplest way is to add a static boot method inside my model's class like the code below:
class modelName extends Model
public static function boot()
self::created(function ($model) {
//the model created for the first time and saved
//do something
//code here
so far so good! the problem is: the ONLY parameter that created method accepts is the model object itself(according to the documentation) :
Each of these methods receives the model as their only argument.
I need more arguments to work with after model creation. how can I do that?
Or is there any other way to do something while it's guaranteed that the model has been created?
laravel version is 5.5.
You're close. What I would probably do would be to dispatch an event right after you actually create the model in your controller. Something like this.
class WhateverController
public function create()
$model = Whatever::create($request->all());
$anotherModel = Another::findOrFail($request->another_id);
if (!$model) {
// The model was not created.
return response()->json(null, 500);
event(new WhateverEvent($model, $anotherModel));
I solved the issue using static property in eloquent model class:
class modelName extends Model
public static $extraArguments;
public function __construct(array $attributes = [],$data = [])
self::$extraArguments = $data ;
public static function boot()
self::created(function ($model) {
//the model created for the first time and saved
//do something
//code here
self::$extraArguments; // is available in here
It works! but I don't know if it may cause any other misbehavior in the application.
Using laravel events is also a better and cleaner way to do that in SOME cases.but the problem with event solution is you can't know if the model has been created for sure and it's time to call the event or it's still in creating status ( and not created status).
I would like to create a question which has many surveys. In the questions Model:
public function surveys()
return $this->belongsToMany(Survey::class, 'survey__surveyquestions');
And in the controller when saving a new question:
private $questions;
public function __construct(QuestionsRepository $questions)
$this->questions = $questions;
public function store(Request $request)
return redirect()->route('admin.survey.questions.index')
->withSuccess(trans('core::core.messages.resource created', ['name' => trans('survey::questions.title.questions')]));
But I get the following error when it gets to the attach line:
(1/1) FatalErrorException Call to undefined method
I notice the error mentions EloquentQuestionsRepository but I have added no methods in there so it's just an empty class:
class EloquentQuestionsRepository extends EloquentBaseRepository implements QuestionsRepository
interface QuestionsRepository extends BaseRepository
As explained in the response to the main post - the constructor resolves the QuestionsRepository to instance of EloquentQuestionsRepository, which by the look of it is not what the store method needs.
What I would probably do is to make call to create method directly on the model and remove constructor all together - that is unless you need the instance of QuestionsRepository anywhere else in your controller:
public function store(Request $request)
$question = Question::create($request->all());
Also - I'm not sure passing $request->all() is the best thing to do - I'd probably use $request->only(...) or $request->all(...) specifying which items you want to get from the request rather than passing everything from the request to the create method.
On the other note - you could also use Form Request, which would validate data for your before passing it to the store method.
When I read the Laravel 5.3's source code, I find the following codes
public function withGlobalScope($identifier, $scope)
$this->scopes[$identifier] = $scope;
if (method_exists($scope, 'extend')) {
return $this;
I am confused about why it is the following codes in the method, is it used anywhere?
if (method_exists($scope, 'extend')) {
It's meant for extending the Builder within the context of a Scope class.
Inside a global Scope (class which extends the Scope interface), you can create an extend function next to the apply function.
This extend function is called with the Eloquent builder as parameter. Imagine some PopularUsersScope, which only gets very popular users:
public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model): void
$builder->join(...)->where(...) // determine popularity
public function extend(Builder $builder)
$builder->macro('demote', function (Builder $builder) {
return $builder->update(...) // query to make user not so popular
Now lets have a model Clan, which is a group of users, some of which are popular. We have a constrained relation on Clan:
public function popular_users(): belongsToMany
return $this->hasMany(User::class)
->withGlobalScope('popularUsers', new PopularUsersScope)
Because we defined a macro within the scope extend function, we can do $user->demote() for any popular user, but not for normal users.
This might be a bit of a silly example, but it can be useful in fairly abstract use cases.
See SoftDeletingScope in the Laravel Framework code for a practical example: SoftDeletable items need some extra methods on the Builder for restoring and eager loading deleted items.
Extend in SoftDeletingScope dynamically adds multiple extensions to the Builder, from an Array $this->extensions, and registers an replacement for the default delete function on the model:
public function extend(Builder $builder)
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
$builder->onDelete(function (Builder $builder) {
$column = $this->getDeletedAtColumn($builder);
return $builder->update([
$column => $builder->getModel()->freshTimestampString(),
I am using a repository pattern and am trying to establish relationships between models. When I try to run the store() method (in the controller) which is trying to use the user() method (which establishes the relationship with the Party model), I get the following error message:
Non-static method Party::user() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
I don't understand why I get this error when I try to run the user() relationship method, but all of the other methods (including $this->party->all(), $this->party->create($data)), work just fine.
Here is the relevant code:
// PartiesController.php
public function __construct(Party $party){
$this->party = $party
public function store(){
$data = Input::all();
$user = Sentry::getUser();
// Party.php
class Party extends Eloquent{
public function user(){
return $this->belongsTo('User');
// User.php
use Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\Eloquent\User as SentryUserModel;
class User extends SentryUserModel implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
public function party(){
return $this->hasMany('Party');
// PartyRepository.php
namespace repositories\Party;
interface PartyRepository{
public function all();
public function findByID($id);
public function create($input);
public function user();
// EloquentPartyRepository.php
namespace repositories\Party;
use Party;
class EloquentPartyRepository implements PartyRepository{
public function all(){
return Party::all();
public function create($input){
return Party::create($input);
public function user(){
return Party::user();
The issue is because you are calling a non-static method in a static context. You may be used to seeing the way Laravel does a lot of this (e.g. User::find() and the like). These, in reality though, are not static calls (a class instance is actually being resolved behind the scenes and the find() method invoked on that instance).
In your case, it is just a plain static method call. PHP would allow this, except for the fact that in the method you are referencing $this and PHP doesn't know what to do with it. Static method calls, by definition, have no knowledge of any instances of a class.
My advice would be to inject an instance of your Model class into your repository's constructor, something like this:
//Class: EloquentPartyRepository
public function __construct(Party $party)
$this->party = $party;
public function user($partyId)
return $this->party->find($partyId)->user();
The Party instance you send to the constructor should not be a record from the database, just an empty instance of Party (i.e. new Party()), though I believe if you just add it to the constructor, the IoC should be able to leverage dependency injection and provide you with an instance.
An equivalent implementation is here, that adds a byId method:
//Class: EloquentPartyRepository
public function __construct(Party $party)
$this->party = $party;
public function byId($partyId)
return $this->party->find($partyId);
public function user($partyId)
if($party = $this->byId($partyId)) {
return $party->user();
return null;
I have solved the problem. Thank you #watcher and #deczo for your feedback. Both were very helpful and relevant to this error message.
In the end, I only needed to change one line. I had the sequence of method calls out of order in the store() function. Here is the relevant code.
// PartiesController.php
public function store(){
$data = Input::all();
$user = Sentry::getUser();
In my case, to remove the non-static error and to properly insert the User model into the Party model, I only had to make the aforementioned change.
I referred to http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent/#inserting-related-models for the appropriate sequence.
In Laravel 4, query scopes are available on all queries (including ones generated by relations queries). This means that for the following (example) models:
class Customer extends Eloquent {
public function order() { return $this->hasMany('Order'); }
class Order extends Eloquent {
public function scopeDelivered($query) { return $query->where('delivered', '=', true); }
public function customer() { return $this->belongsTo('Customer'); }
Both of the following work:
var_dump(Order::delivered()->get()); // All delivered orders
var_dump(Customer::find(1)->orders()->delivered()->get()); // only orders by customer #1 that are delivered
This is useful from within a controller because the query logic for finding delivered orders doesn't have to be repeated.
Recently, though, I've been convinced that the Repository pattern is optimal for not only separation of concerns but also for the possibility of a ORM/DB switch or the necessity of adding middleware like a cache. Repositories feel very natural, because now instead of having scopes bloat my models, the associated queries are instead part of the Repository (which makes more sense because naturally this would be a method of the collection not the item).
For example,
class EloquentOrderRepository {
protected $order;
public function __construct(Order $order) { $this->order = $order; }
public function find($id) { /* ... */ }
/* etc... */
public function allDelievered() { return $this->order->where('delivered', '=', true)->get(); }
However, now I have the delivered scope repeated, so to avoid violating DRY, I remove it from the model (which seems logical as per the justification above). But now, I can no longer can use scopes on relations (like $customer->orders()->delivered()). The only workaround here I see is somehow instantiating the Repository with the pre-made query (similar to what is passed to the scopes in the models) in the Relation base class. But this involves changing (and overriding) a lot of code and default behavior and seems to make things more coupled than they should be.
Given this dilemma, is this is misuse of a repository? If not, is my solution the only way to regain the functionality that I would like? Or is having the scopes in the models not tight enough coupling to justify this extra code? If the scopes aren't tight coupling, then is there a way to use both the Repository pattern and scopes while still being DRY?
Note: I am aware of some similar questions on similar topics but none of them address the issue presented here with queries generated by relationships, which do not rely on the Repository.
I've managed to find a solution. It's rather hacky and I'm not sure whether I consider it acceptable (it uses a lot of things in ways that they likely weren't meant to be used). To summarize, the solution allows you to move scopes to the repository. Each repository (on instantiation) is booted once, and during this process all of the scope methods are extracted and added to each query created by the eloquent model (via macros) by way of a Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ScopeInterface.
The (Hack-y) solution
Repository Pattern Implementation
<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository;
interface Repository {
public function all();
public function find($id);
<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order;
interface OrderRepository extends PhpMyCoder\Repository\Repository {}
Adding Eloquent Repositories (and a hack)
<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order;
use PhpMyCoder\Repository\EloquentBaseRepository;
class EloquentOrderRepository extends EloquentBaseRepository implements OrderRepository {
public function __construct(\Order $model) {
public function finished() {
return $this->model->finished()->get();
public function scopeFinished($query) {
return $query->where('finished', '=', true);
Notice how the repository contains the scope that would normally be stored in the Order model class. In the database (for this example), Order needs to have a boolean column finished. We'll cover the details of EloquentBaseRepository below.
<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
abstract class EloquentBaseRepository implements Repository {
protected $model;
// Stores which repositories have already been booted
protected static $booted = array();
public function __construct(Model $model) {
$this->model = $model;
protected function bootIfNotBooted() {
// Boot once per repository class, because we only need to
// add the scopes to the model once
if(!isset(static::$booted[get_class($this)])) {
static::$booted[get_class($this)] = true;
protected function boot() {
$modelScope = new ModelScope(); // covered below
$selfReflection = new \ReflectionObject($this);
foreach (get_class_methods($this) as $method) {
// Find all scope methods in the repository class
if (preg_match('/^scope(.+)$/', $method, $matches)) {
$scopeName = lcfirst($matches[1]);
// Get a closure for the scope method
$scopeMethod = $selfReflection->getMethod($method)->getClosure($this)->bindTo(null);
$modelScope->addScope($scopeName, $scopeMethod);
// Attach our special ModelScope to the Model class
call_user_func([get_class($this->model), 'addGlobalScope'], $modelScope);
public function __call($method, $arguments) {
// Handle calls to scopes on the repository similarly to
// how they are handled on Eloquent models
if(method_exists($this, 'scope' . ucfirst($method))) {
return call_user_func_array([$this->model, $method], $arguments)->get();
/* From PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order\OrderRepository (inherited from PhpMyCoder\Repository\Repository) */
public function all() {
return $this->model->all();
public function find($id) {
return $this->model->find($id);
Each time an instance of a repository class is instantiated for the first time, we boot the repository. This involves aggregating all "scope" methods on the repository into a ModelScope object and then applying that to the model. The ModelScope will apply our scopes to each query created by the model (as seen below).
<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ScopeInterface;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class ModelScope implements ScopeInterface {
protected $scopes = array(); // scopes we need to apply to each query
public function apply(Builder $builder) {
foreach($this->scopes as $name => $scope) {
// Add scope to the builder as a macro (hack-y)
// this mimics the behavior and return value of Builder::callScope()
$builder->macro($name, function() use($builder, $scope) {
$arguments = func_get_args();
array_unshift($arguments, $builder->getQuery());
return call_user_func_array($scope, $arguments) ?: $builder->getQuery();
public function remove(Builder $builder) {
// Removing is not really possible (no Builder::removeMacro),
// so we'll just overwrite the method with one that throws a
// BadMethodCallException
foreach($this->scopes as $name => $scope) {
$builder->macro($name, function() use($name) {
$className = get_class($this);
throw new \BadMethodCallException("Call to undefined method {$className}::{$name}()");
public function addScope($name, \Closure $scope) {
$this->scopes[$name] = $scope;
The ServiceProvider and Composer File
<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order\EloquentOrderRepository;
class RepositoryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register() {
// Bind the repository interface to the eloquent repository class
$this->app->bind('PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order\OrderRepository', function() {
return new EloquentOrderRepository(new \Order);
Be sure to add this service provider to the providers array in the app.php config:
And then add the app/lib to composer's autoload
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"PhpMyCoder\\": "app/lib"
/* etc... */
This will require a composer.phar dump-autoload.
The Models
class Customer extends Eloquent {
public function orders() {
return $this->hasMany('Order');
Notice that for brevity, I've excluded writing a repository for Customer, but in a real application you should.
class Order extends Eloquent {
public function customer() {
return $this->belongsTo('Customer');
Notice how the scope is not longer stored in the Order model. This makes more structural sense, because the collection level (repository) should be responsible for scopes applying to all orders while Order should only be concerned with details specific to one order. For this demo to work, order must have an integer foreign key customer_id to customers.id and a boolean flag finished.
Usage in the Controller
// IoC will handle passing our controller the proper instance
use PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order\OrderRepository;
class OrderController extends BaseController {
protected $orderRepository;
public function __construct(OrderRepository $orderRepository) {
$this->orderRepository = $orderRepository;
public function test() {
$allOrders = $this->orderRepository->all();
// Our repository can handle scope calls similarly to how
// Eloquent models handle them
$finishedOrders = $this->orderRepository->finished();
// If we had made one, we would instead use a customer repository
// Notice though how the relation query also has order scopes
$finishedOrdersForCustomer = Customer::find(1)->orders()->finished();
Our repository not only contains the scopes for the child model, which is more SOLID. They also come with the ability to handle calls to the scope like a real Eloquent model would. And they add all scopes to each query created by the model so that you have access to them when retrieving related models.
Problems with this Approach
A lot of code for little functionality: arguably too much to accomplish the desired result
It's hacky: macros on Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder and Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ScopeInterface (in conjunction with Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::addGlobalScope) are likely used in ways they weren't intended to be
It requires instantiation of the repository (MAJOR ISSUE): if you're within the CustomerController and you only have instantiated CustomerRepository, $this->customerRepository->find(1)->orders()->finished()->get() won't work as expected (the finished() macro/scope won't be added to each Order query unless you instantiate OrderRepository).
I'll investigate if there is a more elegant solution (which remedies the issues listed above), but this is the best solution I can find thus far.
Related Resources on the Repository Pattern
Creating flexible Controllers in Laravel 4 using Repositories
Eloquent tricks for better Repositories