In my wordpress plugin I have a function which has a page id:
public function create_view_for_pdf() {
$page_id = $_POST['page_id'];
here, "template_shortcode" function includes a template located in a folder in the plugin directory.
private function KendoPdf_template_shortcode($template_name) {
return include '/template/dir' . $template_name;
In the template file, I want to pass the page id so that I can print content there. How can I do that?
Note: Since I am just including the template file, I thought I will get the $page_id variable there normally. But it did not work. I needed the page id in template file because the content will be different than the actual page. That page also has ACF fields. I am basically creating a new template for pdf export. That's why I cannot use all the content of that page.
Please correct me if I am wrong but why would you pass the the page_id to the template file if it is within $_POST? Just access the variable using $_POST['page_id']; within your template file.
Instead of including your template file you could also read it into a string with file_get_contents(); and do your desired replacements before you return it.
Another possibility would be a global variable which is already set: global $post;
And last but not least you could use output buffering with ob_start(); (and consecutive functions).
You see: A lot of ways to solve this.
I'm at an early stage of learning Wordpress (and shortcode), so bear with me:
To me, shortcodes seem like a swiss army knife of not having to use page-specific templates for everything. I like to build as many pages in the wysiwyg as possible, but often I would need some (reusable) php stuff for displaying stuff in a certain way.
Having googled a lot, it seems to me the way to do shortcodes is like:
function caption_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
return '<span class="caption">' . $content . '</span>';
My question is, is it possible to put the html in a separate template-ish file? It seems wrong and verbose to put all this markup here, escape quotes, et.c. Like a template-file for a shortcode, to which the shortcode can pass some Data Transfer Object (or simply just some scoped variables). So: display in template-file, logic for finding data (to pass to said template-file) in shortcode-function (wherever it may be defined, functions.php, separate plugin, or something).
You can set-up views(php files) and then include partial views into those ones. Wordpress allows templates to be includes within other templates to ensure code reuse and its easily modifiable by child themes. You can use this function to include those
get_template_part( $slug );
However, in your case, the short code function needs to return the value to the caller function. So, this setup will not work.
For code that effects FUNCTIONALITY, put your code in a plugin.
For APPEARANCE, put your code in your theme's template files or funtions.php file.
Many beggining WP developers lump all their code into the theme's functions.php file, this is often the wrong place for it (if that code might ever get exported to another theme, for instance). Only put code specific to a specific theme in a theme's functions.php .
To get Wordpress to recognize your plugin, create a php file and start the file like this:
Plugin Name: My Caption Shortcode Plugin
Description: A really cool plugin
function caption_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
return '<span class="caption">' . $content . '</span>';
Put this file in your plugins directory (usually, you should create a sub directory for each plugin). Plugins are usually held in /wp-content/plugins/ . Then you can activate or deactive the code as a plugin, when you go to the plugins tab in the admin menu.
Of course, this plugin won't do anything as is. Remember that plugin functionality should be hooked into Wordpress via action hooks, filters, and shortcodes. For a shortcode for instance, you'd use the function add_shortcode somewhere to let Wordpress know your function is a shortcode.
I'm trying to make a custom Taxonomy Term page in Drupal 7. I've created a page--taxonomy.tpl.php file in my templates folder. The file only prints out a message. I now try to force the template file by adding
function template_preprocess_page($variables) {
if (arg(0) == 'taxonomy') {
$variables['template_file'] = 'page--taxonomy-tpl';
in my template.php, but it won't work. Can you help me? And if I get the custom page working, how do I fetch the nodes with this term (in page--taxonomy.tpl.php)? Thanks in advance.
Try using this in your template.php:
function template_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
if (arg(0) == 'taxonomy') {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__taxonomy';
You need to pass $variables by reference, so add a & before it
template_file has changed to theme_hook_suggestions in Drupal 7
You don't need the -tpl in the template suggestion unless you want it to be a part of the filename like "page--taxonomy-tpl.tpl.php" which I don't think is what you want.
For more information, check out template_preprocess_page(), theme_get_suggestions() and Working with template suggestions
Not sure if this would meet your requirements, but one of default D7 views - Taxonomy term - emulates Drupal core's handling of taxonomy/term pages. You could just enable it (it would automatically replace Drupal's core taxonomy URLs), and then do whatever you want with it, keeping original page structure, all blocks etc, using Views' page templates (see "Theming information" in "Advanced") and all other bells and whistles...
Since you are using Drupal 7, you could also create a file name "taxnomy-term.tpl.php" and edit according to your needs.
See taxonomy-term.tpl.php
Full control over the taxonomy term page can be obtained using hook_menu_alter() . See
I want to use the if statement to select specific pages that have <body class="section-category"> and output custom content for only those pages.
My PHP is not very good and I hope this is a very simple task to do. Can anyone give me a tip?
I would not check for the existence of a certain body class. Those classes are only the results of other if-else logic and they can easily be overridden or altered, breaking your page template. It's better to check the values those classes are based upon. If I were you, I would try to figure out how this body class was generated and re-use that code.
For example, if your theme's template.php does something like this:
$body_classes[] = 'section-' . form_clean_id(arg(0));
Then I would put this in my template.php:
<?php if (form_clean_id(arg(0)) == 'category'): ?>
// Do fancy stuff!
<?php endif; ?>
It sounds like you want a flag available for certain pages; one that you can read out and act upon in your theme.
In template.php:
function YOURTHEME_preprocess_page(&$vars) { //Many themes already have this function implemented
if (stripos($vars['foo-bar'], 'section')) {
$vars['is_section'] = TRUE;
else {
$vars['is_section'] = FALSE;
Then in your page.tpl.php
<?php if ($is_section): ?>
<p>I am in a section</p>
<?php endif; ?>
That way you keep logic where it belongs: in the preprocessors. And you keep logic out of the template, where it most certainly does not belong!
The if (stripos($vars['foo-bar'], 'section')) { can most probably be made a lot smarter, if you do a var_dump($vars) there, all available variables will dump on your screen (browser). I am certain you will find a variable that you can check against, and that is less 'fuzzy' then a body class. After all: that class is meant for one thing only: to serve as class in the body-tag. And not for checking if you are in some section.
You have the full Drupal available there too, so you can even use any function that (e,g, the section) modules provide.
I would look into a module like Context or Panels to do this- it will serve you better in the long run than coding it in.
I would like to display a Drupal view without the page template that normally surrounds it - I want just the plain HTML content of the view's nodes.
This view would be included in another, non-Drupal site.
I expect to have to do this with a number of views, so a solution that lets me set these up rapidly and easily would be the best - I'd prefer not to have to create a .tpl.php file every time I need to include a view somewhere.
I was looking for a way to pull node data via ajax and came up with the following solution for Drupal 6. After implementing the changes below, if you add ajax=1 in the URL (e.g., you'll get just the content and no page layout.
in the template.php file for your theme:
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if ( isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 1 ) {
$vars['template_file'] = 'page-ajax';
then create page-ajax.tpl.php in your theme directory with this content:
<?php print $content; ?>
Based on the answer of Ufonion Labs I was able to completely remove all the HTML output around the page content in Drupal 7 by implementing both hook_preprocess_page and hook_preprocess_html in my themes template.php, like this:
function MY_THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
if (isset($_GET['response_type']) && $_GET['response_type'] == 'embed') {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__embed';
function MY_THEME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
if (isset($_GET['response_type']) && $_GET['response_type'] == 'embed') {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'html__embed';
Then I added two templates to my theme: html--embed.tpl.php:
<?php print $page; ?>
and page--embed.tpl.php:
<?php print render($page['content']); ?>
Now when I open a node page, such as, I see the complete page as usual, but when I add the response_type parameter, such as, I only get the <div> with the page contents so it can be embedded in another page.
I know this question has already been answered, but I wanted to add my own solution which uses elements of Philadelphia Web Design's (PWD) answer and uses hook_theme_registry_alter, as suggested by Owen. Using this solution, you can load the template directly from a custom module.
First, I added raw.tpl.php to a newly created 'templates' folder inside my module. The contents of raw.tpl.php are identical to PWD's page-ajax.tpl.php:
<?php print $content; ?>
Next, I implemented hook_preprocess_page in my module in the same fashion as PWD (except that I modified the $_GET parameter and updated the template file reference:
function MY_MODULE_NAME_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if ( isset($_GET['raw']) && $_GET['raw'] == 1 ) {
$vars['template_file'] = 'raw';
Finally, I implemented hook_theme_registry_alter to add my module's 'templates' directory to the theme registry (based on
function MY_MODULE_NAME_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$modulepath = drupal_get_path('module','MY_MODULE_NAME');
array_unshift($theme_registry['page']['theme paths'], $modulepath.'/templates');
Now, when I add ?raw=1 to the view's URL path, it will use the specified template inside my module.
For others who may hit this page, if you're just working with standard callbacks (not necessarily views), this is easy. In your callback function, instead of returning the code to render within the page, use the 'print' function.
For example:
function mymodule_do_ajax($node)
$rval = <<<RVAL
//return $rval; Nope! Will render via the templating engine.
print $rval; //Much better. No wrapper.
Another way to do it which I find very handy is to add a menu item with a page callback function that doesn't return a string:
* Implementation of hook_menu.
function test_menu(){
$items['test'] = array (
/* [...] */
'page callback' => 'test_callback',
/* [...] */
return $items;
function test_callback() {
// echo or print whatever you want
// embed views if you want
return TRUE;
-- Update
It would be much better to use exit(); instead of return TRUE; (see comment).
Hey, here's yet another way of doing it:
1) Download and install Views Bonus Pack (
2) Create a Views display "Feed" and use style "XML" (or something you think fits your needs better).
3) If you're not satisfied with the standard XML output, you can change it by adjusting the template for the view. Check the "theme" settings to get suggestions for alternative template names for this specific view (so you'll still have the default XML output left for future use).
Good luck!
//Johan Falk, NodeOne, Sweden
Based on answer of Philadelphia Web Design (thanks) and some googling ( here is what worked for me in Drupal 7 to get chosen pages displayed without the template:
function pixture_reloaded_preprocess_page(&$vars)
if ( isset($_GET['vlozeno']) && $_GET['vlozeno'] == 1 ) {
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__vlozeno';
instead of phptemplate, in D7 there has to be the name_of_your_theme in the name of the function. Also, I had to put two underscores __ in the php variable with the file name, but the actual template file name needs two dashes --
content of page--vlozeno.tpl.php :
<?php print render($page['content']); ?>
The output, however, still has got a lot of wrapping and theme's CSS references. Not sure how to output totally unthemed data...
Assuming you're in Drupal 6, the easiest way to do this is to put a phptemplate_views_view_unformatted_VIEWNAME call in template.php (assumes your view is unformatted - if it's something else, a list say, use the appropriate theme function). Theme the view results in this theme call then, instead of returning the results as you normally would, print them and return NULL. This will output the HTML directly.
PS - make sure to clear your cache (at /admin/settings/performance) to see this work.
there are probably a number of ways around this, however, the "easiest" may be just setting your own custom theme, and having the page.tpl.php just be empty, or some random divs
// page.tpl.php
<div id="page"><?php print $content ?></div>
this method would basically just allow node.tpl.php to show (or any of drupal's form views, etc...) and would be an easy way to avoid modifying core, or having to alter the theme registry to avoid displaying page.tpl.php in the first place.
edit: see comments
ok i played around with views a bit, it looks like it takes over and constructs it's own "node.tpl.php" (in a sense) for display within "page.tpl.php". on first glance, my gut feeling would be to hook into theme_registry_alter().
when you're looking at a views page, you have access to piles of information here, as well as the page.tpl.php paths/files. as such i would do something like:
function modulejustforalteration_theme_registry_alter(&$variables) {
if (isset($variables['views_ui_list_views']) ) {
// not sure if that's the best index to test for "views" but i imagine it'll work
// as well as others
$variables['page']['template'] = 'override_page';
this should allow you to use a "override_page.tpl.php" template in your current theme in which you can remove anything you want (as my first answer above).
a few things:
as i said, not sure if views_ui_list_views is always available to check against, but it sounds like it should be set if we're looking at a view
you can alter the theme paths of the page array if you prefer (to change the location of where drupal will look for page.tpl.php, instead of renaming it altogether)
there doesn't appear to be any identifiers for this specific view, so this method might be an "all views will be stripped" approach. if you need to strip the page.tpl.php for a specific view only, perhaps hooking into template_preprocess_page() might be a better idea.
I like the Drupal module. BUt, here's another way.
copy page.tpl.php in your theme folder to a new file called page-VIEWNAME.tpl.php, where VIEWNAME is the machine-readible name of the view.
Then edit page-VIEWNAME.tpl.php to suit.
There is also which is a general solution...
Also, #Scott Evernden's solution is a cross site scripting (XSS) security hole. Don't do that. Read the documentation on about how to Handle Text in a Secure Fashion
A simple way to display content of a special content-type you wish to display without all the stuff of the page.tpl.php:
Add the following snippet to your template.php file:
function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if ($vars['node'] && arg(2) != 'edit') {
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page-nodetype-'. $vars['node']->type;
Add a page-nodetype-examplecontenttype.tpl.php to your theme, like your page.tpl.php but without the stuff you don't want to display and with print $content in the body.
If I understand your question, you want to have nodes which contain all the HTML for a page, from DOCTYPE to </HTML>. What I would do is create a content type for those nodes -- "fullhtml" as its machine-readable name -- and then create a node template for it called node-fullhtml.tpl.php. You can't just dump the node's contents, as they've been HTML-sanitized. node.fullhtml.tpl.php would literally be just this:
echo htmlspecialchars_decode($content);
Then you'll need a way to override the standard page.tpl.php. I think what you could do is at the top of your page.tpl.php check the $node's content type, and bail out if it's fullhtml. Or, set a global variable in node-fullhtml.tpl.php that page.tpl.php would check for.
I'm no Drupal expert, but that's how I'd do it. I'm talking off the cuff, so watch for devils in the details.
I see you have already gone and made yourself a module, so this may no longer help, but it is fairly easy to get a view to expose an rss feed, which might be an easier way of getting at the content, especially if you want to include it on a different site.
On D7 you can use menu_execute_active_handler
$build = menu_execute_active_handler('user', FALSE);
return render($build);
jeroen's answer was what did for me after playing with it. I have a Drupal 7 site.
First of all make sure you replace MY_THEME with your theme name. Yes it is obvious but most newbies miss this.
I actually already had a function MY_THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables) {. Do not recreate the function then but add this code at the end of the function before you close it with }.
if (isset($_GET['response_type']) && $_GET['response_type'] == 'embed') {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__embed';
My function used $vars not $variables, so I had to update that as well. Again obvious if you think look for it.
My first answered allowed me to only display the node when I called it up in a web browser. However the ultimate goal of this is to embed the drupal node in an 3rd party site using iframe.
Since the release of Drupal Core 7.50 iframe is by default blocked to prevent Clickjacking
To get only the node to successfully embed in a 3rd party site you also need to override the x-frame default setting. Everything started working after I added the following in template.php
function MY_THEME_page_alter($page) {
if (isset($_GET['response_type']) && $_GET['response_type'] == 'embed') {