Add styles to custom menu - php

I can render my menu "Main Menu":
<?php if ($main_menu): ?>
<?php print theme('links__system_main_menu', array(
'links' => $main_menu,
'attributes' => array(
'id' => 'main-menu-links',
'class' => array('nav', 'navbar-nav'),
'heading' => array(
'text' => t('Main menu'),
'level' => 'h2',
'class' => array('element-invisible'),
)); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
All works fine!
Then i create custom menu "Custom Menu" with machine name: "custom-menu".
How can I render a this menu similar to the example above?
Thanks in advance.

Each Menu creates a block, and you can do templates for each blocks. Maybe that's an easier way to do it, see How to theme a menu block in Drupal?


How can I Use HTML code in WordPress Customizer

I Would like to use html codes in customizer API. But when I use it, WordPress removes the html tags.
In default area I used some html tags, But it does work on my actual page. Is there any way please ?
'default' => 'Largest <span> GiveAway</span> collections <small>Online</small>',
'sanitize_callback' => array($this, 'sanitize_custom_options')
$wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Control($wp_customize,'banner_title_display_control',array(
'label' => 'Main header text',
'section' => 'baner_header_section',
'settings' => 'banner_title_display',
'type' => 'textarea'

Wordpress - create customizer objects from wpdb response

So I have the following code:
add_action('customize_register', 'homepage_sections');
function homepage_sections($wp_customize){
$wp_customize->add_panel('homepage_sections', array(
'title' => 'Homepage Sections',
'priority' => '20'
$wp_customize->add_section('homepage_settings_section', array(
'title' => 'Homepage settings',
'panel' => 'homepage_sections',
$wp_customize->add_setting('homepage_settings_setting', array(
'default' => 1
$wp_customize->add_control('homepage_settings_control', array(
'section' => 'homepage_settings_section',
'settings' => 'homepage_settings_setting',
'label' => 'Number of sections',
'description' => 'Number of sections in homepage',
'type' => 'number'
global $wpdb;
$sections=$wpdb->get_results('SELECT section_id, section_title FROM vt_homepage_sections;');
foreach($sections as $key){
'settings' => $cust_setting_id,
'section' => 'homepage_settings_section',
'label' => 'test Control'
Everything works fine when i don't use variables which contain a value fetched using $wpdb. Is $wpdb object loaded after customizer framework?
When I use the code above, the above customized objects font appear in the customizer panel. Would appreciate hints to what's wrong with my code above.
Thanks in advance,
Please try this like this '$sections = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT section_id, section_title FROM vt_homepage_sections');'
define global class at the start of function and check.

Append some html text to a Yii Widget

I have the following Yii widget and want to pass some html at the just before and just after the items are iterated through- can anyone explain how I do this?
$this->widget('application.widgets.zii.ListViewShowAll', array(
'summaryText' => false,
'template' => '{items}',
'htmlOptions' => array(),
'itemView' => 'application.views.widgets.account.prizes._mainprizeItem',
Just amended the widget code above...
'template' => '{<p>someting</p> items <p>more text</p>}',

links__system_main_menu in drupal

what is the use of links__system_main_menu in drupal?
<?php if ($main_menu): ?>
<div id="main-menu" class="navigation">
<?php print theme('links__system_main_menu', array(
'links' => $main_menu,
'attributes' => array(
'id' => 'main-menu-links',
'class' => array('links', 'clearfix'),
'heading' => array(
'text' => t('Main menu'),
'level' => 'h2',
'class' => array('element-invisible'),
)); ?>
</div> <!-- /#main-menu -->
This is a pattern for theme hook, in the form [base hook]__[context]. When links theme with theme('links__system_main_menu', $variables), theme() function search for *theme_links__system_main_menu()* and use it. Otherwise, if it doesn't find, it will use *theme_links()*. For more information check the theme Doc

Yii Booster popover over text rather than button

Yii booster documentation shows how to make a popover over a button. I want to create one over an anchor element rather than a button. Essentially I want to combine the popover with Yii's tooltip. Does anyone know how to do this?
This is the code for the pop-over:
'label' => 'Top popover',
'type' => 'primary',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'data-title' => 'A Title',
'data-placement' => 'top',
'data-content' => "And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. right?",
'data-toggle' => 'popover'
If there was a way of altering this to not render a button, but just an anchor the problem would be solved, but I can't find anything in the code that I can use to do this.
Following Sergey's answer, here's what I've put:
echo CHtml::Link("$detail->text", null,
'rel' => 'popover',
'data-trigger' => "hover",
'data-title' => "$header",
'data-content' => "$body"
This is close to what I need, but for some reason the hove doesn't work, only the click and also only the content get's displayed not the title.
You can use CHtml:
<?php echo CHtml::Link('<i class="icon-info-sign"></i>', null, [
'rel' => 'popover',
'data-trigger' => 'hover',
'data-title' => 'Your title',
'data-content' => 'Your content',
For Bootstrap 2.3.2 :
<?php Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript("", "$('.ipopover').popover();", CClientScript::POS_READY) ?>
<?php echo CHtml::Link('<i class="icon-info-sign"></i>', null, array(
'class' => 'ipopover',
'data-trigger' => 'hover',
'data-title' => 'Your title',
'data-content' => 'Your content',
