PHP, stdClass, select elements contains specifed element - php

I have an stClass object like this:
object(stdClass)#2 (6) {
object(stdClass)#44 (2) {
string(7) "sibling"
object(stdClass)#43 (2) {
string(7) "sibling"
object(stdClass)#42 (2) {
string(10) "grandchild"
object(stdClass)#41 (3) {
string(6) "parent"
object(stdClass)#40 (3) {
string(6) "parent"
object(stdClass)#39 (2) {
string(7) "sibling"
How can I get elements with specified value of type element?
For example, if I select "parent", I wanna get this:
object(stdClass)#2 (6) {
object(stdClass)#41 (3) {
string(6) "parent"
object(stdClass)#40 (3) {
string(6) "parent"
I know, how to write it with "foreach" and "if", but I hope that there is another way. Thanks

Your outer object is in fact, an array in disguise. You can convert it to a real array by typecasting:
$arr = (array)$obj;
Then you can use:
$filtered = array_filter(
function($item) {
return $item->type == 'parent';
to get an array that contains only the objects you need.


php access property of object in array

I have a php variable that I got from a _POST. var_dump shows this:
array(9) { [0]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "62"
["amount"]=> string(5) "10878" } [1]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "63"
["amount"]=> string(5) "10878" } [2]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "64"
["amount"]=> string(5) "10878" } [3]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "65"
["amount"]=> string(5) "10878" } [4]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "66"
["amount"]=> string(5) "10878" } [5]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "67"
["amount"]=> string(5) "28416" } [6]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "68"
["amount"]=> string(5) "28416" } [7]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "69"
["amount"]=> string(5) "28416" } [8]=> array(2) { ["age"]=> string(2) "70"
["amount"]=> string(5) "28416" } }
I loop through the array but can't get the properties to print:
for ($i=0; $i<count($incomeSched); $i++) {
$age = $incomeSched[$i]->age;
$amt = $incomeSched[$i]->amount;
echo "age=$age, amount=$amt<br>";
age and amount are blank:
age=, amount=
There's a difference between associative arrays and objects.
is what you'd do to access the property of an object. For an associative array you'd want
You can cast an array as an object if need be:
$obj = (object)$incomeSched;
learn more here:
PHP - associative array as an object
As far as I remember ->age is object syntax. You need array syntax which would be ['age'].
for ($i=0; $i<count($incomeSched); $i++) {
$age = $incomeSched[$i]['age'];
$amt = $incomeSched[$i]['amount'];
echo "age=$age, amount=$amt<br>";

Flatten multi dimension array but maintain keys?

I have the following:
array(12) {
array(3) {
array(1) {
string(4) "Cuba"
array(1) {
string(27) "cuabn-havana-habanos-cigars"
array(1) {
array(3) {
array(2) {
string(9) "Dominican"
string(10) "Nicaraguan"
array(2) {
string(9) "dominican"
string(10) "nicaraguan"
array(2) {
array(11) {
array(3) {
array(1) {
string(9) "Nicaragua"
array(1) {
string(27) "nicaraguan-new-world-cigars"
array(1) {
array(3) {
array(2) {
string(9) "Java"
string(10) "Nicaraguan"
array(2) {
string(9) "java"
string(10) "nicaraguan"
array(2) {
and my expected output is:
array(12) {
array(3) {
array(1) {
string(4) "Cuba".
string(9) "Nicaragua"
array(1) {
string(27) "cuabn-havana-habanos-cigars",
string(27) "nicaraguan-new-world-cigars"
array(1) {
array(3) {
array(2) {
string(9) "Dominican"
string(10) "Nicaraguan"
string(9) "Java"
array(2) {
string(9) "dominican"
string(10) "nicaraguan"
string(9) "java"
array(2) {
See how it eliminates dupes and merges each array maintaining the "origin" key.
I've tried :
foreach ($resultterms as $keyname => $valuename){
foreach ($valuename as $keysub => $valuesub) {
foreach($valuesub['name'] as $keysubsub => $valuesubsub){
# code...
$prods_atts[$keysub]['name'][$keysubsub] = $valuesubsub;
$prods_atts[$keysub]['slug'][$keysubsub] = $valuesub['slug'][$keysubsub];
$prods_atts[$keysub]['id'][$keysubsub] = $valuesub['id'][$keysubsub];
where $resultterms is the original arrays but it's not working. I was wondering if there was a wonderful php function I could use to merge these instead of so many nested for each loops?
I believe you're just looking for array_merge_recursive.
call_user_func_array('array_merge_recursive', array_values($prod_atts));
call_user_func_array allows to transform an array into a list of arguments
array_values because in the end, you seem to want to get rid of the first layer of your array
In order to try it, could you post the var_export of your variable instead of the var_dump?
echo(var_export($prod_atts, true));
merge your array by any suggested method. After that you will get duplicated values. And you need save only the unique items
$new = array_merge_recursive($resultterms['6199'], $resultterms['6192']);
foreach($new['Origin'] as &$item) { $item = array_unique($item); }
foreach($new['Filler'] as &$item) { $item = array_unique($item); }

Adding an extra row to a PHP array with new values

I have this array called $items. My CMS created this array with three products and I just did a var_dump with the results below.
array(3) { [0]=> array(11) { ["item_id"]=> string(4) "1320" ["name"]=> string(5) "ITEM_A" ["price"]=> string(6) "$5.00" }
[1]=> array(11) { ["item_id"]=> string(4) "1321" ["name"]=> string(5) "ITEM_B" ["price"]=> string(6) "$5.00" }
[2]=> array(11) { ["item_id"]=> string(4) "1323" ["name"]=> string(5) "ITEM_D" ["price"]=> string(6) "$5.00" }
Is there a way I can inject another item, "ITEM_C" into this array so that it's now
array(3) { [0]=> array(11) { ["item_id"]=> string(4) "1320" ["name"]=> string(5) "ITEM_A" ["price"]=> string(6) "$5.00" }
[1]=> array(11) { ["item_id"]=> string(4) "1321" ["name"]=> string(5) "ITEM_B" ["price"]=> string(6) "$5.00" }
[2]=> array(11) { ["item_id"]=> string(4) "1323" ["name"]=> string(5) "ITEM_D" ["price"]=> string(6) "$5.00" }
[3]=> array(11) { ["item_id"]=> string(4) "1322" ["name"]=> string(5) "ITEM_C" ["price"]=> string(6) "$5.00" }
and then sort it by "name"? I basically want to always add one new row to this array which will always have different names and then sort it by the name. When I do the foreach php command I don't want it to be in the order of ITEM_A, ITEM_B, ITEM_D, ITEM_C. It needs to be ITEM_A, ITEM_B, ITEM_C, ITEM_D.
Appending to an array in PHP is easy as $array[] :
$myArray = array(1,2,3);
$myArray[] = 4; //now array(1,2,3,4)
So to add to your existing array, first create your new array element
$element = array("item_id" => 1322, "name" => "ITEM_C", /*etc.*/);
Then add it your array
$myArray[] = $element;
As for sorting, there are various sort functions depending on your exact needs. Since you're sorting according to a given array key, you'll probably need to call usort with a given function.
function nameCompare($a, $b)
$a = $a["name"];
$b = $b["name"];
return strcmp($a, $b);
usort($myArray, 'nameCompare');

Accesing JSON response data via PHP

I'm using the Paypal API PHP REST SDK. I got a response that looks like in JSON format but i'm unable to access the properties inside the object and array.
How do I access the "state" properties from this JSON response via PHP? The response is being wrapped by the object of Paypal\Api\Payment type. foreach looping returns NULL
var_dump($response) looks like below:
object(PayPal\Api\Payment)#8 (1) {
array(8) {
string(28) "PAY-8JC052XXXXKKZMQNQ"
string(20) "2013-12-19T10:19:34Z"
string(20) "2013-12-19T10:20:38Z"
string(8) "approved"
string(4) "sale"
object(PayPal\Api\Payer)#33 (1) {
array(2) {
string(6) "paypal"
object(PayPal\Api\PayerInfo)#30 (1) {
array(5) {
string(11) ""
string(6) "fname"
string(5) "lname"
string(13) "UAGGF3392CUTG"
object(PayPal\Api\Address)#31 (1) {
array(5) {
string(26) "Address"
string(13) "City"
string(8) "State"
string(5) "000000"
string(2) "US"
array(1) {
object(PayPal\Api\Transaction)#34 (1) {
array(4) {
object(PayPal\Api\Amount)#35 (1) {
array(3) {
string(4) "1.00"
string(3) "USD"
object(PayPal\Api\Details)#36 (1) {
array(1) {
string(4) "1.00"
string(33) "Item name: 1"
object(PayPal\Api\ItemList)#37 (1) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
object(PayPal\Api\Item)#38 (1) {
array(4) {
string(20) "Item name"
string(4) "1.00"
string(3) "USD"
string(1) "1"
array(1) {
object(PayPal\Api\RelatedResources)#40 (1) {
array(1) {
object(PayPal\Api\Sale)#42 (1) {
array(7) {
string(17) "5DH04XXX63X"
string(20) "2013-12-19T10:19:34Z"
string(20) "2013-12-19T10:20:38Z"
string(9) "completed"
object(PayPal\Api\Amount)#44 (1) {
array(2) {
string(4) "1.00"
string(3) "USD"
string(28) "PAY-8JC05XXXXKZMQNQ"
array(3) {
object(PayPal\Api\Links)#46 (1) {
array(3) {
string(65) ""
string(4) "self"
string(3) "GET"
object(PayPal\Api\Links)#47 (1) {
array(3) {
string(72) ""
string(6) "refund"
string(4) "POST"
object(PayPal\Api\Links)#48 (1) {
array(3) {
string(79) ""
string(14) "parent_payment"
string(3) "GET"
array(1) {
object(PayPal\Api\Links)#49 (1) {
array(3) {
string(79) ""
string(4) "self"
string(3) "GET"
I tried json_decode($response) but it returned NULL so i assumed that this is already the correct JSON format.
I tried echo $response->id and it returns blank
I've also tried multiple variations of foreach ($response->id as $value) { var_dump($value); } which also returns nothing
If you use only json_decode($result) it will not convert entire objects into an array.
So simply use
$result=json_decode($result, true, 512);
It will convert all the objects into associative array recursively.
Try it. It works for me.
It turns out that this is not a standard JSON format. For some reason the Paypal API SDK return it in their own "json" format through this line
return $ret;
I just skipped that and return $json instead and it gives me the format that i can put into json_decode for further processing.
return $json;
That took me 1 full freaking day! Pff...
You can also use
then you can use
$result = json_decode($response);
echo ($result->state);
Convert json to a string then store the content in an array (decode it with json_decode).

Retrieve value from an Object / Multi-Dimensional Array Received from a Web Service

I am calling a web service, and receive this response which I can see using var_dump. How do I get the Name value? Also, what structure is this?
object(DescribeEntityTypeResponse)#2 (1) {
object(DescribeEntityTypeResult)#6 (1) {
object(ArrayOfEntityType)#7 (1) {
array(5) {
object(EntityType)#8 (3) {
string(7) "Contact"
string(4) "Base"
object(EntityType)#9 (3) {
string(7) "Company"
string(4) "Base"
object(EntityType)#10 (3) {
string(8) "Prospect"
string(4) "Base"
object(EntityType)#11 (3) {
string(7) "Visitor"
string(4) "Base"
object(EntityType)#12 (3) {
string(17) "ProcessedActivity"
string(4) "Base"
I think this should work:
foreach($result->DescribeEntityTypeResult->EntityTypes->EntityType as $entityType) {
$name = $entityType['Name'];
However the objects may have methods() to access these properties.
