Does using space after each string in variable cause any issue - php

I have seen some code like below used
$row [0] ['hello'];
or like
$this->function ('abc');
Does leaving space after each string or variable is good coding practice or will it cause any problem any where ?

Only to readers. The parser does not care, except inside strings. These will yield different results:
$array = array(3);
echo "$array [0]\n";
echo "$array[0]\n";
Results will look something like this:
Array [0]

I prefer less white space over spacing things out, yet there doesnt seem to be any errors most of the time. But in my opinion, $this->function('abc'); looks nicer than $this->function ('abc');

Good coding practice is correlated with the programming language you are using. Some languages like Ruby or Python might have conflicts with leaving space in between. The syntax might be okay across all languages but I am sure that for Dynamic scripting languages it is best to practice the proper syntax to avoid bugs of any sort. It gets more complex when dealing with other formats of data. For example, JSON data. It is here that the best practice comes into play. For simple arrays it is not too important but for those complex data it will be good to use a standard for clarity sake more than anything.

I think you should use accepted standard psr-2.
From terminal you can use phpcs to check your script: phpcs --standard=PSR2 file.php


Functional Programming - Return Transformed array and the count of the array without calculating twice

I'm trying to write more functional code in PHP without any helper libraries.
I need to return some JSON that includes the results of a transformed array AND the count of that array (for convenience on the data consumer end). Since you're not supposed to use variables in FP, I'm stumped on how to get the count of the array without recalculating/remapping the array.
Here's an example of what my code currently looks like:
$duplicates = array_filter( get_results(), 'find_duplicates' );
send_json( array(
"duplicates" => $duplicates,
"numDuplicates" => count( $duplicates )
) );
How can I do the same without storing the results of the filter in a temporary variable to avoid running array_filter() twice?
But first, acknowledge the following...
"Since you're not supposed to use variables in FP..." – that's a ludicrous understanding of functional programming. Variables are used constantly in functional programs. I'm guessing you saw point-free functional programs and then imagined that every program can be expressed in such a way...
the receiver of the JSON could easily get the number of duplicates using JSON.parse(json).duplicates.length because every Array in JavaScript has a length property – it's arguably silly to attach a numDuplicates in the first place. Anyway, let's assume your consumer has a specific API that requires the numDuplicates field...
functional programming is concerned with things like function purity – maybe you've simplified your code in your post (which is bad; don't do that) or that is in fact your actual code. In such a case, get_results() and send_json functions are impure; send_json has an obvious (but unknown) side effect (the return value is not used) — You ask for a functional solution but you have other outstanding non-functional code... so...
There's nothing wrong with the code you have. Sometimes removing a point (variable, or argument), it hurts the readability of the code. In your case, this code is perfectly legible. It is at this point that I feel you're only trying to shorten the code or make it more clever. Your intention is to improve it, but I think you'd actually harm it in this case.
What if I told you...
a variable assignment can be replaced with a lambda? 0_0
(function ($duplicates) {
'duplicates' => $duplicates,
'numDuplicates' => count($duplicates)
}) (array_filter(get_results(), 'find_duplicates'));
But that made the code longer.. and there's added abstraction which hurts readability T_T In this case, using a normal variable assignment (as in your original code) would've been much better
OK, so what if you had some combinators at your disposal to massage the data into the desired shape?
function apply (...$xs) {
return function ($f) use ($xs) {
return call_user_func($f, ...$xs);
function identity ($x) { return $x; }
// hey look, mom! no points!
['duplicates', 'numDuplicates'],
array_filter(get_results(), 'find_duplicates')),
['identity', 'count'])));
Did we achieve anything other than writing the weirdest PHP you or anyone else has probably seen? Not to mention, the input is strangely nested in the middle of the expression...
I'm nearly certain that you'll be disappointed with this answer (or disagree with me), but I'm also pretty confident that you're not sure what you're looking for. A guess: you saw functional programming that "doesn't use variables" and assumed that's how all programs can and should be written; but that's just not the case. Sometimes using a variable or two can dramatically improve the readability of a given expression.
Anyway, all of this is truly beside the point because attaching numDuplicates is arguably an anti-pattern in JSON anyway (point #2 above).

Best way to debug an array using PHP

What is the best way to debug an array so that you can see what values are being stored and in what keys in the array they are being stored at? Also how do you make it so that it's easier to look at visually so that you don't have to keep looking through the array for the key and it's value in the one line print_r() function?
I now realize that print_r() is not the only solution to debugging arrays. So if you have alternate solutions that would be lovely as well to learn more about debugging.
Ayesh K, ITroubs and Robert Rozas have mentioned both Krumo and Kint this far, if you have others feel free to post them. Also thanks to Raveren for writing Kint!
Every PHP developer should have a function for this. My function is below:
function r($var){
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
To nicely print data, just call r($data);. If you want more detail, you could use this function:
function d($var){
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
here's mine...
you can restyle it via css if needed.
Everyone suggests print_r which is in core and works really well.
But when it comes to view a large array, print_r() drives me nuts narrowing down the output.
Give a try to krumo.
It nicely prints the array with visual formatting, click-expand and it also gives you the exact array key call that you can simply copy and paste.
Itroubs mentioned Kint as a better alternative to Krumo. (Thanks ITroubs!)
I use if you want some more, check out this site:
The best practice to visually see the values/keys in an array is the following:
echo "<pre>".print_r($array,TRUE)."</pre>";
The true is required as it changes it into a string, the output will be:
key1 => value,
key2 => value,
Quick solution: Open the source code of the page, and you'll see print_r's output in several lines and perfectly indented.
print_r is not one lined (it uses \n as new line, not <br>). Add a <pre>...</pre> around it to show the multiple lines.
print_r() uses \n as its line delimiter. Use <pre> tags or view the page's source code to make it look right. (on Windows, Linux works with \n)
You can either look source code or use var_dump() or print_r() with <pre>...</pre>
I personally, never liked all this fancy stuff, i use print_r() because it's not overwhelming and it gives enough information.
Here is mine:
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] == 'Debug')
echo '<strong><i>FILE : </i></strong>'.__FILE__.'<strong> <i>LINE : </i></strong>'.__LINE__.'<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
This if statement is to ensure that other people don't see what you've printed.
There is a good add-on for Mozila-Firefox and Google Chrome called "user agent switcher", where you can create your custom user agents. So I create a user agent called "Debug", and when I'm working, I change the user agent.
If I use default user agent nothing will happen and the page wont die;, only you and people who also change the user agent to "Debug" will see the printed variable. This is helpful if you want to debug a problem in a production environment, and you don't want the page to die; and it is also good if other people are also working on the project and you don't want to interrupt them by killing the page.
Then I echo out the current File and Line, this is helpful when you work in a framework or CMS or any other big project with thousands of files and folders, and while debugging, if you might forget where you've typed die; or exit; and you need to remember where you've been and which variables you have printed.
I use the NetBeans IDE for PHP development, I have a macro set up so when you select a variable and use it, it will paste this debugging tool to the text editor and put the selection inside a print_r(); function. If you also use NetBeans, you can use this macro:
"if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] == 'Debug')"
"echo '<strong><i>FILE : </i></strong>'.__FILE__.'<strong> <i>LINE :</i></strong>'.__LINE__.'<pre>';"
"echo '</pre>';"
You just need to select the $variable and use the macro.
To be honest, I'm surprised that print_r() (print human-readable). There are three native functions which each have their advantages and disadvantages in printing data to a document. As mentioned elsewhere on the page, wrapping your output in <pre> ... </pre> tags will be very beneficial in respecting newlines and tabbing when printing to an html document.
The truth is that ALL php developers, from newbie to hobbyist to professional to grand wizard level 999, need to have the following techniques in their toolbox.
Here is a non-exhaustive demo which exposes some of the differences.
var_export() is the format that I use most often. This function wraps strings in single quotes. This is important in identifying trailing whitespace characters and differentiating numeric types versus string types. To maintain the integrity of the output data and permit instant portability of the data into a runnable context, single quotes and backslashes are escaped -- don't let this trip you up.
print_r() is probably my least-used and the least-informative function when data needs to be inspect. It does not wrap strings in any kind of delimiting character so you will not be able to eyeball invisible characters. It will not escape backslashes, single quotes, or double quotes. It wraps keys in square braces which may cause confusion if your keys contain square braces originally.
var_dump() is uniquely powerful in that it expresses data types AND the byte count for strings. This is hands-down the best tool when there is a risk that you might have unexpected multibyte characters interfering with the success/stability of your script.
Depending on your php version and which function you use, you may see differing values with same input data. Pay careful attention to float values.
debug_zval_dump() very much resembles the output of var_dump(), but also includes a refcount. This native function is not likely to provide any additional benefit relating to "debugging an array".
There are also non-native tools which may be of interest (most of which I've never bothered to use). If you are using a framework, Laravel for instance, offers dd() (dump and die) as a diagnostic helper method. Some devs love the collapsed/expandable styling of this tool, but other devs loudly voice their annoyance at the tedious clicking that is necessary to expose nested levels of data.
As a sideways approach to printing iterable data, you could entertain the idea of echoing a json-encoded string with the JSON_PRETTY_PRINT. This may reveal some things that could cause trouble like multibyte and whitespace characters, but don't forget that this is literally "encoding" the data. In other words, it is converting data from one form to another and it will mutate certain occurrences in the process. Like var_export(), a json encoded string is an excellent form to maintain data integrity when it needs to be tranferred from one place to another (like from your project to your Stack Overflow question!).

Is there an automated way of fixing one line ifs in PHP?

I don't know if it's just me or not, but I am allergic to one line ifs in any c like language, I always like to see curly brackets after an if, so instead of
$b = 2;
if($a==1) $b = 2;
I'd like to see
$b = 2;
I guess I can support my preference by arguing that the first one is more prone to errors, and it has less readability.
My problem right now is that I'm working on a code that is packed with these one line ifs, I was wondering if there is some sort of utility that will help me correct these ifs, some sort of php code beautifier that would do this.
I was also thinking of developing some sort of regex that could be used with linux's sed command, to accomplish this, but I'm not sure if that's even possible given that the regex should match one line ifs, and wrap them with curley brackets, so the logic would be to find an if and the conditional statement, and then look for { following the condition, if not found then wrap the next line, or the next set of characters before a line break and then wrap it with { and }
What do you think?
Your best bet is probably to use the built-in PHP tokenizer, and to parse the resulting token stream.
See this answer for more information about the PHP Tokenizer:
You can also take a look at a script I wrote to parse PHP source files to fix another common problem in legacy code, namely to fix unquoted array indexes:
The script uses a state machine instead of a generalized parser, but in your case it might be good enough.

Does PHP have a DEBUG symbol that can be used in code?

Languages like C and even C# (which technically doesn't have a preprocessor) allow you to write code like:
string returnedStr = this.SomeFoo();
Debug.WriteLine("returned string =" + returnedStr);
This is something I like to use in my code as a form of scaffolding, and I'm wondering if PHP has something like this. I'm sure I can emulate this with variables, but I imagine the fact that PHP is interpreted in most cases will not make it easy to strip/remove the debugging code (since its not needed) automatically when executing it.
PHP doesn't have anything like this. but you could definitely whip up something quickly (and perhaps a regex parse to strip it out later if you wanted). i'd do it as such:
define('DEBUG', true);
if (DEBUG):
of course you'd have to write your own debug module to handle all that. if you wanted to make life easier on regex parsing, perhaps you could use a ternary operator instead:
$str = 'string';
DEBUG ? $debug->writeLine("stuff is ".$str) : null;
which would make removing debug lines pretty trivial.
xdump is one of my personal favorites for debugging.
define(DEBUG, true);
if(DEBUG) echo xdump::dump($debugOut);
It has a define funciton, documented here:
Given the set of differences between variables and constants explained in the documentation, I assume that PHP's define allows the interpreter to eliminate unusable code paths at compile time, but that's just a guess.
-- Douglas Hunter

What are some useful PHP Idioms?

I'm looking to improve my PHP coding and am wondering what PHP-specific techniques other programmers use to improve productivity or workaround PHP limitations.
Some examples:
Class naming convention to handle namespaces: Part1_Part2_ClassName maps to file Part1/Part2/ClassName.php
if ( count($arrayName) ) // handles $arrayName being unset or empty
Variable function names, e.g. $func = 'foo'; $func($bar); // calls foo($bar);
Ultimately, you'll get the most out of PHP first by learning generally good programming practices, before focusing on anything PHP-specific. Having said that...
Apply liberally for fun and profit:
Iterators in foreach loops. There's almost never a wrong time.
Design around class autoloading. Use spl_autoload_register(), not __autoload(). For bonus points, have it scan a directory tree recursively, then feel free to reorganize your classes into a more logical directory structure.
Typehint everywhere. Use assertions for scalars.
function f(SomeClass $x, array $y, $z) {
Output something other than HTML.
header('Content-type: text/xml'); // or text/css, application/pdf, or...
Learn to use exceptions. Write an error handler that converts errors into exceptions.
Replace your define() global constants with class constants.
Replace your Unix timestamps with a proper Date class.
In long functions, unset() variables when you're done with them.
Use with guilty pleasure:
Loop over an object's data members like an array. Feel guilty that they aren't declared private. This isn't some heathen language like Python or Lisp.
Use output buffers for assembling long strings.
echo "whatever\n";
$s = ob_get_clean();
Avoid unless absolutely necessary, and probably not even then, unless you really hate maintenance programmers, and yourself:
Magic methods (__get, __set, __call)
Structured arrays -- use an object
My experience with PHP has taught me a few things. To name a few:
Always output errors. These are the first two lines of my typical project (in development mode):
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
Never use automagic. Stuff like autoLoad may bite you in the future.
Always require dependent classes using require_once. That way you can be sure you'll have your dependencies straight.
Use if(isset($array[$key])) instead of if($array[$key]). The second will raise a warning if the key isn't defined.
When defining variables (even with for cycles) give them verbose names ($listIndex instead of $j)
Comment, comment, comment. If a particular snippet of code doesn't seem obvious, leave a comment. Later on you might need to review it and might not remember what it's purpose is.
Other than that, class, function and variable naming conventions are up to you and your team. Lately I've been using Zend Framework's naming conventions because they feel right to me.
Also, and when in development mode, I set an error handler that will output an error page at the slightest error (even warnings), giving me the full backtrace.
Fortunately, namespaces are in 5.3 and 6. I would highly recommend against using the Path_To_ClassName idiom. It makes messy code, and you can never change your library structure... ever.
The SPL's autoload is great. If you're organized, it can save you the typical 20-line block of includes and requires at the top of every file. You can also change things around in your code library, and as long as PHP can include from those directories, nothing breaks.
Make liberal use of === over ==. For instance:
if (array_search('needle',$array) == false) {
// it's not there, i think...
will give a false negative if 'needle' is at key zero. Instead:
if (array_search('needle',$array) === false) {
// it's not there!
will always be accurate.
See this question: Hidden Features of PHP. It has a lot of really useful PHP tips, the best of which have bubbled up to the top of the list.
There are a few things I do in PHP that tend to be PHP-specific.
Assemble strings with an array.
A lot of string manipulation is expensive in PHP, so I tend to write algorithms that reduce the discrete number of string manipulations I do. The classic example is building a string with a loop. Start with an array(), instead, and do array concatenation in the loop. Then implode() it at the end. (This also neatly solves the trailing-comma problem.)
Array constants are nifty for implementing named parameters to functions.
Enable NOTICE, and if you realy want to STRICT error reporting. It prevents a lot of errors and code smell: ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL && $_STRICT);
Stay away from global variables
Keep as many functions as possible short. It reads easier, and is easy to maintain. Some people say that you should be able to see the whole function on your screen, or, at least, that the beginning and end curly brackets of loops and structures in the function should both be on your screen
Don't trust user input!
I've been developing with PHP (and MySQL) for the last 5 years. Most recently I started using a framework (Zend) with a solid javascript library (Dojo) and it's changed the way I work forever (in a good way, I think).
The thing that made me think of this was your first bullet: Zend framework does exactly this as it's standard way of accessing 'controllers' and 'actions'.
In terms of encapsulating and abstracting issues with different databases, Zend_Db this very well. Dojo does an excellent job of ironing out javascript inconsistencies between different browsers.
Overall, it's worth getting into good OOP techniques and using (and READING ABOUT!) frameworks has been a very hands-on way of getting to understand OOP issues.
For some standalone tools worth using, see also:
Smarty (template engine)
ADODB (database access abstraction)
Declare variables before using them!
Get to know the different types and the === operator, it's essential for some functions like strpos() and you'll start to use return false yourself.
