How to set instance variables in camunda using the PHP SDK? - php

I am trying to use the PHP SDK in camunda but it is not clearly documented how to set process variables.
Any ideas?

You can do that by using the ProcessInstanceService.
Below is a snippet for the demo Invoice Receipt.
$camundaAPI = new \org\camunda\php\sdk\Api('http://localhost:8080/engine-rest');
$processDefinitionRequest = new \org\camunda\php\sdk\entity\request\ProcessDefinitionRequest();
$processDefinitions = $camundaAPI->processDefinition->getDefinitions($processDefinitionRequest);
foreach($processDefinitions AS $pd) {
echo 'Process deployment id: ' . $pd->getDeploymentId() . "\n";
// Process instance (make the assumption that $pd is the desired object).
$procInstance = $camundaAPI->processDefinition->startInstanceByKey($pd->getKey(), $processDefinitionRequest);
// ProcessInstanceService
$procInstanceService = new \org\camunda\php\sdk\service\ProcessInstanceService('http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/');
$var = new \org\camunda\php\sdk\entity\request\VariableRequest();
$procInstanceService->putProcessVariable($procInstance->getId(), 'creditor', $var);


firestore display values of data in php

how to display each record's values?
$collectionReference = $this->fsdb->collection('orders');
$documentReference = $collectionReference->document('MSKpcuedwxNmdLn2Ydsp');
$snapshot = $documentReference->snapshot();
echo "Hello " . $snapshot['userId'];
I am receiving this error:
Object of class Google\Cloud\Firestore\DocumentReference could not be converted to string
print_r() function works correctly but how to access each individual record?
I have been searching for hours to get this solved but I found no reference on web
Please help me in here...
A snapshot contains both data and metadata about the document. To get the data you need to call its data() method:
$collectionReference = $this->fsdb->collection('orders');
$documentReference = $collectionReference->document('MSKpcuedwxNmdLn2Ydsp');
$snapshot = $documentReference->snapshot();
if ($snapshot->exists()) {
printf('Document data:' . PHP_EOL);
echo "Hello " . $snapshot->data()['userId'];
} else {
printf('Document %s does not exist!' . PHP_EOL, $snapshot->id());
Also see the Firebase documentation on getting a document from Firestore.

PHP: Fatal error: Call to a member function appendChild() on a non-object in

I am trying to use data entered by the user to store it into an XML Database file for use further down the line. However, for some reason I continue to get this error.
The problem code is summarised below and the whole PHP file is below that for context.
I have tried converting the integer I got (I was using mt_rand() before using uniqid()) using strval(), also tried Type Casting to (string), even tried Type Casting to (object). All no luck. uniqid() returns a string already. In fact, the error returned when I try Type Casting to object (both from uniqid() and mt_rand()) was different, and made life confusing:
[![Error 2 Where the output of idGenerated is an object][2]][2]
Why oh why does a createTextNode hate Strings, Integers AND Objects?? And why do the other variables in the file (undergoing the SAME process) pass by absolutely fine?
Summarised Problem Code
$idGenerated = uniqid();
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$idDec = $dom->createTextNode($idGenerated);
Whole File:
//Generate random number to avoid overwrite of file
$randomNumber = mt_rand(10, 99);
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment'][tmp_name], "../uploads/" . $randomNumber . $_FILES['attachment'][name]);
//General Variables
***$idGenerated = uniqid();***
$currentDate = date('l jS \of F h:i:s A');
$sender = $_SESSION['user'];
$message = $_POST['messageText'];
$up_file = $randomNumber . $_FILES['attachment'][name];
$up_file_location = "uploads/" . $up_file;
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
$dom = new DOMDocument();
//Dom Variable Declarations
//Declare String Data
***$idDec = $dom->createTextNode($idGenerated);***
$date = $dom->createTextNode($currentDate);
$name = $dom->createTextNode($sender);
$messageText = $dom->createTextNode($message);
$link = $dom->createTextNode($up_file_location);
$linkName = $dom->createTextNode($up_file);
//Declare Data Elements
$id = $dom->createElement('id');
$timecode = $dom->createElement('timecode');
$author = $dom->createElement('author');
$content = $dom->createElement('content');
$filePath = $dom->createElement('filePath');
$fileName = $dom->createElement('fileName');
$messageElement = $dom->createElement('message');
//Create XML Data Structure
//File (if there is one!)
//Message Wrapper Element
//Load last existing XML entry for reference (which, since they are all in reverse order, will actually be the FIRST entry in the database)
$xml = simplexml_load_file('../test.xml');
$lastEntry = $xml->log->message[0];
//Place new data BEFORE the last existing message Element
$newEntry = $dom->firstChild->appendChild($messageElement);
$lastEntry->parentNode->insertBefore($newEntry, $lastEntry);
header("Location: ../index.php");
Whenever you get Call to a member function … on a non-object, you’re using something as an object which at the time of calling is not an object. (This often seen in loops where you access a array element, expecting it to be an object when it’s not.)
But in your case, it’s simply the fact that $messageElement is not defined. Maybe you copy/pasted the code from somewhere else and forgot to copy the initial definition/initialisation of the $messageElement variable.

PHP: Object-oriented code - Class 'x' not found, but there is

I have problem with including CryptoGuard, but maybe there is my issue with object-oriented code, because I am newbie in that.
require_once('CryptoGuard.php'); // =
$passphrase = 'my_private_key';
$cryptoGuard = new CryptoGuard($passphrase);
$stringToEncrypt = "private string";
$encryptedText = $cryptoGuard->encrypt($stringToEncrypt);
echo $encryptedText;
Easy usage of CryptoGuard example: (same as I used, but I do not use Composer so I just copied CryptoGuard.php).
There is no php error, but the part with cryptoGuard broke page (stop loading anymore things, no $encryptedText echo there).
Your Problem is the Namespace. CryptoGuard uses Coreproc\CryptoGuard;
So your Code should be
require_once('CryptoGuard.php'); // =
$passphrase = 'my_private_key';
//Not missing the Namespace here
$cryptoGuard = new \Coreproc\CryptoGuard\CryptoGuard($passphrase);
$stringToEncrypt = "private string";
$encryptedText = $cryptoGuard->encrypt($stringToEncrypt);
echo $encryptedText;
Alternative, your provided Code will work, if you write at the beginning of your script:
use \Coreproc\CryptoGuard\CryptoGuard;

Is there an easier/shorter way to get geographic coordinates from GoogleMaps?

I'm currently using the following method to get coordinates from GoogleMaps.
Can I possibly write this shorter/more efficient?
EDIT 21.06.2013
As of now the old Google Geocoding API is off. This is my modified code that works with the most recent version. I've updated this post, if someone stumbles over it and finds it useful.
public function getGeographicCoordinatesFromGoogle()
// create address string
$value = $this->address_line_1 . ' ' .
$this->postal_code . ' ' .
$this->city . ' ' .
$value = preg_replace('!\s+!', '+', $value);
// create request
$request = '' .
$value . '&sensor=false';
// get value from xml request
$xml = file_get_contents($request);
$doc = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
// fetch result
$result = $doc->getElementsByTagName('lat')->item(0)->nodeValue . ',' .
// check result
if (!preg_match('/(-?\d+\.\d+),(-?\d+\.\d+)/', $result) ) {
$result = null;
// assign value
You can use json instead of xml. json is newer, lightweight and object orientated.
I'll recommend you to use http_build_query() instead of trying to build the SearchQuery with Regex. There are other chars which need to be escaped.
This is a quite long method. Maybe it would make sense to have one Class which only handles the communication with GoogleMaps (Class GeoBackend with methods getGeoDataForAddress(), which returns a GeoData-Object, which could be asked for Cordinates etc.)

php scope: class object cant be seen in function

I have a simple mysqli wrapper class I use for my database operations. I am defining (instantiating?) that class at the top of the code presumably where it should be globally accessable, however when I try to use this reference to the db class within a recursive function, xdebug tells me it is out of scope - so as a fix I have had to define the database twice, but this seems like poor practice. Can anyone tell whats up or where I'm going wrong?
The code is recursively printing nested comments from the database FYI.
The code is as follows...
require 'lib/mysqli.class.php'; // the pretty standard mysqli class
$config = array();$config['host'] = 'localhost';$config['user'] = 'root';$config['pass'] = '';$config['table'] = 'publicate';
$db = new DB($config); // new instance of database
//$db->setFetchMode(2); // fetch data by association (MYSQLI_ASSOC)
// Run a Query:
$db->query('SELECT * FROM comments WHERE parentid = 0');
// Get the data:
$root_sql = $db->get();
function recursive_categories($results)
echo "<ul>";
foreach($results as $res)
echo "<li>" . "id=" . $res['id'] . ", pid=" . $res['parentid'] . ", content: " . $res['content'];
//Rest of what ever you want to do with each row
//Check this category for children ************************
//2nd definition of DB ************************
$config = array();$config['host'] = 'localhost';$config['user'] = 'root';$config['pass'] = '';$config['table'] = 'publicate';
$db2 = new DB($config); // new instance of database
$db2->query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE parentid = " . $res['id']);
$rows = $db2->get();
//has to be after the inner loops
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
You need to pass your $db connection to the function like so:
function recursive_categories($results, $db)
Then it will be available inside the function variable scope.
Another issue that comes to mind ... If this file resides inside a publicly accessible web directory you definitely don't want to have your actual database credentials just chilling there out in the open.
