Yii echmultiselect not filtering multiselect - php

i'm having problems with echmultiselect in my project, it doesn't filter at all and inhibits other column filters already working.
array (
'filter'=> $this->widget('EchMultiselect', array(
'model' => $model,
'dropDownAttribute' => 'typeSelectedName',
'dropDownHtmlOptions'=> array(
'data' => array('A'=>'A','B'=>'B','C'=>'C','Z'=>'Z','X'=>'X','K'=>'K','T'=>'T'),
'options' => array(
'header'=> Yii::t('EchMultiSelect.EchMultiSelect',''),
'buttonWidth' => 80,
'position'=>array('my'=>'left bottom', 'at'=>'left top'),
'ajaxRefresh' => true,
true // capture output; needed so the widget displays inside the grid
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
if(!empty($this->type)) {
foreach($this->type as $v) {
$criteria->compare('type', $v, false, 'OR');
i am using yii 1.1.13 and i can see this Cgridview:

Your dropdown attribute in multyselect is typeSelectedName while in the model file for criteria you check type attribute.
The multyselect makes an ajax call; so you need to check it and what kind of data are passed in it.
Better you add some options inside multiselect to invoke custom ajax for model filtering: upon returned data do update grid. This way multyselect will be working as the only filter option (no other options will be taken into account); though you might get form data thru this.form.serialize() and make joined filtering.


categoryChoiceTree in prestashop module configuration page

I'm developing a prestashop module and I'm trying to show a category tree in my backoffice configuration page.
I'm trying to follow this instructions below but I don't know exactly where to add this code.
It should be inside main module's php? or inside a separate .php file and call it from the main one (don't know how to do it either).
As much time I'm spending trying to figure out, how to implement the code in the link above, the more I think I'm losing my time.
I see that "use" files, and this JS, " /admin-dev/themes/new-theme/js/components/form/choice-tree.js " are not in any prestashop folders.
Well, you should invest some time and learn Symfony since this is what you need to build backend modules for Prestashop 1.7.
As a pointer, you need to create a form class extending the CommonAbstractType, add a build form method. e.g. :
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$this->context = Context::getContext();
$parents = [
['id_category' => 2, 'name' => 'Home', 'children' => $this->getSubCategories(1, true, 2)]
$builder->add('category', CategoryChoiceTreeType::class, [
'choices_tree' => $parents,
'choice_value' => 'id_category',
'choice_children' => 'children',
'choice_label' => 'name',
'disabled_values' => $disabledCategories,
'label' => 'Choose a category'
then add methods for retrieving the data to populate the form fields.
Then use this class in your controller and display the form:
$form = $this->createForm(YourFormForm::class);
Also add a processForm to process data.
As mentioned, this is not a copy/paste situation you need to understand the Symfony workflow.
The only way that I found to "paint" the categorytree in my configuration page is adding this code to the inputs form array:
Can anyone tell me how to retrieve users selection data to my database?
It does not work as any other form field.
'type' => 'categories',
'label' => $this->l('Destination Category'),
'desc' => $this->l('Select ONE Category'),
'tree' => [
// 'selected_categories' => [],
'disabled_categories' => null,
'use_search' => false,
'use_checkbox' => false,
'id' => 'id_category_tree',
'required' => true
Well, it is SOLVED!!!! Finally it was very simple, but you must get the correct info for you particular case.
#Robertino's answer might be the best implementation, I don't know, but it became impossible to solve for me,
I uses this code below, and called $categoryTree from the form input. This input must be type=> categories_select
Thanks for your time, and for the help of another post from this forum.
$root = Category::getRootCategory();
//Generating the tree
$tree = new HelperTreeCategories('categories_1'); //The string in param is the ID used by the generated tree
->setAttribute('is_category_filter', $root->id)
->setSelectedCategories(array((int)Configuration::get('CATEGORY_1'))) //if you wanted to be pre-carged
->setInputName('CATEGORY_1'); //Set the name of input. The option "name" of $fields_form doesn't seem to work with "categories_select" type
$categoryTree = $tree->render();
And the Form:
'type' => 'categories_select',
'label' => $this->l('Category'),
'desc' => $this->l('Select Category '),
'name' => 'CATEGORY_1', //No ho podem treure si no, no passa la variable al configuration
'category_tree' => $categoryTree, //This is the category_tree called in form.tpl
'required' => true

ZF2 Create parent checkbox for multi-checkbox

I've managed to create a multi-checkbox using Zend\Form. Now I have to create a "parent" checkbox. The expected result is quite close from this:
The "Parent 1" action will be to check all childs. This task will be done by JQuery (I guess), but is there a way to generate this pattern using ZF2 form? Or should I manually create the "parent" checkbox with JQuery too (which is quite ugly in my opinion)?
My code for "single level" multi-box:
Controller action:
public function addAction()
$form = new RoleForm();
$formattedRights = getStuffFromDb();
$form->get('rights')->setAttribute('options', $formattedRights);
return array(
'form' => $form,
Zend Form:
'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\MultiCheckbox',
'name' => 'rights',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'Associated rights',

Multiple selected values in ESelect2 dropdown list using Yii ESelect2 Extenstion

I am using this in form:
'width'=>'210','placeholder'=>'All Offices',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'multiple' => 'multiple'
$model->Employee is an array, I want this array as selected in data, when i move to update the data, like the dropdown attribute selected="selected"
Select2 is smart to populate itself with predefined values. But these must be inside the model attribute. If it's multiple the $model->Employee should be an array:
$model->Employee = array(1=>'Allen', 2=>'John'); // or similar
moreover the key=>value in here should be mapped in the same way as the Employee model data.
Yet the 'data' parameter still should contain all the data in the range.
So try this, where Employee should be the model containing all the data options:
I've added tags in options as shown in here(usage 1st example) and here.
$tags= array(1=>'Allen', 2=>'John');
'data'=> Chtml::listData(Employee::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name'),
'width'=>'210','placeholder'=>'All Offices',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'multiple' => 'multiple'

Access custom error messages for InArray validator when using Zend_Form_Element_Select

I'm using Zend Framework 1.62 (becuase we are deploying the finished product to a Red Hat instance, which doesn't have a hgih enough PHP version to support > ZF1.62).
When creating a Form using Zend Form, I add a select element, add some multi options.
I use the Zend Form as an in-object validation layer, passing an objects values through it and using the isValid method to determine if all the values fall within normal parameters.
Zend_Form_Element_Select works exactly as expected, showing invalid if any other value is input other than one of the multi select options I added.
The problem comes when I want to display the form at some point, I cant edit the error message created by the pre registered 'InArray' validator added automatically by ZF. I know I can disable this behaviour, but it works great apart from the error messages. I've tryed the following:
$this->getElement('country')->getValidator('InArray')->setMessage('The country is not in the approved lists of countries');
// Doesn't work at all.
$this->getElement('country')->setErrorMessage('The country is not in the approved lists of countries');
// Causes a conflict elswhere in the application and doesnt allow granular control of error messages.
Anyone have any ideas?
I usually set validators as per my example below:
$this->addElement('text', 'employee_email', array(
'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'validators' => array(
array('Db_NoRecordExists', false, array(
'messages' => array(Zend_Validate_Db_Abstract::ERROR_RECORD_FOUND => 'A user with email address %value% already exists')
'label' => 'Email address',
'required' => true,
The validators array in the element options can take a validator name (string) or an array.
When an array is passed, the first value is the name, and the third is an array of options for the validator. You can specify a key messages with custom messages for your element in this array of options.
If your using Zend_Form_Element_Select (or any of the Multi subclasses), on validation the InArray validator will only be automatically added if there is not one present.
You can set a validator as so:
$options = array(...);
$this->addElement('select', 'agree', array(
'validators' => array(
array('InArray', true, array(
'messages' => array(
Zend_Validate_InArray::NOT_IN_ARRAY => 'Custom message here',
'haystack' => array_keys($options),
'multiOptions' => $options,
and then your validator will be used instead of the automatically attached one.
$el = $this->addElement($name, $label, $require, 'select');
$validator = new Zend_Validate_InArray(array_keys(AZend_Geo::getStatesList()));
$validator->setMessage('Invalid US State.');
->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_StringToUpper())
->addFilter(new T3LeadBody_Filter_SetNull())
->setDescription('US State. 2 char.');

Zend Form Edit and Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists

I am slowly building up my Zend skills by building some utility websites for my own use. I have been using Zend Forms and Form validation and so far have been happy that I have been understanding the Zend way of doing things. However I am a bit confused with how to use Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists() in the context of an edit form and a field that maps to database column that has to be unique.
For example using this simple table
If I was simply adding a new row to the Table Test, I could add a validator to the Zend Form element for the Data field as such:
$data = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('Data');
$data->addValidator( new Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists('Test', 'Data') )
At form validation this validator will check that the contents of the Data element does not already exist in the table. Thus the insert into Test can go ahead without violating the Data fields UNIQUE qualifier.
However the situation is different when editing an existing row of the Test table. In that case the validator needs to check that the element value meets one of two mutually exclusive conditions conditions:
The user has changed the element value, and the new value does not currently
exist in the table.
The user has Not changed the element value. Thus the value does currently exist in the table (and this is OK).
The Zend Validation Docs talk about adding a parameter to the NoRecordExists() validator for the purpose of excluding records from the validation process. The idea being to "validate the table looking for any matching rows, but ignore any hits where the a field has this specific value". Such a use case is what is needed for the validating the element when editing a table. The pseudo code to do this in 1.9 is like so (actually I got this from the 1.9 source code - I think the current docs may be wrong):
$data = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('Data');
$data->addValidator( new Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists('Test', 'Data',
array ('field'=>'Data', 'Value'=> $Value) );
The problem is that the value that is to be excluded ($Value) is bound to the validator at the time it is instantiated (also when the form is instantiated). But when the form is editing a record, that value needs to be bound to the contents of the $data field when the form was initially populated with data - IE the Data value initially read from the Test table row. But in typical Zend patterns a form is instantiated and populated in two separate steps which precludes binding the exclude value to the desired element value.
The following Zend psuedo code marks where I would like the binding of $Value to the NoRecordExists() validator to occur (and note that this is a common Zend controller pattern):
$form = new Form()
if (is Post) {
$formData = GetPostData()
if ($form->isValid($formData)) {
Update Table with $formData
Redirect out of here
} else {
} else {
$RowData = Get Data from Table
$form->populate($RowData) <=== This is where I want ('value' => $Value) bound
I could sub-class Zend_Form and override the populate() method to do a one-shot insertion of the NoRecordExists() validator on initial form population, but that seems like a huge hack to me. So I wanted to know what other people think and is there some pattern already written down that solves this problem?
Edit 2009-02-04
I've been thinking that the only decent solution to this problem is to write a custom validator and forget about the Zend version. My form has the record ID as hidden field, so that given the table and column names I could craft some SQL to test for uniqueness and exclude the row with an ID of such an such. Of course this started me thinking about how I would be tying the form to the dB layer that the Model is supposed to hide!
This is how it's done:
I your FORM, you add this validator (for example email field):
$email->addValidator('Db_NoRecordExists', true, array('table' => 'user', 'field' => 'email'));
Don't add custom error message for this since after that it didn't work for me, e.g.:
$email->getValidator('Db_NoRecordExists')->setMessage('This email is already registered.');
In your Controller add this:
/* Don't check for Db_NoRecordExists if editing the same field */
array('table' => 'user',
'field' => 'email',
'exclude' => array ('field' => 'id', 'value' => $this->request->get('id'))));
And after this you do verifications, e.g.:
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost())
That's it!
This will also work :
$this->addElement('text', 'email', array(
'label' => 'Your email address:',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'validators' => array(
array('Db_NoRecordExists', true, array(
'table' => 'guestbook',
'field' => 'email',
'messages' => array(
'recordFound' => 'Email already taken'
After reviewing the overwhelming response I've decided that I'm going with a custom validator
Look at this one:
Answer raised by me and well-solved by Dickie
private $_id;
public function setId($id=null)
public function init()
$email->addValidator('Db_NoRecordExists', false, array('table' => 'user', 'field' => 'email','exclude' => array ('field' => 'id', 'value' => $this->_id) ));
$email->getValidator('Db_NoRecordExists')->setMessage('This email is already registered.');
Now u can use:
$form = new Form_Test(array('id'=>$id));
You could just call $form->getElement('input')->removeValidator('Zend_Validator_Db_NoRecordExists'); instead of supplying the exclusion.
I have just tried this example for email address uniqueness and it works perfectly with below stuffs :
1] In my form:
// Add an email element
$this->addElement('text', 'email', array(
'label' => 'Email :',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'validators' => array(
Here's something special that I needed to add for unique email address to work:
$email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email');
$email->addValidator('Db_NoRecordExists', true, array('table' => 'guestbook', 'field' => 'email'));
2] In my controller:
array('table' => 'guestbook',
'field' => 'email',
'exclude' => array ('field' => 'id', 'value' => $request->get('id'))));
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
Hope it helps you people !
