Simple model layer for a small website with tiny logic - php

I have struggled with an MVC concept for a long time in php since I'm not a php developer. I refactored my site several times but it still looks like a cannon pointed in a mosquito. I've read many articles, posts and answears about MVC but it still makes me confused.
Let's have a simple website with articles and comments system. Everything is stored directly in a database (information about articles, paths, comments etc.). Mostly based on this I developed my own app using MVC. Here is how it works:
Controller retrieves data from the database about an article and related comments
It creates required model's objects (current article and comments)
... and then passes necessary data to the View
View presents those data by applying particular templates for provided objects
Everything works like a charm but...
my model's objects don't need any external logic so my domain objects are bordered to getter/setter classes -I'm wondering: do I need domain objects? It's pointless to store separated objects only for getting them from DB and displaying on a website after a while, isn't it?
controller holds a DB connection passed to services and mappers for creating a model's object -but queries stored in mappers can be merged into services functionality
In conclusion, I wonder if it's not a better approach to replace three-part model with a single manager (per object) which will retrieve all necessary data from the database and will pass them in any way and form (i.e. associative array) to the View.
Please do note, that I'm describing a simple case (1:1:1) with tiny logic, where most data retrieved from database are only for a presentation purpose.

Well what you have just described is an architectural pattern for data modelling called the Data Mapper pattern.
In this pattern you separate the persistence logic to a Mapper class and leave all of the Data stuff in The Domain Model. In your scenario you mentioned there is little logic, which is fine. Logic grows as your application matures. The key point is the separation, persistence has nothing to do with logic and therefore should be moved into a different class.
The Mapper class is only concerned with persisting data (generally to whatever data store you choose), in practice you uses "Adapters", which is why in some ORMs you see a different adapter for different data stores (ie. MySQLAdapater vs PostGresAdapater... etc, implementing a abstract Adapter Interface/Base Class).
It should be noted though, in your conclusion what you describe is actually the MVC Architecture.
The Model Layer is essentially your Persistence Layer (like described above)
The View Layer is where you present your data.
Your Controller Layer is where your data manipulation ie On your domain object's data.
Typically a MVC request goes like...
a URI gets mapped to a controller::action
Action gets data, manipulates it and sends it to the view for rendering.
When MVC applications run into trouble is when your Controller accesses several different objects and needs to persist them all. The class architecture of an MVC application tends to be very heavy as the Models typically have more logic on them than in the Data Mapper pattern since MVC models have persistence tied into them (in practice).
Just as an aside, for simple projects like yours, you might want to look into simple presentation frameworks like It has no persistence layer built in, which leaves you to choose the best for your project.


PHP MVC / Model understanding

I have found some explanation which describes the MVC architecture.
The model is described in the following way:
The Model's job is to represent the problem domain, maintain state, and provide methods for accessing and mutating the state of the application. The Model layer is typically broken down into several different layers:
Service layer - this layer provides cohesive, high-level logic for
related parts of an application. This layer is invoked directly by
the Controller and View helpers.
Data Access layer - (ex. Data Gateway, Data Access Object) this layer
provides access to the persistence layer. This layer is only ever
invoked by Service objects. Objects in the data access layer do not
know about each other.
Value Objects layer - this layer provides simple, data-oriented
representations of "leaf" nodes in your model hierarchy.
What is the goal of the Value Objects layer? I couldn't find any good explanation...
I will preface by saying I don't completely get it either, but I'll take a stab at my interpretation:
Different models are used in different parts of your code, and it sounds like here they are referring to more light weight models/objects that have no dependency on deeper parts of your project like services or the data layer. These objects are used purely for at the view/presentation layer.
Although I could be completely wrong!
EDIT: Removed the part about DTOs since it wasn't quite right.

Active Record must have domain logic?

I started some time working with the Yii Framework and I saw some things "do not let me sleep." Here I talk about my doubts about how Yii users use the Active Record.
I saw many people add business rules of the application directly in Active Record, the same generated by Gii. I deeply believe that this is a misinterpretation of what is Active Record and a violation of SRP.
Early on, SRP is easier to apply. ActiveRecord classes handle persistence, associations and not much else. But bit-by-bit, they grow. Objects that are inherently responsible for persistence become the de facto owner of all business logic as well. And a year or two later you have a User class with over 500 lines of code, and hundreds of methods in it’s public interface. Callback hell ensues.
When I talked about it with some people and my view was criticized. But when asked:
And when you need to regenerate your Active Record full of business rules through Gii what do you do? Rewrite? Copy and Paste? That's great, congratulations!
Got an answer, only the silence.
So, I:
What I am currently doing in order to reach a little better architecture is to generate the Active Records in a folder /ar. And inside the /models folder add the Domain Model.
By the way, is the Domain Model who owns the business rules, and is the Domain Model that uses the Active Records to persist and retrieve data, and this is the Data Model.
What do you think of this approach?
If I'm wrong somewhere, please tell me why before criticizing harshly.
Some of the comments on this article are quite helpful:
In particular, the idea that your models should grow out of a strictly 'fat model' setup as you need more seems quite wise.
Are you having issues now or mainly trying to plan ahead? This may be hard to plan ahead for and may just need refactoring as you go ...
Regarding moveUserToGroup (in your comment below), I could see how having that might bother you. Found this as I was thinking about your question: An equivalent setup that you might use for your moveUserToGroup would be a CFormModel subclass. It'll give you the ability to do validations, etc, but could then be more specific to what you're trying to handle (and use multiple AR objects to achieve your objectives instead of just one).
I often use CFormModel to handle forms that have multiple AR objects or forms where I want to do other things.
Sounds like that may be what you're after. More details available here:
The definition of Active Record, according to Martin Fowler:
An object carries both data and behavior. Much of this data is persistent and needs to be stored in a database. Active Record uses the most obvious approach, putting data access logic in the domain object. This way all people know how to read and write their data to and from the database.
When you segregate data and behavior you no longer have an Active Record. Two common related patterns are Data Mapper and Table/Row Gateway (this one more related to RDBMS's).
Again, Fowler says:
The Data Mapper is a layer of software that separates the in-memory objects from the database. Its responsibility is to transfer data between the two and also to isolate them from each other. With Data Mapper the in-memory objects needn't know even that there's a database present; they need no SQL interface code, and certainly no knowledge of the database schema.
And again:
A Table Data Gateway holds all the SQL for accessing a single table or view: selects, inserts, updates, and deletes. Other code calls its methods for all interaction with the database.
A Row Data Gateway gives you objects that look exactly like the record in your record structure but can be accessed with the regular mechanisms of your programming language. All details of data source access are hidden behind this interface.
A Data Mapper is usualy storage independent, the mapper recovers data from the storage and creates mapped objects (Plain-old objects). The mapped object knows absolutely nothing about being stored somewhere else.
As I said, TDG/RDG are more inwardly related to a relational table. TDG object represents the structure of the table and implements all common operations. RGD object contains data related to one single row of the table. Unlike mapped object of Data Mapper, the RDG object has conscience that it is part of a whole, because it references its container TDG.

MVC and the Repository Pattern: Roles of Controllers, Models, and Repositories?

So I've been studying the role of the repository pattern as a means of decoupling the persistence layer from my models in an MVC framework. Prior to this, I might have my UserModel calling active record methods directly in order to store/retrieve domain objects.
Here's a sketch of what I'm thinking in regards to the call stack in a request that should create a new User:
Here are my questions:
Is this a correct implementation of the repository pattern?
I understand that the controller should take the user's information from the request and pass it into the model. How does that usually happen? Should the controller create a User object and then pass that into the model? I sure as heck don't wanna just pass in an array of values into the model--nor do I want to pass in 15 arguments to the model method that creates a user.
In order for this pattern to really work, it looks like to me I would need to have a domain object that is just a simple data structure with no behavior and then if I'm using an ORM, I would have an ORM object which will describe how the object is persisted. Initially I resisted this because it feels like duplicate code, but if I'm really separating persistence from the business logic, this would be needed right? For example, what if I went with an in-memory store? I would no longer use the ORM object.
Am I thinking correctly here? Is this acceptable. Please help me connect the dots in my head.
1. Is this a correct implementation of the repository pattern?
I'm not sure where you been doing that research, but you have got it wrong.
Repositories as for separating the domain objects from data mappers.
There no such thing as "models". Model in MVC design pattern is one of the to main layers: presentation layer and model layer.
And the repository pattern is incompatible with active record (anti)pattern, which combines domain and storage logic in single instance, thus causing a major SRP violation.
To use a real world example for, when and how to use a repository here is an example:
You are creating some document management tool, where said documents can come from several sources (for example: local SQL database, SOAP service and cache). In this situation you create a repository, which deals with the "routing" of storage. It is the part of application, that decides which data mapper to use for storing/retrieving each document.
The goal of repository is to separate the domain logic from the interaction with storage. For the system, that was described above, a repository would also let add new data sources, without need to rewrite large amounts of code (if any). You could just add another type of mapper for the document.
2. Should the controller create a User object and then pass that into the model?
To begin with, controller itself should not create anything. Instead your controller should use a factory for acquiring instance of the object that you need. This factory can be provided to the controller through constructor or some other method. This is called: Dependency Injection (to learn more about it, watch this lecture).
Also, as noted above, model is a layer, not any specific class or object. The responsibility of controller is to alter the state of model layer (by passing data to it). You could interact with domain objects and mappers (or repositories) directly in the controller, but it would mean leaking some of the business logic in the controller. It is recommended to instead use services, which then manipulates said domain objects and storage related structures.
As for the issue with 10+ parameter, that you would require for creation of new user account, let's assume you have action with following footprint:
public function postUser( Request $request )
If the action gets called with specific Request instance, you have two options how to deal with large amount of parameters:
Wrap the instance in a decorator, which would let you call a single method for forming the data from request in a specific array. Then you pass this array to the service(s).
Form the array inside the controller's action and pass it, where th data is required.
The former solution is more suited for large scale applications, where such formation of data would be required repeatedly though-out the code. But in a small/medium projects the second option is the common-sense approach.
Thing is, the job of the controller is to take the user's input, and distribute it to the model layer and current view. And formation of such array fits right-in with this mandate.
3. (..) main object that is just a simple data structure with no behavior and then (..)
No. Domain object is not "simple data". It is where most of the domain business logic resides in the application.
And forget about magical ORMs. First step for implementing a repository is to separate the domain and storage logic. Domain object handles the validation and business rules, mapper deals with persistence and data integrity (small example here).
Another thing that you must realize is that repositories for web application do not really interact with in-memory persistence (apart from cache). Instead your repository would be juggling mappers for different data sources.
Should the controller create a User object and then pass that into the model?
I'm not sure what you mean by "pass that into the model" -- the User object is the model. "Controller" and "model" represent different layers in the design, they are not specific objects, and there shouldn't be a separate UserModel object as you mentioned.
The repository interface itself is generally considered part of the model, though the domain objects shouldn't be saving themselves -- this should be done in the controller.
Your controller's job would then be to interpret the request and create a User object, then use the repository to save the user:
$user = new User(...); // based on Request
it looks like to me I would need to have a domain object that is just a simple data structure with no behavior
This is not true, you can and should encapsulate behaviour in your domain objects. As for how persistence is actually implemented, a good ORM should take care of most of the details and you shouldn't have to create additional classes by hand.

MVC architecture and weakly typed languages (for instance PHP) Is model unnecessary?

Shouldn't models just describe data that will be passed from a controller to a view? Doesn't that make models unnecessary in weakly typed languages? In PHP, they are doing DB work in models, but isn't that wrong? As I see it, models are just unnecessary in weakly typed languages...
There are some misconceptions about the term model. Microsoft's MVC3 framework has the concept of a view-model, which is simply the data you use to render your views. This isn't however what the M stands for exactly in MVC. The model includes your business entities. We have thin controllers and fat models, but very thin view models. Our controllers make calls to services that perform business logic, and the controllers never do this logic themselves. We then translate our business entities (our data models) and convert them into a lightweight view model, which can be used for rendering a view.
So to answer your question
Shouldn't model just describe data that will be passed from controller to view?
Then perhaps what you are really asking is aren't view-models unnecessary? I'm not sure why you think this. View model + view makes the result. In PHP it can be helpful to define a class with easily accessible properties on it. This is just sensible for clarifying your expectations and prevents you from calling methods with hideously long sets or arguments. In JavaScript there is no need to define a view model as such, you just push the properties onto a new object and pass it along with your view to your view rendering logic. This is more a reflection of the OO pattern these languages use and not the fact that they are weakly typed.
If you are asking if model is unnecessary, then you have missed the purpose of the MVC architecture. A big part of MVC is that you separate your concerns. Why apply any architecture to your code? I am sure you can find a better explanation of the motivation behind MVC than I can give you.
A model is a useful conceptual tool, even if it's not strictly necessary in PHP to separate it from the DB code e.g. you can have a data object associated with each table that encapsulates some business logic, or define a set of business entities that aggregate the data across tables into domain-specific objects that the controllers can then use, or just have one monster DB object that has all the access functions and returns the entities. This has definite advantages over having DB code directly in use by the controllers:
If you are defining complex data structures that run across DB tables, you don't want to do that in controller code due to the risk of duplication - far better to have a single definition that enforces consistency across the system. Although this can introduce dependencies, having one function/object that defines that data makes it easy to find out where the data is used so you can fix things.
Third party maintenance is far easier if there's one place to go to where all the data structure definitions are found.
It makes unit testing easier if you can swap out the whole model or parts of it and replace it with mock object(s) that will provide test data
It makes controllers lighter and therefore more readable and maintainable
So you could argue that it's not necessary, but it helps a lot.
I've always seen models as a tool to provide data. That means that your controller doesn't ever have to worry about the data source, and if you want to switch from using a database to XML files then you only have to swap out your model.
So long as you have some data provider abstraction. Some Models will do low level validation (tightly coupled to the storage engine - null checks etc) but the controller "should" do all of the business logic/validation.
I personally have a thin struct like class that is mapped to each table (all implementing IDataStruct). This struct, or a collection thereof, is the only thing that moves between the DomainObject and the DataProvider. I can then enforce via my interface what datastruct I should be receiving. This is not a silver bullet but I have found it to work well (Makes things like caching and unit testing quite easy)
I hope this hasn't confused the issue.

in Zend, Why do We use DB Model class and Mapper class as two separate?

I am working on the zend project, I am referring on other zend project to create the new Zend Project.But I don't like to blindly follow that project without understanding. In the Zend Directory structure, In Model class there are mainly two type of classes I see, like as in
- models
- DbTables
- Blog.php //Extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
- Blog.php // Contains methods like validate() and save()
- BlogMapper.php // Also Contains methods like validate(Blog b) & save(Blog b)
Why this specific structure is followed?
Is this is to separate Object class and Database model class?
Please explain.
DataMapper is a design pattern from Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.
The Data Mapper is a layer of software that separates the in-memory objects from the database. Its responsibility is to transfer data between the two and also to isolate them from each other. With Data Mapper the in-memory objects needn't know even that there's a database present; they need no SQL interface code, and certainly no knowledge of the database schema.
How you store data in a relational database is usually different from how you would structure objects in memory. For instance, an object will have an array with other objects, while in a database, your table will have a foreign key to another table instead. Because of the object-relational impedance mismatch, you use a mediating layer between the domain object and the database. This way, you can evolve both without affecting the other.
Separating the Mapping responsibility in its own layer is also more closely following the Single Responsibility Principle. Your objects dont need to know about the DB logic and vice versa. This gives you greater flexibility when writing your code.
When you dont want to use a Domain Model, you usually dont need DataMapper. If your database tables are simple, you might be better off with a TableModule and TableDataGateway or even just ActiveRecord.
For various other patterns see my answer to
ORM/DAO/DataMapper/ActiveRecord/TableGateway differences? and
The idea of a Model is to wrap up the logical collection of data inside of your code.
The idea of a DataMapper is to relate this application-level collection of data with how you are storing it.
For a lot of ActiveRecord implementations, the framework does not provide this separation of intent and this can lead to problems. For example, a BlogPost model can wrap up the basic information of a blog post like
But maybe you also want to have it contain something like:
Now you could store all of this data in a single MySQL table to begin with, but as your blog grows and you become super famous, you find out that your statistics data is taking an awful lot of hits and you want to move it off to a separate database server.
How would you go about migrating those fields of the BlogPost objects off to a different data store without changing your application code?
With the DataMapper, you can modify the way the object is saved to the database(s) and the way it is loaded from the database(s). This lets you tweak the storage mechanism without having to change the actual collection of information that your application relies on.
