Magento rest api get customer by email id - php

I am using the magento OAuth to get the customer information. Right now i am able to get customer list and customer information by "customerId" . Reference link
Can i get the customer information by email id ?

I think I just figured it out...
GET /api/rest/customers/?filter[0][attribute]=email&filter[0][in][0] HTTP/1.1
This filters my customers using the email address submitted. Further information about GET-Request filtering you can find here:


How to create and get CustomerPaymentProfile in Authorize.Net

I am new at and facing some trouble to integrate it with my PHP web-site.
My issues:
1) When i create a customerProfile a payment profile also get created along with it.There is a method to get customerProfileId($response->getCustomerProfileId()). But how to get customerPaymentProfileID?
2) When i create a customerPaymentProfile it is gives success response. but null customerPaymentProfileID.
3) How to get a list of all customerPaymentProfiles by customerProfileId only.
I am using same code as provided in Developer API referance in SANDBOX mode
Please help me with this problem guys.
In Authroize.Net
to get customer payment profile ids for a customer profile id, use this sample code :Sample Code to Get Payment Profile Ids.
And while creating a customer payment profile, it returns a customerPaymentProfile : API Reference,
check the response tab.
For that you need to use $response->getCustomerPaymentProfileId()

Woocommerce confirm booking email to show customer information

I'm sure this is something very simple to do, but I just can't figure it out.
My questions concerns the WooCommerce booking confirmation email that is being sent to the admin. I would like it to contain all of the customer information including address and meta.
Does anyone know how to pull the info into the email?
Read this, you will find the answer :

PHP script to know whether receiver's email id is registered paypal id or not?

I am integrating PayPal payment gateway on my site. My issue is:
I want a php script with the help of which, before transaction, I can verify whether the email id, user is providing, is registered PayPal id or not. If email id is not PayPal registered id I can generate a error message pop up window to show that you can not make this payment because email id is not registered PayPal id.
Please help me.
Thanks & Regards
Atul Rai
Use the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) service they provide, you can verify afterwards, not before.
IPN Introduction
Ideally you could use IPN for getting such information. However, the idea of verifying if the email id is valid paypalId during payment is a bit confusing, as even though you dont have an account, you can create one during the checkout process.

Paypal IPN, But From Who (if the registration and paypal mail different)

I am having trouble with Paypal IPN About one thing,
As I understood, paypal redirects the user to a page of us after the successful order, then calls our IPN page, after the transection with post variables including result.
Paypal sends the mail of the order owner in the post variables, but what if the mail in the site and paypal are different.
If PayPal is calling the ipn page, sessions won't work. If i don't check the mail, I won't be able to catch simultaneously IPN orders ( I think ).
I saw something about txn_id and receipt_id, but if I'am not sending the variables, how can they help me to catch the user.
I am Mixed a bit.
Thanks for any reply.
There is a custom parameter, it can be user to send additional parameters
You link the IPN request and the transaction by the txn_id (transaction_id). This is an id you generate, the only requirement is that it's unique.
User starts a payment transaction on your site. You generate a transaction_id which is linked to the user with address info and some 'shopping cart', price info, items etc. This is all the info you need, to know who ordered what and where to send it - all identified by the transaction_id
You pass your merchant info and transaction_id on to PayPal.
User completes payment.
IPN calls your server with user info, payment status and a transaction_id. The email address you get from PayPal may be a different email address than you have registered for the user, maybe the user has a separate email for PayPal? .. It doesn't matter. Use the email address the user gave you, not the one you got from PayPal. And don't use the email address for identification, use the transaction id it's the only value you can rely on.
I'm not sure about the receipt_id. If you want to email a receipt, mail it after you've got a successful payment from IPN. You should have all the info to generate the receipt.

How do I identify orders with the Google Checkout Notification API (using PHP)?

I am using the Google Checkout API to code a simple store. I have gotten as far as letting the user select items, edit the cart, and checkout/pay with Google Checkout. The notification API (with XML) is being used to read notifications sent by Google after receiving orders. How can I connect the order notifications with the orders information in my SQL database? Can I send an "order ID" or something like that to Google with the initial order? I have coded that portion (ordering) with the HTML API.
Thanks in advance!
When an order is placed, a notification is made giving you a serial number for the order. You need to store this serial number in your database against whatever internal order number you have, so that you can use the serial number to refer to the order with Google Checkout via the Notification API.
No. Notification and Polling are two separate concepts.
Notification is when Google Checkout sends you info as it occurs, and Polling is when you send a request for sale details at some time in the future.
Documentation for Polling is lacking on-line. That is why you - and I - have not found the answer.
Google sends an e-mail when a sale is made (or when something goes wrong with a payment), and it stores some detail in your dashboard. You can use the date or the number to Poll for the rest of the details. Exactly how to do that is lacking in the on-line documentation.
Use the merchant-private-data field to pass any custom data about your order.
When you get back the notification, read the custom info from the merchant-private-data field.
See this answer for a solution to a similar issue.
