I have a many-many relation between Ingredient and Recipe, with a pivot table (ingredient_recipe).
I'd like to get ingredients ordered by how many recipes have them. Example, if I use salt in 2 recipes and meat in 3 recipes, I'll have meat before salt.
This is what I have. It works but it doesn't order correctly, even though the resulting query executed directly on my DB works as expected, so Laravel is doing something internally, I guess.
//Ingredient model
public function recipesCount()
return $this->belongsToMany('Recipe')->selectRaw('count(ingredient_recipe.recipe_id) as aggregate')->orderBy('aggregate', 'desc')->groupBy('ingredient_recipe.ingredient_id');
public function getRecipesCountAttribute()
if ( ! array_key_exists('recipesCount', $this->relations)) $this->load('recipesCount');
$related = $this->getRelation('recipesCount')->first();
return ($related) ? $related->aggregate : 0;
$ingredients = Ingredient::with('recipesCount')->whereHas('recipes', function($q)
$q->where('user_id', Auth::id());
//outputting the last query here and executing it on my db returns correctly ordered results.
How can I fix it?
In order to order by related table you need join. There's no way to achieve that with eager loading whatsoever.
->join('ingredient_recipe as ir', 'ir.ingredient_id', '=', 'ingredients.id')
->join('recipes as r', function ($j) {
$j->on('r.id', '=', 'ir.recipe_id')
->where('r.user_id', '=', Auth::id());
->orderByRaw('count(r.id) desc')
There's no need for whereHas anymore, for inner joins will do the job for you.
I have a problem with packages spatie/Laravel-query-builder. I used this package for easy way to filter and sort my query but it's not like that :D
I trying to filter result who have two relation - shop and employee. In short, it wants to filter a list of store reports
Look, this is my code. When I use join method then in response receives data with incorrect ID. When comment join methods all it's okey but I need sorting by relation.
return ReportControlResource::collection(
->with(['employee', 'shop'])
->allowedFilters('shop.name', 'employee.name')
->join('employees', 'employees.id', '=', 'reports.employee_id')
->join('shops', 'shops.id', '=', 'reports.shop_id')
My relation in Report model:
public function shop(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Shop::class);
public function employee(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Employee::class);
Relation in Shop model:
public function reports()
return $this->hasMany(Report::class);
And in Employee model
public function reports()
return $this->hasMany(Report::class);
Do you have any ideas?
I noticed that the ID is being overwritten, but not shop_id and employee_id, but the ID why??
I think the problem is with the library itself. The creators did not take into account the reverse situation of joining tables as in my case.
Look at example from Doc:
$addRelationConstraint = false;
->join('posts', 'posts.user_id', 'users.id')
->allowedFilters(AllowedFilter::exact('posts.title', null, $addRelationConstraint));
And my join
->join('employees', 'employees.id', '=', 'reports.employee_id')
But this join work like this
->join('employees', 'reports.id', '=', 'reports.employee_id')
But why? I checked the order in many ways, even disconnecting filtering and it did not change anything
I found solution for the problem. I had to select a column and now all works fine :-)
return EvidenceControlResource::collection(
->allowedIncludes('employee', 'shop')
->select('evidence_controls.*', DB::raw('employees.id as employee_id'))
->join('employees', 'evidence_controls.employee_id', '=', 'employees.id')
->select('evidence_controls.*', DB::raw('shops.id as shop_id'))
->join('shops', 'evidence_controls.shop_id', '=', 'shops.id')
->allowedFilters('shop.name', 'employee.name')
->allowedSorts(['employees.name', 'shops.name'])
This is not clean code, but when create own class with implements Sort the code might look a lot better.
Thanks Guy's for help! Good luck! :-)
I have three tables
Products are placed in different warehouses so I have to keep tracks of its numbers
And has relationships are like this
class Product extends Model
public function productType() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\ProductType','product_type_id','product_type_id');
public function productQuantities() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductQuantity','product_id','product_id');
What I want to get is all columns from products and product type name from productType, sum of quantity from productQuantities, so I can perform search on those column values later on with where().
How can I get these columns with Eloquent?
I know I could get them with raw SQL commands but I need to do this way for compatibility reasons.
I tried this way before I ask the question.
But model relations just stopped working with no errors. Values just got emptied out from the other parts of the page.
$products = Product::selectRaw('products.*, productTypes.product_type_name, sum(product_quantities.quantity) as quantitySum')
->where('product_name', 'like', '%'.$searchName.'%')
->where('product_type_name', 'like', '%'.$searchType.'%')
->where(function($q) use ($searchPrice) {
->where('points', 'like', '%'.$searchPoints.'%')
Working version before this was simple.
->where('product_name', 'like', '%'.$searchName.'%')
->where('product_type_name', 'like', '%'.$searchType.'%')
->where(function($q) use ($searchPrice) {
->where('points', 'like', '%'.$searchPoints.'%')
And I thought any kind of join methods doesn't seem to be working well with Eloquent relationship? But older one has leftjoin method as well.
I have not tested this (and am assuming you want to group on product_type_name but you should be able to do something along the lines of:
$results = Product::with(['productType','productQuantities'])
sum(productQuantities.quantity) as "QuantitySum"'))
$results = DB::table('products')
->join('productType', 'productType.product_type_id', '=', 'products.product_type_id')
->join('productQuantities', 'productQuantities.product_id', '=', 'products.product_id')
sum(productQuantities.quantity) as "QuantitySum"'))
Then you should be able to access the aggregated quantities using (in a loop if you wanted) $results->QuantitySum.
you can get it with eager loading and aggregating. For example, you need to query products has product type name like "new product" and quantity greater than 1000:
->whereHas("productType", function ($query) {
$query->where("product_type_name", "like", "new product");
->withCount(["productQuantities as quantity_count" => function ($query) {
->having("quantity_count", ">", 1000)
you can get through relationship
and attribute:
$products = Product::withsum('productQuantities','quantity')
Gives me the result that I wanted. And didn't break the other parts.
But I'm still confused why with() and withSum() didn't work together.
Is it because products belongs to productTypes maybe
I have many to many connect with between user - cityarea.
I have also area which connect cityarea (One cityarea can connect only one area).
I have this database structure:
Next I have Models
public function cityareas()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Cityarea');
public function area()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Area');
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany('\App\User');
public function cityareas()
return $this->hasMany('App\Cityarea');
How I can get all users where areas.name = "South" with Eloquent ?
By using whereHas, you can do:
$users = User::whereHas('cityareas.area', function ($query) {
$query->where('name', 'South');
Jeune Guerrier solution is perfect, but you can use with() method of eloquent If you also need cityarea collection along with users collection.
$users = User::with('cityareas')->whereHas('cityareas.area', function ($query) {
$query->where('name', 'South');
This is exactly what the belongs to many relationships is built for.
You simply have to do, Cityarea::where('name', 'South')->first()->users;
If you want to do something further with the query, e.g. sort by users created at, you can do
Cityarea::where('name', 'South')->first()->users()->orderBy('creaated_at', desc')->get();
Note that if there is no such Cityarea with name 'South', the ->first() query above will return null and therefore will fail to fetch the users.
A more performant way to do it programmatically is to use the whereHas approach as discussed in the comments below.
I'm using a Roles package (similar to entrust). I'm trying to sort my User::all() query on roles.id or roles.name
The following is all working
This returns a Collection, with a Roles relation that also is a collection.. Like this:
I'm trying to get all users, but ordered by their role ID.
I tried the following without success
maybe because 'roles' returns a collection? And not the first role?
return App\User::with(['roles' => function($query) {
$query->orderBy('roles.id', 'asc');
And this
return App\User::with('roles')->orderBy('roles.id','DESC')->get();
None of them are working. I'm stuck! Can someone point me in the right direction please?
You can take the help of joins like this:
App\User::join('roles', 'users.role_id', '=', 'roles.id')
->orderBy('roles.id', 'desc')
Hope this helps!
You can make accessor which contains role id or name that you want to sort by.
Assume that the accessor name is roleCode. Then App\User::all()->sortBy('roleCode') will work.
Here's the dirty trick using collections. There might be a better way to achieve this(using Paginator class, I guess). This solution is definitely a disaster for huge tables.
$roles = Role::with('users')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get();
$sortedByRoleId = collect();
$roles->each(function ($role) use($sorted) {
$sortedByRoleId = $sortedByRoleId->flatten()->keyBy('id');
You can sort your relations by using the query builder:
notice the difference with your own example: I don't set roles.id but just id
$users = App\User::with(['roles' => function ($query) {
$query->orderBy('id', 'desc');
See the Official Laravel Docs on Constraining Eager Loading
f you want to order the result based on nested relation column, you must use a chain of joins:
$values = User::query()->leftJoin('model_has_roles', function ($join)
$join>on('model_has_roles.model_id', '=', 'users.id')
->where('model_has_roles.model_type', '=', 'app\Models\User');})
->leftJoin('roles', 'roles.id', '=', 'model_has_roles.role_id')
please note that if you want to order by multiple columns you could add 'orderBy' clause as much as you want:
->orderBy('roles.name', 'DESC')->orderby('teams.roles', 'ASC') //... ext
check my answer here:
Im working in a sensitive section of my app and i need to make sure to minimize the number of querys. I can easily do this with a multiple joins. The question is: is there a way to do this with beauty?
Elequent relationships are a good place to start but most of the time it requires multiple query.
The eager loading method used in this article looks alot better but still requires at least 2 querys and uses a whereIn statement instead of a join.
Article Example Of Eager Loading:
$users = User::with('posts')->get();
foreach($users as $user)
echo $user->posts->title;
Using Eager Loading, Laravel would actually be running the following
select * from users
select * from posts where user_id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...)
My current solution is to use laravel scopes in a way not intented.
public static function scopeUser($query) // join users table and user_ranks
return $query->join('users', 'users.id', '=', 'posts.user_id')
->join('user_ranks', 'users.rank_id', '=', 'user_ranks.id');
public static function scopeGroup($query,$group_id) // join feeds,group_feeds (pivot) and groups tables
return $query->join('feeds', 'feeds.id', '=', 'posts.feed_id')
->join('group_feed', 'feeds.id', '=', 'group_feed.feed_id')
->join('groups', 'groups.id', '=', 'group_feed.group_id')
The resulting query looks like this:
$posts = Post::take($limit)
->user() // scropeUser
->group($widget->group_id) // scropeGroup
->whereRaw('user_ranks.view_limit > users.widget_load_total')
->orderBy('posts.widget_loads', 'ASC')
'posts.id AS p_id',
'posts.title AS p_title',
'posts.slug AS p_slug',
'posts.link AS p_link',
'posts.created_on AS p_create_on',
'posts.description AS p_description',
'posts.content AS p_content',
'users.id AS u_id',
'users.last_name AS u_last_name',
'users.first_name AS u_first_name',
'users.image AS u_image',
'users.slug AS u_slug',
'users.rank_id AS u_rank',
'user_ranks.name AS u_rank_name',
'user_ranks.view_limit AS u_view_limit'
Because of column name collisions i then need a huge select statement. This works and produces a single query, but its far from sexy!
Is there a better way to deal with big joined querys?
You could try to actually add the selects with aliases in the scope.
Note: This is totally untested
public static function scopeUser($query) // join users table and user_ranks
foreach(Schema::getColumnListing('users') as $column){
$query->addSelect('users.'.$related_column.' AS u_'.$column);
$query->addSelect('user_ranks.name AS u_rank_name')
->addSelect('user_ranks.view_limit AS u_view_limit');
$query->join('users', 'users.id', '=', 'posts.user_id')
->join('user_ranks', 'users.rank_id', '=', 'user_ranks.id');
return $query;
There is also no need to alias the post columns with a p_ prefix... But if you really want to, add another scope that does that and use addSelect()