how to set custom validation message in grocery crud - php

$crud = new grocery_CRUD();
$crud->set_rules('salt', 'Salt Code','callback_check_salt');
$output = $crud->render();
then in the call back function i did the following
function check_salt($str)
$salt = $_POST['salt'];
if($salt > 5)
$this->get_form_validation()->set_message('salt',"Salt value must be less then FIVE");
return FALSE;
When I go to add record if I give a salt value below five the is inserted successfully but when I give a value greater then five it says "An error has occurred in insert" without displaying my custom message.
What I am doing wrong ??

Your check_salt($str) function should be like this
function check_salt($str)
if($str > 5)
$this->form_validation->set_message('check_salt',"Salt value must be less then FIVE");
return false;
return true;
In set_message function, the callback function name 'check_salt' should be given, not the field name 'salt' This should solve your problem.

This was the only way that I found to makes this work using:
CI 3 and Grocery Crud 1.6.1
$crud->set_rules('name', 'Name', array(
function ($str) {
$company = $this->Company_model->searchCompanyByName($str);
if (count($company) > 0) {
$this->form_validation->set_message('company_check', 'Error, The company already exist.');
return false;
} else {
return true;
Hope this help,


how to run two statements in one funcation

I'm trying to delete from two tables using one function.
Controller code:
public function userdelete()
$u_id = $this->uri->segment(3);
$lr_id = $this->uri->segment(3);
$returndata = $this->user_model->user_delete($u_id, $lr_id);
if($returndata) {
$this->session->set_flashdata('successmessage', 'user deleted successfully..');
} else {
$this->session->set_flashdata('warningmessage', 'Something went wrong..Try again');
Modle code:
public function user_delete($lr_id, $u_id ) {
return $this->db->delete('login_roles',['lr_id'=>$lr_id]);
return $this->db->delete('login',['u_id'=>$u_id]);
I'm able to delete only from the first table but not the other one. this is working :
return $this->db->delete('login_roles',['lr_id'=>$lr_id]); but not return $this->db->delete('login',['u_id'=>$u_id]);.
As said in the comment you have to remove the first return.
You should compute the two results :
public function user_delete($lr_id, $u_id ) {
$delete1Response = $this->db->delete('login_roles',['lr_id'=>$lr_id]);
$delete2Response = $this->db->delete('login',['u_id'=>$u_id]);
return ($delete1Response AND $delete2Response);
It will returns true only if both are deleted
You even can go further and :
public function user_delete($lr_id, $u_id ) {
$delete1Response = $this->db->delete('login_roles',['lr_id'=>$lr_id]);
$delete2Response = $this->db->delete('login',['u_id'=>$u_id]);
return (object)array('role' => $delete1Response, 'user' => $delete2Response);
Then you can access to data like that :
$response = user_delete(...);
if ($response->role AND $response->user) {
// All fine
} else {
// One or both failed.
// Display error or do something
It never reaches the second $this->db->delete since its returns after executing the first one. Try:
public function user_delete($lr_id, $u_id ) {
//success, try the next one
return $this->db->delete('login',['u_id'=>$u_id]);
return false;

Why does the validation email returns an error?

I am developing a Register/Login system with validation. Registering system is working well. For example, when I register the same email twice, the following message appears:
Email already registered!
However, when I log-in with the same e-mail and password, an error occurs. The following message appears as a validation error:
Email not registered!
Even if the email is registered in DB.
Code for e-mail validation:
public function validateEmail($par)
if (filter_var($par, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
return true;
} else {
$this->setErro("Invalid Email!");
return false;
public function validateIssetEmail($email, $action = null)
$b = $this->cadastro->getIssetEmail($email);
if ($action == null) {
if ($b > 0) {
$this->setErro("Email already registered!");
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
if ($b > 0) {
return true;
} else {
$this->setErro("Email not registered!");
return false;
Code for login controller:
$validate = new Classes\ClassValidate();
Code for class login:
namespace Models;
class ClassLogin extends ClassCrud
# Returns user data
public function getDataUser($email)
$b = $this->selectDB(
"where email=?",
$f = $b->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$r = $b->rowCount();
return $arrData = [
"data" => $f,
"rows" => $r
My getIssetEmail method exists on Register code only.
# Check directly at the bank if the email is registered
public function getIssetEmail($email)
$b = $this->selectDB(
"where email=?",
return $r = $b->rowCount(); // returns the amount of rows in the search
And ClassPassword
namespace Classes;
use Models\ClassLogin;
class ClassPassword
private $db;
public function __construct()
$this->db = new ClassLogin();
# Create password's hash to save in DB
public function passwordHash($senha)
return password_hash($senha, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
# Verify if password's hash is correct
public function verifyHash($email, $senha)
$hashDb = $this->db->getDataUser($email);
return password_verify($senha, $hashDb["data"]["senha"]);
This is not an answer but hopefully it will help in debugging.
First, I'm going to change your code. This is 100% a style choice but I personally think it is easier to follow. If you have an if statement that always returns, you don't technically need an else. Once again, this is a style choice and you don't have to follow it.
Second, if you can, try adding logging into your workflow, it will save you so much time debugging. It isn't always an option, especially for legacy code bases, but it is awesome when you can inspect complex code. In this example, I"m just making a couple of helper methods that dump stuff but normally I'd use something like Monolog to write to a stream that I can tail, and I can easily turn it off in production. When logging, sometimes it helps to avoid identical messages so that you can easily find the exact line number you are on, too.
So with those changes, try running this code inside of your class:
private function logMessage($message)
echo $message . PHP_EOL;
private function logVariable($variable)
public function validateIssetEmail($email, $action = null)
$b = $this->cadastro->getIssetEmail($email);
if ($action === null) {
$this->logMessage('Action was null');
if ($b > 0) {
$this->logMessage('B is greater than zero');
$this->setErro("Email already registered!");
return false;
$this->logMessage('B was not greater than zero');
return true;
$this->logMessage('Action was not null');
if ($b > 0) {
$this->logMessage('B is greater than zero');
return true;
$this->logMessage('B was not greater than zero');
$this->setErro("Email not registered!");
return false;
This should log in human-readable form every step. You should be able to walk through this and identify where your bug is. For instance, in the comments above you said that a variable was 0 in a block that was guarded by a check that guarantees that that shouldn't happen.
This is the wrong part i guess you assigned login as action so you can call cadastro class inside of the function
$cadastro = new Cadastro();
$b = $cadastro->getIssetEmail($email);
if ($action == null) {
if ($b > 0) {
$this->setErro("Email already registered!");
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
if ($b > 0) {
return true;
} else {
$this->setErro("Email not registered!");
return false;

Variable not returning a boolean yii 2

I have been working on this code to return a Boolean value, what happens is that the variable gets overwritten with true or false as it looks for a row in the foreach statements. But when I pass it in my view file no value is taken/appears. Can you help me why this is happening and how do I successfully pass the boolean?
View file
echo TestController::Showprerequisites(29005);
foreach($prereq as $values){
if(FinishedSubjects::find()->where(['subjectname' => $values['col']])->exists()){
$validator = true;
} else {
$validator = false;
return $validator;
public function Showprerequisites($trno){
$model = new TestModel();
return $model->Showprerequisites($trno);
View update
$preq = TestController::Showprerequisites(29005);
if($preq = true){
echo 'Pre requites completed/read';
} else if($preq = false) {
echo 'Pre requisites not completed/not read';
You have logical error in your code, you are assigning value in if condition and then checking, it always return true.
Instead of this:
if($preq = true){
you can check this way too:
if($preq){ // if $preq is true then this line will work.

Can't set error message in Code Igniter 3 when using callback function

I am writing a method that uses POST variables posted by AJAX to add a user to a certain course in the database, but I can't get the callback to work correctly:
public function enroll()
$package = array();
$this->form_validation->set_rules('course', 'Vak', 'required|callback_not_enrolled');
$fields = array("course");
if ($this->form_validation->run($this) === FALSE) {
$errors = array();
$success = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$error = form_error($field);
if ($error !== "") {
$errors[$field] = $error;
} else {
$success[$field] = True;
$package["field_errors"] = $errors;
$package["field_success"] = $success;
$package["success"] = False;
} else {
$package["database"] = $this->course_model->enroll_user($this->data["user"], $this->input->post("course"));
$package["success"] = True;
echo json_encode($package);
I wrote the callback not_enrolled to check if the user is not already enrolled to the database. Note that I can't use is_unique because I have to test the combined uniqueness of two fields (so just one or two separate ones don't do the trick) and the id of the user is not included in the form (because it's part of the Code Igniter session).
The callback function:
public function _not_enrolled($course)
$exists = ($this->user->is_enrolled($course, $this->data["user_id"]) != False);
if ($exists != False) {
$this->form_validation->set_message("not_enrolled", "Already enrolled");
return False;
} else {
return True;
And finally the method is_enrolled from the model:
public function is_enrolled($course, $user=False) {
$user = $this->data["user_id"];
$this->db->select()->from("course_participant")->where("user_id", $user)->where("course_id", $course);
$query = $this->db->get();
Through a call to var_dump($this->_not_enrolled($existing_course_id)); I know that both the callback function and the method from the model work, as it correctly returned true.
When I var_dump the $package array or validation_errors() I don't get any validation errors except that it says Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name Vak(not_enrolled).
I tried removing the initial _ from the function name but that gives me a Server Status 500 error.
I have another setup exactly like this, albeit other database calls, with a callback using the same syntax. This method works perfectly.

how to check callback validation codeigniter duplicate database entry?

This is my callback function, I want to check the database for duplicate value, I have tried a lot, but I can't get validation to work. I'm new to Codeigniter so any help would be appreciated!
public function alias_exist_check()
$scol_code = $this->input->post('school_code');
$query=$this->db->get_where('user_application',array('school_code'=>$scol_code, 'user_id'=>$user_id));
$row= $query->row_array();
if(!$row['user_id']==$user_id && !$row['school_code']==$scol_code)
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->form_validation->set_message('alias_exist_check', 'Already exists.');
return FALSE;
i tried this but its not working me help me if i wrote any mistakes.
$this->form_validation->set_rules('school_code', 'School Name','required','callback_alias_exist_check', 'trim|xss_clean'); $where = array(
'school_code' => $this->input->post('school_code'),
'user_id' => $this->input->post('post'));
if( ! $this->lawschool_model->alias_exist_check($where))
$this->form_validation->set_message('alias_exist_check', 'Already exists.');
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
$data['row']= $this->lawschool_model->Getuser($data1);
$data['row1']= $this->lawschool_model->GetData1();
$insert = $this->db->insert('user_application',$data);
/*$idNum = $this->input->post('school_code');
$data1 = $this->lawschool_model->upddata_school();*/
$data['row'] = $this->lawschool_model->Getuser($data1);
$data['row1'] = $this->lawschool_model->GetData1();
UPDATE2::finaly its works fine,here is my working code
$this->form_validation->set_rules('school_code', 'School Name','required','callback_alias_exist_check1', 'trim|xss_clean');
function alias_exist_check1($scol_code,$user_id)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM user_application WHERE school_code = ? AND user_id = ?";
$val = $this->db->query($sql,array($scol_code ,$user_id ));
if ($val->num_rows)
$this->form_validation->set_message('alias_exist_check', 'Already exists.');
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
public function alias_exist($where)
return $this->db->where($where)->count_all_results('user_application') > 0;
public function alias_exist_check()
$where = array(
'school_code' => $this->input->post('school_code'),
'user_id' => $this->input->post('user_id')
return ! $this->name_model->alias_exist($where);
The first function was not working because you tried to access post data from within the callback itself. This does not appear to work well with callbacks. This is because codeigniter will remove all post data from the request as soon as your run the form validator run method. It repopulates post data only when form processing is complete. Pass any extra parameters you need for you callback functions to work like this
