Ok so I have an array look like this,
[0] => Array
[0] => order_date.Year
[1] => =
[2] => 2024
[1] => Array
[0] => order_date.Quarter
[1] => =
[2] => 1
What I want to do is, in any element of this multidimensional array I want to replace any string that have a . with removing everything after .
So the new array should look like this,
[0] => Array
[0] => order_date
[1] => =
[2] => 2024
[1] => Array
[0] => order_date
[1] => =
[2] => 1
I have tried doing this,
foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
if(is_array($value)) {
$variable = substr($value[0], 0, strpos($value[0], "."));
$value[0] = $variable;
I'm getting $value[0] as order_date but can't figure out how to assign it to $filter array without affecting other values in array;
The $value variable is not linked with the original array in the foreach loop.
You can make a reference to the original array by using ampersand "&"
foreach ($filter as $key => &$value) { ... }
Or you can use old school key nesting
$filter[$key][0] = $variable;
Please take a look here https://stackoverflow.com/a/10121508/9429832
this will take off values after . in every element of any multidimensional array.
// $in is the source multidimensional array
array_walk_recursive ($in, function(&$item){
if (!is_array($item)) {
$item = preg_replace("/\..+$/", "", $item);
I'm trying to change my array from this:
[0] => Array
[BID_OPEN] => Array
[0] => 0.718282
[1] => Array
[BID_CLOSE] => Array
[0] => 1.654545
[2] => Array
[BID_OPEN] => Array
[0] => 1.654878
in to this:
[0] => 0.718282
[1] => 1.654878
[0] => 1.654545
[1] => 1.645845
I'm not sure how to begin. My code:
foreach($array as $keys=>$values)
if(!empty($array [$c]['BID_OPEN']))
$inital_part1 = array("BID_OPEN", $array [$c]['BID_OPEN']);
echo '';
if(!empty($array [$c]['BID_CLOSE']))
$inital_part2 = array("BID_CLOSE", $array [$c]['BID_CLOSE']);
echo '';
$array1[] = $inital_part1;
$array1[] = $inital_part2;
I seem to get double outputs, so the foreach when I build arrays is giving me two times the required output. Google reckons it's because I have an array in my array somewhere but I'm precisely sure I don't.
The array came from an object stdclass and I don't know what that is, have googled but haven't found anything useful. Also I'm able to get some figures but only the initial values are correct, the rest of the data doesn't seem to come through. No doubt it's because I used an index[0] to get it working.
After hours any help would be great thanks.
As long as you have told us everything about your input array it can be done quite simply like this
$in = [ ['BID_OPEN' => [0.718282]],
['BID_CLOSE' => [1.654545]],
['BID_OPEN' => [1.654878]]
$new = []; // new array we are building
foreach ($in as $abid) {
if (array_key_exists('BID_OPEN', $abid) ) {
$new['BID_OPEN'][] = $abid['BID_OPEN'][0];
if (array_key_exists('BID_CLOSE', $abid) ) {
$new['BID_CLOSE'][] = $abid['BID_CLOSE'][0];
THE INPUT ARRAY: Is like yours
[0] => Array
[BID_OPEN] => Array
[0] => 0.718282
[1] => Array
[BID_CLOSE] => Array
[0] => 1.654545
[2] => Array
[BID_OPEN] => Array
[0] => 1.654878
[BID_OPEN] => Array
[0] => 0.718282
[1] => 1.654878
[BID_CLOSE] => Array
[0] => 1.654545
$c = 0;
$array1['BID_OPEN'] = [];
$array2['BID_CLOSE'] = [];
foreach($vartttttt as $tunips=>$ert)
$d = 0;
foreach($ert as $erts=>$val)
//$array[] = $erts;
if($erts == 'BID_OPEN')
array_push($array1['BID_OPEN'], $val[0]);
if($erts == 'BID_CLOSE')
array_push($array2['BID_CLOSE'], $val[0]);
$array = array_merge($array1, $array2);
This is the array:
[0] => Array
[product_details] => {"5f93f983524def3dca464469d2cf9f3e":{"id":"110","qty":1,"option":"{\"color\":{\"title\":\"Color\",\"value\":null}}","price":1400,"name":"Foot Massage","tax":null,"image":"http:\/\/acme.dev\/uploads\/product_image\/product_110_1_thumb.jpg","coupon":"9","book_date_":"2017-04-19","book_date_name_":"wed","start_timeslot_":"09:00:00","end_timeslot_":"10:00:00","has_already_rescheduled":0,"discount_":"0","rowid":"5f93f983524def3dca464469d2cf9f3e","subtotal":1400}}
[1] => Array
[product_details] => {"2723d092b63885e0d7c260cc007e8b9d":{"id":"109","qty":1,"option":"{\"color\":{\"title\":\"Color\",\"value\":null}}","price":700,"name":"Body Massage","tax":0,"image":"http:\/\/acme.dev\/uploads\/product_image\/product_109_1_thumb.jpg","coupon":"","book_date_":"2017-04-18","book_date_name_":"tue","start_timeslot_":"09:00:00","end_timeslot_":"10:00:00","has_already_rescheduled":0,"discount_":"0","rowid":"2723d092b63885e0d7c260cc007e8b9d","subtotal":700}}
[2] => Array
[product_details] => {"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b":{"id":"108","qty":1,"option":"{\"color\":{\"title\":\"Color\",\"value\":null}}","price":3000,"name":"Alo","tax":0,"image":"http:\/\/acme.dev\/uploads\/product_image\/default.jpg","coupon":"","book_date_":"2017-04-21","book_date_name_":"fri","start_timeslot_":"10:00:00","end_timeslot_":"12:00:00","has_already_rescheduled":0,"discount_":"0","rowid":"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b","subtotal":3000}}
[3] => Array
[product_details] => {"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b":{"id":"108","qty":1,"option":"{\"color\":{\"title\":\"Color\",\"value\":null}}","price":3000,"name":"Alo","tax":0,"image":"http:\/\/acme.dev\/uploads\/product_image\/default.jpg","coupon":"","book_date_":"2017-04-12","book_date_name_":"wed","start_timeslot_":"08:00:00","end_timeslot_":"10:00:00","has_already_rescheduled":0,"discount_":"0","rowid":"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b","subtotal":3000}}
What I need is to create a new simple array containing the values from all the "id" elements.
Hope this simple foreach will be helpful for you.
Solution 1: Try this code snippet here
foreach($array as $value)
$array= json_decode($value["product_details"],true);
Here we are using array_column to extract product_details then we are using to array_map to iterate over $personalDetails which contain all the JSON's then we are using to key function which will return first key of the array, and through that key we are accessing, its id.
Solution 2: Try this code snippet here
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$array = Array
0 => Array
"product_details" => '{"5f93f983524def3dca464469d2cf9f3e":{"id":"110","qty":1,"option":"{\"color\":{\"title\":\"Color\",\"value\":null}}","price":1400,"name":"Foot Massage","tax":null,"image":"http:\/\/acme.dev\/uploads\/product_image\/product_110_1_thumb.jpg","coupon":"9","book_date_":"2017-04-19","book_date_name_":"wed","start_timeslot_":"09:00:00","end_timeslot_":"10:00:00","has_already_rescheduled":0,"discount_":"0","rowid":"5f93f983524def3dca464469d2cf9f3e","subtotal":1400}}'
1 => Array
"product_details" => '{"2723d092b63885e0d7c260cc007e8b9d":{"id":"109","qty":1,"option":"{\"color\":{\"title\":\"Color\",\"value\":null}}","price":700,"name":"Body Massage","tax":0,"image":"http:\/\/acme.dev\/uploads\/product_image\/product_109_1_thumb.jpg","coupon":"","book_date_":"2017-04-18","book_date_name_":"tue","start_timeslot_":"09:00:00","end_timeslot_":"10:00:00","has_already_rescheduled":0,"discount_":"0","rowid":"2723d092b63885e0d7c260cc007e8b9d","subtotal":700}}'
2 => Array
"product_details" => '{"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b":{"id":"108","qty":1,"option":"{\"color\":{\"title\":\"Color\",\"value\":null}}","price":3000,"name":"Alo","tax":0,"image":"http:\/\/acme.dev\/uploads\/product_image\/default.jpg","coupon":"","book_date_":"2017-04-21","book_date_name_":"fri","start_timeslot_":"10:00:00","end_timeslot_":"12:00:00","has_already_rescheduled":0,"discount_":"0","rowid":"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b","subtotal":3000}}'
3 => Array
"product_details" => '{"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b":{"id":"108","qty":1,"option":"{\"color\":{\"title\":\"Color\",\"value\":null}}","price":3000,"name":"Alo","tax":0,"image":"http:\/\/acme.dev\/uploads\/product_image\/default.jpg","coupon":"","book_date_":"2017-04-12","book_date_name_":"wed","start_timeslot_":"08:00:00","end_timeslot_":"10:00:00","has_already_rescheduled":0,"discount_":"0","rowid":"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b","subtotal":3000}}'
$personalDetails= array_column($array, "product_details");
return $array[key($array)]["id"];
}, $personalDetails);
[0] => 110
[1] => 109
[2] => 108
[3] => 108
use array_column and json_decode
$new_one = array_column($array,'product_details');
foreach($new_one as $key=>$row)
foreach(json_decode($row,true) as $key1=>$row1)
you may use array_map & array_value to achieve this,
here is a quick example, and you need to modify it to be fit with your needs :
$ar = [
0 => ['product_details' => '{"5f93f983524def3dca464469d2cf9f3e":{"id": 3}}'],
1 => ['product_details' => '{"2723d092b63885e0d7c260cc007e8b9d":{"id": 8}}'],
2 => ['product_details' => '{"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b":{"id": 5}}'],
3 => ['product_details' => '{"a3c65c2974270fd093ee8a9bf8ae7d0b":{"id": 1}}'],
$ar = array_map(function ($value) {
return array_values(json_decode($value['product_details'], true))[0]['id'];
}, $ar);
live demo : https://3v4l.org/koXee
Try this code, live demo
print_r(array_column(array_map(function($v){return current(json_decode($v));},array_column($array, 'product_details')), 'id'));
You "product_details" seems to be a JSON string. Loop through your array, decode the JSON and store the "id" in a new array.
I'm trying to experiment with array_splice and I get an output like this (from $match)
[Keep me Updated] => Array
[winner] => winnerl.jpg
[0] => value0.jpg
[0] => valuel.jpg //this should really be inside [Leep me Updated] array
[1] => value2.jpg //this should really be inside [Leep me Updated] array
[2] => value3.jpg //this should really be inside [Leep me Updated] array
from (this foreach creates puts in the values into $match)
foreach($data as $d)
if (isset($match[$d['data']['name']])) {
$match_loser = array($d['loser']['lrg_img']);
$match[$d['data']['name']] = array("winner"=>$d['winner']['lrg_img'],
What I'm trying to get is bring [0],[1],[2] into the [Keep me Updated] $match array:
[Keep me Updated] => Array
[winner] => winnerl.jpg
[0] => value0.jpg
[1] => value1.jpg // old one: [0] => valuel.jpg
[2] => value2.jpg // old one: [1] => value2.jpg
[3] => value3.jpg // old one: [2] => value3.jpg
This is what $data looks like
$data[] = array(
$data has array values, and $match is where I'm trying to sort the data. So if my values match, it'll consolidate.
Use the inner array as the argument to array_splice
foreach($data as $d)
if (isset($match[$d['data']['name']])) {
$match_loser = array($d['loser']['lrg_img']);
$match[$d['data']['name']] = array("winner"=>$d['winner']['lrg_img'],
Actual array as below is basically the array of $_POST.
One can understand what is coming from the form. three controls with same name different value. What i need is below this array.
[mytext] => Array
[0] => aaaa
[1] => bbbb
[2] => ddd
[mysel] => Array
[0] => one
[1] => two
[2] => two
[submit] => Submit
I need the array in row format below but be dynamic based of $_POST data.
[0] => Array
[0] => aaaa
[1] => one
[1] => Array
[0] => bbbb
[1] => two
[2] => Array
[0] => dddd
[1] => two
Try this:
$out = Array();
foreach($_POST['mytext'] as $k=>$v) {
$out[$k] = Array($v,$_POST['mysel'][$k]);
// Code To Get controls value in row wise
foreach($_POST as $key=>$val){
foreach($_POST[$key] as $val2){
Loop through one of the fields, and then pull the corresponding value from the other field.
$result = array();
foreach($_POST['mytext'] as $k=>$v){
$result[] = array($v, $_POST['mysel'][$k]);
You can also use array_map to do this:
// PHP 5.3+
$result = array_map(function($a, $b){
return array($a, $b);
}, $_POST['mytext'], $_POST['mysel']);
// PHP <= 5.2
$result = array_map(create_function('$a,$b', 'return array($a,$b);'), $_POST['mytext'], $_POST['mysel']);