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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just recently got into (learned how to) making composer packages, and want to distribute some functions I've made over the years.
I understand that you can autoload files containing just functions by using the files autoloader, but I was wondering what the "best practice limit" is for doing this.
Namely: Is it acceptable to distribute composer packages containing only functions? What about single functions?
I think it is very acceptable.
The composer documentation states:
It allows you to declare the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your project for you.
If your functions can be seen as a software package there is no reason why you should not publish them via. composer. There are countless composer-packages out there only consisting of a single class or even a single interface.
But you should try to group functions that belong together in one composer-package.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have started a project to convert some parts of laravel framework to compiled php extensions to improve the performance. I have created a git repository for the migrated parts and another for the laravel modification that will use that extension.
My question is how to build completly all laravel from framework kernel modified?
Do you think that I'm doing well?
I have started a project to convert some parts of laravel framework to
compiled php extensions to improve the performance
My question is how to build completly all laravel from framework kernel modified?
Just don't. Laravel is a framework that is changing quite frequently and your attempts to make it working as native code will fail, because every composer update command call will force you to rebuild native implementation.
If you want to put heavy effort for performance optimisation, then go for other frameworks as Falcon, or use Lumen as an alternative (it's lightweight version of Laravel). That's all I can tell about Laravel itself, because optimisation have not only place in Laravel kernel, but also in database design, scale of the project, and other network configuration settings.
Provide more specific information about bottlenecks in your project, and you will get answers that you are looking for.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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In our company we currently do not use composer, we just download and store all libs under git.
What arguments can be given to our customers and system administrators to convince them of the need to use composer?
Our request must be substantiated enough to make a decision.
With Composer you get the following advantages:
The dependencies required by the package you are pulling in are automatically taken care by Composer itself, leaving you free to focus on the programming instead of dependency management.
When the package you are using gets a new version, a simple composer update will do everything for you without ever needing to do any file management manually.
With Composer you get a centralized autoload.php file which also be optimized for production. It loads everything you need and all you need to do is include one file. The optimized version is super fast! Simply do composer dump-autoload -o.
You can use psr-4 namespaces to load a specific path on your application and have it be included in the autoloader file. Then you can simply use the namespace and it's available application wide!
Look at the following URL for a more detailed list of features:
There are a lot more things you can do with Composer and it's wonderful. I highly advise that you guys use it and stop wasting time on managing packages yourself.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a large project, I'm using git as VCS. Also, I have some modules that I'm able to use in other projects. I want to publish these packages on composer. I'm storing these packages in the vendor directory. I'm not pushing the vendor directory to VCS.
My problem starts here, Some times I'm developing the project at the same time with the packages. So I need "composer update" etc... but this kind of command may overwrite my development package, or may cause some other problems.
I don't know which is the best way to handle both project and composer packages together.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am working on a PHP script where I release updates or fixes every few months and at present I am manually keeping record of version for example Product Name v1.7 or Product Name v2.2 and so on. I use PHPStorm for web development and wanted to know how do companies/people keep track of their version, do they also name and maintain it manually or is this an inbuilt feature in IDEs that can help keep track of this,
For example Wordpress, 3.7, 3.8 and many other open source/commercial products. I will really appreciate some feedback on this.
If you are using any version control like Git or SVN it's possible.
You can use a commit message including name and version number of product. Later you can list all commits with the commit message.
Browse Version history
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Particularly, for PHP development, which one performs better? I'd like to deploy a Zend Framework 1.X app on the chosen platform. Which one makes this easier/possible?
One thing I particularly love about Pagodabox is how they "force" you to use git (or some other version control system). I know you probably wouldn't use either GAE of PB for trivial projects, so you're probably already using some version control system. But I still think that's a nice touch of them. Plus it makes deploying that much easier.