Embedding data in a serial number - php

I am looking at implementing a PVKS as outlined here. I have it working as presented in the article (but in PHP), however I have an extra requirement I'm trying to figure out how to fulfill. I'm trying to figure out how I should embed a date and 3 digit number into the generated code. I'm not even sure where to start here, so I honestly haven't tried anything. They unfortunately won't be unique in combination, so I can't hash them for the seed value. As far as I can tell I can't have them be part of the getKeyByte function either, as the inputs to that function should be only the seed and some arguments, where those arguments define the algorithm for a valid key. They have to be the same between the generator and validator so they have to be static. Is there an accepted practice for this kind of task?

Managed to figure this one out myself. I realized I was over complicating things by trying to find a way I could encode a value into a keybyte. The way to do this (well, the way I did this) is just to add extra bytes after the keybytes and before the checksum. They don't need to be validated like the other keybytes, but do affect the checksum.
Below is the part of my class related to generating and validating keys, with the new sections I needed to add noted.
static public function generateKey($extraKeyArgs = array(), $encodedData = array())
$args = self::instanceKeyArgs($extraKeyArgs);
$keyBytes = array();
$seed = self::getSeed();
$hexSeed = self::intToHex($seed,self::$seedWidth);
$key = $hexSeed;
$numKeys = count($args);
for ($i=0; $i < $numKeys; $i++) {
list($a, $b, $c) = $args[$i];
$keyBytes[$i] = self::getKeyByte($seed, $a, $b, $c, self::$keyWidthBytes);
$key .= self::intToHex($keyBytes[$i],self::$keyWidthHex);
// Section added to handle encoded data
foreach ($encodedData as $data) {
// Make $data an integer value, one byte wide.
$data = (((int) $data) & 255);
$keyBytes[] = $data;
$key .= self::intToHex($data,self::$keyWidthHex);
// End Section
$checksum = self::getChecksum($key);
$key = $hexSeed . self::$seperator;
for ($i=0; $i < $numKeys; $i++) {
$key .= self::intToHex($keyBytes[$i],self::$keyWidthHex);
if ($i & 1) {
$key .= self::$seperator;
if (substr($key, -1) !== self::$seperator) {
$key .= self::$seperator;
$key .= $checksum;
return $key;
static public function checkKey($key, $extraKeyArgs = array(), &$data = array())
$args = self::instanceKeyArgs($extraKeyArgs);
$numKeys = count($args);
if (!self::checkKeyChecksum($key)) {
return false; // Failed checksum! Maybe a mistype or optical reader error?
$key = self::normalizeKey($key);
// TODO - we would check against a blacklist here if we wanted to implement that.
$seed = hexdec(substr($key,0,self::$seedWidth));
if (!is_int($seed) || $seed < 1) {
return false; // Failed to get seed. Are you sure this key came from here?
$key = substr($key, self::$seedWidth, (strlen($key) - (self::$seedWidth + self::$checksumWidth)));
for ($i=0; $i < $numKeys; $i++) {
$keyByte = substr($key, 0, self::$keyWidthHex);
$key = substr($key, self::$keyWidthHex);
list($a, $b, $c) = $args[$i];
if ($keyByte !== self::intToHex(self::getKeyByte($seed, $a, $b, $c, self::$keyWidthBytes),2)) {
return false; // Key byte failed check. Possible forgery attempt?
// This line added to handle encoded data
$data = array_map('hexdec', str_split($key, self::$keyWidthHex));
return true; // Valid Key, Yay!


Best way to search misspelled words in MYSQL [duplicate]

I was wondering if anyone knows of any library, script, or service that can spell check a string and return a suggestion of the properly spelled word or suggestions if more that one properly spelled word that it could be written in PHP.
I would prefer if there wasn't a limit on the amount of queries I could do, so not like Google's APIs.
It would be great if it could function like this:
// string to be spell checked stored in variable
$misspelledString = "The quick brown lama jumped over the lazy dog.";
//pass that variable to function
//function returns suggestion or suggestions as an array of string or strings
$suggestion = spellCheck($misspelledString);
echo "Did you mean ".$suggestion[0];
You can try the included Pspell functions:
Or an external plugin, like this one:
Check this SO question for an example.
Not quite as nice an API as in your example, but Pspell would be an option. It may already be included with your system copy of PHP. You'll need aspell libraries for each language you want to check.
On my debian based machine, it's included in the system repositories as a separate package, php5-pspell.
You need to have "pspell" PHP extension, you can install it on Linux using CLI:
sudo apt-get install php-pspell;
sudo service apache2 restart;
The code is very simple:
if ($word = $_GET['word']) {
$spellLink = pspell_new("en");
if (!pspell_check($spellLink, $word)) {
$suggestions = pspell_suggest($spellLink, $word);
echo '<p>Did you mean: <i>"'.$suggestions[0].'"</i>?</p>';
I attempted to create a class that takes a list of phrases and compares that to the user inputs. What I was trying to do is get things like Porshre Ceyman to correct to Porsche Cayman for example.
This class requires an array of correct terms $this->full_model_list , and an array of the user input $search_terms. I took out the contruct so you will need to pass in the full_model_list. Note, this didn't fully work so I decided to scrap it, it was adapted from someone looking to correct large sentences ...
You would call it like so:
$sth = new SearchTermHelper;
$resArr = $sth->spellCheckModelKeywords($search_terms)
Code (VERY BETA) :
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: Search Term Helper Class
// PURPOSE: Handles finding matches and such with search terms for keyword searching.
// DETAILS: Functions below build search combinations, find matches, look for spelling issues in words etc.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchTermHelper
public $full_model_list;
private $inv;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- return an array of metaphones for each word in a string
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private function getMetaPhone($phrase)
$metaphones = array();
$words = str_word_count($phrase, 1);
foreach ($words as $word) {
$metaphones[] = metaphone($word);
return $metaphones;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- return the closest matching string found in $this->searchAgainst when compared to $this->input
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestMatchReturnString($searchAgainst, $input, $max_tolerance = 200, $max_length_diff = 200, $min_str = 3, $lower_case = true, $search_in_phrases = true)
if (empty($searchAgainst) || empty($input)) return "";
//weed out strings we thing are too small for this
if (strlen($input) <= $min_str) return $input;
$foundbestmatch = -1;
if ($lower_case) $input = strtolower($input);
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
$counts = array();
foreach ($searchAgainst as $s) {
$counts[] = strlen($s);
array_multisort($counts, $searchAgainst);
//get the metaphone equivalent for the input phrase
$tempInput = implode(" ", $this->getMetaPhone($input));
$list = array();
foreach ($searchAgainst as $phrase) {
if ($lower_case) $phrase = strtolower($phrase);
if ($search_in_phrases) $phraseArr = explode(" ",$phrase);
foreach ($phraseArr as $word) {
//get the metaphone equivalent for each phrase we're searching against
$tempSearchAgainst = implode(' ', $this->getMetaPhone($word));
$similarity = levenshtein($tempInput, $tempSearchAgainst);
if ($similarity == 0) // we found an exact match
$closest = $word;
$foundbestmatch = 0;
echo "" . $closest . "(" . $foundbestmatch . ") <br>";
if ($similarity <= $foundbestmatch || $foundbestmatch < 0) {
$closest = $word;
$foundbestmatch = $similarity;
//keep score
if (array_key_exists($closest, $list)) {
//echo "" . $closest . "(" . $foundbestmatch . ") <br>";
$list[$closest] += 1;
} else {
$list[$closest] = 1;
if ($similarity == 0 || $similarity <= $max_tolerance) break;
// if we find a bunch of a value, assume it to be what we wanted
if (!empty($list)) {
if ($most_occuring = array_keys($list, max($list)) && max($list) > 10) {
return $closest;
//echo "input:".$input."(".$foundbestmatch.") match: ".$closest."\n";
// disallow results to be all that much different in char length (if you want)
if (abs(strlen($closest) - strlen($input)) > $max_length_diff) return "";
// based on tolerance of difference, return if match meets this requirement (0 = exact only 1 = close, 20+ = far)
return ((int)$foundbestmatch <= (int)$max_tolerance) ? $closest : "";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Handles passing arrays instead of a string above ( could have done this in the func above )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestMatchReturnArray($searchAgainst, $inputArray, $max_tolerance = 200, $max_length_diff = 200, $min_str = 3)
$results = array();
$tempStr = '';
foreach ($inputArray as $item) {
if ($tmpStr = $this->findBestMatchReturnString($searchAgainst, $item, $max_tolerance, $max_length_diff, $min_str))
$results[] = $tmpStr;
return (!empty($results)) ? $results : $results = array();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Build combos of search terms -- So we can check Cayman S or S Cayman etc.
// careful, this is very labor intensive ( O(n^k) )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function buildSearchCombinations(&$set, &$results)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($set); $i++) {
$results[] = $set[$i];
$tempset = $set;
array_splice($tempset, $i, 1);
$tempresults = array();
$this->buildSearchCombinations($tempset, $tempresults);
foreach ($tempresults as $res) {
$results[] = trim($set[$i]) . " " . trim($res);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Model match function -- Get best model match from user input.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestSearchMatches($model_type, $search_terms, $models_list)
$partial_search_phrases = array();
if (count($search_terms) > 1) {
$this->buildSearchCombinations($search_terms, $partial_search_phrases); // careful, this is very labor intensive ( O(n^k) )
$partial_search_phrases = array_diff($partial_search_phrases, $search_terms);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($search_terms); $i++) $partial_search_phrases[] = $search_terms[$i];
$partial_search_phrases = array_values($partial_search_phrases);
} else {
$partial_search_phrases = $search_terms;
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
$counts = array();
foreach ($models_list as $m) {
$counts[] = strlen($m);
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
foreach ($partial_search_phrases as $p) {
$counts[] = strlen($p);
$results = array("exact_match" => '', "partial_match" => '');
foreach ($partial_search_phrases as $term) {
foreach ($models_list as $model) {
foreach ($model_type as $mt) {
if (strpos(strtolower($model), strtolower($mt)) !== false) {
if ((strtolower($model) == strtolower($term) || strtolower($model) == strtolower($mt . " " . $term))
) {
// echo " " . $model . " === " . $term . " <br>";
if (strlen($model) > strlen($results['exact_match']) /*|| strtolower($term) != strtolower($mt)*/
) {
$results['exact_match'] = strtolower($model);
return $results;
} else if (strpos(strtolower($model), strtolower($term)) !== false) {
if (strlen($term) > strlen($results['partial_match'])
|| strtolower($term) != strtolower($mt)
) {
$results['partial_match'] = $term;
//return $results;
return $results;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Get all models in DB for Make (e.g. porsche) (could include multiple makes)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function initializeFullModelList($make) {
$this->full_model_list = array();
$modelsDB = $this->inv->getAllModelsForMakeAndCounts($make);
foreach ($modelsDB as $m) {
$this->full_model_list[] = $m['model'];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- spell checker -- use algorithm to check model spelling (could expand to include english words)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function spellCheckModelKeywords($search_terms)
// INPUTS: findBestMatchReturnArray($searchList, $inputArray,$tolerance,$differenceLenTolerance,$ignoreStringsOfLengthX,$useLowerCase);
// $searchList, - The list of items you want to get a match from
// $inputArray, - The user input value or value array
// $tolerance, - How close do we want the match to be 0 = exact, 1 = close, 2 = less close, etc. 20 = find a match 100% of the time
// $lenTolerance, - the number of characters between input and match allowed, ie. 3 would mean match can be +- 3 in length diff
// $ignoreStrLessEq, - min number of chars that must be before checking (i.e. if 3 ignore anything 3 in length to check)
// $useLowerCase - puts the phrases in lower case for easier matching ( not needed per se )
// $searchInPhrases - compare against every word in searchList (which could be groups of words per array item (so search every word past to function
$tolerance = 0; // 1-2 recommended
$lenTolerance = 1; // 1-3 recommended
$ignoreStrLessEq = 3; // may not want to correct tiny words, 3-4 recommended
$useLowercase = true; // convert to lowercase matching = true
$searchInPhrases = true; //match words not phrases, true recommended
$spell_checked_search_terms = $this->findBestMatchReturnArray($this->full_model_list, $search_terms, $tolerance, $lenTolerance, $ignoreStrLessEq, $useLowercase,$searchInPhrases);
$spell_checked_search_terms = array_values($spell_checked_search_terms);
// return spell checked terms
if (!empty($spell_checked_search_terms)) {
if (strpos(strtolower(implode(" ", $spell_checked_search_terms)), strtolower(implode(" ", $search_terms))) === false //&&
// strlen(implode(" ", $spell_checked_search_terms)) > 4
) {
return $spell_checked_search_terms;
// or just return search terms as is
return $search_terms;

looping through txt file to use specific part of a string

I am new to Php and can't seem to figure this out no matter how much I've googled.
So I've opened the txt file (which consists of multiple lines of this type of string unique Identifier IMEI in bold:
Rx:00:39:54 06/09/2015:+RESP:GTEPS,210101,863286020022449,,8296,01,1,3,0.0,0,1031.1,29.367950,-30.799161,20150906003710,,,,,,2857.9,20150906003710,8038$) There are different strings with different IMEIs but i only want to use a specific one.
My question is, how do I extract/only use the string with the same Unique identifier and then loop through those to use in another function?
My function has different cases and each case has different calculations, so I'll need to loop through the txt file (with e.g. 863286020022449 as Identifier, ignoring other identifiers/IMEIs) in order to use the string in my function as below:
This is my starter function:
function GetParam($unknownFunction, $numberCommas) {
$returnString = "";
$foundSting = 0;
$numberFound = 0;
$len = strlen($unknownFunction);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
if ($Rawline[$i] == ",") {
if ($numberFound > $numberCommas)
if ($numberFound == $numberCommas)
$foundSting = 1;
else if ($foundSting == 1) {
$returnString .= $unknownFunction[$i];
return $returnString;
echo $returnString;
$i = strpos($unknownFunction, ":GT");
$p = substr($unknownFunction, $i+3,3);
$Protocol = GetParam($unknownFunction, 1);
//this switch reads the differences in the message types (e.g. HBD- in this case is a heartbeat message type and would thus have a different amount of commas in the string and has different definitions of the characters within the commas)
switch ($p) {
case 'HBD':
//This is an example of an HBD message
$result2["Type"] = 'Heart beat';
$IMEI = GetParam($unknownFunction, 2);
$mDate = GetParam($unknownFunction, 4);
$mDate = substr($mDate,0,4).'-'.substr($mDate,4,2).'-
This is the biggest problem I am facing at the moment and when I print the different lines, it indicates the correct IMEI but it does not loop through the whole file to use each string that belongs to that IMEI.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much.
Example of input file:
Rx:00:00:00 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTFRI,3C0103,862045030241360,,14067,11,1,1,29.7,320,151.1,30.949307,-29.819685,20180227235959,0655,0001,013A,87B6,00,35484.1,01500:51:31,,,100,220101,,,,20180228000000,3461$
Rx:00:00:01 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380201,869606020047340,gv65,00000002,14076,10,1,1,119.0,119,24.3,18.668516,-34.016808,20180227235955,0655,0001,00F7,2DC9,00,98912.0,02235:20:25,0,100,220101,0,0,20180227235958,FF20$
Rx:00:00:03 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380201,869606020162990,,00000002,12912,10,1,1,0.0,230,1127.3,30.846671,-27.674206,20180227235956,0655,0001,013E,88B0,00,106651.1,03546:44:42,0,100,210101,0,0,20180227235959,6190$
Rx:00:00:03 28/02/2018:+ACK:GTHBD,450102,865084030005340,gb100,20180228000003,CC61$
Rx:00:00:03 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380201,869606020115980,,00000002,13640,10,1,1,12.1,353,1663.1,28.580726,-28.162208,20180227235957,,,,,,37599.6,02422:07:24,0,100,220101,0,0,20180228000000,1937$
Rx:00:00:04 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380502,869606020276840,gv65,00000002,12723,10,1,1,0.0,106,1232.8,22.878013,-27.951762,20180227235952,0655,0001,0204,63C5,00,13808.9,00778:32:20,0,100,210100,0,0,20180228000002,2C50$
Rx:00:00:04 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380502,869606020274530,gv65,00000002,12683,10,1,1,0.0,91,1213.7,24.863444,-28.174319,20180227235956,0655,0001,0203,69F1,00,9753.2,00673:49:21,0,100,210100,0,0,20180228000003,8AC7$
Rx:00:00:05 28/02/2018:+ACK:GTHBD,380201,863286023083810,,20180228000003,0D87$
Rx:00:00:06 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTFRI,3C0103,862045030241360,,14086,10,1,1,34.0,327,152.0,30.949152,-29.819501,20180228000002,0655,0001,013A,87B6,00,35484.1,01500:51:36,,,100,220101,,,,20180228000005,3462$
Rx:00:00:06 28/02/2018:+ACK:GTHBD,060228,862894021626380,,20180228000007,F9A5$
Rx:00:00:07 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380201,869606020019430,,00000002,12653,10,1,1,0.0,219,1338.7,26.882063,-28.138099,20180228000002,,,,,,86473.7,05645:48:34,0,93,210101,0,0,20180228000003,0FA5$
Rx:00:00:09 28/02/2018:+ACK:GTHBD,380502,869606020233940,gv65,20180228000008,7416$
Rx:00:00:10 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTAIS,380201,869606020171710,,11,11,1,1,0.0,95,281.2,30.855164,-29.896575,20180228000009,0655,0001,0156,9A9F,00,156073.7,20180228000008,F9A4$
Each GT message means something which is why i need to extract only one specific IMEI and use the result in my function as a breakdown of what every set of numbers between the commas actually mean. The end result needs to be populated in an excel spreadsheet but that's a different issue.
Nested foreach, keeping tracking of the IMEIs you've already gone through. Or something like this.
$filename = 'info.txt';
$contents = file($filename);
foreach ($contents as $line) {
$doneAlreadyArray = array();
$IMEI = GetParam($line, 2);
foreach ($contents as $IMEIline){
$thisIMEI = GetParam($IMEIline,2);
//check if already done the IMEI previously
if (!in_array($thisIMEI, $doneAlreadyArray)){
//matching IMEIs?
if ($thisIMEI == $IMEI){
//run new function with entire $IMEIline
//add IMEI to doneAlreadyArray
If I've understood your question right and you want to extract the string(line) with the same Unique identifier, this may be useful for your needs as a strating point.
The example is very basic, and use data from your question:
// Read the file.
$filename = 'input.txt';
// Each item of $output will contain an array of lines:
$output = array();
foreach ($file as $row) {
$a = explode(',', $row);
$imei = $a[2];
if (!array_key_exists($imei, $output)) {
$output[$imei] = array();
$output[$imei][] = $row;
// Then do what you want ...
foreach ($output as $key=>$value) {
echo 'IMEI: '.$key.'</br>';
foreach($value as $row) {
// Here you can call your functions. I just echo the row:
echo $row.'</br>';
thank you for the feedback.
Ryan Dewberry ended up helping me.
The fix was simpler than I thought too :)
//Unknownfunction is now $line
function GetParam($line, $numberCommas) {
$returnString = "";
$foundSting = 0;
$numberFound = 0;
$len = strlen($line);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
if ($line[$i] == ",") {
if ($numberFound > $numberCommas)
if ($numberFound == $numberCommas)
$foundSting = 1;
else if ($foundSting == 1) {
$returnString .= $line[$i];
return $returnString;
// print $returnString;
//this is new - makes sure I use the correct IMEI
$contents = file($fileName);
foreach ($contents as $line){
$haveData = 0;
$IMEI = GetParam($line, 2);
if ($IMEI == $gprsid){
$i = strpos($line, ":GT");
$p = substr($line, $i+3,3);
$Protocol = GetParam($line, 1);
//this is the part I struggled with as well - This is an array of all of my
//results and in printing it out I can see that everything is working
$superResult = array();
Much appreciated. Thank you!

Calculate the intersection of arrays with a threshold in PHP

Let's say I have following arrays:
$a = [1,2,3,4,5];
$b = [1,3,4,5,6];
$c = [1,7,8,9,10];
$d = [1,2,3,4];
The intersection of those would be $result = [1], which is easy enough. But what if I wanted the intersection of those with a minimum threshold of let's say 3? The threshold means I can skip one or more arrays from the intersection, as long as my resulting intersection has at least 3 elements, which in this case might result in:
$result = [1,3,4];
1, 3 and 4 are present in $a, $b and $d, but not in $c which is skipped because of the threshold. Is there an existing PHP class, algorithm or function with which I might accomplish this?
To do that we have to use combinations of an array. I have used combinations algorithm from this great article. Adjusting this algorithm we can write the following class:
class Intersections
protected $arrays;
private $arraysSize;
public function __construct($arrays)
$this->arrays = $arrays;
$this->arraysSize = count($arrays);
public function getByThreshold($threshold)
$intersections = $this->getAll();
foreach ($intersections as $intersection) {
if (count($intersection) >= $threshold) {
return $intersection;
return null;
protected $intersections;
public function getAll()
if (is_null($this->intersections)) {
return $this->intersections;
private function generateIntersections()
$combinationSize = $this->arraysSize;
$intersectionSize = 0;
foreach ($this->combinations as $combination) {
$intersection = call_user_func_array('array_intersect', $combination);
if ($combinationSize > count($combination)) {
$combinationSize = count($combination);
$intersectionSize = 0;
if (count($intersection) > $intersectionSize) {
$this->intersections[$combinationSize] = $intersection;
$intersectionSize = count($intersection);
private $combinationsMasks;
private function generateCombinationsMasks()
$combinationsMasks = [];
$totalNumberOfCombinations = pow(2, $this->arraysSize);
for ($i = $totalNumberOfCombinations - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
$combinationsMasks[] = str_pad(
decbin($i), $this->arraysSize, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT
usort($combinationsMasks, function ($a, $b) {
return strcmp(strtr($b, ['']), strtr($a, ['']));
$this->combinationsMasks = array_slice(
$combinationsMasks, 0, -$this->arraysSize
private $combinations;
private function generateCombinations()
$this->combinations = array_map(function ($combinationMask) {
return $this->generateCombination($combinationMask);
}, $this->combinationsMasks);
private function generateCombination($combinationMask)
$combination = [];
foreach (str_split($combinationMask) as $key => $indicator) {
if ($indicator) {
$combination[] = $this->arrays[$key];
return $combination;
I have tried to give self-explanatory names to methods. Some chunks of code can be optimized more (for example, I call count function multiple times on same arrays; this was done in order to reduce variables fiddling) for production use.
So basically the logic is pretty simple. We generate all combinations of arrays and sort them decreasingly by the number of used arrays. Then we find the longest intersection for each length of combinations. Actually, this is the hardest part. To get one particular intersection we return first one that matches threshold.
$intersections = new Intersections([$a, $b, $c, $d]);
Here is working demo.
There are other ways to find all combinations, for example, one from "PHP Cookbook". You can choose whatever one you like most.
No build in feature for that. You need to write something short like:
$values = [];
foreach ([$a, $b, $c, $d] as $arr)
foreach ($arr as $value)
$values[$value] = ($values[$value] ?? 0) + 1;
// For threshold of 3
$values = array_keys(array_filter($values, function($a) { return $a >= 3; }));
Note: This requires PHP7 for ?? operator. Otherwise use something like:
$values[$value] = empty($values[$value]) ? 1 : $values[$value] + 1;

Check if a generated license is valid

I have a PHP script that generates some strings which will be used as license keys:
function KeyGen(){
$key = md5(microtime());
$new_key = '';
for($i=1; $i <= 25; $i ++ ){
$new_key .= $key[$i];
if ( $i%5==0 && $i != 25) $new_key.='-';
return strtoupper($new_key);
$x = 0;
while($x <= 10) {
echo KeyGen();
echo "<br />";
After running the script once, I got these:
What I now am trying to do is change it so that I have another function that will check if the key has been generated using my script. Currently, what I am thinking is setting the $key to the MD5 of one specific string (for example, test) but, of course, that returns all the strings the same.
Can anyone help?
There are three basic ways of handling this. How you do it will depend on how many keys you're generating, and how important is may be to be able to invalidate keys at a later day. Which you choose is up to you.
Option 1: Server Database Storage
When the server generates a key (like using your algorithm), you store it in a database. Then later all you need to do to check the key is see if it's in the database.
Note that your algorithm needs a lot more entropy than you're providing it. The current timestamp is NOT enough. Instead, use strong randomness:
$key = mcrypt_create_iv($length_needed, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
Or, if you don't have mcrypt:
$key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length_needed);
Or if you don't have mcrypt and openssl, use a library
Note that md5 returns a hex output (a-f0-9), where all of the above return full random binary strings (characters 0 - 255). So either base64_encode() it, or bin2hex() it.
Simple to implement
Can "deactive" issued keys at a later date
Impossible to forge a new key
Requires persistent storage per key
May not scale that well
Requires "key server" to validate keys
Option 2: Signing Keys
Basically, you generate a strong random key (from here out called the private key), and store it on your server. Then, when generating the license key, you generate a random blob, and then HMAC sign it with the private key, and make the license part of that block. That way, you don't need to store each individual key.
function create_key($private_key) {
$rand = mcrypt_create_iv(10, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
$signature = substr(hash_hmac('sha256', $rand, $private_key, true), 0, 10);
$license = base64_encode($rand . $signature);
return $license;
function check_key($license, $private_key) {
$tmp = base64_decode($license);
$rand = substr($tmp, 0, 10);
$signature = substr($tmp, 10);
$test = substr(hash_hmac('sha256', $rand, $private_key, true), 0, 10);
return $test === $signature;
Simple to implement
Does not require persistent storage
Trivial to scale
Cannot "Deactivate" keys individual
Requires storing "private keys"
Requires "key server" to validate keys.
Option 3: Public Key Crypto
Basically, you generate a public/private key pair. You embed the public key in your application. Then, you generate a key (similar to "signing keys" above), but instead of signing it with the HMAC signature, you sign it with a private key.
That way, the application (which has the public key) can verify the signature directly without needing to call back to your server.
function create_key($private_key) {
$rand = mcrypt_create_iv(10, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
$pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($private_key);
openssl_sign($rand, $signature, $pkeyid);
$license = base64_encode($rand . $signature);
return $license;
function check_key($license, $public_key) {
$tmp = base64_decode($license);
$rand = substr($tmp, 0, 10);
$signature = substr($tmp, 10);
$pubkeyid = openssl_get_publickey($public_key);
$ok = openssl_verify($rand, $signature, $pubkeyid);
return $ok === 1;
Simple to implement
Does not require persistent storage
Trivial to scale
Does not require "key server" to validate keys
Cannot "Deactivate" keys individual
Requires storing "private keys"
This solution is on the assumption you want your licence key to always be in fixed format (see below) and still self authenticated
If that is not the case refer to #ircmaxell for a better solution
Self authenticated serial is tricky solution because:
Limited Size of Serial
It need to authenticate it self without Database or any storage
If private key is leaked .. it can easily be reversed
$option = new CheckProfile();
$option->name = "My Application"; // Application Name
$option->version = 0.9; // Application Version
$option->username = "Benedict Lewis"; // you can limit the key to per user
$option->uniqid = null; // add if any
$checksum = new Checksum($option);
$key = $checksum->generate();
var_dump($key, $checksum->check($key));
string '40B93-C7FD6-AB5E6-364E2-3B96F' (length=29)
boolean true
Please note that any modification in the Options would change the key and make it invalid;
Checking for collision
I just ran this simple test
$checksum = new Checksum($option);
$cache = array();
$collision = $error = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i ++) {
$key = $checksum->generate();
isset($cache[$key]) and $collision ++;
$checksum->check($key) or $error ++;
$cache[$key] = true;
printf("Fond %d collision , %d Errors in 100000 entries", $collision, $error);
Fond 0 collision , 0 Errors in 100000 entries
Better Security
By default the script uses sha1 but PHP has a lot of better hash functions you can get that with the following code
$checksum = new Checksum($option, null, "sha512");
Class Used
class Checksum {
// Used used binaray in Hex format
private $privateKey = "ec340029d65c7125783d8a8b27b77c8a0fcdc6ff23cf04b576063fd9d1273257"; // default
private $keySize = 32;
private $profile;
private $hash = "sha1";
function __construct($option, $key = null, $hash = "sha1") {
$this->profile = $option;
$this->hash = $hash;
// Use Default Binary Key or generate yours
$this->privateKey = ($key === null) ? pack('H*', $this->privateKey) : $key;
$this->keySize = strlen($this->privateKey);
private function randString($length) {
$r = 0;
switch (true) {
case function_exists("openssl_random_pseudo_bytes") :
$r = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length));
case function_exists("mcrypt_create_ivc") :
default :
$r = bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv($length, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
return strtoupper(substr($r, 0, $length));
public function generate($keys = false) {
// 10 ramdom char
$keys = $keys ? : $this->randString(10);
$keys = strrev($keys); // reverse string
// Add keys to options
$this->profile->keys = $keys;
// Serialise to convert to string
$data = json_encode($this->profile);
// Simple Random Chr authentication
$hash = hash_hmac($this->hash, $data, $this->privateKey);
$hash = str_split($hash);
$step = floor(count($hash) / 15);
$i = 0;
$key = array();
foreach ( array_chunk(str_split($keys), 2) as $v ) {
$i = $step + $i;
$key[] = sprintf("%s%s%s%s%s", $hash[$i ++], $v[1], $hash[$i ++], $v[0], $hash[$i ++]);
$i ++; // increment position
return strtoupper(implode("-", $key));
public function check($key) {
$key = trim($key);
if (strlen($key) != 29) {
return false;
// Exatact ramdom keys
$keys = implode(array_map(function ($v) {
return $v[3] . $v[1];
}, array_map("str_split", explode("-", $key))));
$keys = strrev($keys); // very important
return $key === $this->generate($keys);
What you are actually looking for is an algorithm like Partial Key Validation
See this article for the workings and port it to PHP
Store these keys in a database when you create them.Later match them with the database rows and voila..It will be done
Note that it's not impossible that you will get duplicate keys with this algorithm, it's unlikely, but so is winning the lottery. You will have to store the keys in a database or file to check if it allready exists.

Decryption of encrypted text in PHP

I am trying to decode encrypted data in PHP, however the return value keeps coming back as null.
The data to be decrypted comes into the PHP file as a data argument.
$dataArg1 = $_REQUEST["data"];
// Retrieve $encryptedData from storage ...
// Load the private key and decrypt the encrypted data
$encryptedData = $dataArg1;
$privateKey = array ( array(123456,654321,123456), array(123456,1234),
openssl_private_decrypt($encryptedData, $sensitiveData, $privateKey);
The function above comes from the second response of another posting here on Stack Overflow:
How to encrypt data in javascript and decrypt in php?
I assume that the decrypted value is in the PHP variable, $sensitiveData.
When I echo that to the screen, I get nothing.
echo("sensitiveData=[$sensitiveData]<br />");
The return value from openssl_private_decrypt() is FALSE, and the return value is NULL.
I created the public/private key from the following URL.
At the bottom, there is the line:
And put the following in your private script (probably on your local hard disk -- not on the internet -- if your private key is found this whole thing is useless.)
function decrypt() {
// key = [ [d], [p], [q] ];
var key=[[123456789,123456789,123456789],[123456789,1234],[123456789,4321]];
document.form.text.value=rsaDecode(key, document.form.text.value);
(actual values changed)
I copied translated the "var key=" line to PHP (per my other posting). Translation above using embedded arrays. I then past that key to the decrypt function.
My thought is that the PHP documentation calls the private key "mixed". I am wondering if maybe I need a different format for the private key.
Here is the output:
var_dump=[NULL ]
$privateKey has to be in a certain format. You can't just throw in random data to it and magically expect it to know what to do with it.
Also, looking at the js you're using, it's not just doing RSA. It has a function named base64ToText. It's decoding the ciphertext with that, taking the first byte as the length of the "encrypted session key", getting the "encrypted session key", decrypting that with RSA and then using that as the key to RC4 to decrypt it. But there are a number of problems with that too. Among other things, base64ToText isn't the same thing as PHP's base64_encode as the name might imply.
Anyway I wasn't able to get it to working. Personally, I'd recommend something more like this (which is interoperable with PHP / phpseclib's Crypt_RSA):
That said, I did manage to figure a few things out. Your js lib uses base-28. To convert numbers from that format to one phpseclib uses you'll need to use this function:
function conv_base($num)
$result = pack('N', $num[count($num) - 1]);
for ($i = count($num) - 2; $i >= 0; --$i) {
_base256_lshift($result, 28);
$result = $result | str_pad(pack('N', $num[$i]), strlen($result), chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $result;
function _base256_lshift(&$x, $shift)
if ($shift == 0) {
$num_bytes = $shift >> 3; // eg. floor($shift/8)
$shift &= 7; // eg. $shift % 8
$carry = 0;
for ($i = strlen($x) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
$temp = ord($x[$i]) << $shift | $carry;
$x[$i] = chr($temp);
$carry = $temp >> 8;
$carry = ($carry != 0) ? chr($carry) : '';
$x = $carry . $x . str_repeat(chr(0), $num_bytes);
Here's the script I used to confirm the correctness of that:
$p = array(242843315,241756122,189);
$q = array(177094647,33319298,129);
$n = array(45173685,178043534,243390137,201366668,24520);
$p = new Math_BigInteger(conv_base($p), 256);
$q = new Math_BigInteger(conv_base($q), 256);
$n = new Math_BigInteger(conv_base($n), 256);
$test = $p->multiply($q);
echo $test . "\r\n" . $n;
ie. they match.
I also ported your js's base64ToText to PHP:
function decode($t)
static $b64s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"';
$r = '';
$m = $a = 0;
for ($n = 0; $n < strlen($t); $n++) {
$c = strpos($b64s, $t[$n]);
if ($c >= 0) {
if ($m) {
$r.= chr(($c << (8-$m))&255 | $a);
$a = $c >> $m;
if ($m == 8) {
$m = 0;
return $r;
Among other potential problems I may have encountered... who knows if their RC4 implementation is correct? Their base64 implementation isn't so it wouldn't be without precedent for the RC4 implementation to be broken too.
