Convert SQL query to Eloquent Laravel - php

I have a sql query:
select `id` from `users`
where (
select count(*)
from `user_event` as `uev`
where `uev`.`leader_id` = `users`.`id`
) > 1
How can I convert it to Eloquent Laravel?

Assuming you have set up the relationship you can use the has() method for that:
$users = User::select('id')->has('events', '>', 1)->get();
If you want an array of users ids (since you're only selecting the id) you can also use lists():
$ids = User::has('events', '>', 1)->lists('id');
Since you asked, this would be an alternative method (not tested though)
User::where(DB::raw('1'), '<', function($q){
->where('user_event.leader_id', '');


laravel eloquent ->whereHas - write your own exists( subquery )

Laravel Eloquent ->whereHas() uses anexists() subquery - - in order to return your results.
I would like to write my own subquery, but I do not know how to tell Eloquent to ->where it.
If I do:
$query->where( DB::raw(' exists( subquery ) ')
Laravel instead writes the subquery as:
where exists( subquery ) is null
So I'm just wondering what $query->method() could be used to add an exists() subquery to the 'where' statements. The subquery would be just the same kind that laravel generates, but written out:
... and exists ( select * from `tbl` inner join `assets` on `custom_assets`.`id` = `tbl`.`asset_id` where `assets`.`deleted_at` is null and `users`.`id` = `assets`.`client_id` and `field_id` = ? and (`value` = ? and `assets`.`deleted_at` is null )
Use whereRaw():
$query->whereRaw('exists( subquery )')
Read WhereHas Description Here
You can find this code example there. You can also add a closure for you custom query in whereHas.
// Retrieve all posts with at least one comment containing words like foo%
$posts = App\Post::whereHas('comments', function ($query) {
$query->where('content', 'like', 'foo%');

How to use where not between in Laravel 5.5?

I am try
ing to get something like this
select * from `users`
inner join `settings`
on `users`.`id` = `settings`.`user_id`
and NOW() NOT BETWEEN quit_hour_start AND quit_hour_end
where `notification_key` != ''
and `device_type` = 'Android'
in eloquent. Does anyone try and get success to build this query in eloquent.
I know I can use \DB::select(DB::raw()); and get my result. But I want to use ie with Laravel eloquent method.
====== update comment for tried queries========
$androidUser = User::join('settings', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'settings.user_id')
->where(DB::raw("'$currentTime' NOT BETWEEN quit_hour_start AND quit_hour_end"));
->where('notification_key', '!=', '')
->where('device_type' ,'=', 'Android')
$users = DB::table('users')
->whereNotBetween('votes', [1, 100]) // For one column
->whereRaw("? NOT BETWEEN quit_hour_start AND quit_hour_end", [$currentTime]) // Use whereRaw for two columns
->get();, or you can rewrite as to wheres

select all columns which are not in another table laravel 5.5

I have two tables - the first one is called 'users' and the second one is called 'buy_courses'.
I am trying to select all users those user_name is not in buy_courses. I tried something like -
$users = DB::table('users')
->rightjoin('buy_courses', 'users.user_name', '=', 'buy_courses.user_name')
It returns all users, whose user_name is in 'buy_courses', when I am using '<>', then I'm getting all users. What should be the right query?
DB::table("users")->select('*')->whereNotIn('user_name',function($query) {
just join actually is inner join in Laravel so actually maybe also you can try:
->join('buy_courses', 'users.user_name', '=', 'buy_courses.user_name')
Try it using Eloquent:
$courseUserNames = BuyCourses::pluck('user_name')->all();
$users = User::whereNotIn('user_name', $courseUserNames)->select(...)->get();
Or if you prefer using DB query:
$courseUserNames = DB::table('buy_courses')->pluck('user_name')->all();
$users = DB::table('users')->whereNotIn('user_name', $courseUserNames)->select(...)->get();
just replace = with != , use function join
$users = DB::table('users')
function ($join)
{$join->on('users.user_name', '!=', 'buy_courses.user_name');}
You can use SQL's 'NOT IN'.
mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name NOT IN (SELECT user_name FROM buy_courses)");

Using subqueries in Eloquent/Laravel

Here's the query in raw SQL:
SELECT `characters`.`id`,`characters`.`refreshToken`,
`characters`.`name`,max(`balances`.`created_at`) as `refreshDate`
FROM `characters`
INNER JOIN `balances` ON `characters`.`id` = `balances`.`character`
WHERE `characters`.`refreshToken` IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY `characters`.`id`
) AS `t1`
WHERE `refreshDate` < '2017-03-29';
I've tested this in phpMyAdmin and it returns the expected results. However I'm using the Eloquent and Laravel libraries in my PHP app and I'm not sure how to approach this. How exactly do subqueries work in this case?
You can do a subquery as a table but need to create the subquery first and then merge the bindings into the parent query:
$sub = Character::select('id', 'refreshToken', 'name')
->selectSub('MAX(`balances`.`created_at`)', 'refreshDate')
->join('balances', '', '=', 'balances.character')
DB::table(DB::raw("($sub->toSql()) as t1"))
->where('refreshDate', '<', '2017-03-29')
If that is your entire query you can do it without the subquery and use having() instead like:
Character::select('id', 'refreshToken', 'name')
->selectSub('MAX(`balances`.`created_at`)', 'refreshDate')
->join('balances', '', '=', 'balances.character')
->having('refreshDate', '<', '2017-03-29');
You can use subqueries in Eloquent by specifying them as a closure to the where method. For example:
$characters = Character::where(function ($query) {
// subqueries goes here
->where('refreshDate', '<', '2017-03-29')
You have to chain your methods to the $query variable that is passed to the closure in the above example.
If you want to pass any variable to the subquery you need the use keyword as:
$characterName = 'Gandalf';
$characters = Character::where(function ($query) use ($characterName) {
// subqueries goes here
$query->where('name', $characterName)
->where('refreshDate', '<', '2017-03-29')

Different results using same query with DB::raw and Eloquent

I'm getting some unexpected results when running an Eloquent join query. I get two different results from using the exact same query. One running with DB::raw(), the second with Eloquent.
In the Eloquent query, the Users that matches the
where squad_user.leave_time >= seasons.start_time
are missing and will not be included in the result set. The users that matches the
or squad_user.leave is null
will be included, however.
That's the only difference in the results from the two queries. The raw query actually produces the desired result set.
What really puzzles me is, if I check the query logs, both Laravel's and MySQL, I get the exact same query when running both the raw and Eloquent query.
Raw query (the actual query i get from the query log when running the Eloquent query)
return \DB::select(\DB::raw('
select users.*
from users
inner join squad_user on = squad_user.user_id
inner join seasons on squad_user.squad_id = seasons.squad_id
where squad_user.join_time <= seasons.end_time
and (squad_user.leave_time >= seasons.start_time or squad_user.leave_time is null)
and = :seasonId
['seasonId' => 3]
Eloquent query
return User::join('squad_user', '', '=', 'squad_user.user_id')
->join('seasons', 'squad_user.squad_id', '=', 'seasons.squad_id')
->where('squad_user.join_time', '<=', 'seasons.end_time')
->where(function ($query)
$query->where('squad_user.leave_time', '>=', 'seasons.start_time')
->where('', 3)
Laravel's Eloquent query log
select `users`.*
from `users`
inner join `squad_user` on `users`.`id` = `squad_user`.`user_id`
inner join `seasons` on `squad_user`.`squad_id` = `seasons`.`squad_id`
where `squad_user`.`join_time` <= seasons.end_time
and (`squad_user`.`leave_time` >= seasons.start_time or `squad_user`.`leave_time` is null)
and `seasons`.`id` = 3
MySQL's general_log on the Eloquent query
select `users`.*
from `users`
inner join `squad_user` on `users`.`id` = `squad_user`.`user_id`
inner join `seasons` on `squad_user`.`squad_id` = `seasons`.`squad_id`
where `squad_user`.`join_time` <= ?
and (`squad_user`.`leave_time` >= ? or `squad_user`.`leave_time` is null)
and `seasons`.`id` = ?
MySQL's general_log on the Raw query
select users.*
from users
inner join squad_user on = squad_user.user_id
inner join seasons on squad_user.squad_id = seasons.squad_id
where squad_user.join_time <= seasons.end_time
and (squad_user.leave_time >= seasons.start_time or squad_user.leave_time is null)
and = ?
I would appreciate any pointers here, as I am very lost.
where binds 3rd param and treats it usually as a string, unless you tell it not to by using raw statement. DB::raw or whereRaw will work for you:
return User::join('squad_user', '', '=', 'squad_user.user_id')
->join('seasons', 'squad_user.squad_id', '=', 'seasons.squad_id')
->where('squad_user.join_time', '<=', DB::raw('seasons.end_time'))
->where(function ($query)
$query->where('squad_user.leave_time', '>=', DB::raw('seasons.start_time'))
->where('', 3)
Since Laravel Verion 5.2 you can also use whereColumn to verify that two columns are equal (or pass a comparison operator to the method):
->whereColumn('squad_user.join_time', '<=', 'seasons.end_time')
