SQL SELECT using a session variable - php

Require("dbconnect.php");//works is used on other another page
echo $Customer_id;//Displays correctly
Can anyone help?

First Check that use session variable is getting the data or not.
If the Customer id is of varchar then you are missing single inverted comma in where clause.
$Customer_id = $_SESSION['id'];
Require("dbconnect.php");//works is used on other another page
$sql = "SELECT Job_id FROM Job";
$sql.= " WHERE Job_Customer_id = '$Customer_id'";
$stmt = $dbh->query($sql);
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$Job_id = $row['Job_id'];
echo $Customer_id;//Displays correctly
echo $Job_id;//Curently dose not display anything

Change the $sql.= line to this:
$sql.= " WHERE Job_Customer_id = '$Customer_id'"
with the ' around $Customer_id.


deleting records from mysql table

Continuing with my simple CRUD, I'm stuck again...
So I have a table created called "usuaris" and a column called "id" which is my auto-increment and then another column called "usuari_nom". Now, I want to add "delete function", so when I am displaying the records of my table I've added a to delete it:
<div id="main">
global $conn;
$query = "SELECT * FROM usuaris";
if($grup_usuaris = mysqli_query($conn, $query)) {
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><th>Usuaris</th><th>Accions</th></tr>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($grup_usuaris)) {
echo "<tr><td>" . $row['usuari_nom'] . "</td><td>Eliminar usuari</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "+ Afegeix Usuari";
} else {
echo "query failed";
echo("Error description: " . mysqli_error($conn));
So now, If I click on "eliminar usuari" it goes to the file where I am adding the query to delete, plus the id of that user; for example: "http://localhost/calendario/elimina_usuari.php?subject=6". But then, in the file elimina_usuari.php, how do I select the id to know what record to delete?
I've thought with $_GET but it doesn't seems to work, either with $_POST:
global $conn;
$usuari_id = $_GET['id'];
$query = "DELETE FROM subjects WHERE id = {$usuari_id} LIMIT 1";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
if ($result && mysqli_affected_rows($conn) == 1) {
} else {
echo "no eliminat";
Any clue how can I get its id? Should I take it from the url somehow?
you're doing fine.
just need to change this
$usuari_id = $_GET['id'];
$usuari_id = $_GET['subject'];
as you're setting subject instead of id in your url
and if you want to process id, like $_GET['id'], you need to change URL.
^ change here
as per your comment,
you can use any $variable to $_POST or $_GET, it has nothing to do with the database column name.
Like you can use following.
and on elimina_usuari.php page,
$id = $_GET['eve_mf'];
and second part, why can I do that and I don't need to call it id as it is called in my db table?
Again, it's not the issue what you call variables in you local environment, all you to do(and should take care of) is to put right parameters in your sql query.
$query = "DELETE FROM subjects WHERE id = {$usuari_id} LIMIT 1";
Here id is the name of your column name in your database. You can't change it here if you even want it to.
however, $usuari_id is your local variable, and you can change it whatever you want.
Hope I've explained what you're looking for :)
You can get the id with $_GET['subject'].
Please be aware about SQL injection as you are wrongly get the id of the user to be deleted:
$usuari_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_GET['subject']);
global $conn;
$usuari_id = $_GET['subject'];
$query = "DELETE FROM subjects WHERE id = {$usuari_id} LIMIT 1";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
if ($result && mysqli_affected_rows($conn) == 1) {
} else {
echo "no eliminat";
You just need to Get the exact variable name or parameter name which you have sent with your url
I mean see your url contains subject=6
that means you have to get subject instead of id;
please replace this code
$usuari_id = $_GET['id'];
$usuari_id = $_GET['subject'];
try this in elimina_usurai.php
global $conn;
$usuari_id = $_GET['subject'];
$query = "DELETE FROM subjects WHERE id = {$usuari_id} LIMIT 1";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
if ($result && mysqli_affected_rows($conn) == 1) {
} else {
echo "no eliminat";

values are not being returning from the database PHP

new here and I am at my wits end with this problem. The pretence is simple; I am trying to select a user id from the database BASED on a value from a session cookie. I have confirmed that the SQL works as I have run it through sql itself, and the only thing I can think of is that it's not executing or my fetch or bind is wrong.
$cart = $_SESSION["cart"];
require "connect.php";
$id = "SELECT id_no FROM eCustomer WHERE surname = :uid";
echo $id . '<br />';
$idfetch->bindValue(":uid", $_SESSION["uid"]);
$customer_id = $idfetch["id_no"];
echo $customer_id;
} catch (PDOExeption $e){
echo $e;
This should echo to my browser
SELECT id_no FROM eCustomer WHERE surname = :uid
But it's only outputting
SELECT id_no FROM eCustomer WHERE surname = :uid
I have also tried putting the session variable directly into the sql statement without the bindValue
$id = "SELECT id_no FROM eCustomer WHERE surname = '" . $_SESSION["uid"] . "'";
Which outputs to my browser
SELECT id_no FROM eCustomer WHERE surname = 'Mclellan'
(Mclellan being in my session cookie)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You have actually executed the statement, but you haven't actually ->fetch()ed it yet. You missed that part:
$results = $idfetch->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// print_r($results);
foreach($results as $row) {
echo $row['id_no'];
If you only require one row, then a single ->fetch() invocation should suffice:
$row = $idfetch->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo $row['id_no'];
It looks like you are missing the actual fetching of the results
you would need a line like below following your $idfetch->execute();
$customerid = $idfetch->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
after that your echo $customerid["id_no"]; should work.
The reason being is that all you have had php do is execute the query without telling it to fetch the results from the query.
Also, the above is for using PDO as that is what it looks like you are using. If you are using mysqli then this probably wont help.

SQL/PHP Multiple querys

I don't understand this because I'm just getting into query's and php.
I'm trying to get the user's ID from the database and set that equal to a different users friendreq column.
Don't worry about me not escaping properly, this is only a test so I can practice! Thank you! (Although I'm not sure what escaping is, I'm going to do my research!)
$usernameID = "SELECT Id FROM Users WHERE Username = '$username'";
$sql = "UPDATE Users SET FriendReq = $usernameID WHERE Username = '$usernamebeingreq'";
$result = mysqli_multi_query($con, $usernameID, $sql);
echo 'Failed';
echo 'Friend added!';
According to the PHP reference of mysqli_multi_query your two queries need to be concatenated with a semicolon. You're passing each query as its own parameter.
Use the following instead:
$result = mysqli_multi_query($con, $usernameID . "; " . $sql);
This will concatenate your two queries, so that it's the following:
SELECT Id FROM Users WHERE Username = '$username'; UPDATE Users SET FriendReq = $usernameID WHERE Username = '$usernamebeingreq'

MySql query on different input fields where some of them are NULL

Hello I have 3 fields on input form which are set via POST method to external php
where I would like to make a search option depending on which field have data inside it or if a user put data in all 3 or in only 2 fields to search from the input fields which are not NULL fields in the same table where there is a result.
my sql query is something like that $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userID = $id AND nombre = $nombre AND cedula = $cedula) ";
obviosly which is not working, what should I do to make it work. Do I need to change only the query or I need to put something before it to check first what is not NULL. Thanks
Firstly, your SQL statement should be updated to have enclosed ' (commas) around string values.
So, modify it to:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userID = '$id' AND nombre = '$nombre' AND pass = '$pass'";
// ----------------------------------------^---^--------------^-------^------------^-----^
Second thing is that you should search a field only when it has a value otherwise, it of no use.
So, your modified PHP code should be:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE 1 ";
if (!empty($id)) {
$sql .= " AND userID = '$id' ";
if (!empty($nombre)) {
$sql .= " AND nombre= '$nombre' ";
if (!empty($pass)) {
$sql .= " AND pass= '$pass' ";
And your Database will be searched for the fields only if they have data filled in the form.
Try to add quote:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userID = ".$id." AND nombre = ".$nombre." AND pass = '".$pass."' ";
Yes, you will need to put a check before which will ignore the fields which are null.
Also, you would need to put the $variable inside single quotes ' if they are VARCHAR or CHAR types.

mysql SELECT not working shows error

I am getting the below error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'testing order by id'
Here is the main page..
echo "<div ><a href='secondpage.php?title=".urlencode($row['title'])."'>".wordwrap($row['title'], 35, "<br />\n", true)."</a></div>";
and here is the second page the error appearing on. the address bar reads http://localhost/secondpage.php?title=more+testing
$mydb = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'test');
$sql = "SELECT * FROM test where urlencode(title) =".$_GET['title']" order by id ";
$result = $mydb->query($sql);
if (!$result) {
echo $mydb->error;
while( $row = $result->fetch_assoc() ){
echo $row['firstname'];
$mydb->close ();
You want to use urldecode to decode the encoded string in your query:
$title = urldecode($_GET['title']);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM test where title = '$title' order by id";
I'm assuming you have a column named title in your test table. I don't think MySQL has urlencode function unless you have a procedure by that name which functions exactly like PHP's urlencode.
Thanks to #GeorgeLund, who pointed out the point of SQL Injection. Important topic which I missed earlier during answering your question. Please have a look at: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
For the very least please update your code to following:
$title = urldecode($_GET['title']);
$title = mysqli_real_escape_string($title); // Addition
$sql = "SELECT * FROM test where title = '$title' order by id";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM test where urlencode(title) ='".$_GET['title']."' order by id ";
Try like
$sql = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE urlencode(title) = ".$_GET['title']." ORDER BY id ";
You missed . leads syntax go away.
As far as I know SQL does not have function urlencode and why would you even want to urlencode the column name?
Also to store the encoded title string which is received from the last page you should decode the encoded title
So here is what I think you meant to do.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE title = ".urldecode($_GET['title'])." order by id ";
Please try this code using urldecode
$sql = "SELECT * FROM test where title =".urldecode($_GET['title'])" order by id ";
