I need for a project to build a live chat with:
group chat room
private chat (user-user);
web site interface;
mobile interface;
others information (profile etc).
I want to start obviously from the server: any PHP framework or tutorial to do this ?
Otherwise, any full-solution (but customizable) with web site + mobile compatible ?
Use XMPP Server (XMPP server uses Socket programming, so once a connection will be establish, then it uses that connection each and everytime, you no need to create connection everytime, like HTTP).
Or Use GCM (Using Push Notification you can send and receive messages as well).
Here are some Source Code - Github
Source from google
Hope it helps.
This would be the best place to start!
Have fun building the app!
Also if you really want to get deep into it, Xabber source code will prove of great help.
XMPP is a communication protocol for message-oriented middleware based on XML (Extensible Markup Language). In plain words it is a protocol used for instant messaging.
While APNS and GCM are services used to set up push notifications for your apps.
So, it's a bit different.
I believe building a chat app from scratch is not an easy task for you.
So, I'd recommend using a ready backend and concentrate on client-side implementation of your app.
For backend you need to choose a provider with the set of features most suitable for your project and then start app development with the API provided by your backend provider. You might find this article useful when choosing.
It seems you are looking to get going fast on your chat implementation...the xmpp implementation is one way. Firebase provides another. Having implemented messaging via xmpp as well as firebase, I can offer up this tip: stable connectivity and auto-reconnect logic in an openfire+SMACK implementation is not particularly reliable. I have had recurring troubles maintaining connection in the face of drop offs; updates in Openfire that may or may not conform to the older SMACK library versions are not helpful (no one guarantees for conformity - you are on your own). Others with more xmpp-based experience may attest to these difficulties. Firebase is not without its own challenges but I found them manageable. I also recommend you checkout at least one opensource chat library implementation via firebase (github link being one such). With firebase the connectivity issue largely goes away and a host of new options open up. I prefer if the backend is fully taken care of by the library provider so we only need to focus on UI. Hope this is helpful.
I have been studying WebRTC from last 2 days but couldn't understand how to develop and stand up a server based on WebRTC for iOS.
I really don't want to use any 3rd party Audio/Video chat service providers in my application even if they are WebRTC based. I want to create my own WebRTC based custom Audio/Video chat.
I just need a startup guide for developing WebRTC based chat server.
Couple of things:
You will have to work with the NativeAPI and compile for iOS, this tutorial should help, this is for the iOS client side only.
If you chat is only one-to-one a simple websocket or socket.io with node.js for your signalling server should be simple enough
If you want numerous parties in the same chat, you will either have to handle all the individual connections(numerous individual peer connections for each device connecting) or implement a type of MCU, licode is an EXAMPLE of such
Those links are just examples of how people have done similar things before, you should not have to utilize their libraries or their solutions. But, you WILL have to use the WebRTC Native API, handle numerous peerconnections for each client(or create your own MCU server), and handle the signalling between each client(for connection start up and tear down).
You can also try Icelink api provided by Frozen mountain
They have provided free trials for iOS, android , web client, windows phone.
Also they have provided their own turn and stun servers which can be only used in windows server 2013. Overall library is very well documented and easy to use.
You need to register yourself to download the api, which is free of cost.
Hope it meet your requirements.
Good luck
I am trying to create a web chat application with PHP, MySQL.
I want to stream the data from the server to client instead of requesting the server in a regular intervals which will cause huge load at servers.
I believe this is possible in many ways and XMPP is one of those i heard earlier, but i have no idea how to adopt this xmpp into scripts, how to use it?
If some one can give some examples or code references that would be great help.
Please check the documentation of XMPP,
All the social media sites including Google facebook uses XMPP in their instant messaging.
For working with XMPP on client side, you can either use websockets or http bind(aka bosh) based on your requirements and support from the xmpp server. I have tried and experimented with trophyjs and Candy.Js. Candy being slightly better in terms of plugins and support if you like chat rooms.
I'm tasked with coming up with an e-commerce solution for a small, local business. My client uses Intuit/Quickbooks point of sale software. I've just discovered that Intuit has a series of PHP 5+ classes that allow interoperability (link for anyone else that may stumble on this: https://code.intuit.com/sf/sfmain/do/viewProject/projects.php_devkit).
The website will be hosted on shared hosting, so the two systems are split quite literally. Her desktop does have internet access.
So, my questions:
Is there a way for me to connect to her desktop via curl?
If so, is there a way for me to do it securely if I can't create a VPN on my host?
Now that I think about it, is there a VPN service I could use?
Any other security things I should be aware of?
Payment processing will be handled through Stripe (http://www.stripe.com). This is really just for inventory/order synching.
Your best bet is the QuickBooks Web Connector, along with that set of PHP classes you mentioned. See my specific comments below:
I've just discovered that Intuit has a series of PHP 5+ classes that allow interoperability (link for anyone else that may stumble on this: https://code.intuit.com/sf/sfmain/do/viewProject/projects.php_devkit).
It's worth noting that that library is NOT developed by Intuit (disclaimer - I'm the developer of that library). Intuit hosts our Subversion repository, but we're a separate company, and Intuit does not contribute to the actual PHP code. Intuit provides a Windows COM-based API only, we provide the actual PHP components so you can talk to QuickBooks from a remote server via the Web Connector, without the need to muck with COM.
We have a ton of information on our QuickBooks integration wiki which might be helpful - specifically the QuickBooks integration with PHP section and this overview of the QuickBooks Web Connector.
Consider grabbing the latest nightly build from the link you posted, and taking a look at this file:
* docs/example_web_connector_point_of_sale.php
It illustrates exchanging data between PHP and QuickBooks Point of Sale.
The website will be hosted on shared hosting, so the two systems are
split quite literally. Her desktop does have internet access.
This ^^^ is just fine, and a typical scenario. It's exactly what the Web Connector was designed for. The Web Connector essentially acts as a "dumb proxy" between a PHP SOAP service, and QuickBooks itself - it relays messages from your PHP app, over HTTP(S), to QuickBooks.
Is there a way for me to connect to her desktop via curl?
Not with Curl, no (though you could build one... but why reinvent the wheel?). The Web Connector is SOAP based, but your PHP components will be the SOAP server half, not the SOAP client half.
If so, is there a way for me to do it securely if I can't create a VPN on my host?
The Web Connector can use SSL via HTTPS to keep the data secure while in transit across the net.
Now that I think about it, is there a VPN service I could use?
Just buy an SSL certificate, it's easier. :-)
Any other security things I should be aware of?
Not beyond the typical web application security guidelines that you could find elsewhere on Stackoverflow.
If you're going to sync to a system like Quickbooks, don't do it real-time, do it in a batch process that is resilient to things like her desktop being turned off, the crappy office internet (compared to a datacenter) being slow or down, etc.
This ^^^ is great advice, and is exactly how the Web Connector works.
If you need real-time, Quickbooks running on a desktop is NOT the way to go.
In fact, if you need real-time, QuickBooks period is not the way to go. QuickBooks is a great small to medium business accounting software... but is slow and not reliable enough for consistent real-time communication. With that said... what you're talking about does not require real-time communication, so this shouldn't bother you.
Batching the orders isn't a problem, but how would I make even a batch process resilient?
The PHP code uses a queue with a status, so you can track what got processed, what didn't, what you got back from QuickBooks as a response ("Added a customer successfully!" vs. "Ooops, failed to add a customer because ..."), what error messages QuickBooks threw, etc. and then react appropriately with your code, or manually.
You won't need cron - the Web Connector can be scheduled to run, and it'll relay all errors and a ton of other information back to you so that you can handle errors, send out warnings, build reports to show to people about what failed/succeeded, etc.
Can anyone recommend a tutorial or point me in the direction of some easily implemented .net or PHP code that i could use to setup a third party application server for C2DM.
I am a Front-End Developer with some PHP/.net experience, but very minimal Java experience, our app is setup with the required java code/classes and I have registered with C2DM, but i'm struggling with the application server part of the equation.
I would like to setup a server application that can handle form requests to send a message out to our app.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
The server part of C2DM is a piece of cake compare to the client (in my opinion). You can find below some tutorials about the server part :
One for JAVA very easy to understand even if your are not JAVA developper.
One for PHP and Zend framework.
A basic example for C# on stackoverflow
A common mistake to avoid if you want some performance : Don't connect for each message to send.
You just have to auth one time to the google server and then you can send multiple notification message.
Also don't forget that Google will periodically refresh the token in an Update-Client-Auth header. You should handle this header to keep your tokens up to date. Have look to this discussion about it
You may want to have a look at this post. It is a basic PHP implementation using curl.
I am building a server-side C2DM based on Drupal CMS.
While it is not 100% ready, if you want I can try and help you building it.
Using Drupal as the server-side, and its amazing modules such as Services and Rules, you can create a very interesting applications very easy, almost "out-of-the-box".
I'm choosing between AMQP (RabbitMQ) vs XMPP (eJabberd) for my browser-based flash-free javascript powered real-time turn-based game. I don't know much about AMQP and XMPP protocol. I would like to use PHP for user-authorization and some data store-retrieve with MySQL. As far as I found out, RabbitMQ has PHP clients but eJabberd not.
What I understood is javascript client calls PHP script and manipulate necessary processing and then pass to AMQP or XMPP server to pass the data to opponent player. There is a good book 'Pro XMPP Programming with JS and jQuery' from Wrox but there is no example with PHP. So following are my questions.
1) Which protocol is suit for my game?
2) Shall I choose RabbitMQ just for it's PHP client support?
I've had fairly good success implementing an XMPP client in Javascript by using HTTP Bind approach to XMPP BOSH. I don't know about AMQP, but for client-side access, I love XMPP. A few words why.
ejabberd already includes BOSH support, and to use with Javascript (and presumably Flash) you just need to direct your server to redirect requests to port on which you configure ejabberd to listen for HTTP requests. (And even this only because Javascript security model in today's browsers forbids Javascript requests to different domains and even different ports.)
Since XMPP is a bunch of quite trivial small XML documents, it should be fairly easy to encode them in any language you pick.
Since it's widely supported, you might be able to avoid requiring your users to register with your service, which they will most certainly appreciate.
Implementing XMPP means you can trivially add instant messaging support to your game, with federationing to the rest of the Jabber network (including Google Talk).
Since I don't know anything about AMQP, I cannot compare them -- but I can say why I'll always first consider XMPP for my future multiplayer projects.
My personal reason for choosing ejabberd is simple -- it's super easy to install and configure on Debian. I'm almost completely unfamiliar with Erlang and Java; what I understand, however, about Erlang is that it makes scalability easy to achieve, and ejabberd people say they have achieved it.
If you want to do server side logic checking, I'm afraid I don't know of any good method. I'd go with a proxy PHP script doing sanity checking on the incoming XMPP BOSH message, then forwarding it to the server, instead of just forwarding it via Apache's mod_rewrite.
As mentioned above, you will definitely have to do proxying of some sort (with mod_rewrite or with PHP or in some other way) since the XMPP server will listen on a different port than the "main" web server, and Javascript cross-domain security model does not allow doing XMLHTTPRequest on a different port.
So, sanity checking might be easiest done while relaying BOSH requests to XMPP server of your choice. Digging into the server software might not be the best way to do this type of checks. It would take long, and would probably make it harder to integrate with the rest of your game.
Alternatively, I stumbled upon an answer that mentions XMPP components and ejabberd modules. This will be an interesting read for me, too.
Good luck, and be sure to drop a comment with the name of the game when it's done -- I'd love to see it :-)
I just noticed someone else posted a very similar question to yours. Its answers contain some more interesting info for you.
On using XMPP with Flash:
You could nevertheless use HTTP binding (BOSH) with Flash. In fact, while HTTP binding allows Javascript to access XMPP, it was conceived for a variety of applications, such as mobile connections that can often break.
I mostly figured out how to establish the connection by observing communications between web-based client JWChat and ejabberd (for info on BOSH), and then communications between cross-platform client Psi and ejabberd (for info on protocol itself). With JWChat and WebKit's Web Inspector or with Firebug for Firefox, one can easily track XMLHttpRequests being done towards the server. With Psi, one can turn on the XML console and read the communications log. Combined with prototyping a client in a language of your choice, studying BOSH and XMPP turned out to be very easy.
Also, following XEPs are useful: XEP-0124, XEP-0206.
O'Reilly book that I'm reading right now, "XMPP: The Definitive Guide" (P. Saint-Andre, Kevin Smith, Remko Tronçon; much cheaper on Apple's App Store) also gives you the feeling "why things are done the way they are", and documents many small things and various applications of XMPP.
After that, implementing a BOSH-based client could turn out to be rather easy. I have no experience with coding with Flash apart from making a button play and pause, so take this with a grain of salt :-)
As someone mentioned, you need to consider the client-to-server part; that seems of more importance.
It sounds like you already have the best book on the subject (Jack Moffit's XMPP + JS book) and I would definitely say that's the technology to go with.
Also you get user authentication, encryption and all the many XMPP protocol extensions on top of that, as the book will describe.
Even although I can't recommend any PHP-XMPP clients, I don't think you'd necessarily have the same level of features out-of-the-box with AMQP.
Also, if you're versed in other languages, and depending on the amount of game logic required, you could write an XMPP server component. See this prior question about XMPP + gaming for info:
XMPP C# Interaction
AMQP has not yet reached version 1.0 and has some possible design issues around it. There are XMPP clients for PHP so if I were you I'd give that a try first.