I'm trying to generate auto description from tags.
The code was working but after updating my site to Laravel 6 in stop working. I need to get it back working.
if( !empty( $request->description ) )
$description = Helper::checkTextDb($request->description);
$a_key = explode(",", strtolower($request->tags));
if(count($a_key) == 0)
$description = 'This is a great thing';
$description_get_keys = '';
foreach ($a_key as &$value)
if($value == end($a_key) && count($a_key) != 1)
$description_get_keys = $description_get_keys.' and '.$value.'.';
else if(count($a_key) == 1)
$description_get_keys = $value.'.';
else if (count($a_key) > 1 && $a_key[0] == $value)
$description_get_keys = $value;
$description_get_keys = $description_get_keys.', '.$value;
$description = 'This is a great thing about '.$description_get_keys;
I see a couple things that could possibly be an issue, not knowing what came before this code.
I will assume that the $request variable is an instance of Illuminate\Http\Request and that it is available in the function, right?
Try this updated code:
$description = Helper::checkTextDb($request->description);
else if ($request->has('tags'))
if (strpos($request->tags, ',') === false)
$description = 'This is a great thing';
else {
$a_key = explode(",", strtolower($request->tags));
$a_count = count($a_key);
$description_get_keys = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $a_count; $i++)
if ($a_count == 1) {
$description_get_keys = "{$a_key[$i]}.";
else {
// first
if ($i === 0) {
$description_get_keys = $a_key[0];
// last
else if ($i === $a_count - 1) {
$description_get_keys .= " and {$a_key[$i]}.";
// middle
else {
$description_get_keys .= ", {$a_key[$i]}";
$description = "This is a great thing about {$description_get_keys}";
I wrote that quick so hopefully there are no errors.
This code outputs info from a road. but sometimes there is no info, then I want to gather info from another place. How can I do this?
$title = '1234';
foreach(Feed('$url') as $f ) {
if (strpos($f->title, $title) !== false){
$pos = $f->children('georss', true)->children('gml', true)->children('gml', true);
list($number1, $number2) = explode(' ', $pos);
if ($number1 > 0 && $number1 < 100){
if ($number2 > 1 && $number2 < 10){
echo $f->description. "<br>";
how can I make it so if this^^ has no results then do this:
foreach(Feed('$url') as $f ) {
if (strpos($f->title, $title) !== false){
echo $f->description. "<br>";
I know I can check if a variable is empty with using Len($variable) = 0. but i dont have an variable. how could i get this? then i guess i could do:
if (Len($variable) = 0) {
foreach(Feed('$url') as $g ) {
if (strpos($g->title, $title) !== false){
echo $g->description. "<br>";
I guess it is possible to have foreach inside if?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You could use a boolean variable to indicate if you found the description the first way, and if not, then find it the second way:
$descriptionFound = false;
foreach(Feed('') as $f) {
if (strpos($f->title, $title) !== false){
$pos = $f->children('georss', true)->children('gml', true)->children('gml', true);
list($number1, $number2) = explode(' ', $pos);
if (
$number1 > 59.417104 && $number1 < 60.089568
&& $number2 > 5.115812 && $number2 < 7.811784
) {
$descriptionFound = true;
echo $f->description . "<br>";
if (!$descriptionFound) {
foreach(Feed('') as $f) {
if (strpos($f->title, $title) !== false){
echo $f->description . "<br>";
Similarly, you could store the description as you're checking various methods, and then output the value at the end:
$description = '';
foreach(Feed('') as $f) {
if (strpos($f->title, $title) !== false){
$pos = $f->children('georss', true)->children('gml', true)->children('gml', true);
list($number1, $number2) = explode(' ', $pos);
if (
$number1 > 59.417104 && $number1 < 60.089568
&& $number2 > 5.115812 && $number2 < 7.811784
) {
$description .= $f->description . "<br>";
if (!$description) { //this will be falsy if it's an empty string, so no need to do == ''
foreach(Feed('') as $f) {
if (strpos($f->title, $title) !== false){
$description .= $f->description . "<br>";
echo $description;
Either would give you the same code flow and end result.
I'm trying to figure out how to make this code work.
I input some text via variable into code:
$genome = "ss/ee/ff/Nn/oo";
$gepieces = explode("/", $genome);
$fenome = "ss/Ee/ff/nn/oo";
$fepieces = explode("/", $fenome);
You will see that for the Genome there is a Nn and for the Fenome there is a Ee
Upon this happening I need it to give a 50/50 chance for a compared result to be EITHER Ee OR Nn - The code I have right now can only check them individually (so sometimes I ger Ee AND Nn, other times I will get ee and nn) and I feel there could be a much easier method of achieving this than what I'm trying:
//Number of Cubs
$cubs = rand(1,4);
for ($x = 0; $x < $cubs; $x++) {
$gender = rand(1,2);
if ($gender == 1) {
$cubgender = "Male";
} elseif ($gender == 2) {
$cubgender = "Female";
$genome = "ss/ee/ff/Nn/oo/Pa/Sr/So";
$gepieces = explode("/", $genome);
$fenome = "ss/Ee/ff/nn/oo/Pa";
$fepieces = explode("/", $fenome);
if ($gepieces[0] === $fepieces[0]) {
$ss = $gepieces[0];
} else {
$ss = rand(1,2);
if ($ss == 1) {
$ss = $gepieces[0];
} else {
$ss = $fepieces[0];
if ($gepieces[1] === $fepieces[1]) {
$ee = $gepieces[1];
} else {
$ee = rand(1,2);
if ($ee == 1) {
$ee = $gepieces[1];
} else {
$ee = $fepieces[1];
if ($gepieces[2] === $fepieces[2]) {
$ff = $gepieces[2];
} else {
$ff = rand(1,2);
if ($ff == 1) {
$ff = $gepieces[2];
} else {
$ff = $fepieces[2];
if ($gepieces[3] === $fepieces[3]) {
$nn = $gepieces[3];
} else {
$nn = rand(1,2);
if ($nn == 1) {
$nn = $gepieces[3];
} else {
$nn = $fepieces[3];
if ($gepieces[4] === $fepieces[4]) {
$oo = $gepieces[4];
} else {
$oo = rand(1,2);
if ($oo == 1) {
$oo = $gepieces[4];
} else {
$oo = $fepieces[4];
echo $cubgender." - ".$ss."/".$ee."/".$ff."/".$nn."/".$oo."<br/>";
I'm a colossal idiot!
Figured out my own issue
//Number of Cubs
$cubs = rand(1,4);
for ($x = 0; $x < $cubs; $x++) {
$gender = rand(1,2);
if ($gender == 1) {
$cubgender = "Male";
} elseif ($gender == 2) {
$cubgender = "Female";
$genome = "ss/ee/ff/Nn/oo";
$gepieces = explode("/", $genome);
$fenome = "ss/Ee/ff/nn/oo";
$fepieces = explode("/", $fenome);
if ($genome === $fenome) {
$cubgeno = $genome;
} else {
$cubgeno = rand(1,2);
if ($cubgeno == 1) {
$cubgeno = $genome;
} else {
$cubgeno = $fenome;
echo $cubgender." - ".$cubgeno."<br/>";
$genome = "ss/ee/ff/Nn/oo/Pa/Sr/So";
$gepieces = explode("/", $genome);
$fenome = "ss/Ee/ff/nn/oo/Pa";
$fepieces = explode("/", $fenome);
$sequence = "";
for ($i = 0;$i < count($fepieces); $i++) {
rand(1,2) == 1 ? $sequence .= $gepieces[$i] : $sequence .= $fepieces[$i];
echo $sequence;
I'm struggling with the following problem since 9 hours and can't find the solution. I'm using a very old script from here ( to build an invitation-script. I already did all the styling within the past week and it looks great, now.
the script stores the single datasets in a .dat file. Now I realized, that it always keeps just the first 125 lines of the database and deletes the rest. That's a hug he problem, as it is for an invitation with nearly 1000 persons.
After some hours I found out (better I guess), that it's the following line, which destroys it:
case "adminadd":
if (isset($_POST["pwd"])) $pwd = $_POST["pwd"];
else $pwd="";
$pwdchk = 1;
if (isset($_GET["pwd2"])) $pwdchk = strcasecmp(md5( date("z") . $admin_password),$_GET["pwd2"]);
if (strcasecmp($pwd,$admin_password) != 0 && $pwdchk != 0) {
echo "<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' CONTENT='1; URL=$PHP_SELF?do=admin'></HEAD><BODY bgcolor='#ffffff'><CENTER><H2>Falsches Passwort!</H2>Bitte warten...</CENTER></BODY><HTML>";
// Get all administrator changes
$record = file($data_file);
$jmlrec = count($record);
// Delete duplicates (the dum way...) and get host email if any
$hostemail = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $jmlrec; $i++) {
if (isset($record[$i])) {
$r = $record[$i];
$row = explode("|~~|",$r);
$chkmail = $row[2];
if ($row[4] == "Gastgeber") $hostemail = $row[2];
for($j = $i+1; $j < $jmlrec; $j++) {
$r = $record[$j];
$row = explode("|~~|",$r);
if (strcasecmp($row[2],$chkmail)==0 ) { $record[$j] = ""; }
$updno = 0;
$err = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $jmlrec; $i++) { // Geändert von $jmlrec+12
// Changes ?
if (isset($_POST["vemail".$i])) $chkmail = $_POST["vemail".$i]; else $chkmail ="";
$found = -1;
if ($chkmail != "") {
// Find existing record if possible...
$recno = count($record);
for($j = 0; $j < $recno; $j++) {
$r = $record[$j];
$row = explode("|~~|",$r);
if (strcasecmp($row[2],$chkmail) == 0) { $found = $j; break; }
$changed = 1;
if ($found >= 0) {
// Changed ?
if ( $row[2] == $_POST["vemail".$i] && $row[3] == $_POST["vname".$i] && $row[4] == $_POST["vreply".$i] && $row[5] == $_POST["vamount".$i] &&
$row[6] == $_POST["vcompany".$i] && $row[7] == $_POST["vcomment".$i] ) $changed = 0;
if ( $changed != 0 ) {
$idx = date("YmdHis");
$tgl = date("d.m.Y H:i");
$vemail = str_replace("<","",$_POST["vemail".$i]);
$vemail = str_replace(">","",$vemail);
$vemail = str_replace("~~","--",$vemail);
$vemail = str_replace("\"",""",$vemail);
$vname = str_replace("<","",$_POST["vname".$i]);
$vname = str_replace(">","",$vname);
$vname = str_replace("~","-",$vname);
$vname = str_replace("\"",""",$vname);
$vreply = str_replace("<","",$_POST["vreply".$i]);
$vreply = str_replace(">","",$vreply);
if ($vreply != "ungesehen" && $vreply != "gesehen" && $vreply != "unentschlossen" && $vreply != "abgesagt" && $vreply != "zugesagt" && $vreply != "Gastgeber") $vreply = "ungesehen";
if ($vreply != "Gastgeber" && $vreply != "ungesehen" && $found >= 0 ) $tgl = $tgl . "*"; // admin change
$vamount = str_replace("<","<",$_POST["vamount".$i]);
$vamount = str_replace(">",">",$vamount);
$vamount = str_replace("~","-",$vamount);
$vamount = str_replace("\"",""",$vamount);
$vcomment = str_replace("<","<",$_POST["vcomment".$i]);
$vcomment = str_replace(">",">",$vcomment);
$vcomment = str_replace("~","-",$vcomment);
$vcomment = str_replace("\"",""",$vcomment);
$vcompany = str_replace("<","<",$_POST["vcompany".$i]);
$vcompany = str_replace(">",">",$vcompany);
$vcompany = str_replace("~","-",$vcompany);
$vcompany = str_replace("\"",""",$vcompany);
if (strtoupper($os) == "WIN") {
$vcomment = str_replace("\r\n","<BR>",$_POST["vcomment".$i]);
$vcomment = str_replace("\r","",$vcomment);
$vcomment = str_replace("\n","",$vcomment);
} else {
$vcomment = str_replace("\n","<BR>",$vcomment);
$vcomment = str_replace("\r","",$vcomment);
$validemail = 1;
if (!preg_match("/([\w\.\-]+)(\#[\w\.\-]+)(\.[a-z]{2,4})+/i", $vemail)) $validemail = 0;
if ( $vname != "" && $validemail == 0 ) { echo "Email not valid for $vname : $vemail <br>"; $err++; }
if ( $vname != "" && $validemail == 1 ) {
if ($found < 0 ) { $record[] = "\n"; $found = count($record) - 1; }
$newdata = "<?//|~~|$idx|~~|$vemail|~~|$vname|~~|$vreply|~~|$vamount|~~|$vcompany|~~|$vcomment|~~|$tgl|~~|?>\n";
$newdata = "!" . stripslashes($newdata);
$record[$found] = $newdata;
} else {
if ( $vname != "") { $updno--; $changed = 0; }
if ( $changed == 0 ) {
if ($found >= 0) $record[$found] = "!".$record[$found];
// Quick add
$quickadd = "";
if (isset($_POST["quickadd"]) && $_POST["quickadd"] != "") $quickadd = stripslashes($_POST["quickadd"]);
if (trim($quickadd) != "") {
$qadd = explode("\"",$quickadd);
$qaddn = count($qadd);
$nametoadd = "";
$companytoadd = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $qaddn; $i++) {
if ($i % 2 == 0) {
$q2 = explode(",",$qadd[$i]);
$q2n = count($q2);
for($j = 0; $j < $q2n; $j++) {
$mailtoadd = trim($q2[$j]);
$mailtoadd = str_replace("<","",$mailtoadd);
$mailtoadd = str_replace(">","",$mailtoadd);
$mailtoadd = str_replace("~~","--",$mailtoadd);
if ($mailtoadd != "") {
$validemail = 1;
if (!preg_match("/([\w\.\-]+)(\#[\w\.\-]+)(\.[a-z]{2,4})+/i", $mailtoadd)) $validemail = 0;
if ($validemail == 0 ) { echo "Fehler bei $mailtoadd (Keine gültige eMail-Addresse)"; $err++; } else {
if ($nametoadd == "") { $nametoaddarr = explode("#",$mailtoadd); $nametoadd = $nametoaddarr[0]; }
$idx = date("YmdHis");
$newdata = "<?//|~~|$idx|~~|$mailtoadd|~~|$nametoadd|~~|ungesehen|~~|1|~~|$companytoadd|~~||~~|?>\n";
$newdata = "!" . stripslashes($newdata);
$record[]= $newdata;
$nametoadd = "";
$companytoadd = "";
if ($i % 2 == 1) {
$data = $qadd[$i];
list($nametoadd, $companytoadd) = explode(";", $data);
$nametoadd = str_replace("<","" ,$nametoadd);
$nametoadd = str_replace(">","" ,$nametoadd);
$nametoadd = str_replace("~","-",$nametoadd);
$companytoadd = str_replace("|","" ,$companytoadd);
$companytoadd = str_replace("<","" ,$companytoadd);
$companytoadd = str_replace(">","" ,$companytoadd);
$companytoadd = str_replace("~","-",$companytoadd);
/* Hier liegt der tote Fuchs begraben!!! */
$jmlrec = count($record);
$update_data = fopen($data_file,"w");
if (strtoupper($os) == "UNIX") {
if (flock($update_data,LOCK_EX)) {
for ($j=0; $j<$jmlrec; $j++) {
if (strncasecmp($record[$j],"!",1) != 0 ) $updno++;
if ($record[$j] != "" && strncasecmp($record[$j],"!",1) == 0 ) fputs($update_data,substr($record[$j],1));
} else {
for ($j=0; $j<$jmlrec; $j++) {
if (strncasecmp($record[$j],"!",1) != 0 ) $updno++;
if ($record[$j] != "" && strncasecmp($record[$j],"!",1) == 0 ) fputs($update_data,substr($record[$j],1));
I'm looking forward for some ideas. I'll love to invite you for a coffee... ;) I can also send the whole script, if someone is interested.
EDIT: I'm still totally lost in the code, so I want to share the other parts of the code with you and maybe someone finds the problem. ;) Thanks!
$jml_page = intval($jmlrec/$max_entry_per_page);
$sisa = $jmlrec%$max_entry_per_page;
if ($sisa > 0) $jml_page++;
// Set $nomaybe, $nono, $noyes DEBUG
$nomaybe = 0;
$nono = 0;
$noyes = 0;
$countmaybe = 0;
$countno = 0;
$countyes = 0;
$counttotal = 0;
$no = 0;
if ($jmlrec == 0) echo "<tr><td align='center'>Noch keine Einträge.</td></tr>";
$w = 0; //--Color
for ($i=0; $i<$max_entry_per_page; $i++) {
// Find the lowest next possible record.
$no = $jmlrec + 1;
if ($nomaybe < $jmlrec ) $no = $nomaybe + 1;
if ($nono < $no - 1 ) $no = $nono + 1;
if ($noyes < $no - 1 ) $no = $noyes + 1;
// Check this is valid.
do {
while (($no < $jmlrec + 1) && (!isset($record[$no-1]) || $record[$no-1] == "")) { $no++; }
$recno = $no - 1;
$cont = 0;
if ($no < $jmlrec + 1) {
$row = explode("|~~|",$record[$recno]);
$vr = $row[4];
$cont = 0;
if (($vr == "ungesehen" || $vr == "gesehen" || $vr == "unentschlossen") && ($no <= $nomaybe)) $cont = 1;
if (($vr == "abgesagt" ) && ($no <= $nono)) $cont = 1;
if (($vr == "zugesagt" || $vr == "Gastgeber") && ($no <= $noyes)) $cont = 1;
if ($cont == 1) $no++;
} while ($cont == 1);
if (isset($record[$recno]) && $record[$recno] != "") {
if ($w==0) {
$warna = $table_content_1a;
$warna2 = $table_content_1b;
} else {
$warna = $table_content_2a;
$warna2 = $table_content_2b;
do {
$recno = $nomaybe-1;
$row = explode("|~~|",$record[$recno]);
while ($nomaybe <= $jmlrec && $row[4] != "ungesehen" && $row[4] != "gesehen" && $row[4] != "unentschlossen" );
if ($row[4] == "ungesehen" || $row[4] == "gesehen" || $row[4]=="unentschlossen") {
echo "<tr><td>$row[3]</td>";
if (isset($row[2]) && $row[2] != "" ) echo "<td><p>$row[2]</p></td>"; else echo "<td><p></p></td>";
if (isset($row[6]) && $row[6] != "" ) echo "<td><p>$row[6]</p></td>"; else echo "<td><p></p></td>";
if ($row[4] == "gesehen") echo "<td><b>gesehen</b></td><td>$row[8]</td>";
if ($row[4] == "unentschlossen") echo "<td><b>unentschlossen</b></td><td>$row[8]</td>";
if ($row[4] == "ungesehen") echo "<td><b>ungesehen</b></td><td></td>";
echo "<td><span class='date'><b> </b></span></td>";
if (isset($row[7]) && ($row[4]=="gesehen" || $row[4]=="unentschlossen" || $row[4]=="ungesehen" ) && $row[7] != "")
echo "<td><span class='comment'><i>$row[7]</i></span></td></tr>"; else echo "<td><span class='comment'></span></td></tr>";
do {
$recno = $nono-1;
$row = explode("|~~|",$record[$recno]);
while ($nono <= $jmlrec && $row[4] != "abgesagt" && $row != "gesehen" && $row[5] != "unentschlossen" );
$row = explode("|~~|",$record[$recno]);
if ($row[4] == "abgesagt" ) { echo "<tr><td>$row[3]</td><td><p>$row[6]</p></td><td><b>abgesagt</b></td><td>$row[8]</td>";
echo "<td><span class='date'><b> </b></span></td>";
if (isset($row[7]) && $row[7] != "") echo "<td><span class='comment'><i>$row[7]</i></span></td></tr>"; else echo "<td><span class='comment'></span></td></tr>";
do {
$recno = $noyes-1;
$row = explode("|~~|",$record[$recno]);
} while ($noyes <= $jmlrec && $row[4] != "zugesagt" && $row[4] != "Gastgeber" );
if ($row[4] == "zugesagt" || $row[4] == "Gastgeber" ) {
echo "<tr><td>$row[3]";
if ($row[4] == "Gastgeber") print " (Gastgeber) ";
echo "</td>";
if (isset($row[6]) && $row[6] != "" ) echo "<td><p>$row[6]</p></td>"; else echo "<td><p></p></td>";
echo "<td><b>zugesagt</b></td><td>$row[8]</td>";
if (isset($row[5]) && $row[5] != "") echo "<td><p>$row[5]</p></td>"; else echo "<td><p>1</p></td>";
if (isset($row[7]) && $row[7] != "" ) echo "<td><span class='comment'><i>$row[7]</i></span></td></tr>"; else echo "<td><span class='comment'></span></td></tr>";
if (isset($row[5]) && $row[5] != "") $counttotal = $counttotal + intval($row[5]);
} //--end if
} //--end for
It would appear that updated entries are marked by prepending them with !. This loop appears to only be saving the updates, not every record.
Perhaps there was a typo - fopen with mode "w" will truncate the data file at 0 bytes before writing, if only the updated records are to be written, shouldn't that be mode "a" to append them to the existing file?
It is likely there is also a limit on how large a data file is allowed to grow, make sure you have set it large enough to allow 1000 records.
This code works perfectly except that it doesn't print the last 2 rows of my csv file:
This is the file:
600023,0,FLD4V0003,"Vendor2",1950.00,06/15/2010,1950.00,6/14/10 Request,EFT-JP
600024,0,FLD4V0003,"Vendor2",1800.00,06/15/2010,1800.00,6/14/10 Request,EFT-JP
603631,0,ATLV5066,"Vendor2",1000.00,11/09/2010,1000.00,11/4/10 Check Request,PM2
603647,0,ATLV5027,"DVendor3",2799.80,11/15/2010,2799.80,10/1-10/31/10 Bishop,PM2
603642,5,ATLV5027,"Vendor3",482.40,11/15/2010,482.40,10/1-10/18/10 Allen,PM2
Here is the code: (It needs to display the sum of 2 rows with the same vendor before the actual rows)
if (($handle = fopen('upload/ATLANTA.csv', "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($row_array = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ","))) {
foreach ($row_array as $key => $val) {
$row_array[$key] = trim(str_replace('"', '', $val));
$complete[] = $row_array;
$prevVendor = '';
$sum = 0;
$venData = '';
if (isset($complete)) {
foreach ($complete as $key => $val) {
$venData .= "<br/>";
$currVendor = $complete[$key][3];
if ($currVendor != $prevVendor){
if ($prevVendor != NULL){
print "<br/>";
print $sum . "<br/>";
print $venData;
$sum = 0; $venData = '';
foreach ($val as $ikey => $ival){
if ($ikey != 1){
$venData .= $ival . ' ';
$prevVendor = $val[3];
if ($currVendor == $prevVendor){
$sum += $complete[$key][6];
I don't really understand your problem but if you want to get (and save it wherever you want) the sum of each vendors, you should do something like this :
$prevVendor = null;
$venData = '';
$sums = array();
if (isset($complete) && is_array($complete)) {
$lim = count($complete);
for ($key=0;$key<$lim;++$key) { // no need foreach for simple array
$venData .= "<br/>";
$currVendor = $complete[$key][3];
if ($currVendor != $prevVendor){
if ($prevVendor != null){
print "<br/>";
print $venData;
$venData = '';
$prevVendor = $currVendor;
$sums[$currVendor] = 0; // set the counter to 0
foreach ($complete[$key] as $ikey => $ival){
if ($ikey != 1){
$venData .= $ival . ' '; // is useful for you I guess
$sums[$currVendor] += $complete[$key][6]; // add amounts
if ($prevVendor != null){ // you need to do this to display the last record
print "<br/>";
print $venData;
var_export($sums); // check results
This can be some syntax errors ...