php keep same query for linked pages - php

I have the following situation. Whenever the URL of a current page of my site looks like this: I need all the pages my users visit from there to automatically add the "?no_redirect=true" part at the very end of the URL in order to execute the query but I got no clear idea on how to do it.
For example, on example.php I have the following links to other pages within my site.
If you click on those, you are redirected to about.php and contact.php respectively. However, if instead of example.php we have example.php?no_redirect=true on the address bar you should be redirected to about.php?no_redirect=true and contact.php?no_redirect=true respectively.
I tried with a referrer like this:
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],'true') == false) {
it didnt work. Whats the best way to achieve this?
Thank you.

Solution 1: I would recommend to save the no_redirect variable(true/false) on $_SESSION when the user requests the example.php page.
Than on other pages, check the $_SESSION variable instead of the $_GET
Solution 2: You could generate a variable based on the $_GET parameter, something like this:
$no_redirect_param = "";
if(isset($_GET['no_redirect']) && $_GET['no_redirect'] == "true"){
$no_redirect_param = "?no_redirect=true";
and than include this variable at the end of each link:


How can I stop myy query in URL is from being lost after loading the page

I have an affiliate program and have a serious problem that I can figure out.
My affiliates have links like this...
Once the page loads it changes to...
Which totally gets rid of the ref id. I need it to keep the whole URL in the bar in case they hit refresh. Because when you hit refresh it takes the affiliate out of the system and just let's people join without an affiliate.
The way my code works for the pages is this...
That URL goes to an index.php file. In that file it finds all the affiliates information. It then uses an include to show the page. So it's not pointing directly to the page. I need to use the include because I store about 27 pieces of data in strings and I can't put that information in a URL as queries and have it forward to that page.
I added that information because it may be because of the include that's causing it and that will help you better figure out a solution for me.
Use a SESSION, its like a variable that holds for each user, here is a tutorial but works like:
$_SESSION["ref"] = $_GET["ref"];
Now, in any PHP that open the user, will have that variable set ( $_SESSION["ref"])
you can keep current url in variable , see below used actual_link to hold the current url data.
$actual_link = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
//if you want to redirect page on same url just call header with $actual_url
header('Location: '. $actual_link);

How to make certain URL's not work (even if the page exists)

For example, I have a page called profile_page.php. This page is only functional if data is written after the ?u= in the URL, for example, data for Alice's profile page can only be seen when the URL reads http://localhost/profile_page/alice.
Loading http://localhost/profile_page will give me undefined variable errors as most of my variable's are depending on the URL to have a value after the ?u=. For example, the variable $firstname can only be gathered when I get her username in the URL.
In such a case, when http://localhost/profile_page, I would rather have it redirect the user to their own profile_page, but I don't know how I can test the URL and parse it through an if statement.
I understand you can use $u=$_GET['u']; to obtain the current page URL? but I don't think doing this, is the best way to go about it:
if ($u == "http://localhost/profile_page/"){
// redirect to logged in users page code here
First, if you are using some parameter for your page to build, the url would looks like httlp://localhost/profile_page.php?firstname=alice&lastname=brown, with $_GET['firstname'] you will get alice in this case. If you want to test if the parameter is set first and redirect to another page if it is not set, you could use

check if a querystring exists, if not create one - PHP

I have several pages which use querystrings to highlight an option in a menu, all the url's on the page have the currant querystring phrased in them so the same menu option will be highlighted on the next page if the user clicks the link.
However the problem arrises when someone visits the page without the querystring included in the url, the menu option isn't highlighted.
What i would like to do is check the URL to see if a querystring is present, if one isnt, create one.
The url's are phrased as such
and i would like the default querystring to be ?id=1 if one isn't already present in the url.
Any ideas on how you do this?
And what would happen if a user visits using the URL
Would the URL end up as
or would it be
Maybe there are plenty of ways. You can assign value to $_GET key if one does not exist. Or if you really need to query string, you can renavigate the user to the same page with present querystring.
if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
header("Location: Page.php?id=1");
It should be before any output in the page. So if user visits Page.php or Page.php? or Page.php?someDifferentParamThanId=10 it will return false on isset($_GET['id']) thus it will redirect to Page.php?id=1
This should work:
//It exists
//It does not, so redirect
header("Location: Page.php?id=1");
Do something like:
header(''); die();
In php, the query string is loaded into $_REQUEST variable. In your case, $_REQUEST['id'] will be equal to 1, 3 or whatever you get in the query string.
For solving the problem when no id is given via GET, I think will be enough to add this line at the beginning of each php page:
if ( $_REQUEST['id']=='' ) {$_REQUEST['id']=1;}
It is not necessary to change the URL on the fly.

Redirect users to Long URL

I have an application where URL after rewriting are like this
an example link would be
This was okay but I need the title of the product to be included in the url
I achieved this too and all was good.
Now, I want all the url which do not include the title to redirect to this one.
Like, if user lands from the url without the title they should be redirected to a version of the page with the url containing the title in the url.
How do i accomplish that. And for info additional info I use CodeIgniter in the app, if that makes it any easier.
you can do this way which i use. In the previous page type this at the top:-
$_SESSION['mainpass']= '0';
And in the next page code this at the top of the page :-
if(isset($_SESSION['mainpass'])) {
//run the current page
If you are using codeigniter, you could try the below.
$seg3 = $this->uri->segment(3);
//The user has come without the header because the third segment is numeric thus probably using the product id.
//Therefore, redirect again to the proper link after getting the heading from your db
} else {
// do nothing
// the seg3 is not numeric means it probably came through normal preferred way
And in order to use the
You need to either
auto load the url helper
load manually when required

How to prevent direct access to php pages through URL

I have index.php that include pages like
define('MyConst', TRUE);
if (!empty($_GET['action'])) {
$action = $_GET['action'];
$action = basename($action);
} else {
With in a template directory I have main.php which has link to other pages like page1.php, page2.php.
Goto page 1
Goto page 2
How could I prevent users form accessing pages directly typing "" on the URL? And redirect them to main.php if they have done it?
You can not. What you want is simply not possible.
For the server side there is no way to know whether an URL is typed or clicked.
If I understand correctly, the thing you want is to prevent the user to access unless they came from To do that, you must be able to detect whether they came from The safest way to do that is to generate some random value that you associate to the users when they access and to check whether there is a correct value associated to the users when they want to access If not, they tried to access that page directly.
Check for HTTP_REFERER and if it is not pointing to right values (like your meny page) then redirect user.
Maybe you can try this, On your index.php :
if(! isset($_GET['action']))
$_SESSION['pageAccess'] = true; # Set the key whatever you want
then under that script (we need that session_start() used twice) :
if(! isset($_SESSION['pageAccess']) || ! $_SESSION['pageAccess'])
exit('There is no direct access allowed.');
Hope this help, have a nice day.
As per your Question:
There are two approaches that you can follow:
Use HTTP_REFFRER and check on desired page if User is coming from the page u wanted. IF he is accessing the direct URL then show him error page.
Use $_SESSION but this approach can be harmful as SESSION will always be there untill browser / instance closed.
So better to go for 1st approach.
And also as per Pehaa, you can not check id URL is typed
