Retrieve data based on year and month in cakephp - php

I am trying to create a get statements function and I have some problems defining the date range.
The data will be passed via get method in the following format: ?year=yyyy&month=mm
The relevant column of the table has datetime type (2012-02-01).
I checked the TimeHelper class and more particularly the TimeHelper::daysAsSql($begin, $end, $fieldName, $timezone = NULL) but i am not sure if it applies for this case.
I was thinking if i can create a date in the format of Y-m using the two variables year and month and then use it in the conditions for retrieving the data but I am sure there is a more efficient and proper way. Could anyone help?
$user_id = $Client['Client']['id'];
$year = $this->request['url']['year'];
$month = $this->request['url']['month'];
//$date_created = date('Y-m');
if (!empty($user_id) && (!empty($date_created))) {
$Reports = $this->Report->find('all', array(
'fields' => array('amount','currency','date_created','invoice_no'),
'conditions' => array(
'Report.client_id'=> $user_id,
'Report.date_created >=' => $date_created,
'Report.date_created <=' => $date_created

MONTH(dateColumn) Returns an integer that represents the month of the specified date.
YEAR(dateColumn) Returns an integer that represents the year of the specified date.
InCakephp use as
$user_id = $Client['Client']['id'];
$year = $this->request['url']['year'];
$month = $this->request['url']['month'];
//$date_created = date('Y-m');
if (!empty($user_id) && (!empty($date_created))) {
$Reports = $this->Report->find('all', array(
'fields' => array('amount','currency','date_created','invoice_no'),
'conditions' => array(
'Report.client_id '=> $user_id,
'MONTH(date_created ) >='=> $month,
'YEAR(date_created ) <=' => $year


PHP error when using date_diff() function within DataTables $columns array

Forgive me, this is a long one. I want to give all the background for this question.
I am using DataTables server-side processing for a project. My goal is to utilize the echo function to echo the number of days between today's date and dates in a column of my database called CreatedDate, which is a DateTime type.
I was trying to get the basic functionality working outside of DataTables first, and the function below works as intended, and outputs an $current_date of the number of days between $date and $date as: "16 days live", "15 days live", etc.:
$sql = "SELECT CreatedDate FROM Estimates";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$created_date = $row["CreatedDate"];
$date = new DateTime($created_date);
$current_date = new DateTime();
$diff = date_diff($date, $current_date);
echo $diff->format('%d days live');
} else {
echo "No results";
In my DataTables $columns array, I am trying to achieve the same effect:
// date variable
$created_date = 'CreatedDate';
$current_date = new DateTime();
// array of database columns which should be read and sent back to DataTables.
// the 'db' parameter represents the column name in the database, while the 'dt'
// parameter represents the DataTables column identifier.
$columns = array(
array( 'db' => 'Client', 'dt' => 0 ),
array( 'db' => 'EstimateNumber', 'dt' => 1 ),
array( 'db' => 'Status', 'dt' => 2 ),
array( 'db' => 'CurrentEstimateTotal', 'dt' => 3 ),
'db' => $created_date,
'dt' => 4,
'formatter' =>
function ($created_date, $row) use ($current_date) {
$date = new DateTime($created_date);
$diff = date_diff($date, $current_date);
echo $diff->format('%d days live');
I keep recieving an error of:
PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object.
How can I fix this? I am having a hard time getting a var_dump() of the $created_date and $date variables within the DataTables array to see what the problem is.
For more information about DataTables server-side processing, I am using this template as a base for my DataTables script. The DataTables script also uses this helper class. Thank you in advance!
Just return your string from callback.
'formatter' =>
function ($created_date, $row) use ($current_date) {
$date = new DateTime($created_date);
$diff = date_diff($date, $current_date);
return $diff->format('%d days live'); //That will solve your problem

How to subtract two datetime in mongo php

Here I did the query for subtract but the result am getting null value. Is this correct way for subtract two datetime in project?
$arguments = array(
'$project' => array(
'updatetime_difference' => array('$subtract' =>array('ISODate(2015-05-30T10:01:58.000Z)','$update_date')),
$result = $db->aggregate($arguments);

how to compare timestamp in between 20 to 60 years from a specific timestamp?

I have a field in the database to store the date of birth of a user in time stamp format, now i want to add a search filter in which only that users are shown whose date of birth between the two min or max limits. for eg. minimum=20 years and maximum=60 years. How i can compare the time stamp date with these two parameters?
I tried out with wordpress wp_query like follows:
$current = time();
$age_min = strtotime(date('Y')-$_REQUEST['age_min']);
$age_max = strtotime(date('Y')-$_REQUEST['age_max']);
//echo $age_min.'==='.$age_max;
$age = array($age_min,$age_max);
$bars = explode(',',$_REQUEST['bars']);
$radius = $_REQUEST['radius'];
$args = array('orderby' => 'registered',
'meta_key' => 'active',
'meta_value' => '1',
'order' => 'ASC',
'count_total' => true,
'meta_query' => array(array('key' => 'date_of_birth',
'value' => $age,
'compare' => 'BETWEEN',
'type' => 'DECIMAL',),));
$user_query = new WP_User_Query(array($args,'exclude'=>array($user_id) ));
Convert the strtotime back to dates in Min and Max values :
I have converted back to Y-m-d you can convert it to your used DOB
$age_min = strtotime(date('Y')-$_REQUEST['age_min']);
$age_max = strtotime(date('Y')-$_REQUEST['age_max']);
//echo $age_min.'==='.$age_max;
$age_min = date('Y-m-d', $age_min);
$age_max = date('Y-m-d', $age_max);
And then pass it to arrays :
$age = array($age_min,$age_max);

Laravel 4 Validation is Broken

A simple date format mm/dd/yyyy validation is all I need...
$rules = array(
'renewal_date' => array('required', 'date_format:?')
What do I set the date format to? The Laravel documentation could be so much better.
Documentation is pretty clear to me, you should use
"The field under validation must match the format defined according to the date_parse_from_format PHP function."
Looking at it:, I see you can do something like this:
$rules = array(
'renewal_date' => array('required', 'date_format:"m/d/Y"')
This is pure PHP test for it:
print_r(date_parse_from_format("m/d/Y", "04/01/2013"));
You can also do it manually in Laravel to test:
$v = Validator::make(['date' => '09/26/13'], ['date' => 'date_format:"m/d/Y"']);
var_dump( $v->passes() );
To me it's printing
boolean true
I got a similar problem, but with a d/m/Y date format.
In my case, the problem was that I defined both "date" and "date_format" rules for the same field:
public static $rules = array(
'birthday' => 'required|date|date_format:"d/m/Y"',
The solution is to remove the "date" validator: you must not use both. Like this:
public static $rules = array(
'birthday' => 'required|date_format:"d/m/Y"',
after that, all is well.
'renewal_date' => array('required', 'date_format:m/d/Y', 'regex:/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4}/')
You should use with double quote like "Y-m-d H:i:s"
$rules = array(
'renewal_date' => array('required', 'date_format:"m/d/Y"')
^ ^ this ones
Discussion about this issue on GitHub:
date_format didn't work for me , so I did this custom validation
Validator::extend('customdate', function($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
$parsed_date = date_parse_from_format ( "Y-m-d" , $value);
$year = $parsed_date['year'];
$month = $parsed_date['month'];
$month = $month <= 9 ? "0" . $month : $month;
$day = $parsed_date['day'];
$day = $day <= 9 ? "0" . $day : $day;
return checkdate($month, $day, $year);
$validation = Validator::make(
array('date' => $num),
array('date' => 'customdate')
Use the PHP date_parse_from_format (Laravel 4):
'birthday' => 'date_format:m/d/Y'
Your validation message will also use "m/d/Y" which the average user will not understand.
The birthday does not match the format m/d/Y
Recommend customizing your message for this invalid response.
The birthday does not match the format mm/dd/yyyy
Source : Click Here
You can use like
$rules = [
'start_date' => 'date_format:d/m/Y|after:tomorrow',
'end_date' => 'date_format:d/m/Y|after:start_date',

Insert Date into database table using Zend framework insert method

I have the foll code as:
$table_project_win = new Application_Model_DbTable_AfterWinProject();
$data_win = array(
'project_id' => $project_id,
'project_name' => $project,
'project_type_id' => $pro_type,
'start_date' => $dateStart,
'end_date' => $dateEnd,
'project_size' => $size,
'project_description' => $pro_des
Here I get the $dateStart and $dateEnd variabled using as:
$dateStartt = $this->_getParam('dateStart');
echo 'date Start: '.$dateStartt;
$dateEndd = $this->_getParam('dateEnd');
By using getParam I get the value of the date that the user has given input But when i will insert it into the database I use as
But in the database table the value for date inserted is '0000-00-00' While when I echo the $dateStart which I have got through getParam It gives the correct value as '2012-12-11'.What is the reason of it??What Should I do??
replace $dateStart='"'.$dateStartt.'"';
$dateStart= $dateStartt ;
