check if the string begin with euro/pound symbol - php

I'm trying to check if a string is start with '€' or '£' in PHP.
Below are the codes
$text = "€123";
if($text[0] == "€"){
echo "true";
echo "false";
//output false
If only check a single char, it works fine
$symbol = "€";
if($symbol == "€"){
echo "true";
echo "false";
// output true
I have also tried to print the string on browser.
$text = "€123";
echo $text; //display euro symbol correctly
echo $text[0] //get a question mark
I have tried to use substr(), but the same problem occurred.

Characters, such as '€' or '£' are multi-byte characters. There is an excellent article that you can read here. According to the PHP docs, PHP strings are byte arrays. As a result, accessing or modifying a string using array brackets is not multi-byte safe, and should only be done with strings that are in a single-byte encoding such as ISO-8859-1.
Also make sure your file is encoded with UTF-8: you can use a text editor such as NotePad++ to convert it.
If I reduce the PHP to this, it works, the key being to use mb_substr:
header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
$text = "€123";
echo mb_substr($text,0,1,'UTF-8');
Finally, it would be a good idea to add the UTF-8 meta-tag in your head tag:
<meta charset="utf-8">

I suggest this as the easiest solution to you. Convert the symbols to their unicode identifiers using htmlentities().
htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
Which will either give you £ or €. Now that allows you to run a switch() {case:} statement to check. (Or your if statements)
$symbols = explode(";", $text);
switch($symbols[0]) {
case "&pound":
echo "It's Pounds";
case "&euro":
echo "It's Euros";
Working Example

This happens because you’re using a multi-byte character encoding (probably UTF-8) in which both € and £ are recorded using multiple bytes. That means that "€" is a string of three bytes, not just one.
When you use $text[0] you're getting only the first byte of the first character, and so it doesn't match the three bytes of "€". You need to get the first three bytes instead, to check whether one string starts with another.
Here’s the function I use to do that:
function string_starts_with($string, $prefix) {
return substr($string, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix;
The question mark appears because the first byte of "€" isn’t enough to encode a whole character: the error is indicated by ‘�’ when available, otherwise ‘?’.


Create UTF-8 code from dynamic Unicode in PHP

I am making a dynamic Unicode icon in PHP. I want the UTF-8 code of the Unicode icon.
So far I have done:
$value = "1F600";
$emoIcon = "\u{$value}";
$emoIcon = preg_replace("/\\\\u([0-9A-F]{2,5})/i", "&#x$1;", $emoIcon);
echo $emoIcon; //output 😀
echo $hex; // output 26237831463630303b
var_dump($hexVal); // output 26\x23\x78\x31\x46\x36\x30\x30\x3b\x
$result= "\\x" . substr($hexVal,0,-2);
var_dump($result); // output \x26\x23\x78\x31\x46\x36\x30\x30\x3b
But when I put the value directly, it prints the correct data:
$emoIcon = "\u{1F600}";
$emoIcon = preg_replace("/\\\\u([0-9A-F]{2,5})/i", "&#x$1;", $emoIcon);
echo $emoIcon; //output 😀
echo $hex; // output f09f9880
var_dump($hexVal); // output f0\x9f\x98\x80\x
$result= "\\x" . substr($hexVal,0,-2);
var_dump($result); // output \xf0\x9f\x98\x80
\u{1F600} is a Unicode escape sequence used in double-quoted strings, it must have a literal value - trying to use "\u{$value}", as you've seen, doesn't work (for a couple reasons, but that doesn't matter so much.)
If you want to start with "1F600" and end up with 😀 use hexdec to turn it into an integer and feed that to IntlChar::chr to encode that code point as UTF-8. E.g.:
$value = "1F600";
echo IntlChar::chr(hexdec($value));

PHP UTF-8 mb_convert_encode and Internet-Explorer

Since some days I read about Character-Encoding, I want to make all my Pages with UTF-8 for Compability. But I get stuck when I try to convert User-Input to UTF-8, this works on all Browsers, expect Internet-Explorer (like always).
I don't know whats wrong with my code, it seems fine to me.
I set the header with char encoding
I saved the file in UTF-8 (No BOM)
This happens only, if you try to access to the page via $_GET on the internet-Explorer myscript.php?c=äüöß
When I write down specialchars on my site, they would displayed correct.
This is my Code:
// User Input
$_GET['c'] = "äüöß"; // Access URL ?c=äüöß
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
$_GET = userToUtf8($_GET);
function userToUtf8($string) {
if(is_array($string)) {
$tmp = array();
foreach($string as $key => $value) {
$tmp[$key] = userToUtf8($value);
return $tmp;
return userDataUtf8($string);
function userDataUtf8($string) {
print("1: " . mb_detect_encoding($string) . "<br>"); // Shows: 1: UTF-8
$string = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', mb_detect_encoding($string)); // Convert non UTF-8 String to UTF-8
print("2: " . mb_detect_encoding($string) . "<br>"); // Shows: 2: ASCII
$string = preg_replace('/[\xF0-\xF7].../s', '', $string);
print("3: " . mb_detect_encoding($string) . "<br>"); // Shows: 3: ASCII
return $string;
echo $_GET['c']; // Shows nothing
echo mb_detect_encoding($_GET['c']); // ASCII
echo "äöü+#"; // Shows "äöü+#"
The most confusing Part is, that it shows me, that's converted from UTF-8 to ASCII... Can someone tell me why it doesn't show me the specialchars correctly, whats wrong here? Or is this a Bug on the Internet-Explorer?
If I disable converting it says, it's all UTF-8 but the Characters won't show to me either... They are displayed like "????"....
Note: This happens ONLY in the Internet-Explorer!
Although I prefer using urlencoded strings in address bar but for your case you can try to encode $_GET['c'] to utf8. Eg.
$_GET['c'] = utf8_encode($_GET['c']);
An approach to display the characters using IE 11.0.18 which worked:
Retrieve the Unicode of your character : example for 'ü' = 'U+00FC'
According to this post, convert it to utf8 entity
Decode it using utf8_decode before dumping
The line of code illustrating the example with the 'ü' character is :
var_dump(utf8_decode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/U\+([0-9A-F]{4})/", "&#x\\1;", 'U+00FC'), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8')));
To summarize: For displaying purposes, go from Unicode to UTF8 then decode it before displaying it.
Other resources:
a post to retrieve characters' unicode

How to convert a Unicode text-block to UTF-8 (HEX) code point?

I have a Unicode text-block, like this:
Now, I want to convert this orginal Unicode text-block into a text-block of UTF-8 (HEX) code point (see the Hexadecimal UTF-8 column, on this page:, by PHP; like this:
Not like this:
Is there any way to do it, by PHP?
I have read this topic (PHP: Convert unicode codepoint to UTF-8). But, it is not similar to my question.
I am sorry, I don't know much about Unicode.
I think you're looking for the bin2hex() function:
Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation
And format by prepending \x to each byte (00-FF)
function str_hex_format ($bin) {
return '\x'.implode('\x', str_split(bin2hex($bin), 2));
For your sample:
// utf8 encoded input
$arr = ["ụ","ư","ứ","Ỳ","Ỷ","Ỵ","Đ"];
foreach($arr AS $v)
echo $v . " => " . str_hex_format($v) . "\n";
See test at (link expires)
ụ => \xe1\xbb\xa5
ư => \xc6\xb0
ứ => \xe1\xbb\xa9
Ỳ => \xe1\xbb\xb2
Ỷ => \xe1\xbb\xb6
Ỵ => \xe1\xbb\xb4
Đ => \xc4\x90
Decode example: $str = str_hex_format("ụưứỲỶỴĐ"); echo $str;
echo hex2bin(str_replace('\x', "", $str));
For more info about escape sequence \x in double quoted strings see php manual.
PHP treats strings as arrays of characters, regardless of encoding. If you don't need to delimit the UTF8 characters, then something like this works:
foreach(str_split($str) as $char)
echo '\x'.str_pad(dechex(ord($char)),'0',2,STR_PAD_LEFT);
If you need to delimit the UTF8 characters (i.e. with a newline), then you'll need something like this:
foreach(array_slice(preg_split('~~u',$str),1,-1) as $UTF8char){ // split before/after every UTF8 character and remove first/last empty string
foreach(str_split($UTF8char) as $char)
echo '\x'.str_pad(dechex(ord($char)),'0',2,STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo "\n"; // delimiter
This splits the string into UTF8 characters using preg_split and the u flag. Since preg_split returns the empty string before the first character and the empty string after the last character, we need to array_slice the first and last characters. This can be easily modified to return an array, for example.
A more "correct" way to do this is this:
echo trim(json_encode(utf8_encode('ụưứỲỶỴĐ')),'"');
The main thing you need to do is to tell PHP to interpret the incoming Unicode characters correctly. Once you do that, you can then convert them to UTF-8 and then to hex as needed.
This code frag takes your example character in Unicode, converts them to UTF-8, and then dumps the hex representation of those characters.
// Hex equivalent of "ụưứỲỶỴĐ" in Unicode
$unistr = "\x1E\xE5\x01\xB0\x1E\xE9\x1E\xF2\x1E\xF6\x1E\xF4\x01\x10";
echo " length=" . mb_strlen($unistr, 'UCS-2BE') . "\n";
// Here's the key statement, convert from Unicode 16-bit to UTF-8
$utf8str = mb_convert_encoding($unistr, "UTF-8", 'UCS-2BE');
echo $utf8str . "\n";
for($i=0; $i < mb_strlen($utf8str, 'UTF-8'); $i++) {
$c = mb_substr($utf8str, $i, 1, 'UTF-8');
$hex = bin2hex($c);
echo $c . "\t" . $hex . "\t" . preg_replace("/([0-9a-f]{2})/", '\\\\x\\1', $hex) . "\n";
ụ e1bba5 \xe1\xbb\xa5
ư c6b0 \xc6\xb0
ứ e1bba9 \xe1\xbb\xa9
Ỳ e1bbb2 \xe1\xbb\xb2
Ỷ e1bbb6 \xe1\xbb\xb6
Ỵ e1bbb4 \xe1\xbb\xb4
Đ c490 \xc4\x90

utf (chinese char) covert to Hexadecimal format in php

I am passing my message to SMS api,
This is the documentation
Normally Unicode Messages are Arabic and Chinese Message, which are
defined by GSM Standards. Unicode messages are nothing but normal text
type messages but it has to be submitted in HEX form. To submit
Unicode messages following Url to be used.
I tried bin2hex() there is not working for the output.
$str = '人';
//$str = 'a';
$output = bin2hex($str);
echo $output;
//人 = e4baba ; I would expect '4EBA'
I found a similar solution but it is in anyone can convert it?
the sample i had tried, and it is work:-
example of conversion : a converted to hexadecimal is 0061, 人 converted to hexadecimal is 4EBA
The issue you are facing has to do with encoding. Since these are considered special characters, you need to add some encoding details when converting to hex.
Each of these outputs exactly what you were looking for when I run them:
echo bin2hex(iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-10646-UCS-2', '人')) . PHP_EOL;
//Outputs 4eba
echo bin2hex(iconv('UTF-8', 'UNICODE-1-1', '人')) . PHP_EOL;
//Outputs 4eba
echo bin2hex(iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE', '人')) . PHP_EOL;
//Outputs 4eba
Pick whichever one you fancy.
If you want to convert back:
echo iconv('UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8', hex2bin('4eba')) . PHP_EOL;
//outputs 人

php non latin to hex function

I have website that's in win-1251 encoding and it needs to stay that way. But I also need to be able to echo few links that contain non latin, non cyrillic characters like šžāņūī...
I need a function that convert this
"māja un man tā patīk"
"māja un man tā patīk"
and that does not touch html, so if there is <b> it needs to stay as <b>, not > or <
And please no advices about the encoding and how wrong that is.
$str = "<b>Obāchan</b> おばあちゃん";
$str = preg_replace_callback('/./u', function ($matches) {
$chr = $matches[0];
if (strlen($chr) > 1) {
$chr = mb_convert_encoding($chr, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
return $chr;
}, $str);
This expects the original $str to be UTF-8 encoded, i.e. your PHP file should be saved in UTF-8. It encodes all non-ASCII compatible code points to HTML entities. Since all HTML special characters are ASCII characters, they remain untouched. The resulting string is pure ASCII. Since the lower Win-1251 code points are ASCII compatible, the resulting string is also a valid Win-1251 string. The above $str converts to:
<b>Obāchan</b> おばあちゃん
The main things you probably don't want to encode are <, > and &. Those are really the only special characters. So how about encoding everything first, and then just decode <, > and & I feel you should be fine.
This is untested:
$output =
htmlentities($input, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'CP-1251')
let me know
What Evert suggest looks logical to me too! If you insist this is a way to do it if there are only two letters that bother you. For more letters the scrit will not be as effective and needs to change.
function myConvert($str)
foreach ($chars as $key => $value)
$output = str_replace($key, $value, $str);
echo $str;
myConvert("māja un man tā patīk");
For many characters maybe this one can help you:
function myConvert($str)
$parts = preg_split("/&#[0-9]*;/i", $str);//get all text parts
preg_match_all("/&#[0-9]*;/i", $str, $delimiters );//get delimiters;
$delimiters[0][]='';//make arrays equal size
foreach($parts as $key => $value)
($delimiters[0][$key], "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES");
return $final;
$fh = fopen("testFile.txt", 'w') ;
fwrite($fh, myConvert("māja un man tā patīkī"));
The desired output is written in the text file. This code, exactly as it is -not merged in some project- does what it claims to do. Converts codes like ā to the analogous character they present.
