Get transcational email id by name - php

Does someone know how do I get the id of an email by name set on backend? I have an email created in backend in transactional emails that I want to send it programatically, but the id of it may differ depending on the instance that I'm on (local, live, stage), and I can only provide the same name for it.
I have this:
And I need to find out $templateId and I only know that I saved the mail with name "Tests".

You can get email template:
$templateName = “Test”;
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadByCode($templateName);
Get id:
$templateId = $emailTemplate->getId();
And then send email on your way:
or use "my" method:
$vars = array('key' => 'value');
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getStoreId();
$recipientEmail = '';
$recipientName = 'Some Name';
$emailTemplate->setSenderEmail(Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email', $storeId));
$emailTemplate->setSenderName(Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/name', $storeId));
$emailTemplate->send($recipientEmail, $recipientName, $vars);

please check the codes below. any way this is my first answer on stackoverflow.
$templateName = "Tests";
$templateID = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadByCode($templateName)->getId();


how to handle twilio error status when sending whatsapp message

when I try to send a whatsapp message to a mobile number that isn't registered on whatsapp, how do I know that it failed? because I want to send the message using regular SMS instead. but my code below doesn't give any different result between success and failed process:
public function sendMessage($to, $msg, $params=[])
$client = new Client($this->sid, $this->token);
$from = $this->from_number; // my twilio number e.g. +1786xxxx
if ( ! empty($params['via']) && $params['via'] == 'whatsapp') {
$to = 'whatsapp:'.$to;
$from = 'whatsapp:'.$from;
$options = [
// A Twilio phone number you purchased at
'from' => $from,
// the body of the text message you'd like to send
'body' => $msg,
// Use the client to do fun stuff like send text messages!
$response = $client->messages->create(
return $response;
// end public function sendMessage
public function do_send_msg()
$to = '+628123456789';
// this message already uses the same format as the approved message template
$msg = "Your otp code for Login Process is 123456";
$params = [
'via' => 'whatsapp',
$send = $this->twilio->sendMessage('+628123456789', $msg, $params);
I wanted to make the code like this instead but this code is unable to differentiate the value of $send->status whether it's successful or failed:
public function do_send_msg()
$to = '+628123456789';
// this message already uses the same format as the approved message template
$msg = "Your otp code for Login Process is 123456";
$params = [
'via' => 'whatsapp',
$send = $this->sendMessage($to, $msg, $params);
// if sending via whatsapp failed, try sending via regular SMS instead
if ( ! $send->status ) {
$params['via'] = 'SMS';
$send = $this->sendMessage($to, $msg, $params);
I'm afraid Meta/WhatsApp doesn't expose this information at this point in time. Therefore, I'd recommend that you let the users choose whether they want to receive a WhatsApp message or a regular SMS.

How to send email to queue in Magento 1.9?

I need to send the emails to the queue "table core_email_queue".
But my code doesnt work.
I dont know why
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template');
$emailTemplateVariables = [];
$emailQueue = Mage::getModel('core/email_queue');
$emailTemplate->setQueue($emailQueue)->send($email, $email, $emailTemplateVariables);

Create an email in Dynamics 365 with php using AlexaCRM php-crm-toolkit

I'm trying to create an email with php in Dynamics 365 by using the AlexaCRM php-crm toolkit after someone fills in the form on our website.
The email also appears in Dynamics, but the from and to fields are empty. The email itself and the subject are stored in Dynamics.
Does anyone had the same problem or does anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?
This is the code I'm using.
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\Client as OrganizationService;
use AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\Settings;
use AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\Client;
use AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\Entity\MetadataCollection;
use AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\Entity\EntityReference;
$options = [
'serverUrl' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => 'xxxxxx',
'authMode' => 'OnlineFederation',
$serviceSettings = new Settings( $options );
$service = new OrganizationService( $serviceSettings );
$email = $service->entity( 'email' );
$email->subject = 'TEST SUBJECT';
$email->description = 'TEST EMAIL';
$email->sender = 'Sender Name';
$email->from = '';
$email->to = 'Our Company';
$email->torecipients = '';
$emailId = $email->create();
Thanks for your help.
I created activityparties, but it still doesn"t write the email correctly to Dynamics.
I don't know how to combine the two parties.
This is my code:
$to = $service->entity( 'activityparty' );
$to->partyid = new EntityReference( 'systemuser', ''.$guid_stassen.'');
$from = $service->entity( 'activityparty' );
$from->partyid = new EntityReference( 'contact', ''.$guid.'');
$email = $service->entity( 'email' );
$email->subject = 'TEST SUBJECT';
$email->description = 'TEST EMAIL';
$email->from = ''.$from.'';
$email->to = ''.$to.'';
$emailId = $email->create();
rather than
$email->from = ''.$from.'';
$email->to = ''.$to.'';
you will have to use email_activity_parties as an array. I am not familair with PHP but something like below
"partyid_systemuser#odata.bind" : "/systemusers(CED2E02D-188E-4AA8-B6E2-D746E9B370C1)",
"participationtypemask" : 1
"participationtypemask" : 2
This happens because To and From field is not text field rather it is Party list field.
you cannot directly add/put email address, you will need to create object with it's type and email address.
Take a look at this blog, it has all the information you need.
Below sample for To and from, but here these are users in system.
"email_activity_parties" : [
"partyid_systemuser#odata.bind" : "/systemusers(CED2E02D-188E-4AA8-B6E2-D746E9B370C1)",
"participationtypemask" : 1 ///From Email
"partyid_account#odata.bind" : "/accounts(69C38067-EDB7-E811-A961-000D3A363C81)",
"participationtypemask" : 2 ///To Email
Creating Email with unresolved emails (To field of email is not record in MS CRM).
"email_activity_parties" : [
"partyid_systemuser#odata.bind" : "/systemusers(CED2E02D-188E-4AA8-B6E2-D746E9B370C1)",
"participationtypemask" : 1 ///From Email
"participationtypemask" : 2 ///To Email

Magento - Mailgun plugin not sending email

I'm using Magento v1.9.1, with a MailGun plugin installed.
Plugin url:
Here you can see the MailGun plugin on the admin area:
Then I used the following code to send a test email (test_email.php):
// Invoke the Magento environment
require_once( 'app/Mage.php' );
//Getting the Store E-Mail Sender Name.
$senderName = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/name');
//Getting the Store General E-Mail.
$senderEmail = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email');
$customerEmail = "<personal_email#hidden_on_purpose>";
$text = "Hello, this is a test.";
//Sending E-Mail to Customers.
$mail = Mage::getModel('core/email')
->setSubject('Subject :')
//Confimation E-Mail Send
catch(Exception $error)
return false;
Then the email arrives to me but it is not sent via MailGun. I know that because on the header of the received email is the server where the application lives and on the MailGun log the email is not logged.
I think the MailGun plugin is working on the backend admin area only, but it is not getting called when sending an email with Magento.
I also did a test modifying the file:
by adding the line:
die("Send stopped on file: ./app/code/community/FreeLunchLabs/MailGun/Model/Mailgun.php");
public function send($message) {
die("Send stopped on file: ./app/code/community/FreeLunchLabs/MailGun/Model/Mailgun.php");
$domain = $message->getStore()->getConfig('mailgun/general/domain');
$apiKey = $message->getStore()->getConfig('mailgun/general/key');
$files = null;
if(count($message->getAttachments())) {
foreach($message->getAttachments() as $attachment) {
$files[] = $attachment;
$sendResponse = $this->mailgunRequest('messages', $domain, $apiKey, $message->getMessage(), Zend_Http_Client::POST, false, $files);
if($message->getStore()->getConfig('mailgun/events/store')) {
Mage::getModel('freelunchlabs_mailgun/email')->saveInitialSend($message, $sendResponse);
return $sendResponse;
But when running the file: test_email.php, the stopped message inside the die(...) on the code above doesn't appear.
Any idea on how to solve/debug this?
Ok, after some try/error experiments I found the answer: that MailGun extension applies only to transactional emails as stated on its description. You cannot send custom emails using MailGun straightforward like on my initial code: test_email.php. If you wanna send some custom email using MailGun you should create a template before and then use that template like in the following code where I created the template with id: 1
// Invoke the Magento environment
require_once( 'app/Mage.php' );
$templateId = 1;
$receiveName = "<Your Name Here>";
$receiveEmail = "<your email here>";
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getStoreId();
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel("core/email_template")->load($templateId);
$vars = array(
"name" => $receiveName,
"email" => $receiveEmail,
"phone" => "+13052491037",
"comment" => "This is my comment: Hello World!"
echo "<pre>\n";
echo "</pre>\n";
$emailTemplate->setSenderName(Mage::getStoreConfig("trans_email/ident_general/name", $storeId));
$emailTemplate->setSenderEmail(Mage::getStoreConfig("trans_email/ident_general/email", $storeId));
$emailTemplate->send($receiveEmail, $receiveName, $vars);
Hope this helps somebody.

Email using cron and including attachment to email from moodle

I would like to send emails only to users that have completed a specific course and add a pdf file (a certificate for completing the course) as attachment to the email, and do so at a specific time using moodle cron.
I have looked at some plugins to find out how it's done, but I'm still not sure how exactly I should do this.
I need:
1. to know how I would add an attachment to an email (and which API to use),
2. how I would use cron to send the emails to the desired group at a certain time,
3. how to retrieve users that have completed the course so that I could send emails (with attachment) to them.
Thanks in advance.
(I'm using moodle version 3.0)
This is an overview.
First create a local plugin. For example /local/yourplugin
Then set up a message provider
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
in local/yourplugin/db/messages.php
$messageproviders = array (
'coursecompleted' => array (
Then add an event observer - you will want to respond to the course_completed event
in /local/yourpluginname/db/events.php
have something like
$observers = array(
'eventname' => '\core\event\course_completed',
'callback' => 'local_yourplugin_observer::course_completed',
Now add the message code
Add something like this to '/local/message/classes/observer.php'
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
class local_yourplugin_observer {
* Triggered when 'course_completed' event is triggered.
* #param \core\event\course_completed $event
* #return bool
public static function course_completed(\core\event\course_completed $event) {
// Your code here.
$message = new \core\message\message();
$message->component = 'local_yourplugin'; // Name of your local plugin.
$message->name = 'coursecompleted'; // Name of message provider.
$message->userfrom = $USER;
$message->userto = $user;
$message->subject = 'message subject 1';
$message->fullmessage = 'message body';
$message->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_MARKDOWN;
$message->fullmessagehtml = '<p>message body</p>';
$message->smallmessage = 'small message';
$message->notification = '0';
$message->contexturl = '';
$message->contexturlname = 'Context name';
$message->replyto = "";
$content = array('*' => array('header' => ' test ', 'footer' => ' test ')); // Extra content for specific processor
$message->set_additional_content('email', $content);
// Create a file instance.
$usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
$file = new stdClass;
$file->contextid = $usercontext->id;
$file->component = 'user';
$file->filearea = 'private';
$file->itemid = 0;
$file->filepath = '/';
$file->filename = '1.txt';
$file->source = 'test';
$fs = get_file_storage();
$file = $fs->create_file_from_string($file, 'file1 content');
$message->attachment = $file;
$messageid = message_send($message);
