How to change emptyText value in Yii Datatables Ajax requests? - php

I used EdataTable extension in my yii Project. I have customized the yii datatable emptyText value in EDataTable.php file. I used dynamic error message when data empty. but this message not reflected in ajax requests.
I initialized Yii datatable widget in my file.
$widget=$this->createWidget('ext.EDataTables.EDataTables', array(
'id' => 'placement',
'dataProvider' => $arrayDataProvider,
'TotalRowCount' => $TotalRowCount,
'emptyMessage' => $errorMessage,
'ajaxUrl' => Yii::app()->getBaseUrl(),
'exportable' => TRUE,
'columns' => $columns,
'bootstrap' => TRUE,
In EDataTable.php:
"sEmptyTable" => $this->emptyMessage
this emptyMessage value not worked on ajax requests like data table sorting, searching etc. New error Message not bind to edatatable.
But it works fine when first time pages loads.
In Yii How to change the emptyText value for ajax calls?


categoryChoiceTree in prestashop module configuration page

I'm developing a prestashop module and I'm trying to show a category tree in my backoffice configuration page.
I'm trying to follow this instructions below but I don't know exactly where to add this code.
It should be inside main module's php? or inside a separate .php file and call it from the main one (don't know how to do it either).
As much time I'm spending trying to figure out, how to implement the code in the link above, the more I think I'm losing my time.
I see that "use" files, and this JS, " /admin-dev/themes/new-theme/js/components/form/choice-tree.js " are not in any prestashop folders.
Well, you should invest some time and learn Symfony since this is what you need to build backend modules for Prestashop 1.7.
As a pointer, you need to create a form class extending the CommonAbstractType, add a build form method. e.g. :
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$this->context = Context::getContext();
$parents = [
['id_category' => 2, 'name' => 'Home', 'children' => $this->getSubCategories(1, true, 2)]
$builder->add('category', CategoryChoiceTreeType::class, [
'choices_tree' => $parents,
'choice_value' => 'id_category',
'choice_children' => 'children',
'choice_label' => 'name',
'disabled_values' => $disabledCategories,
'label' => 'Choose a category'
then add methods for retrieving the data to populate the form fields.
Then use this class in your controller and display the form:
$form = $this->createForm(YourFormForm::class);
Also add a processForm to process data.
As mentioned, this is not a copy/paste situation you need to understand the Symfony workflow.
The only way that I found to "paint" the categorytree in my configuration page is adding this code to the inputs form array:
Can anyone tell me how to retrieve users selection data to my database?
It does not work as any other form field.
'type' => 'categories',
'label' => $this->l('Destination Category'),
'desc' => $this->l('Select ONE Category'),
'tree' => [
// 'selected_categories' => [],
'disabled_categories' => null,
'use_search' => false,
'use_checkbox' => false,
'id' => 'id_category_tree',
'required' => true
Well, it is SOLVED!!!! Finally it was very simple, but you must get the correct info for you particular case.
#Robertino's answer might be the best implementation, I don't know, but it became impossible to solve for me,
I uses this code below, and called $categoryTree from the form input. This input must be type=> categories_select
Thanks for your time, and for the help of another post from this forum.
$root = Category::getRootCategory();
//Generating the tree
$tree = new HelperTreeCategories('categories_1'); //The string in param is the ID used by the generated tree
->setAttribute('is_category_filter', $root->id)
->setSelectedCategories(array((int)Configuration::get('CATEGORY_1'))) //if you wanted to be pre-carged
->setInputName('CATEGORY_1'); //Set the name of input. The option "name" of $fields_form doesn't seem to work with "categories_select" type
$categoryTree = $tree->render();
And the Form:
'type' => 'categories_select',
'label' => $this->l('Category'),
'desc' => $this->l('Select Category '),
'name' => 'CATEGORY_1', //No ho podem treure si no, no passa la variable al configuration
'category_tree' => $categoryTree, //This is the category_tree called in form.tpl
'required' => true

Kartik Select 2 - Programatically changing multiple

I have a yii2 activeform where the functionality of the form can change based on other things within the form. So, I have a clubs field, that can be multiple in some instances but not multiple in others.
<?= $form->field($model, 'clubs')->widget(\kartik\widgets\Select2::classname(), [
'data' => $club_data,
'hideSearch' => false,
'options' => ['placeholder' => 'Add Club(s)'],
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true,
'multiple' => true,
'minimumInputLength' => 3,
'ajax' => [
'url' => 'web/index.php?r=clubs/clubslist',
'dataType' => 'json',
'data' => new JsExpression('function(params) { return {q:params.term}; }'),
])->label('Club(s)'); ?>
I need to programmatically change the multiple pluginOption to true and false. This should be when the user goes into the form but also immediately when a dropdown is changed on the form. I can do it when the user initially goes into the form but not immediately when another dropdown is changed.
I've made separate fields, one actually linked to a field in the database and another not, this kind of works but it's far from elegant!
I've looked in both the kartik select2 documentation and the standard jquery select2 documentation and I can't spot anything. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.
I was working on a Yii2-formwizard plugin a few months back where I had a situation of providing tabular functionality and cloning the fields really became the pain in the ass when it came to using 3rd party plugins like Select2 and Datepicker and I figured out the following code along with a lot of other (as the other part isn't relevant to your problem so not adding it).
Approach to the problem
The way Kartik-select2 works it stores the select2 plugin-specific options in the data-krajee-select2 attribute of the element you are using the select2 on.
And the theme or say the Kartik's plugin-specific options like theme and others are saved in the variable whose name is saved in the data-s2-options attribute. You can look for both of them in view-source of the page where you are using it.
So what you need to do is to
Get the applied options
Add/Update the option
Apply back the options
As you just added a single field and not the other one on who's selection it would change, I would demonstrate an example where you can change the behavior of the select2 from multiple to single using 2 different buttons, clicking on the relevant button the select2 will work accordingly. You can adjust the javascript code where ever you want to.
But before I add any code you need to fix one thing, you don't need the main data option when you are using the ajax option inside the plugin options. In other words, it does not have any effect on your select2 and is adding page load time only you should remove it.
You select2 should look like below, I added id to the options of the select2 for the example you can change it to the active form formatted name like model-field_name format if you like, but don't forget to change the id in the javascript code too
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'clubs')->widget(\kartik\widgets\Select2::classname(), [
'hideSearch' => false,
'options' => ['placeholder' => 'Add Club(s)','id'=>'clubs'],
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true,
'multiple' => true,
'minimumInputLength' => 3,
'ajax' => [
'url' => 'web/index.php?r=clubs/clubslist',
'dataType' => 'json',
'data' => new JsExpression('function(params) { return {q:params.term}; }')
Add the following buttons on your page
echo Html::button('multiple', ['class' => 'btn btn-info', 'id' => 'multi']);
echo Html::button('single', ['class' => 'btn btn-info', 'id' => 'single']);
And now the magic thing, add it on the top of your view
$js = <<<JS
var element=$("#clubs");
//reset select2 values if previously selected
//get plugin options
let dataSelect = eval('krajee-select2'));
//get kartik-select2 options
let krajeeOptions ='s2-options');
//add your options
//apply select2 options and load select2 again
$.when(element.select2(dataSelect)).done(initS2Loading("clubs", krajeeOptions));
let dataSelect = eval('krajee-select2'));
let krajeeOptions ='s2-options');
$.when(element.select2(dataSelect)).done(initS2Loading("clubs", krajeeOptions));
$this->registerJs($js, \yii\web\View::POS_READY);
Now if your select2 is working correctly click on the multiple button and you will see the multiple selections are enabled for the select2 and when clicked on the single button.
Hope it helps.

Display collection form on page load in Sonata Admin Bundle

Is there an option or a known way to display collection form on page load instead of clicking on "add" button in order to display it ?
I trigger a click event on page load but its not the expected behavior..
Any help would be much appreciated.
Alright, I achieved what I wanted by setting a default collection array on my form field, each Entity object in array imbricates a form, since I needed to display 3 form on page load I instanciated 3 entity, quite logic when I think of it now but a dedicated option could be nice though.
->add('details', CollectionType::class, [
'data' => [new OfferDetail(), new OfferDetail(), new OfferDetail()],
'label' => false,
'required' => true,
'type_options' => [
'delete' => false,
], [
'edit' => 'inline',
'inline' => 'table'

File upload in module configuration panel, Prestashop

I'm trying to create a XML import module that will convert given file to CSV format and then use that CSV to import categories and products.
I have a working configuration page made with getContent() it basically calls a method that generates this form via $helper->generateForm(). $helper is a HelperForm() object.
protected function getConfigForm()
return array(
'form' => array(
'legend' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Settings'),
'icon' => 'icon-cogs',
'input' => array(
'type' => 'file',
'label' => $this->l('XML file'),
'desc' => $this->l('Select file you wish to import.'),
'required' => true
'col' => 3,
'type' => 'text',
'prefix' => '<i class="icon icon-envelope"></i>',
'desc' => $this->l('Enter a valid email address'),
'name' => 'XMLIMPORT_LINES',
'label' => $this->l('Records per file'),
'submit' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Save'),
I need to get this data to my XML converter. How do I upload a file (around 10-20MB) to Prestashop to be then able to do other stuff with it? How to save it permanently on the server?
I tried doing this:
return array(
'XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE' => Configuration::get('XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE', null),
'XMLIMPORT_LINES' => Configuration::get('XMLIMPORT_LINES', 1000)
And after that this:
$form_values = $this->getConfigFormValues(); // returned array from above
foreach (array_keys($form_values) as $key)
Configuration::updateValue($key, Tools::getValue($key));
And later using my own class for XML conversion like this, hoping that it will give me file handle.
$xml_converter = new XMLToCSVConverter(Configuration::get('XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE'), 'output', 'example_products.php');
Apparently it didn't as nothing happens. The class itself is working fine outside of Prestashop module. The constructor is __construct($xml_file, $csv_filename, $template_file).
I need to pass the file I upload to that constructor. I've been struggling for days now.
#edit: I can see the contents of the file inside the HTTP call when submit is clicked. But how do I pass that file to my class?
As far as I remember 'type' => 'file', doesn't actually save any values in the database. This type is only meant to output a file field in your form.
After submitting, you should then do you custom processing with $_FILES['XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE'] : move to upload/ or whereever you want.
'XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE' => Configuration::get('XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE', null), won't return you anything. After uploading you my wish to save the uploaded file path here, but it won't show up next time in the form unless you build the output yourself.
Module configratuon is meant to save text config values. Handling files is trickier and you have to do them yourself each time.
To intercept the saving process, look up the submit button name and make an if statement:
public function getContent() {
if(Tools::isSubmit('submitButtonName')) {
error_log(print_r($_FILES, 1));
There's probably a function postProcess which does the same (it looks like you copied the methods from a default module).
prestashop handles the image upload with ImageManager class, this class contains more methods which are useful for handling image upload, resize etc.. so its better refer the default homeslider module for the image upload using a module. This module is handling the image upload process in postProcess method with the help of ImageManager class, this class methods will do the all the processes related to upload.

Pass line id as argument in x-editable or TbEditableColumn to update a particular record

I am trying to use TbEditableColumn / X-Editable to make inline edits in the CGridView. I'm trying to use the usual $data variable to get row id by the intuitive "$data->id" to pass the line id in the dynamically generated url so that in the update action of the controller, I'd know which record to update.
However $data->id is just not working while creating URL. Interestingly the same $data variable is accessible while applying "Editable" property on the item. See below.
I don't want to go for JS:function way to fetch id of an element and pass it as argument in ajax call. This just doesn't seem elegant.
'class' => 'editable.EditableColumn',
'name' => 'mrp',
'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:200px'),
'editable' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'apply' => '$data->id>10605',
'url' => '/product/changeMRP/id/$data->id',
In above code, this line works
'apply' => '$data->id>10605'
But this line doesn't
'url' => '/product/changeMRP/id/$data->id',
Why is it that? And how can i solve my problem?
I followed this question :
How can update db values using x-editable EditableColumn? but it didnt help
You can use createUrl() for creating URL and pass the id in array. Like this
'url' => "Yii::app()->createUrl('product/changeMRP', array('id'=>'$data->id'))",
Hope it will solve your problem.
