MongoDB -PHP data update - php

For save data from form to MongoDB database i'm using this code.
if (isset($_POST))
$m = new MongoClient();
$db = $m->abst;
$collection = $db->users;
if($collection->find(array('user_id' => $pid)))
$document = array_merge(array('user_id'=>$pid),$_POST);
How can check user id exist in collection? and if user id exist in collection, data will update. Otherwise new entry saved to collection. where is the mistake?

Try this - maybe it will work for you.
In MongoDB if a record does not exist for given query and if upsert is true then mongodb adds the record as a new record.
$query['user_id'] = $pid;
$object['$set'] = $_POST;
$options = array('w' => true, 'upsert' => true);
$collection->update($query, $object, $options);

try this
if($collection->find(array('user_id' => $pid))->count() == 1)


Codeigniter get mysql value

Can someone please guide me how I can fetch mysql row's value for "pk" to the $response variable to be able to allow the script to unfollow users automatically. I have already tried the script and it does unfollow when an pk id is provided but I want to automatically fetch it from mysql to be able to run it. Thank you for any help provided.
These are the methods I tried with no success:
$this->db->where("id = '11'");
$query1 = $this->db->get();
$result = $query1->result();
Main ID that only unfollow this ID- created by Mushfik Media,
$response = $i->unfollow($result);
I have also tried
$accounts = $this->model->fetch("*", INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT_TB, "id = '11'");
$response = $i->unfollow($accounts->pk);
But didn't work. $NEED MYSQL DATA VALUE is where the value is supposed to be echoed but doesn't
case 'unfollow':
try {
$result = $i->getSelfUsersFollowing();
if(!empty($result) && $result->status == "ok" && !empty($result->users)){
$response = $i->unfollow($NEED MYSQL DATA VALUE);
$response = $response->status;
$CI =& get_instance();
$CI->load->model('Schedule_model', 'schedule_model');
$lang = $CI->db->insert(INSTAGRAM_FOLLOW_TB, array(
"pk" => $row->pk,
"name" => $row->username,
"type" => $data->schedule_type,
"uid" => $data->uid,
"account_id" => $data->account,
"account_name" => $data->name,
"created" => NOW
} catch (Exception $e){
$response = $e->getMessage();
Maybe something like this to get your pk:
$query1 = $this->db->select('pk')
->where('id', 11)
if( $query1->num_rows() == 1 ){
$row = $query1->row();
$response = $i->unfollow( $row->pk );
Regarding your information that you are trying to use $this when not in object context, because you are in a helper, you need to get the CI super object. So, if you were trying to use $this->db, you would do this:
$CI =& get_instance();
// Now you can use $CI->db
// and anything you would normally
// access via $this in a controller
// or model
OK, finally to show an example of how to order or limit a query:
$query1 = $this->db->select('pk')
->where('id', 11)
->order_by('your_timestamp_field', 'ASC') // This would order by timestamp in ascending order
->limit(1) // This would limit to a single row

PHP solr atomic update

I'm new in solr and I've been using this thread to do a atomic update
How do I update a document in Solr PHP?
Basically im doing an mysql query then update a document on solr
Question: How to do an atomic update where a specific field matches a field should be matched inside an if statement like this:
if(solr(username.field) == 'john'))
//execute atomic update
so far my code is messy like these:
$query = "SELECT * from User";
$options = array
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
if($result->num_rows > 0)
$querySearch = '+username:*'; //query all user that is on solr
$query = new SolrQuery();
$client = new SolrClient($options);
$query_response = $client->query($query);
$response = $query_response->getResponse();
$doc = new SolrInputDocument();
$counter = $response->response->numFound;
for($x = 0; $x < $counter; $x++)
$doc = $response->response->docs[$x]->getInputDocument(); //this gets the old value (refer to thread)
$docs = $query_response->getResponse()->response->docs[$x]->username->values; //how I get the value of users
$second_doc = new SolrInputDocument();
if($docs == get_product($row['USERNAME']))
$second_doc->addField('points', $row['POINTS']); //this suppose to update my solr document with those username found
$second_doc->addField('points', "0");
$updateResponse = $client->addDocument($second_doc);
It should have been
if(!empty($response->response->docs[$x]->username->values[$x]) == get_product($row['USERNAME']))
$doc = $response->response->docs[$x]->getInputDocument();
$second_doc->addField('point', $row['POINT']);
//do other update here
//$response->response->docs[$x]->username->values[$x] => get the usernames in the document

Entry in database not being overwritten when looking at ID

I'm currently looking at a script that a previous developer made that is meant to look a table, if the id does not exist then create the new code, if it does exist, overwrite the existing one.
Sounds fairly simple, but I can't get my head around how Yii manages the overwrite and new verification code. It is only adding new records, not over writing.
$invitingUser = User::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id);
if ($invitingUser->isAttending($eventId)) {
// Event attending
$event = Event::model()->findByPk($eventId);
// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
if (isset($_POST['GuestInviteForm'])) {
$guestInviteForm->attributes = $_POST['GuestInviteForm'];
// Perform Validation
$valid = $guestInviteForm->validate();
if ($valid) {
// Check if a Verification Code entry for this user already exists
$existingVerificationCode = VerificationCode::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->user_id, 'type' => VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE));
if (is_null($existingVerificationCode)) {
// Create Verification Code instance
$verificationCode = new VerificationCode();
$verificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$verificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$verificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
$verificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$verificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$verificationCode->event_id = $eventId;
} else {
// Update existing Verification Code enty
$existingVerificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$existingVerificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$existingVerificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$existingVerificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$code = $existingVerificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
The code never seems to enter the else here
if (is_null($existingVerificationCode)) {
// Create Verification Code instance
$verificationCode = new VerificationCode();
$verificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$verificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$verificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
$verificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$verificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$verificationCode->event_id = $eventId;
} else {
// Update existing Verification Code enty
$existingVerificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$existingVerificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$existingVerificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$existingVerificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$code = $existingVerificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
1st. After form validation:
if ($valid) {
Verification code select done:
$existingVerificationCode = VerificationCode::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->user_id, 'type' => VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE));
If you translate it to SQL it will be something like this:
SELECT * FROM verification_code WHERE user_id=x AND type=x
2nd. Check if record exists
if (is_null($existingVerificationCode)) {
If its not - creating new, populating, saving.
Else updating:
$existingVerificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$existingVerificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$existingVerificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$existingVerificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$code = $existingVerificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
save(false) means save without validation. Consider model attributes - fields in your database table.
Seems like it ever goes in the ELSE because it never finds $existingVerificationCode.
We don't have the whole code, but from what I see, I suspect you're checking the wrong user, because it's weird to search for an event for $user, and if that doesn't exist, to create one related to $invitingUser.
$existingVerificationCode = VerificationCode::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->user_id, 'type' => VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE));
// ...
$verificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;

mongoDB, ajax, php to only display new messages

It might be a silly question, but I think it will be useful for all new mongoDB users and not just myself.
I am currently working on a live chat script as a way to learn about mongoDB. I am having trouble with only loading new messages into chat rather than loading all messages and replacing old ones. This is what I have.
$m = new Mongo(); // connect
$db = $m->selectDB("local");
catch ( MongoConnectionException $e )
echo '<p>Couldn\'t connect to mongodb, is the "mongo" process running?</p>';
$collection = $db->selectCollection("message");
echo "".$collection." selected";
$cursor = $collection->find();
// iterate cursor to display title of documents
foreach ($cursor as $document) {
echo $document["sender"].": ". $document["message"] . "<br>";
My JS:
function get_new(){
var messages = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "ajax/receive.php",
async: false
setTimeout(function(){get_new();}, 10000);
My messages collection:
"createdAt" => $now,
"sender" => $sender,
"message" => $message
I know that my JS would eventually start using .append(messages), but I really don't know what to do with my PHP. So how do I change my php to only find new messages (older than last set of messages)
Found the answer. Use sessions to store the time of last update. So The PHP code will look like this:
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$last = $_SESSION["last_message_ts"];
$session_last = new MongoDate(strtotime($last));
$session_now = new MongoDate(strtotime($now));
$m = new Mongo(); // connect
$db = $m->selectDB("local");
catch ( MongoConnectionException $e )
echo '<p>Couldn\'t connect to mongodb, is the "mongo" process running?</p>';
$collection = $db->selectCollection("message");
$cursor = $collection->find(array("createdAt" => array('$gt' => $session_last, '$lte' => $session_now)));
// iterate cursor to display title of documents
foreach ($cursor as $document) {
echo $document["sender"].": ". $document["message"];

Rename mongo database

I am doing project using mongodb and php. so here I tried to rename existing database using php. so I did following way to rename database.
first I create new database( user new database name)
read all records from old db and insert to new db
then I drop old db
this is my code.
$conn = new \MongoClient('mongodb://', array("connect" => TRUE));
$exist_dbs = $conn->listDBs();
foreach ($exist_dbs["databases"] as $databse) {
if ($databse['name'] == $new_name) {
$new_name_is_exist = true;
if (!$new_name_is_exist) {
$db = new \MongoDB($conn, $old_name);
//create new database
$db_new = new \MongoDB($conn, $new_name);
$collections = $db->getCollectionNames();
foreach ($collections as $collection) {
//create collection
$new_collection = new \MongoCollection($db_new, $collection);
$mongo_collection = $db->$collection;
$objects = $mongo_collection->find();
while ($document = $objects->getNext()) {
//add records
$msg = 'database renamed';
} else {
$msg = 'given database name already exist';
it works fine. but I would like to know is there any better way to rename mongo database using php?
Copy db (php + mongodb):
$rename = 'oldname';
$name = 'newname';
$mongo = (new MongoClient());
$db = $mongo->admin;
$response = $db->command(array(
'copydb' => 1,
'fromhost' => 'localhost',
'fromdb' => $rename,
'todb' => $name
Drop db (php + mongodb):
$name = 'oldname';
$mongo = (new MongoClient());
$db = $mongo->$name;
$response = $db->command(array(
'dropDatabase' => 1
$db=new new Mongo();
Copy old_db to new_db
$responseCopy = $db->admin->command(array(
'copydb' => 1,
'fromhost' => 'localhost',
'fromdb' => 'old_db',
'todb' =>'new_db'
Now drop old_db
$responseDrop=$db->old_db->command(array('dropDatabase' => 1));
$responseDrop =$db->old_db->drop();
Show Output
Output will be something like this
Array ( [ok] => 1 )
Array ( [dropped] => old_db [ok] => 1 )
you can use this
$mongo = new MongoClient('_MONGODB_HOST_URL_');
$query = array("renameCollection" => "Database.OldName", "to" => "Database.NewName", "dropTarget" => "true");
