Attachments in QBO quick books online - php

I am using QBO V3 for PHP. I only have limited php knowledge and don't know anything about XML items and JSON etc. I built a site that interfaces with quick books online and so far I can do time tracking, customer adds etc. I need to be able to send attachments to Quick books online and can not find a simple example IN PHP. This is a similiar format I use for the items I created above, but there is no example on attachements. Their help guide doesn't yeild much either.
// Load the OAuth information from the database
if ($Context = $IPP->context())
// Set the IPP version to v3
$ItemService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Item();
$Item = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Item();
$Item->setName('My Item');
if ($resp = $ItemService->add($Context, $realm, $Item))
print('Our new Item ID is: [' . $resp . ']');
print('Request [' . $IPP->lastRequest() . ']');
print('Response [' . $IPP->lastResponse() . ']');


Error to integrate with QuickBooks

I'm doing an integration with PHP my system, so I can launch sales in QuickBooks. To integrate'm using the API provided this link
Set everything as instructed, but the moment you throw a sale, I get the following error:
2020: [Required param missing, need to supply the required value for the API, Required parameter Line.DetailType is missing in the request]
The class that generates invoices is currently as follows:
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/header.tpl.php';
$InvoiceService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Invoice();
$Invoice = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Invoice();
$Invoice->setDocNumber('WEB' . mt_rand(0, 10000));
$Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line();
$Line->setAmount(12.95 * 2);
$SalesItemLineDetail = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_SalesItemLineDetail();
if ($resp = $InvoiceService->add($Context, $realm, $Invoice))
print('Our new Invoice ID is: [' . $resp . ']');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/footer.tpl.php';
Someone has gone through this problem?
I really need help because they do not understand much about QuickBooks.
This error:
Required parameter Line.DetailType is missing in the request
Means you are missing a required parameter named Line.DetailType in your request. More specifically -- in your case, you're actually sending an invalid value for this parameter.
That ^^^ is not valid. Please take the time to refer to Intuit's documentation:
And take the time to refer to the examples:
And notices that the documentation/examples show the correct value is:
// Set to SalesItemLineDetailfor this type of line.

Error when using QuickBooks PHP DevKit examples

I have successfully setup the Quickbooks PHP DevKit, but I am currently trying to run the example_customer_add script with my sandbox. When I do, I get the following error:
Notice: Undefined variable: Context in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/quickbooks-php/test_qb.php on line 54
I've tried to track down the $Context variable, but it is used all over the place, and I'm unsure of where it being set, etc...
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
I'm just using the script included in the docs folder of the Quickbooks PHP DevKit:
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/header.tpl.php';
$CustomerService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Customer();
$Customer = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Customer();
$Customer->setDisplayName('Shannon B Palmer ' . mt_rand(0, 1000));
// Terms (e.g. Net 30, etc.)
// Phone #
$PrimaryPhone = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryPhone();
// Mobile #
$Mobile = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Mobile();
// Fax #
$Fax = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Fax();
// Bill address
$BillAddr = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_BillAddr();
$BillAddr->setLine1('72 E Blue Grass Road');
$BillAddr->setLine2('Suite D');
$BillAddr->setCity('Mt Pleasant');
// Email
$PrimaryEmailAddr = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryEmailAddr();
if ($resp = $CustomerService->add($Context, $realm, $Customer))
print('Our new customer ID is: [' . $resp . '] (name "' . $Customer- >getDisplayName() . '")');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/footer.tpl.php';
The quickbooks_oauth table looks like this after attempting to connect:
'1', 'DO_NOT_CHANGE_ME', '12345', 'qyprdaX1yo1uYqu3GU8xxPvs8raoTss2ZVRBE3fHWy7qZdAB', 'IWZHlW2e956sqR9GVIxa2JOU82NdSrJixZLpb3af', 'KNwiKE2bUXtqFqJ/Vb0NhjzBGYMXwRRcT9xtFOQiV6F8aEgUoqGzA7aheRLPJ/z6EPYy1ZS4e6ZuVpteBaQtxc5H0cN5VcCmWLfj+lryaCpLgw8mGK5+E/Muv2wJ+3UwbOyqVstU+pYQw/yNgFKhfSuA3lOgjgqctuO6ZpMK1wWr42IycA05QrJuOB4+LQ==', 'rCj1V3zl4Jj5mHgTw+BPCPN7SDcJkzLQPWb1tyerEXedsQB0WsZ+caMCBafS+hfN3ECZl3mfNDSyIqKDK+t8RSEAKyFWwRSPOh3UcWDCDEhXrTSUddmKhoIq6pL6yVtNEyETyNtfMaKYN+U6uIwSEMKZB/4IUjK8c0GP5KhoKSl0dv+Bp9w=', '1391140255', 'QBO', NULL, '2015-06-04 19:57:58', '2015-06-04 19:58:36', '2015-06-04 19:58:36'
The code you posted is missing several lines at the top of the script. Look at the example on GitHub:
There are two require_once statements that you are missing. $Context is defined in those required files.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/header.tpl.php';
Fix your code so that you're using the example code completely, and making sure those required files actually get included.
If you continue to have trouble, please post your updated code.
You can see where $Context gets defined here:
Note that you must be connected to QuickBooks to run the example. I'm assuming you have clicked the "Connect to QuickBooks" button and gotten connected already... right?

PHP script to pull from Facebook events from multiple pages

Bonjour everyone,
Currently, the script below is on my server as a PHP page (pull.php). It reads the events from a Facebook page using its ID, e.g: 12345678, and outputs them to a file, e.g: 1234568.ics.
What I'd like to ask this community for help with:
1) how would one modify the code below to read from many Facebook pages (an array where I would put in the page ID manually, e.g: 12345678, 24681357, 12348765) and output to many files 12345678.ics, 24682357.ics, 12348765.ics
2) I'm looking for these .ics files to be created and updated (crushed) right on my server, at the same location as where the script runs. The idea is that I'll run a CRON job that would run this script nightly. I then have a plugin on my Facebook page that updates events on the website based on the .ics feed.
$access_token = MY_ACCESS_TOKEN;
$page = "12345678";
// We don't want to query the Facebook Graph API over and over, so we'll cache our results. You can force the cache to update by visiting the script and appending "?f=true", otherwise it will only run (rather than display the cache) if the cache is older than 3600 seconds (one hour).
$cache = $page . ".cache";
$f = false;
if($_GET['f'] == "true"){
$f = true;
if(!file_exists($cache) || filemtime($cache) <= time()-3600 || $f){
// Get and decode the data - your page's event list - from the API
$graph_url = "" . $page . "/events?access_token=" . $access_token;
$data = file_get_contents($graph_url);
$data = json_decode($data);
echo '<b>$data error</b><br />';
echo $data->error->type . " error (" . $data->error->code . "/" . $data->error->error_subcode . "): " . $data->error->message;
// Go through the list of events, and get and decode more detailed information on each event.
foreach ($data->data as $event){
$event_data = file_get_contents("" . $event->id . "?access_token=" . $access_token);
$event_data = json_decode($event_data);
echo '<b>$event_data error</b><br />';
echo $event_data->error->type . " error (" . $event_data->error->code . "/" . $event_data->error->error_subcode . "): " . $event_data->error->message;
// Store it in an array for later use.
$events[] = $event_data;
// We're now done fetching the data from Facebook's Graph API. Now we'll have to create an iCal file.
// This requires the iCalcreator PHP class, which you can downloead from kigkonsult at
// Create the calendar, set up some basic properties
$c = new vcalendar(array('unique_id' => $page));
$c->setProperty('X-WR-CALNAME', $page . ' events');
$c->setProperty('X-WR-CALDESC', 'Facebook events for ' . $page);
$c->setProperty('X-WR-TIMEZONE', $events[0]->timezone); // We assume all of the events use the same timezone.
// Loop through the events, create event components in the calendar
foreach($events as $key => $event){
$e[$key] = & $c->newComponent('vevent');
$e[$key]->setProperty('summary', $event->name);
$e[$key]->setProperty('dtstart', $event->start_time);
$e[$key]->setProperty('dtend', $event->end_time);
if (!isset($event->end_time)) {
$e[$key]->setProperty('dtend', $event->start_time);
$e[$key]->setProperty('description', $event->description . "\n\n" . $event->id);
$e[$key]->setProperty('location', $event->location);
// Remove the cache if it exists
// Open (create) the cache file
if(!$handle = fopen($cache, 'w')){
echo "Cannot open output file: " . $cache;
// Write the calendar to the cache
if(fwrite($handle, $c->createCalendar()) === FALSE){
echo "Cannot write to output file: " . $cache;
// Close the cache file
// Now we've got the calendar in the cache file, either newly generated and stored there just a few lines ago or from earlier. Now we'll just display it.
header("Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=UTF-8");
header("Content-Disposition: filename=" . $page . ".ics");
Might anyone have a clue how to do this?
Thanks in advance! Upvotes your way if you can help me out!
You can use a FQL query to get results for multiple pages at once, like this:
select eid, creator, name, description, start_time, end_time, timezone, location from event where creator in ({PAGE1_ID}, {PAGE2_ID}, ...) and start_time > now() order by creator asc
You can issue the (URL encoded) query via the
GET /fql?q=...
endpoint like this (replace Page IDs!):,5678)%20and%20start_time%20%3E%20now()%20order%20by%20creator%20asc
But then you have to restructure your code a little bit, because the result will look like the following:
"data": [
"eid": 2289962603,
"creator": 1146614804,
"name": "eventname",
"description": "descr",
"start_time": "2014-05-30T21:00:00+0200",
"end_time": null,
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"location": "thelocation"
You then have to react on changes of the value for the creator field, which then indicated that there's a new calendar to be created (creator = page_id)

Inserting Events to google calendar from a script

Anyone know the proper way to authenticate and publish directly to a calendar without relying on a currently logged in user? Several weeks ago I built a calendar that used the standard Oauth 2.0 protocol but this relied sessions stored by a user's we browser. I have one calendar that I want to pass events to from an application I am writing with a basic PHP framework. I'm more concerned with what are the best practices that others are using. Your answer could be simply, don't do it. Thanks alot.
Use OAuth 2 and the Authorization Code flow (web server flow), with offline enabled. Store the refresh tokens (which last indefinitely until the user has revoked), and you'll be able to upload events to Google Calendar even when the user isn't currently logged in.
More info:
try Zend_Gdata_Calendar with this library you are able to insert or get events from any user(with the right username and password obviously) from google calendar and integrate with your own calendar or display a short example:
$service = Zend_Gdata_Calendar::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME;
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient('', 'gmailpassword', $service);
$service = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($client);
$query = $service->newEventQuery();
try {
$eventFeed = $service->getCalendarEventFeed($query);
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($eventFeed as $event) {
echo "<li>" . $event->title . " (Event ID: " . $event->id . ")</li>";
echo "</ul>";
$eventURL = "";
try {
$event = $service->getCalendarEventEntry($eventURL);
echo 'Evento: ' . $event->getTitle() .'<br>';
echo 'detalles: ' . $event->getContent().'<br>';
foreach ($event->getWhen() as $dato)
echo 'inicia: ' . substr($dato->startTime, 0,-19) . ' a las: ' . substr($dato->startTime, 11,-10) .'<br>';
echo 'termina: ' .substr($dato->endTime,0,-19) . ' a las: ' . substr($dato->endTime,11,-10) .'<br>';
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
with this you can add, update, edit or delete events from calendar form any user with mail and password...

Writing to Google Docs Spreadsheet using PHP

Is there anyway I could write data to a Google Docs Spreadsheet using PHP, besides the Zend library? I have tried the Zend library, and while it is helpful, I want to be able to specify a specific row and column to write to, instead of writing to the last row of the specified column. From what I have seen, the Zend library is not capable of this.
Any links or code would be greatly appreciated!
I Hope this one useful for anyone..
// load Zend Gdata libraries
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
// set credentials for ClientLogin authentication
$user = "";
$pass = "somepass";
try {
// connect to API
$service = Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME;
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($user, $pass, $service);
$service = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets($client);
// set target spreadsheet and worksheet
$ssKey = 'ssid';
$wsKey = 'wsid';
// update cell at row 6, column 5
$entry = $service->updateCell('6', '5', 'Hello, world', $ssKey, $wsKey);
echo 'Updated cell ' . $entry->getTitle()->getText() . '';
// clear cell at row 1, column 1
$entry = $service->updateCell('1', '1', '', $ssKey, $wsKey);
echo 'Cleared cell ' . $entry->getTitle()->getText();
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage());
The Zend library should be able to edit the contents of a given cell within the spreadsheet. See documentation here:
The 'updateCell' method allows you to pass in a row and column as your target, and set the contents to the new value. Have you had a chance to try this method?
