How to execute .sh file with php via website - php

I'm trying to exec file from .php file via website
First am trying :
exec('bash '.$_POST['password'].' '.$_POST['username']);
exec('bash 123456 user');
And nothing done!
Secound am trying :
shell_exec('bash '.$_POST['password'].' '.$_POST['username']);
shell_exec('bash 123456 user');
And nothing done!
how can I do this. thnx.

in your sh add as first line
then call in php like this
if(isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['username'])) {
shell_exec('./ '. $_POST['password'] . ' ' . $_POST['username']);
} else {
echo 'You must send user and pass';
And give to the web server user write/execute permissions.


Run python script from PHP file

I am trying to run a python file using PHP, but the file doesn't print Hi and I only print "Whatsup". The script is run when the user clicks a submit button. I am on OSX and all the file paths are correct. I did chmod +x as suggested in another post
#set up classes
# figure out regex
else {
$output = shell_exec($command);
echo $output;
echo "Whatsup";
You need to tell which python to use + where it is like:
else {
$command=escapeshellcmd('/usr/bin/python /Users/name/Documents/CPSC_Courses/CPSC353/CoronaVirus/');
$output = shell_exec($command);
echo $output;
echo "Whatsup";
OR for Python3:
else {
$command=escapeshellcmd('/usr/local/bin/python3 /Users/name/Documents/CPSC_Courses/CPSC353/CoronaVirus/');
$output = shell_exec($command);
echo $output;
echo "Whatsup";
Check where your Python is and add FULL path for it.
I would just use:
echo shell_exec("/usr/local/bin/python3 /Users/name/Documents/CPSC_Courses/CPSC353/CoronaVirus/");

How to answer to command response? (shell_exec, exec)

I should enter confirmation code after my function execute. My command wait an answer but I can't reply.
$cmd = 'cd/ && cd .... && ....';
echo shell_exec($cmd);
I tried:
I must enter confirmation code after get permission for some access.
Try this
$cmd = 'echo "Yes"| cd/ && cd .... && ....';
echo shell_exec($cmd);
Replace "Yes" by what you want
Symphony Process command can do this for you:

Can't execute powershell script function using PHPs shell_exec

I'm trying to pass arguments from a PHP page's POST request into a powershell script.
This is the relevant PHP snippet:
$selectedPartner = $_POST['partner'];
$selectedGroup = $_POST['group'];
$script = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe AddRemPartners";
if (isset($_POST['partner']) && isset($_POST['group'])){
if (isset($_POST['AddButton']) && $selectedPartner !== "Select Partner" && $selectedGroup !== "Select Group") {
echo "<br>";
echo "Adding " . $selectedPartner . " to " . $selectedGroup . "...<br>";
$cmd = $script . " -Add $selectedPartner $selectedGroup";
echo "command is:<br>" . $cmd;
//shell_exec('C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\admin\\AddRemPartners.ps1 -Add $selectedPartner //$selectedGroup');
//$command = shell_exec('C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe telnet 4444');
//echo "User added successfully!";
if (isset($_POST['RemoveButton']) && $selectedPartner !== "Select Partner" && $selectedGroup !== "Select Group") {
echo "<br>";
//echo "selection was REMOVE";
And this is my powershell script:
Param([switch]$Add, [switch]$Remove, [string]$User, [string]$Group)
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "P#sSw0rd" -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("userPortal", $secpasswd)
$server = "host.fqdn"
function AddRemPartners
if ($Add){
Write-Host "Add var = $Add"
Write-Host "Add was selected"
Add-ADGroupMember -Server $server -Credential $creds -Identity $Group -Member $User
if ($Remove) {
Write-Host "Remove var = $Remove"
Write-Host "Remove was selected"
Remove-ADGroupMember -Server $server -Credential $creds -Identity "$Group" -Member "$User" -Confirm:$false
AddRemPartners -Add $Add -Remove $Remove -User $User -Group $Group
Things I know:
The php post parameters are good. I captured the request in burpsuit and know that all the correct args are getting sent
The resultant ps query that is built is also good. I output it to the screen and it looks like this:
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe AddRemPartners -Add Dude1 Dude1Group
No network issues. If I run the above command directly from within PowerShell is executes correctly.
I've sourced my script using . .\AddRemPartners.ps1 so I can call my function directly as such:
PS > AddRemPartners -Add User Group
PS > AddRemPartners -Remove User Group
I've narrowed it down to this: I can't execute my ps script from cmd like this:
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe AddRemPartners -Add User Group
As that errors out with this:
AddRemPartners : The term 'AddRemPartners' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
I believe this to be suspect/culpable since I need run that in PHP. So PHP is probably running into the same issue. So why won't cmd recognize my script if I call powershell at the same time as execution?
Any tips and guidance greatly appreciated. I'm at wits end unfortunately. :/
First parameter for PS should be full path of script. Then you should respect parameter definition of PS, on command line as in the script.
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe C:\whereis\AddRemPartners.ps1 -Add -user User -group Group
First line of the script should be parameter definition and defaults.
param([string]$user, [string]$group, [switch]$Add, ...);

PHP: Cant start a Server using shell_exec()

I want to create my own little control panel for my minecraft server,
I got problems with executing commands in php.
So if I want to execute a .sh file in PHP It works, I tried to do an output with
echo "xyz"
This works, but if I try to start a server, it doesnt..
My Server-Start-File:
echo "$1 's Server is starting with $2 MB of RAM"
screen -AmdS $1 java -Xmx$2M -jar spigot1649.jar
My PHP-Script:
$x = shell_exec('./ test 512');
if($x) {
echo "Started";
echo "" . shell_exec('./ test 512');
} else {
echo "Failed";

Run Scripts from PHP

I have a question about interaction PHP and Linux system.
I want to launch Steam from WebPage, and address of this page is
And internal path to WebPage from where im running command is
/var/www/wwwuser/data/www/ goes $_POST[''] data)
and the Steam Client is
The thing is, i know how to access this script, also i can execute simple
echo "Script is Runing"
But when my actions comes to this code
wget -P /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/ &&
tar xvfz /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz -C /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/ &&
sh /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/ +login anonymous +quit &&
rm /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz &&
echo "Steam Installation and Update Completed"
It's not doing anything if im running it from WebPage, but it works when im trying to run it under the SSH user (same as apache user with permissions to write to this folder)
So my question, what am i doing wrong?
My php code to run script is
if($path[2] === 'steaminstall')
$InstallSteam = exec('/var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/SteamInstall', $Output, $Error);
if($Error === 0)
$Status = $DB->SteamStatus($_SESSION['username']);
header('Location: /cp/'.$_SESSION['username'].'/services/');
$Smarty->assign('InstallStatus', 'Database Error Occured');
if($Error === 2)
$Smarty->assign('InstallStatus', $Output);
And this is my database query function
public function SteamStatus($Username)
$Status = '1';
$Statement = $this->DBConnection->prepare("UPDATE account set steaminstalled = ? where username = ?");
$Statement->bindParam(1, $Status);
$Statement->bindParam(2, $Username);
$IStatus = $Statement->execute();
return true;
return false;
Problem solved, you just need to specify direct path to your script (as if you dont, the script itself dont know where to download and where to extract)
So the final bash script (PHP part is perfectly fine):
wget -P /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/ &&
tar xvfz /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz -C /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/ &&
sh /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/ +login anonymous +quit &&
rm /var/www/aftersoft/data/Servers/Steam/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz &&
echo "Steam Installation and Update Completed"
