How to disable sending double emails to customer aftre registration in magento? - php

After registration customer recieve email imforming about 10% off. It works fine but that email is dubled. The same email is sending twice times.
Swiching off Mailchimp doesn't resolve that problem so probably it is not in configuration.
Probably two emails modules capture event but I have no idea how to fix it.


Send Regular Email using MailChimp in Laravel

I'm using "spatie/laravel-newsletter" to subscribe users on signup. That is working fine. But now we need to send email to users when they purchase anything from our website.
I'm not able to find a way how can we send emails like we are currently sending from Laravel code using Gmail account from MailChimp.
Any lead would be helpful, what needs to be done on MailChimp dashboard side, what package of laravel might be useful and how we can send emails with it. Thanks!
Please find the below link for and E-commerce store trigger email, which show mailchimp will automatically sends an email when customer purchases a product.
It also has all sorts of trigger, which will automatically send email. Choose which best suits your requirement.
The spatie/newsletter package is only to send marketing emails from your laravel application. Mailchimp offers a separate PHP library that can be used to send transactional emails using Mailchimp.
The documentation on this package should show you exactly what you need to do on the Mailchimp Dashboard and how you configure your app to send an email through Mailchimp
Transactional Emails are emails that you send that are event based (purchases, user registrations, etc).
Promotional emails like Newsletters are part of marketing emails.
I hope that clarifies and helps with your email configuration on your Laravel application.

Prestashop is not sending order emails to the eshop

I have an issue with a Prestashop where the "eshop" doesn't receive any order email, but the customer receives them properly. The Prestashop is hosted on a shared hosting server with cPanel, running PHP 5.5.
I have checked the above so far:
Under Preferences->Store Contacts->Shop email, the email is correct.
After a successful order as a customer, in cPanel->Mail->Mail Trace, i can see the delivery attempts to customer's email but not to "eshop" email.
Have installed, enabled and configured properly the module "Mail Alerts", entered 1 and more emails in E-mail addresses, but didn't receive any email as the "eshop".
Tried the option: Advanced Parameters->E-mail->TEST YOUR EMAIL CONFIGURATION->Send a test email, with the "eshop's" email address and it worked, bot with PHP mail() and with SMTP.
I have sent an email via the contact form (as a test customer) to Webmaster and to Customer Service and both the client and the "eshop" received the mail.
Sent a test email via thunderbird to the "eshop's" email address and it worked.
Made a new registration as a test customer with a valid email address. The test customer received the "Welcome" email, but the "eshop" didn't receive anything. (i am not really sure if the "eshop" should get any notification mail in this case to be sure, but i tried it).
What i understood so far, is that the mail functionality works for contact forms, test emails via Prestashop, test emails via thunderbird, but not for any kind of orders.
I don't know if there is something else to try to find the problem.
Is there any other option in Prestashop, which prevents the order emails to be sent to the "eshop"?
Is this a bug in Order Functionality?
Any idea would be useful since i don't know what else i can do. Thank you in advance.
if in "eshop" you meant merchant, by default Prestashop does not send these notifications to "admin",
install the Mail alerts module, and there are options to send different types of emails to provided addresses.
It would look that you have the email template in "modules / mailalerts / mail / in / new_order.html"

Best way to send email to clients from e-commerce website?

I'm building e-commerce website that will sell all kind of items,
what is the best way to send emails to clients?
Our selling department will send a lot of emails to customers, emails like delivery, newsletters, coupons, and etc..
I don't want to use mail() function because the customers will receive emails to spam box, what is the right way to do it?
There is a companies like benchmarkemail, icontact, mailchimp, do i need to use them?
It's important that you understand the difference between "transactional" and "non-transactional" email.
Sending a order invoice, password-reset or welcome aboard email is transactional. It is send from you (your website) to one specific email address.
A news letter is usually non-transactional in that the same email is send to multiple people at the same time and many countries have strict laws about how these emails can be send and how people should be able to unsubscribe from them.
For transactional email I would suggest to use a third party service such as Mandrill or Postmark. They will make it easy for you to make sure that email arrives in your customers inbox.
For news letters I would suggest you use a third party service such as Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp. They allow you to set up sophisticated campaigns and see reports on how well your marketing email performs.
I would suggest using SendGrid and they also have PHP libraries. They have a free plan which you can try out. They also support creating email templates on your account which really simplifies the mails you send. All your mail formatting and related code is no longer in your application. I've used it and been quite satisfied so far.
Edit and disclaimer :-) I don't work for SendGrid, just had a good experience using it that is all.
It wont go to the spam box if you use mail(), you just need to make sure you send your emails from a registered domain. You should also sign each email and make sure the SPF records are set up.

Why Isn't Google Apps Email Address Receiving Email From Magento Website?

Ok, I've been working with this Magento website:
There are two forms currently on the website. If I change either form to any email address, the email is never received. If I change either form to my email address, I get the email just fine.
Yes, I HAVE checked spam. The Kharma Khare email address will not receive emails from Magento. I thought it had to do with the Google Apps not being installed correctly... except when I logged into the email there were already tons of emails in there.
They don't have any problem receiving emails, they just don't receive any emails from the website. I've searched online for an answer. All I can find is problems sending emails through Google Apps, not receiving them.
My client already did set up the SPF records as well. In addition, last time I was in Google Apps (at least a year ago) it looked completely different, so I don't know where anything is anymore.
The first form is on the contact page (this uses Magento's default contact module):
The other is opened by clicking on the "Free Sample" tab on the upper right side of the screen. After spending hours working on this over a couple days I finally figured out how to do what would've been a 10-minute job in wordpress; creating an alternate email form. -_-
Regardless, although I know both forms work, neither one will send to the email address it actually needs to get sent to, and its driving me nuts. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this problem?
Switch off the mailserver for that domain.
The reason they are not getting the emails and you are is that the sending address is and the receiving address is The MX records offloading the email to Google Apps are not used in this instance as the server will look for the local mailserver first.

Magento sends too many confirmation emails

I have a Magento store that apparently sends too many confirmations emails on an order. My theory is that the emails are resent all over again to the store admin when the customer tries to shop entering an inexistent email address.
How can I debug and/or fix this?
Is the customer's email getting returned to sender? If so try setting the sender address to a blackhole, a mailbox that drops all messages. It's not uncommon for sites to have a "noreply#" address for this purpose.
