Laravel eager loading issue - php

Say I have an orders table and a users table and a guests table, for a company who accept orders from both users and guests.
I also have a is_guest boolean on the orders table which lets me know quickly whether the order has been made by a guest or a registered user.
I have a model method called customer which returns the eloquent relation like so:
public function customer()
return $this->is_guest ? $this->belongsTo('Guest', 'user_id') : $this->belongsTo('User', 'user_id');
This works very well when I pass orders to the view and access the customer's data like so:
// Maps to either $order->user->firstname OR $order->guest->firstname
echo $order->customer->firstname;
But when I try to use this functionality when using eager loading it doesn't quite work:
$orders = Order::with('customer')->get();
return Response::make($orders);
It only returns the eager loaded customer data for either the user or the guest and never both.
I'm wondering why this is and how to get round it?
Is it because of the way the eager loading works - it only calls the customer() method once just as it only hits the database once, so whatever the first result of the query is, it will use that to determine the rest of the query too?
If I am trying to get a JSON response of all the order data with all of the customer's details too, how would I do that?
Yes, turns out I was abusing the Laravel relationship method by adding a condition.
Using the polymorphic relations is a much better approach as suggested by #lukasgeiter.
I did have trouble loading other relations based on the polymorphic relation. For example if both User and Guest had corresponding tables UserDetail and GuestDetail then I couldn't get the eager loading to work. So I added this to both the User and Guest models:
protected $with = ['detail'];
This means that whenever the customer polymorphic relation is eager loaded, then both User and Guest will load their relationships automatically. I think I could have also used the 'lazy loading' functionality $order->load('customer') but I didn't try it out.
public function detail()
return $this->hasOne('UserDetail');
Thanks guys.


How do I handle multiple pivot relationships in Laravel?

In my app, you can create lists of roles that are attached to contacts. So you can assign the contact "Bob" the roles of "Gardener" and "Pet Sitter". Then you can create the list "People" and add "Gardener (Bob)" and "Pet Sitter (Bob)" to it.
I have the following tables:
contact_role (pivot)
contact_role_list (pivot)
Everything was working smoothly until the second pivot table linked to the first pivot table. My pivot tables are (currently) not having any models so I'm not sure if there is a built-in feature to tackle this in Laravel or if I need to think differently.
I currently have this in my List model:
public function list_roles(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(XYZ::class, 'contact_role_list', 'list_id', 'contact_role_id');
Is this even close? What do I put where it says XYZ::class?
Ok, so the below is doing what I want, but is there an even better way to do it? The key to solving my problem was to create a Model for ContactRole and changing extends Model to extends Pivot.
I placed this in my List Model:
public function list_roles(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(ContactRole::class, 'contact_role_list', 'list_id', 'contact_role_id');
And this in my ContactRole Model:
public function contact(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Contact::class);
Now I could reach the contact data by using something like this: List::first()->contact_roles->first()->contact
Any way to use with, pivot or similar to tidy this up even more? Thanks!
I like to approach these issues in terms of Models rather than pivots. I think many new Developers in Laravel get over obsessed with what's going on in the Database which is fine, but theres a lot of Magic going on so you can write very simple code that does a lot of Heavy lifting, so that being said if I fully understand your problem
You have a Contacts Model
This model can have many roles
so in your contacts Model you need a role relationship
public function roles()
return $this->belongsToMany(Roles::class);
next of course you have a role Model (pun intended)
your each role can have many list
public function lists()
return $this->hasMany(List::class)
then the idea is now that you have roles on contacts and lists on roles you should be able to have many lists through contact
public function lists()
return $this->hasManyThrough(List::class, Role::class);
I've done similar things before and for your description it seems like that's the approach you might need to take.

How to return a record with its relation only if the relation has not been deelted

I am using Laravel 5.2 and have some relationships between my models setup.
I have a Product model and a Customer model (a product has a customer).
I am using the following to get a list of customers, however I am also using soft deletes. If the customer has been soft deleted (the relation), I don't want to return the product.
How do I achieve this in Laravel?
$products = Product::with('customer')->get(); --want to say "where customer.deleted_at is null"
You have to call has on the query:
$products = Product::with('customer')->has('customer')->get();
As #Lock put it, use
$products = Product::with('customer')->has('customer')->get();
TIP: For the opposite - i.e to get only the products with deleted customers (doesn't make much sense here but you may find this handy in future), use below
$deleted=Product::with(['customer' => function ($q) {

How to retrieve data from additional columns in a pivot table and also be able to update it in laravel 5.2

I was working on making a group functionality for my website which uses a many to many relationship between groups and users.
My User model looks like this:
public function groups(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Group')->withPivot('role')->withTimestamps();
My Groups model looks like this:
public function users(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User')->withPivot('role')->withTimestamps();
So my third column has the name of role which is a string variable and is set to a default of "member" for members of my group and I set it to "admin" for the actual user who creates a new group. But I want the admin to have the option of making multiple members admins as well which would require me to check weather the current current user who sent the request is an admin or not. If he is, then I wanna be able to take his request of making a member an admin which would require me to update the role for that particular "member" to an "admin".
In the laravel documentation it only shows you how to attach and detach data in a pivot table and else where I have only seen methods of retrieving data from the first two columns but how can I do the same for additional columns and also be able to update it using the updateExistingPivot method?
You could access the column simply using pivot e.g :
Take a look at Retrieving Intermediate Table Columns in documentation Eloquent Relationships.
Hope this helps.

Is this many-to-many relationship possible in Laravel?

I'm trying to get my head around using polymorphic relationships for a many-to-many relationship between suppliers and products:
product_id // belongsToMany easily takes care of this id
supplier_id // and this id
price // this can be fetched using withPivot('price')
deliverymethod_id // I'm having difficulties "joining" this one.
I'm confident in using belongsToMany(), I can easily do something like this:
public function products()
return $this
But the catch here is joining to that third column in the relationship table:
I am unsure how to do this. I've been told that Polymorphic Relationships are what I'm after however I'm unsure how to implement them for my situation.
According to the documentation, I would have to rename my table columns to include *able_id and *able_type. This is really confusing.
I was expecting laravel to having something like belongsToMany('Supplier')->withAlso('Deliverymethod')
I'm afraid that method does not exist (yet?).
What I fall back to is manually filling in the 3rd relation:
public function products()
return $this
->withPivot('price', 'delivermethod_id');
Now I can access ->pivot->deliverymethod_id on every Product that I get via Supplier.
You could even add a function in your Product model that fills this in automatically:
Class Product ... {
protected $appends = array('deliverymethod');
public function getDeliverymethodAttribute()
return Deliverymethod::find($this->pivot->delivermethod_id);
Now every time you request a product via it's relation to the supplier, it automatically includes a deliverymethod attribute with the object in it.
(To have it not throw an error when you get a Product directly, just remove the $appends variable from the Product model and call the getDeliverymethodAttribute() method manually whenever you need it.)
Short explanation about polymorphic relations:
Polymorphic relations are for relations, where two models are related to a third model at the same time. So for example both a User and a Product can have a Picture of them. Now, it doesn't make sense to have two models for the pictures (UserPicture and ProductPicture), since they both have the same characteristics. This would be a perfect reason to use a polymorphic relation, where the Picture can both belong to a User or a Product.
However, in your case the Deliverymethod applies directly to the relation between Supplier and Product. So this is not where polymorphic relations would work, but it has instead to be done the way you did it.

How should I structure the Eloquent ORM models for multiple intermediate tables in Laravel?

I can't find anywhere the information on how you have several intermediate tables with your Eloquent ORM models. The problem I'm facing is that I have a table for my users, permissions and roles. These are the 4 tables:
(Well, I also have a users table but the layout of it doesn't matter since the foreign key is in permission_role_user_mapping.)
So the problem is that I want to be able to get the data from the permissions table when calling from the User model. I have some trouble grasping the workflow with Eloquent ORM altogether so if I'm missing something basic which is crucial then please point it out.
According to the documentation it seems that I don't need to create models for the intermediate tables. So how would I specify the relationship from the User class? Could I do something similar to this?
class User extends Eloquent {
public function permission_role()
return $this->has_many_and_belongs_to('Permission_Role', 'permission_role_user_mappings');
public function permission()
return $this->has_many_and_belongs_to('Permission_Role', 'permission_role_user_mappings')->has_many_and_belongs_to('Permission','permission_role_mappings');
This doesn't seem to be working, this is the error:
Method [permission] is not defined on the Query class.
I also want to be able to get data by starting from Permission_Role and Permission. I'd prefer that the answer would help me specifying all the models required.
Eloquent relationships are accessed as an object property instead of a function.
You can wrap that above statement in the dd function to get a look at it.
This guide on Eloquent Relationships should be helpful
Edit for question in comments about selecting all permissions in the role:
$roles = array();
$permission_roles = User::find(1)->permission_roles()->get();
foreach ($permission_roles as $pr) {
if (! in_array($pr->permissions)) {
$roles[] = $pr->permissions;
This will get you what you want. However, this will end up doing a lot of queries. It's best to make use of Eager Loading here.
