Getting error while installing imagick in php - php

I'm getting an error as
'phpize' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
while installing imagick version 3.1.1 in php.
I am trying to install in
Windows 7 32-bit
XAMPP Version: 1.8.3
I try the following procedure
"cd imagick-3.1.1" - go where you placed the folder
"./configure --with-imagick=/opt/local"
"make install"
present in the link
Please help me out. I'm a newbie in this. Sorry for asking this question, still i need some guidance to resolve this. Hope someone will help.


I am struggling grpc php extension installation on my ubuntu 20.04 server by using whm terminal

I am using repo to install grpc. But after make when I fire the "make install" command then I get error This is the error in the terminal I get.
I don't know how to use cmake and and bazel to install this.
Please help. I am stuck in this from 2 days.
Thank You!

Installing PEAR on Windows 7

Ok guys, I've been trying to do this for 3 days. I downloaded php5 and tried unsuscessfully to install pear, it installed but would just give me a return on the cli when i tried to install a package.
So I deleted the php5 folder and all the enviornemnt variables.
I put in a php7 folder and tried downloading the go-pear.phar file using curl, and updated the enviornment variables. Now when I run the "php go-pear.phar" command it gets stuck in an infinite loop and I have to press cntrl-c to exit. it says ERROR where you should press enter.
I don't know if the previous version of php is throwing off the install, is there anything besides the enviornment variables? A bin directory?? Should I just get a mac and blow this laptop?
The answer was to do a manual install. If anyone does this and gets an error that the pear install dir is wrong, just search the bat file for "pear" and you'll see where they added it to the %prefix%
that was a bitch!

php-cs-fixer [Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException] The process has been signaled with signal "6"

I've installed php-cs-fixer via composer tonight.
But when testing again a php file I'm getting the following error:
The process has been signalled with signal "6".
I've tried removing it and re-installing it to the same effect.
Your help here would be greatly appreciated.
New to laravel PHP programming but enjoying it!
Worked it out guys/girls.
Was a version issue with php. Not sure how it happened as I'd installed php71 via homebrew but when doing.
php -v it was pointing to the pre-installed version of php on my mac.
PLUS I had a version of mampstack installed on my machine. I removed that.
Reinstalled php71 and did a
php -v
and sure enough, the correct version of php is now running.
The php-cs-fixer is now working as expected.
This was question was my first post to stack overflow :-)
Looking forward to contributing more!
Take care.
You need updates or install some dependencies as follows:
$brew install svn
$brew link --overwrite subversion

How can I get my current symfony installation run on a local server?

I have been working on a Symfony2 installation on a dedicated server for the past year and I'm finally trying to get it to work on my local server (since I am spending more time meddling with the code lately).
I've created a new database and imported it. Edited the parameters.yml file to contain all the info needed by local and ran php composer.phar install.
Ran php app/console doctrine:schema:update, clear cache, install assets and dumped assetics. No errors so far.
Now, when I go to the app.php file, I am getting this error :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function Doctrine\Common\Annotations\token_get_all() in [path]/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/TokenParser.php on line 56
I couldn't find an answer by searching (could be because I am not sure what i am searching for). Has anyone encountered this issue before and know how to fix it?
Do you have the PHP tokenizer extension enabled? Check the Symfony requirements for more information.
In Ubuntu 14.04 you could install it with
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5

how to install LIBSVM on PHP (Windows)?

Im trying to install libsvm on PHP (windows) like this
But im trying a couple of times still fail. can anyone give me detailed tutorial?
im using xampp 1.8.3. PHP version 5.5.15
my error is: the program can't start because libsvm.dll is missing from your computer
PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library E:\xampp\php\ext\php_svm.dll
im appreciated if someone can help me.. :)
Never done this on Windows and never used xampp before, but the error you are getting is because you need libsvm as well.
The readme in the extension repository that you are using tells you what to do to install it on windows:
Download latest libsvm, rename Makefile to Makefile.old and to Makefile - nmake Copy libsvm.lib from libsvm windows
directory, and into deps/libs Copy svm.h into includes/libsvm/
buildconf configure --disable-all --enable-cli --with-svm=shared nmake
Make sure the libsvm.dll file from the libsvm windows directory in the
path when running the resulting lib.
