How to use cakephp classes like cakelog in external script - php

I have a php script in webroot folder and i want to use CakeLog::write inside it.
Is there anyway to include cakephp classes in this kind of scripts?
I know that i can bring my script to some controller action but I want to know is there anyway to use cakephp classes outside of it?

after a month it seems that there is no answer for this question.
for solving my problem I wrote my own CakeLog class with write method:
my CakeLog config in bootstrap.php:
CakeLog::config("default", array(
'engine' => 'Syslog',
'prefix' => 'tgui',
'flag' => LOG_ODELAY | LOG_PID,
'facility' => LOG_LOCAL0
so my custom class will be following:
class CakeLog {
public static function write($type, $msg) {
openlog("tgui", LOG_ODELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0);
syslog($type, $msg);


execute global function automatically on running controller in yii2

We have web pages, where user will be redirected to $this->goHome(), if the session timeouts or user logouts. We have to destroy the all the session so, we have to add a function with destroying session. This function should be executed before running any action/controller in Yii2 i.e. similar to hooks in codeigniter. We have tried a helper function with destroying session and we have called the function as HomeHelper::getHelpDocUrlForCurrentPage(); in main.php layout, but the layout will be executed after running action in controller, it should work on running any controller as we have 100+ controllers. How this can be achieved, please suggest us in right way. Thanks in advance.
you could try using 'on beforeAction'
return [
'vendorPath' => dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/vendor',
'bootstrap' => [
'on beforeAction' => function($event){
// your code ..
} ,
'modules' => [
While #ScaisEdge solution would work I believe application config is not proper place to hold application logic.
You should use filters to achieve result you want.
First you need to implement filter with your logic. For example like this:
namespace app\components\filters;
class MyFilter extends yii\base\ActionFilter
public function beforeAction() {
// ... your logic ...
// beforeAction method should return bool value.
// If returned value is false the action is not run
return true;
Then you want to attach this filter as any other behavior to any controller you want to apply this filter on. Or you can attach the filter to application if you want to apply it for each action/controller. You can do that in application config:
return [
'as myFilter1' => \app\components\filters\MyFilter::class,
// ... other configurations ...
You might also take a look at existing core filters if some of them can help you.

ZF2 view plugin manager not merging config

On my module.config.php I've got something like:
return [
'view_helpers' => [
'invokables' => [
'mycustomviewhelper' => 'Namespace\View\Helper\MyCustomViewHelper',
I have also got a utility class that will handle the responsibility of rendering a helper. Something like Zend\Paginator.
Zend\Paginator has a __toString() method that proxies to render() call, which instantiates View\Renderer\PhpRenderer() and then calls $view->paginationControl($this).
I am trying to replicate the similar functionality in my utility class, which has similar strategy to what Zend\Paginator already does, the only thing being different is my view helper is a custom one. Hence, my code looks like:
This does not work, because the PhpRenderer ignores the config defined manually and does the following in getHelperPluginManager:
$this->setHelperPluginManager(new HelperPluginManager());
I've tried invoking the helpers already defined in ViewHelperManager and this works well.
I did try merging in the config beforehand and then setting the PhpRenderer in the view but then this caused other problems, such as my partials were not found etc.
Now my question is why does ZF not consider any custom registered views when trying to render it in isolation. Is there any other way to do this?
Thank you.
Right, after a bit of a debugging, and playing with the configs, I was able to make this work. Still not sure if this is the best way to do this, but looks like currently there's no other way to make it work.
I created a factory for the utility class, instantiated the PhpRenderer, and then merged in my config with the ViewPluginManager manually. My factory now looks like:
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocatorInterface)
$dataTable = new DataTable;
$phpRenderer = new PhpRenderer();
$config = new \Zend\ServiceManager\Config([
'invokables' => [
'datatablerenderer' => 'DataTable\View\Helper\DataTableRenderer'
$phpRenderer->setHelperPluginManager(new HelperPluginManager($config));
return $dataTable;
However will have to refactor this so that the config comes from the view_helpers config key and is not hardcoded.

Phalcon router doesn't react to subfolders and namespace declaration

So I've been reading a ton of stackoverflow and phalcon forum threads.. (I'm starting to hate this framework), but nothing seem to work and it doesn't explain why like Laravel does, for example.
I'm just trying to be able to operate with this application structure:
As you can see, all I want is to use namespaced controllers in subfolders to make more order for my code.
According to all explanations, here's my loader.php:
$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();
* We're a registering a set of directories taken from the configuration file
AFAIK, Phalcon should traverse all subfolders for not found classes when used via registerDirs.
Then I define my routes to specific controller after the main route to index controllers in base directory:
$router = new Phalcon\Mvc\Router(false);
$router->add('/:controller/:action/:params', array(
'namespace' => 'App\Controllers',
'controller' => 1,
'action' => 2,
'params' => 3,
$router->add('/:controller', array(
'namespace' => 'App\Controllers',
'controller' => 1
$router->add('/soccer/soccer/:controller', array(
'namespace' => 'App\Controllers\Soccer',
'controller' => 1
$router->add('/soccer/:controller/:action/:params', array(
'namespace' => 'App\Controllers\Soccer',
'controller' => 1,
'action' => 2,
'params' => 3
return $router;
And one of my controllers look like:
<?php namespace App\Controllers\Soccer;
use App\Controllers\ControllerBase as ControllerBase;
class IndexController extends ControllerBase
public function indexAction()
What's wrong here? Default top namespace is not registered? Am I missing something?
This just doesn't work. When I try to open which I expect to go to app/controllers/soccer/IndexController.php, but instead it tells me:
SoccerController handler class cannot be loaded
Which basically means it's looking for SoccerController.php in /controllers directory and totally ignores my subfolder definition and routes.
Phalcon 1.3.0
Stuck on this for a week. Any help - Much appreciated.
I was having a problem with loading the ControllerBase and the rest of the controllers in the controllers folder using namespaces. I was having a hard time since other example projects worked fine and I realized that I was missing a small detail in the despatcher declaration where I was supposed to setDefaultNamespace
$di->set('dispatcher', function () {
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
return $dispatcher;
or you can specify it directly on the routing declaration file like this
$router->add("/some-controler", array(
'namespace' => 'App\Controllers'
'controller' => 'some',
'action' => 'index'
that should work as well, it might be a bit confusing at first with namespaces but once you get a hang of it you will love this extremely fast framework
It looks like your namespaces have capitals
and your folder structure does not
In my app I have controllers with a namespace and I have just tried changing the case of the folders so they don't match and I get the missing class error.
Of course it does raise a question, how many controllers are you planning on having that namespacing them is worthwhile? Are you grouping controllers and action by function or content? I used to have loads of controllers in Zend, but now I have grouped them by function I only have 16 and I am much happier. e.g. I suspect soccer, rugby, hockey etc will probably be able to share a sport controller, articles, league positions etc will have a lot of data in common.
ps Don't give up on Phalcon! In my experience it is sooo much faster than any other PHP framework I have used it is worth putting up with a lot :)
Are you sure Phalcon traverses subfolders when registering directories to the autoloader? Have you tried adding a line to your autoloader which explicitly loads the controllers\soccer directory?
Alternatively, if your soccer controller is namespaced, you can also register the namespace: "App\Controllers\Soccer" => "controllers/soccer/" with the autoloader.

How to change Yii Error Handler on the fly?

In Yii's config.php we have this statement which declares which Controller is the default and only-one Error-Handler within the application:
'errorHandler' => array(
'errorAction' => 'site/error',
So, I need to have an actionError() under my SiteController, to get the errors previewed in my site, but this is not what I really need.
I am trying to change the Yii::app()->errorHandler->errorAction on the fly, throughout my custom-controllers who extend the base CController (Yii's base controller).
Till now, I have tried something like this:
class AdminController extends CController {
public $layout = '//layouts/admin';
public function init() {
Yii::app()->errorHandler->errorAction = '/admin/error';
But gives no results, nor hope. Note that I also have this URL configuration:
'/admin' => '/admin/home',
'/admin/<controller:\w+>' => '/admin/<controller>',
'/admin/<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '/admin/<controller>/<action>',
'/admin/<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '/admin/<controller>/<action>',
And this means I have a whole Controllers-Views group named admin, and they are stored in following directories:
So by that logic, I have ErrorController in both: admin and controllers root, and by the same structure in the views directory.
That's what I have tried, and I really appreciate help, so thank you all in advance!
You should try this :

Setup CakePHP with an existing Database

I have a MySQL server database currently setup which has a few simple tables to track orders, such as tblOrders, tblUsers, tblProducts.
Although I have a website working with it fine now, I'd like to setup CakePHP to act as the server side framework for handling interaction with the database rather than using hand written queries in my PHP pages.
Is there a simple way to setup CakePHP with my existing Database/tables?
If I understand correctly, I will have a main MyApplication class which Extends Controller, as well as Order, User, Product, (... other tables) classes which each extend the MyApplication class.
It looks like the REST guide uses a method in the configuration file called Router::mapResources('recipes');. Will this create the controllers for each table with the default methods to use for REST?
I.e., in the /app/config/routes.php configuration file:
// /app/config/routes.php
// /app/config/database.php
public $default = array(
'datasource' => 'Database/myStoreDB',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'admin_user',
'password' => 'c4k3roxx!',
'database' => 'main_db',
'prefix' => ''
If you want Model, Controller and View code created for you, you're looking for baking.
Cake expects your database tables to follow a naming convention. I'm not sure how the bake will go because your tables don't match this convention. You may need to create your model classes by hand and specify the useTable attribute on each class. For example:
class Order extends AppModel {
public $useTable = 'tblOrders';
Once this is done, I expect the baking of Controllers and Views should work as normal. Note that with mapResources you still need Controller code. That function just generates routes.
If Cake is the only thing that will be touching this database, I recommend renaming tables and columns in line with the conventions it expects.
