i made a script to upload avatars on my website, it works as intended (the image is resized and uploaded) but I don't understand why thoses special characters are displayed after the page is reloaded.
Script :
//Session for test purpose
$_SESSION['user']['id'] = 1337;
$avatar = $_FILES['avatar']['name'];
$avatar_tmp = $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'];
//Extension test
$image = explode('.', $avatar);
$image_ext = end($image);
if(!in_array(strtolower($image_ext), array('png', 'gif', 'jpeg','jpg'))){
$msg .= '<div class="error">Choosen file is not an image</div>';
//Mime test and image create
$image_size = getimagesize($avatar_tmp);
if($image_size['mime'] == 'image/jpeg'){
$image_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($avatar_tmp);
elseif($image_size['mime'] == 'image/png'){
$image_src = imagecreatefrompng($avatar_tmp);
elseif($image_size['mime'] == 'image/gif'){
$image_src = imagecreatefromgif($avatar_tmp);
$msg .= '<div class="error">Choosen file is not an image</div>';
//No error -> resize and upload
$image_width = 150;
if($image_size[0] <= $image_width){
$image_finale = $image_src;
$new_width[0] = $image_width;
$new_height[1] = ($image_size[1] / $image_size[0]) * $image_width;
$image_finale = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width[0], $new_height[1]);
imagecopyresampled($image_finale, $image_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width[0], $new_height[1], $image_size[0], $image_size[1]);
imagejpeg($image_finale, 'img/' . $_SESSION['user']['id'] . '.jpg');
$msg .= '<div class="success">Avatar uploaded</div>';
Displayed characters :
ÿØÿàJFIFÿþ>CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v90), default quality ÿÛC $.' ",#(7),01444'9=82<.342ÿÛC ...
Thanks in advance for your help.
You call
second time at the end, I am sure you mean
It is because imagejpeg without second parameter (path) outputs it to the browser, which gives garbage without header before that.
i'm a php newbie and still trying to get to grips with the language.
I need to crop the images i'm uploading into squares using php. Here is my current code to upload the images (which is working fine):
$sUploadDirectory = 'uploads/';
$aFileTypesAllowed = array('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png');
$aExtensionsAllowed = array('gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg');
$aJSExtensions = 'new Array("gif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg")';
$bImagesOnly = true;
$iMaxFileSize = 102400;
if(isset($_REQUEST['upload']) && $_REQUEST['upload'] == 'true') {
$bSuccess = true;
$sErrorMsg = 'Your image was successfully uploaded.';
if (array_search($_FILES['myFile']['type'], $aFileTypesAllowed) === false ||
!in_array(end(explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['myFile']['name']))), $aExtensionsAllowed)) {
$bSuccess = false;
$sErrorMsg = 'Invalid file format. Acceptable formats are: ' . implode(', ', $aFileTypesAllowed);
} else if ($bImagesOnly && !(getimagesize($_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name']))) {
$bSuccess = false;
$sErrorMsg = 'The image is invalid or corrupt. Please select another.';
} else if ($_FILES['myFile']['size'] > $iMaxFileSize) {
$bSuccess = false;
$sErrorMsg = 'The file size of your property photo must not exceed ' . ($iMaxFileSize / 1024) . 'Kb. Please try again.';
} else {
if (!#move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name'], $sUploadDirectory . $_FILES['myFile']['name'])) {
$bSuccess = false;
$sErrorMsg = 'An unexpected error occurred while saving your uploaded photo. Please try again.';
print '<html>' .
'<head>' .
'<script type="text/javascript">' .
'parent.uploadResult(' . ($bSuccess ? 'true' : 'false') . ', \'' . $sErrorMsg . '\', \'' . $sUploadDirectory . $_FILES['myFile']['name'] . '\');' .
'</script>' .
'</head>' .
'<body></body>' .
I've tried adding this after the last argument checking the file size, it works on desktop, however doesn't on mobile when you use the 'take photo' option, which is an essential option in my design:
//crop image into sqaure
// Original image
$filename = $_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name'];
// Get dimensions of the original image
list($current_width, $current_height) = getimagesize($filename);
// The x and y coordinates on the original image where we
// will begin cropping the image
$left = $current_width / 2 - 320;
$top = $current_height / 2 - 320;
// This will be the final size of the image (e.g. how many pixels
// left and down we will be going)
$crop_width = 640;
$crop_height = 640;
// Resample the image
$canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($crop_width, $crop_height);
$current_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
imagecopy($canvas, $current_image, 0, 0, $left, $top, $current_width,
imagejpeg($canvas, $filename, 100);
//crop image into sqaure
I'm wondering if I have coded this poorly causing it not to work,
If any one could help i'd be very grateful! Thanks!
so this is the code that works on desktop but not on mobile, the first html entry above works on mobile and desktop.
$sUploadDirectory = 'uploads/';
$aFileTypesAllowed = array('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png');
$aExtensionsAllowed = array('gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg');
$aJSExtensions = 'new Array("gif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg")';
$bImagesOnly = true;
$iMaxFileSize = 4194304;
if(isset($_REQUEST['upload']) && $_REQUEST['upload'] == 'true') {
$temp = explode(".", $_FILES["myFile"]["name"]);
$newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp);
$bSuccess = true;
$sErrorMsg = 'Thanks! Your image was successfully uploaded.';
if (array_search($_FILES['myFile']['type'], $aFileTypesAllowed) === false ||
!in_array(end(explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['myFile']['name']))), $aExtensionsAllowed)) {
$bSuccess = false;
$sErrorMsg = 'Invalid file format. Acceptable formats are: ' . implode(', ', $aFileTypesAllowed);
} else if ($bImagesOnly && !(getimagesize($_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name']))) {
$bSuccess = false;
$sErrorMsg = 'The image is invalid or corrupt. Please select another.';
} else if ($_FILES['myFile']['size'] > $iMaxFileSize) {
$bSuccess = false;
$sErrorMsg = 'The file size of your property photo must not exceed ' . ($iMaxFileSize / 1024) . 'Kb. Please try again.';
} else {
$filename = $_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name'];
// Get dimensions of the original image
list($current_width, $current_height) = getimagesize($filename);
// The x and y coordinates on the original image where we
// will begin cropping the image
$left = $current_width / 2 - ($current_width / 2);
$top = $current_height / 2 - ($current_width / 2);
// This will be the final size of the image (e.g. how many pixels
// left and down we will be going)
$crop_width = $current_width;
$crop_height = $current_width;
// Resample the image
$canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($crop_width, $crop_height);
$current_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
imagecopy($canvas, $current_image, 0, 0, $left, $top, $current_width, $current_height);
imagejpeg($canvas, $filename, 100);
if (!#move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name'], $sUploadDirectory . $newfilename)) {
$bSuccess = false;
$sErrorMsg = 'An unexpected error occurred while saving your uploaded photo. Please try again.';
print '<html>' .
'<head>' .
'<script type="text/javascript">' .
'parent.uploadResult(' . ($bSuccess ? 'true' : 'false') . ', \'' . $sErrorMsg . '\', \'' . $sUploadDirectory . $newfilename . '\');' .
'</script>' .
'</head>' .
'<body></body>' .
You can use the native PHP function imagecrop.
The following code will cut anything that is not a square (if the aspect ratio is greater or less than 1).
Of course, this is a little bit thrown together and could absolutely be a little bit more optimized, but it will do for now.
// Uploaded file temporary location
$fileTemp = $_FILES["myFile"]["tmp_name"];
// Validate the file extension.
$fileExt = strtolower(end(explode(".", $_FILES["myFile"]["name"])));
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($fileTemp);
case "png":
$image = imagecreatefrompng($fileTemp);
case "gif":
$image = imagecreatefromgif($fileTemp);
$errorMessage = "Invalid file format. Acceptable formats are: " . implode(", ", $validFileTypes);
// Retrieve image resolution and aspect ratio.
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($fileTemp);
$aspectRatio = $width / $height;
// Crop the image based on the provided aspect ratio.
if($aspectRatio !== 1){
$portrait = $aspectRatio < 1;
// This will check if the image is portrait or landscape and crop it square accordingly.
$image = imagecrop($image, [
"x" => $portrait ? 0 : (($width - $height) / 2),
"y" => $portrait ? (($width - $height) / 2) : 0,
"width" => $portrait ? $width : $height,
"height" => $portrait ? $width : $height
// Constrain max file size.
$maxFileSize = 102400;
if($_FILES["myFile"]["size"] >= $maxFileSize){
$errorMessage = "The file size of your property photo must not exceed " . ($maxFileSize / 1024) . "Kb. Please try again.";
// Send to CDN...
I have been working on an issue whereby a file upload form will only accept certain images, it is not a problem with image size(dimensions) or with size(filesize) but I think i've found it's to do with image bit depth, as the PHP script resizes the image and applies a static (semi-transparant) watermark file to the image and saves the result.
I have gone through a long process today and yesterday working with this as the error that occurs is the server stating "Connection reset by server" . Which I think I've narrowed down to the server not having enough free memory to complete the image resource manipulations.
Then, after all that, this error comes up on file upload submission:
IPS detected for "WEB PHP EXIF Process IFD TAG Remote Integer Overflow -2 (CVE-20/Buffer Over Flow"
Some googling only tells me that it's a securty vulnerabiliy for PHP < 4.2 or so, and doesn't relate to actually what's going on.
I have looked through my code and am very sure that
My query is to try and shed some light on what this error statement means (and how I can go about correcting it)?
PHP 5.6.16
No PHP EXIF functions run on the page.
I can't see anywhere on the page that would cause an integer overflow (running to infinity, I guess)
Page does use imagecopy, imagealphablending and imagesavealpha But this error notice seems to appear before the script runs on the uploaded file.
This error only occurs on some uploaded images and not on others.
I have found no Apache error logs relating to this
I have no PHP errors recorded.
As I think the issue may occur somehow before the page loads I'm not sure how useful this code block will be but, take a look:
(also please note that I am aware this page is 5 years old and isn't the smartest programming, i have fixed it up in parts but am aware it can probably be further tidied)
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
///first set out variables.
$goodImage = 0;
$maxfilesize = (int)$_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE'];
$gallery = (int)$_POST['galfolderid']
if (empty($gallery)) {
$_SESSION['message'] = $gallery . "<br/>Gallery Value has not been set.";
elseif (!is_numeric($gallery)) {
$_SESSION['message'] = $gallery . "<br/>Gallery Value is not a numeric value.";
elseif (!is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gallery/" . $gallery )) {
$_SESSION['message'] = $gallery . "<br/>Gallery Value, while being a number, is not a valid numeric value.";
if(!empty($_SESSION['message'])) {
for($count=0;$count<5;$count++) {
if ($_FILES['image']['error'][$count] == 0) {
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$imageType = finfo_file($finfo, $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'][$count]);
if (strtolower($imageType) == "image/png") {
$imgtype = "PNG";
$original = imagecreatefrompng($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'][$count]);
} elseif (strtolower($imageType) == "image/jpeg" || strtolower($imageType) == "image/jpg") {
$imgtype = "JPG";
$original = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'][$count]);
} else {
//not a JPG or PNG type... set error.
$_SESSION['message'] = "Image " . ($count+1) . " does not appear to be a valid .JPG or .PNG file. ";
$edgePadding = (int)$_POST['WMedge'][$count]; //integer
$watermarkScale = $_POST['WMscale'][$count]; //float
$h_position = $_POST['Hpos'][$count]; //text array
$v_position = $_POST['Vpos'][$count]; //text array
$Hoz = $h_position[0];
$Vez = $v_position[0];
if (!isset($watermarkScale) || empty($watermarkScale) || !is_numeric($watermarkScale)) {
$watermarkScale = 1.0;
elseif($watermarkScale > 2.0) {
$watermarkScale = 2.0;
elseif($watermarkScale < 0.5) {
$watermarkScale = 0.5;
if ((!isset($edgePadding) || empty($edgePadding) || !is_numeric($edgePadding)) && $edgePadding !== "0") {
$edgePadding = 5;
// be sure that the other options we need have some kind of value
if ($_FILES['image']['size'][$count] > $maxfilesize) {
$_SESSION['message'] .= "Image file ".($count+1)." appears to be too big. There is a limit of 2Mb on the
size of the image you can upload. Please click 'Back' on your browser and resubmit a valid image.";
//file too big.
//target name is the number of images in the LARGE gallery,
///cycle through imagenames to find the first "clear" image number.
$newimagename = 1;
NOTE: Only possible place an integer oveflow might occur I think
while (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/gallery/" . $gallery . "/S/" . $newimagename . ".jpg")) {
///newimagename is the new filename of the image.
$target_name = $newimagename . ".jpg";
$target = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/gallery/" . $gallery . "/L/" . $target_name;
$targetSmall = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/gallery/" . $gallery . "/S/" . $target_name;
//targetSM is used below to make the thumbnail image. for the SMALL gallery.
//full target directory and name.
// file upload success
// now file need resizing before the watermark is applied.
// resize new dimensions (Large- 800px)
$originalImageSize[0] = imagesx($original);
$originalImageSize[1] = imagesy($original);
* Resize new dimensions for small thumbnail.
if ($originalImageSize[0] > 133) {
$percent = 133 / $originalImageSize[0];
} else {
$percent = 1;
$newThumbHeight = $originalImageSize[1] * $percent;
$newThumbWidth = $originalImageSize[0] * $percent;
// Resample
$imageThumbFinal = imagecreatetruecolor($newThumbWidth, $newThumbHeight);
imagecopyresampled($imageThumbFinal, $original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newThumbWidth, $newThumbHeight, $originalImageSize[0], $originalImageSize[1]);
// Output
imagejpeg($imageThumbFinal, $targetSmall, 80);
unset($imageThumbFinal, $percent,$newThumbWidth,$newThumbHeight);
* End Thumbnail generation.
* Resize main sized image (max 800px wide)
if ($originalImageSize[0] > 800) {
$percent = 800 / $originalImageSize[0];
} else {
$percent = 1;
$newPictureHeight = $originalImageSize[1] * $percent;
$newPictureWidth = $originalImageSize[0] * $percent;
// Resample main image to reduce max size.
$imageCleanFinal = imagecreatetruecolor($newPictureWidth, $newPictureHeight);
imagecopyresampled($imageCleanFinal, $original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newPictureWidth, $newPictureHeight, $originalImageSize[0], $originalImageSize[1]);
* Now resize the watermark and save onto the final image.
//full target directory and name.
$watermark = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/watermark2.png";
$wmTarget = substr($watermark, 0, -3) . "tmp"; //image/watermark2.tmp is resized.
$sourceWaterImage = imagecreatefrompng($watermark);
$waterMarkWidth = imagesx($sourceWaterImage);
$waterMarkHeight = imagesy($sourceWaterImage);
$destinationHeight = $waterMarkHeight * $watermarkScale;
$destinationWidth = $waterMarkWidth * $watermarkScale;
$destinationHeight = floor($destinationHeight);
$destinationWidth = floor($destinationWidth);
$destinationWatermarkImage = imagecreatetruecolor($destinationWidth, $destinationHeight);
imagealphablending($destinationWatermarkImage, FALSE);
imagesavealpha($destinationWatermarkImage, TRUE);
imagecopyresampled($destinationWatermarkImage, $sourceWaterImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $destinationWidth,
$destinationHeight, $waterMarkWidth, $waterMarkHeight);
* Set watermark location on final image.
$differenceX = $newPictureWidth - $destinationWidth;
$differenceY = $newPictureHeight - $destinationHeight;
switch ($Hoz) {
// find the X coord for placement
case 'left':
$placementX = $edgePadding;
case 'center':
$placementX = round($differenceX / 2);
case 'right':
$placementX = $newPictureWidth - ($destinationWidth + $edgePadding);
$placementX = 0;
switch ($Vez) {
// find the Y coord for placement
case 'top':
$placementY = $edgePadding;
case 'middle':
$placementY = round($differenceY / 2);
case 'bottom':
$placementY = $newPictureHeight - ($destinationHeight + $edgePadding);
$placementY = 0;
* Finish set Watermark location
imagejpeg($imageCleanFinal, $target, 80);
* Image final save
// Output
imagejpeg($imageCleanFinal, $target, 80);
unset($imageCleanFinal, $percent);
$output[$goodImage]['targetName'] = $target_name;
$output[$goodImage]['targetAddr'] = $target;
} elseif (!isset($_FILES['image']['name'][$count]) || ($_FILES['image']['error'][$count] != 0 && $_FILES['image']['error'][$count] != 4)) {
//error in file upload.
$_SESSION['message'] .= " There is a file upload error number " . $_FILES['image']['error'][$count] . ". for image ".($count+1).".
Please try resubmitting a valid image.";
if (empty($_SESSION['message'])){
$_SESSION['message'] = $goodImage." New Image(s) Uploaded";
// display resulting image for download
Server Details:
Apache 2.4
WebHostManger & CPanel (combined) version 54.0.19
PHP 5.6 using Mod suPHP 0.7.2
2 core 2.2GHz (so x2) intel with
1896Mb/2097Mb physical memory (used/available)
+4095Mb memory Swap File. (~6010Mb total)
How can i resize proportionaly image in php without "squishing" ? I need some solution, i was searching here, but i could't find anything what i need.
What i have:
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
if (isset($_POST['upload'])) {
$allowed_filetypes = array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif');
$max_filesize = 10485760;
$upload_path = 'gallery/';
$filename = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
$ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename, '.'), strlen($filename) - 1);
if (!in_array($ext, $allowed_filetypes)) {
die('The file you attempted to upload is not allowed.');
if (filesize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']) > $max_filesize) {
die('The file you attempted to upload is too large.');
if (!is_writable($upload_path)) {
die('You cannot upload to the specified directory, please CHMOD it to 777.');
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $upload_path.$filename)) {
$q = mysqli_query($connection, "UPDATE users SET avatar='".$_FILES['userfile']['name']."' WHERE username ='".$_SESSION['username']."'");
echo "<font color='#5cb85c'>Браво, успешно си качил/а профилна снимка!</font>";
} else {
echo 'There was an error during the file upload. Please try again.';
echo ' <form action="images.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> ';
echo ' <input type="file" name="userfile"/>';
echo ' <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Качи">';
echo ' </form>';
} else {
echo "<font color='#ec3f8c'>Съжелявам! За да качиш снимка във профила си, <a href='login.php'><font color='#ec3f8c'><b> трябва да се логнеш</b> </font></a></font>";
I want to add something like this:Click here
how i call images?
echo '<a href="profiles.php?id='.$rowtwo['id'].'">';
echo"<img src='gallery/".$rowtwo['avatar']."' width='170px' height='217px'/>";
I save my image of avatar in DB in users as avatar.
It's much easier to use JS. It also works better because you're letting the client do the slow work of manipulation vs using your finite server resources for that task.
Here's a sample:
//This is the URL to your original image
var linkUrl = "http://www.mywebsite.com/myimage.png";
//This is a div that is necessary to trick JS into letting you manipulate sizing
//Just make sure it exists and is hidden
var img = $('#HiddenDivForImg');
//This is a call to the function
image_GetResizedImage(img, linkUrl);
//This function does the magic
function image_GetResizedImage(img, linkUrl) {
//Set your max height or width dimension (either, not both)
var maxDim = 330;
//Define the equalizer to 1 to avoid errors if incorrect URL is given
var dimEq = 1;
//This determines if the larger dimension is the images height or width.
//Then, it divides that dimension by the maxDim to get a decimal number for size reduction
if (img.height() > maxDim || img.width() > maxDim) {
if (img.height() > img.width()) {
dimEq = maxDim / img.height();
} else {
dimEq = maxDim / img.width();
var imageOutput = "<a href='" + linkUrl + "' target='_blank'>View Larger</a><br /><a href='" + result +
"' target='_blank'><img src='" + linkUrl + "' style='width: " + img.width() * dimEq
+ "px; height: " + img.height() * dimEq + "px' /></a>";
//This returns a URL for the image with height and width tags of the resized (non-squished) image.
return imageOutput;
For image manipulation in PHP you can use Imagemagick.
It's the scale command you are looking for.
Here I have created a function with your reference link, you can use it like this
Call it
//Resize uploaded image
resize_image($_FILES['userfile'], 100, 200);
//Or if you want to save image with diffrent name
$filename = $upload_path.$_SESSION['username'].'-avatar.jpg';
resize_image($_FILES['userfile'], 100, 200, $newfilename);
//if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $upload_path.$filename)) {
$q = mysqli_query($connection, "UPDATE users SET avatar='".$filename."' WHERE username ='".$_SESSION['username']."'");
echo "<font color='#5cb85c'>Браво, успешно си качил/а профилна снимка!</font>";
} else {
echo 'There was an error during the file upload. Please try again.';
function resize_image($image_src, $w = 100, $h = 100, $save_as = null) {
// Create image from file
case 'image/jpeg':
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($image_src['tmp_name']);
case 'image/png':
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_src['tmp_name']);
case 'image/gif':
$image = imagecreatefromgif($image_src['tmp_name']);
exit('Unsupported type: '.$image_src['type']);
// Target dimensions
$max_width = $w;
$max_height = $h;
// Get current dimensions
$old_width = imagesx($image);
$old_height = imagesy($image);
// Calculate the scaling we need to do to fit the image inside our frame
$scale = min($max_width/$old_width, $max_height/$old_height);
// Get the new dimensions
$new_width = ceil($scale*$old_width);
$new_height = ceil($scale*$old_height);
// Create new empty image
$new = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
// Resize old image into new
imagecopyresampled($new, $image,
0, 0, 0, 0,
$new_width, $new_height, $old_width, $old_height);
if($save_as) {
//Save as new file
imagejpeg($new, $save_as, 90);
//Overwrite image
imagejpeg($new, $image_src['tmp_name'], 90);
// Destroy resources
I use http://image.intervention.io/. You can scale, cache, store, convert and do various image manipulation tasks.
Very easy to use.
// load the image
$img = Image::make('public/foo.jpg');
// resize the width of the image to 300 pixels and constrain proportions.
$img->resize(300, null, true);
// save file as png with 60% quality
$img->save('public/bar.png', 60);
i have a upload script and that works fine, but i want that its upload twice, one orginal format and one in a thubm size.
I did allready search on google and stackoverflow and i tried allready something, but i dont get it work.
My upload script
// If you want to ignore the uploaded files,
// set $demo_mode to true;
$demo_mode = false;
$upload_dir = 'uploads/';
$allowed_ext = array('jpg','jpeg','png','gif');
if(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'post'){
exit_status('Error! Wrong HTTP method!');
if(array_key_exists('pic',$_FILES) && $_FILES['pic']['error'] == 0 ){
$pic = $_FILES['pic'];
exit_status('Alleen '.implode(',',$allowed_ext).' bestanden zijn toegestaan');
// File uploads are ignored. We only log them.
$line = implode(' ', array( date('r'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $pic['size'], $pic['name']));
file_put_contents('log.txt', $line.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
exit_status('Uploads are ignored in demo mode.');
// Move the uploaded file from the temporary
// directory to the uploads folder:
$name = $pic['name'];
$sname = hashing($name);
$datum = date("d-m-Y");
if(move_uploaded_file($pic['tmp_name'], $upload_dir.$sname)){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO foto VALUES ('','".$pic['name']."','".$sname."', '".$datum."', '0')");
exit_status('Bestand succesvol geupload');
exit_status('Er is iets mis gegaan!');
// Helper functions
function exit_status($str){
echo json_encode(array('status'=>$str));
function hashing($naam){
$info = pathinfo($naam);
$ext = empty($info['extension']) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
$hash = basename($naam, $ext);
$hash = $hash . genRandomstring();
$hash = md5($hash);
$hash = $hash . '-' . genRandomstring();
return $hash . $ext;
function genRandomString() {
$length = 5;
$string = "";
$characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-+!#"; // change to whatever characters you want
while ($length > 0) {
$string .= $characters[mt_rand(0,strlen($characters)-1)];
$length -= 1;
return $string;
function get_extension($file_name){
$ext = explode('.', $file_name);
$ext = array_pop($ext);
return strtolower($ext);
If someone can help me? I will be very happy then becuase i have allready try this for a week and i can get it out.
Thanks, Chris
You have the image uploaded once, which is all you need, then use that to create the second thumbnail file.
Try looking over the GD documentation.
as mentioned before you don't need to upload twice, copy and resize image once it's uploaded like this:
$pathToImages = "path/to/images"
$pathToThumbs = "path/to/thumbs"
$fname = "image-file-name";
$new_fname = "thumb-file-name";
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg( "{$pathToImages}{$fname}" );
$width = imagesx( $img );
$height = imagesy( $img );
$thumbWidth = //someValue//;
$thumbHeight = //someValue//;
// calculate thumbnail size
$new_height = floor($height * ($thumbWidth/$width));
$new_width = $thumbWidth;
// create a new temporary image
$tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);
// copy and resize old image into new image
imagecopyresized( $tmp_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width,$new_height, $width, $height );
// save thumbnail into a file
imagejpeg( $tmp_img, "{$pathToThumbs}{$new_fname}" );
When i made this function:
function makeThumbnail($type, $name, $size, $tmp_name, $thumbSize) {
//make sure this directory is writable!
$path_thumbs = "uploaded_files/";
//the new width of the resized image, in pixels.
$img_thumb_width = $thumbSize; //
$extlimit = "yes"; //Limit allowed extensions? (no for all extensions allowed)
//List of allowed extensions if extlimit = yes
$limitedext = array(".gif",".jpg",".png",".jpeg",".bmp");
//the image -> variables
$file_type = $type;
$file_name = $name;
$file_size = $size;
$file_tmp = $tmp_name;
//check if you have selected a file.
echo $file_tmp."<br>";
echo $file_name."<br>";
echo $file_type."<br>";
echo $file_size."<br>";
echo "Error: Please select a file to upload!. <br>--back";
exit(); //exit the script and don't process the rest of it!
//check the file's extension
$ext = strrchr($file_name,'.');
$ext = strtolower($ext);
//uh-oh! the file extension is not allowed!
if (($extlimit == "yes") && (!in_array($ext,$limitedext))) {
echo "Wrong file extension. <br>--back";
//so, whats the file's extension?
$getExt = explode ('.', $file_name);
$file_ext = $getExt[count($getExt)-1];
//create a random file name
$rand_name = md5(time());
$rand_name= rand(0,999999999);
//the new width variable
$ThumbWidth = $img_thumb_width;
//keep image type
if($file_type == "image/pjpeg" || $file_type == "image/jpeg"){
$new_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_tmp);
}elseif($file_type == "image/x-png" || $file_type == "image/png"){
$new_img = imagecreatefrompng($file_tmp);
}elseif($file_type == "image/gif"){
$new_img = imagecreatefromgif($file_tmp);
//list the width and height and keep the height ratio.
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file_tmp);
//calculate the image ratio
if ($imgratio>1){
$newwidth = $ThumbWidth;
$newheight = $ThumbWidth/$imgratio;
$newheight = $ThumbWidth;
$newwidth = $ThumbWidth*$imgratio;
//function for resize image.
if (function_exists(imagecreatetruecolor)){
$resized_img = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight);
die("Error: Please make sure you have GD library ver 2+");
//the resizing is going on here!
imagecopyresampled($resized_img, $new_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);
//finally, save the image
ImageJpeg ($resized_img,"$path_thumbs/$rand_name.$file_ext", 100);
ImageDestroy ($resized_img);
ImageDestroy ($new_img);
//ok copy the finished file to the thumbnail directory
// move_uploaded_file ($file_tmp, "$path_big/$rand_name.$file_ext");
Don't want to copy it to a separate directory?
Want to just display the image to the user?
Follow the following steps:
2. Uncomment this code:
echo "OK THUMB " . $thumbSize;
//and you should be set!
//success message, redirect to main page.
$msg = urlencode("$title was uploaded! Upload More?");
Then it stopped working, but outside a function, it works good.
As you can see i added "echo $file...." because i wanted to see if they have value, and they do have the right values.
I just get the error Error: Please select a file to upload.
This function is running after an normal upload image script(full size).
When i call the function i do:
makeThumbnail($_FILES[$fieldname]['type'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['name'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['size'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'], 100);
At my other file where its not in a function, theres no difference only that the variables is:
$file_type = $_FILES['file']['type'];
$file_name = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$file_size = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$file_tmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
But it should work, I cant find anything wrong, but it doesnt and i keep getting that error. If i remove the is_uploaded_file function, i get a bunch of another errors.
Make sure you are not using move_uploaded_file() before calling the function.
I use timthumb to process the image into a thumbnail when it outputs it to screen, instead of when it's uploaded.
It means you only have one file and not one master size and one thumb size. TimThumb reduces the size of the file on serverside so it appears nice and smooth on the browserside. Have a look at it: TimThumb Link