I have array symbols what I want replace, but I need generate all possibillity
$lt = array(
'a' => 'ą',
'e' => 'ę',
'i' => 'į',
For example if I have this string:
There can be huge amount of results:
My question is what formula use to have all variants ?
This should work for you, easy and simple:
What does this code do?
1. Data part
In the data part I just define the string and the replacement's for the single character with a associative array (search character as key, replacement as value).
2. getReplacements() function
This function get's all combinations of the characters which have to be replaced in this format:
key = index in the string
value = character
So in this code example the array would look something like this:
Array (
[0] => Array (
[1] => a
[1] => Array (
[3] => e
[2] => Array (
[3] => e
[1] => a
[3] => Array (
[5] => i
[4] => Array (
[5] => i
[1] => a
[5] => Array (
[5] => i
[3] => e
[6] => Array (
[5] => i
[3] => e
[1] => a
As you can see this array holds all combinations of the characters which have to be replaced, in this format:
[0] => Array (
//^^^^^ The entire sub array is the combination which holds the single characters which will be replaced
[1] => a
//^ ^ A single character of the full combination which will be replaced
//| The index of the character in the string (This is that it also works if you have a character multiple times in your string)
// e.g. 1 -> t *a* z e k i
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// | | | | | |
// 0 *1* 2 3 4 5
So how does it gets all combinations?
Pretty simple I loop through every single character which I want to replace with a foreach loop and then I go through every single combination which I already have and combine it with the character which is currently the value of the foreach loop.
But to get this to work you have to start with a empty array. So as a simple example to see and understand what I mean:
Characters which have to be replaced (Empty array is '[]'): [1, 2, 3]
//new combinations for the next iteration
Character loop for NAN*:
- [] | -> []
Character loop for 1:
- [] + 1 | -> [1]
Character loop for 2:
- [] + 2 | -> [2]
- [1] + 2 | -> [1,2]
Character loop for 3:
- [] + 3 | -> [3]
- [1] + 3 | -> [1,3]
- [2] + 3 | -> [2,3]
- [1,2] + 3 | -> [1,2,3]
//^ All combinations here
* NAN: not a number
So as you can see there is always: (2^n)-1 combinations in total. Also from this method there is a empty array left in the combination array, so before I return the array I just use array_filter() to remove all empty arrays and array_values() to reindex the entire array.
3. Replacement part
So to get all characters from the string where will build the combinations out of I use this line:
array_intersect(str_split($str), array_keys($replace))
This just get's all coincidences with array_intersect() from the string as array with str_split() and the keys from the replace array with array_keys().
In this code the array which you pass to the getReplacements() function would look something like this:
[1] => a
//^ ^ The single character which is in the string and also in the replace array
//| Index in the string from the character
[3] => e
[5] => i
4. Replace all combinations
At the end you only have to replace all combinations in the source string with the replace array. For this I loop just through every combination and replace every single character in the string from the combination with the matching character from the replace array.
This can be simply done with this line:
$tmp = substr_replace($tmp, $replace[$v], $k, 1);
//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ Length of the replacement
//| | | Index from the string, where it should replace
//| | Get the replaced character to replace it
//| Replaces every single character one by one in the string
For more information about substr_replace() see the manual: http://php.net/manual/en/function.substr-replace.php
After this line you just add the replaced string in the result array and rest the string to the source string again.
$str = "tazeki";
$replace = array(
'a' => 'ą',
'e' => 'ę',
'i' => 'į',
function getReplacements($array) {
//initalize array
$results = [[]];
//get all combinations
foreach ($array as $k => $element) {
foreach ($results as $combination)
$results[] = [$k => $element] + $combination;
//return filtered array
return array_values(array_filter($results));
//get all combinations to replace
$combinations = getReplacements(array_intersect(str_split($str), array_keys($replace)));
//replace all combinations
foreach($combinations as $word) {
$tmp = $str;
foreach($word as $k => $v)
$tmp = substr_replace($tmp, $replace[$v], $k, 1);
$result[] = $tmp;
//print data
[0] => tązeki
[1] => tazęki
[2] => tązęki
[3] => tazekį
[4] => tązekį
[5] => tazękį
[6] => tązękį
Here is a solution particularly for your task. You can pass any word and any array for replacements, it should work.
function getCombinations($word, $charsReplace)
$charsToSplit = array_keys($charsReplace);
$pattern = '/('.implode('|', $charsToSplit).')/';
// split whole word into parts by replacing symbols
$parts = preg_split($pattern, $word, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$replaceParts = array();
$placeholder = '';
// create string with placeholders (%s) for sptrinf and array of replacing symbols
foreach ($parts as $wordPart) {
if (isset($charsReplace[$wordPart])) {
$replaceParts[] = $wordPart;
$placeholder .= '%s';
} else {
$placeholder .= $wordPart;
$paramsCnt = count($replaceParts);
$combinations = array();
$combinationsCnt = pow(2, $paramsCnt);
// iterate all combinations (with help of binary codes)
for ($i = 0; $i < $combinationsCnt; $i++) {
$mask = sprintf('%0'.$paramsCnt.'b', $i);
$sprintfParams = array($placeholder);
foreach ($replaceParts as $index => $char) {
$sprintfParams[] = $mask[$index] == 1 ? $charsReplace[$char] : $char;
// fill current combination into placeholder and collect it in array
$combinations[] = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $sprintfParams);
return $combinations;
$lt = array(
'a' => 'ą',
'e' => 'ę',
'i' => 'į',
$word = 'stazeki';
$combinations = getCombinations($word, $lt);
// Оutput:
// Array
// (
// [0] => stazeki
// [1] => stazekį
// [2] => stazęki
// [3] => stazękį
// [4] => stązeki
// [5] => stązekį
// [6] => stązęki
// [7] => stązękį
// )
This is an implementation in PHP :
* String variant generator
class stringVariantGenerator
* Contains assoc of char => array of all its variations
* #var array
protected $_mapping = array();
* Class constructor
* #param array $mapping Assoc array of char => array of all its variation
public function __construct(array $mapping = array())
$this->_mapping = $mapping;
* Generate all variations
* #param string $string String to generate variations from
* #return array Assoc containing variations
public function generate($string)
return array_unique($this->parseString($string));
* Parse a string and returns variations
* #param string $string String to parse
* #param int $position Current position analyzed in the string
* #param array $result Assoc containing all variations
* #return array Assoc containing variations
protected function parseString($string, $position = 0, array &$result = array())
if ($position <= strlen($string) - 1)
if (isset($this->_mapping[$string{$position}]))
foreach ($this->_mapping[$string{$position}] as $translatedChar)
$string{$position} = $translatedChar;
$this->parseString($string, $position + 1, $result);
$this->parseString($string, $position + 1, $result);
$result[] = $string;
return $result;
// This is where you define what are the possible variations for each char
$mapping = array(
'e' => array('#', '_'),
'p' => array('*'),
$word = 'Apple love!';
$generator = new stringVariantGenerator($mapping);
It would return :
[0] => A**l# lov#!
[1] => A**l# lov_!
[2] => A**l_ lov#!
[3] => A**l_ lov_!
In your case, if you want to use the letter itself as a valid translated value, just add it into the array.
$lt = array(
'a' => array('a', 'ą'),
'e' => array('e', 'ę'),
'i' => array('i', 'į'),
I'm not sure if you can do this with keys and value but as two arrays definatley.
$find = array('ą','ę','į');
$replace = array('a', 'e', 'i');
$string = 'tązekį';
echo str_replace($find, $replace, $string);
I'm not sure If I understand your question, but here is my answer :-)
$word = 'taxeki';
$word_arr = array();
$word_arr[] = $word;
//Loop through the $lt-array where $key represents what char to search for
//$letter what to replace with
foreach($lt as $key=>$letter) {
//Loop through each char in the $word-string
for( $i = 0; $i <= strlen($word)-1; $i++ ) {
$char = substr( $word, $i, 1 );
//If current letter in word is same as $key from $lt-array
//then add a word the $word_arr where letter is replace with
//$letter from the $lt-array
if ($char === $key) {
$word_arr[] = str_replace($char, $letter, $word);
I'm assuming you have a known number of elements in your array, and I am assuming that that number is 3. You will have to have additional loops if you have additional elements in your $lt array.
$lt = array(
'a' => array('a', 'x'),
'e' => array('e', 'x'),
'i' => array('i', 'x')
$str = 'tazeki';
foreach ($lt['a'] as $a)
foreach ($lt['e'] as $b)
foreach ($lt['i'] as $c) {
$newstr = str_replace(array_keys($lt), array($a, $b, $c), $str);
echo "$newstr<br />\n";
If the number of elements in $lt is unknown or variable then this is not a good solution.
Well, though #Rizier123 and others have already provided good answers will clear explanations, I would like to leave my contribution as well. This time, honoring the Way of the Short Source Code over readability ... ;-)
$lt = array('a' => 'ą', 'e' => 'ę', 'i' => 'į');
$word = 'tazeki';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($word); $i++)
$lt[$word[$i]] && $r[pow(2, $u++)] = [$lt[$word[$i]], $i];
for ($i = 1; $i < pow(2, count($r)); $i++) {
for ($w = $word, $u = end(array_keys($r)); $u > 0; $u >>= 1)
($i & $u) && $w = substr_replace($w, $r[$u][0], $r[$u][1], 1);
$res[] = $w;
[0] => tązeki
[1] => tazęki
[2] => tązęki
[3] => tazekį
[4] => tązekį
[5] => tazękį
[6] => tązękį
I am using PHP 7.3.5 and I have the following set of array values:
$valueArr = ['-4.2%', '51.0', '90K', '0.5%', '0.74|2.6', '-1.2B', '779B', '215K', '92.2%', '42.8B', '1.49T', '1690B', '-10.8B', '0.38|3.9', '102.4', '1.00%', '0.07|1.3'];
Basically I want for each of these values the number and the "type", so if it is a percentage then I would like to get -4.2 and percentage.
I tried to create a minimum example (however the below code is no real good example ;( ), but I am stuck at the data structure level as some array keys have two inputs, such as '0.74|2.6':
$valueArr = ['-4.2%', '51.0', '90K', '0.5%', '0.74|2.6', '-1.2B', '779B', '215K', '92.2%', '42.8B', '1.49T', '1690B', '-10.8B', '0.38|3.9', '102.4', '1.00%', '0.07|1.3'];
$resArr = array();
$structureArr = array(
'value1' => "",
'number1' => "",
'value2' => "",
'number2' => ""
foreach ($valueArr as $key => $v) {
if (1 === preg_match('/%/', $valueArr[$key])) {
preg_match('!\d+\.*\d*!', $valueArr[$key], $structureArr['number1']);
$structureArr['value1'] = 'percentage';
if (1 === preg_match('|', $valueArr[$key])) {
$str = explode("|", $valueArr[$key]);
$value1 = 'number';
$number1 = $str[0];
$value2 = 'number';
$number2 = $str[1];
if (1 === preg_match('', $valueArr[$key])) {
array_push($resArr, $structureArr);
Wanted Result
[0] => Array
[0] => -4.2
[1] => 'percentage'
[1] => Array
[0] => 51.0
[1] => 'number'
[2] => Array
[0] => 90000
[1] => number
[3] => Array
[0] => 0.5
[1] => percentage
[4] => Array
[0] => 0.74
[1] => number
[2] => 2.6
[3] => number
I would highly appreciate your input on how to structure this array input.
Appreciate your replies!
If you join the array on a space and replace pipes | with a space, then you have a list of numbers and their symbol (if any) separated by a space. Then just match your numbers and whatever symbol comes after it. Then you just match the number index with the symbol index. I used an array to map the symbol to the word and number if none:
$string = str_replace('|', ' ', implode(' ', $valueArr));
preg_match_all('/([\d.-]+)([^\s]*)/', $string, $matches);
$types = ['%'=>'percent','K'=>'thousand','M'=>'million','B'=>'billion','T'=>'trillion'];
foreach($matches[1] as $k => $v) {
$t = $types[$matches[2][$k]] ?? 'number';
$result[] = [$v, $t];
This yields an array like this, with each number that was joined by a pipe with it's own element:
[0] => Array
[0] => -4.2
[1] => percent
[1] => Array
[0] => 51.0
[1] => number
[2] => Array
[0] => 90
[1] => thousand
If you need a floating point number then just change:
$result[] = [(float)$v, $t];
This expands on my comment. Not sure if it's the most optimal solution or not.
Rough outline...
Create array mapping suffix to multiplier. Loop through source array. explode on |. Loop through result. If last character is %, strip it, value=value and type=percentage, else, strip last char, use it as array index (if it is an available index), value=value*multiplier and type=number.
$resArr = array();
$multipliers = array("K" => 1000, "M" => 1000000, "B" => 1000000000, "T" => 1000000000000);
$valueArr = ['-4.2%', '51.0', '90K', '0.5%', '0.74|2.6', '-1.2B', '779B', '215K', '92.2%', '42.8B', '1.49T', '1690B', '-10.8B', '0.38|3.9', '102.4', '1.00%', '0.07|1.3'];
foreach($valueArr as $index => $value)
$parts = explode("|", $value);
$resArr[$index] = array();
foreach($parts as $part)
$lastChar = substr($part, -1);
if($lastChar == "%")
$resArr[$index][] = substr($part, 0, -1);
$resArr[$index][] = "percentage";
else if(in_array($lastChar, array_keys($multipliers)))
$multiple = $multipliers[$lastChar];
$resArr[$index][] = (substr($part, 0, -1))*$multiple;
$resArr[$index][] = "number";
$resArr[$index][] = $part;
$resArr[$index][] = "number";
I do not know how to change or convert the array or if I am doing something wrong in my function?
I get this array, the number is words count:
[Food] => 1
[squid] => 1
[next] => 1
[leggings] => 1
In the end, I need this array without the words count:
[0] => Food
[1] => squid
[2] => next
[3] => leggings
That's my function:
$theString_1 = "$request->body, $request->titel, $request->articleText";
// delete special character
$theString_end = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z 0-9 ä ü ö]+/", "", $theString_1 );
// array of each word in the content separated by 'space'.
$wordsArray = explode(' ', $theString_end);
// count words with more than 3 charakters in texts
$arrayCount = array_count_values(array_filter($wordsArray, function($v) {
return strlen($v) > 3;
//sort array most used word
//get 4 most used word from the array
$end = array_slice($arrayCount, 0,4);
You have two options:
The simplest one:
$array = array_keys($end);
The second one:
$array = [];
foreach($end as $key=>$value) {
$array[] = $key;
Hope it helps.
I need to get numbers as an array from a given string.
Example string:
$t = '1-P,2-T,3-P,4-R,5-C,6-T,';
Expected output:
if I search -T the output needs to be like this:
[0] => 2,
[1] => 6
if it's -P:
[0] => 1,
[1] => 3
I tried var_export(explode("-T,",$t)); but it didn't work as expected.
Can any one give me a suggestion to get this?
The below matches the full integer number which preceeds the search term -P.
Let's keep it concise:
$matches = array();
if (preg_match_all('/([0-9]+)\-P/', $t, $matches) >= 1) {
Search for '/([0-9]+)\-P/, '/([0-9]+)\-C/, '/([0-9]+)\-T/ an so on.
A more dynamic way to look for different search terms/filters:
$filter = '-T';
$pattern = sprintf('/([0-9]+)%s/', preg_quote($filter));
See preg_match_all and preg_quote functions.
Try this:
$t = '211111111131-P,2-T,3654554-P,4-R,5-C,6-T,';
$find = "-P"; // Search element
$found = []; // Result array
$array = explode(",", $t); // Breaking up into array
foreach($array as $arr) {
if (strpos($arr, $find)) { // Checking if search element is found in $arr
$found[] = explode('-',$arr)[0]; // Extracting the number prefix e.g 1 for 1-P
[0] => 1
[1] => 3
Use it as
$t = '1-P,2-T,3-P,4-R,5-C,6-T,';
$data = explode(",", $t);
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($data); $i++) {
if (!empty($data[$i])) {
if (strpos($data[$i], '-T') !== false) {// pass find value here
$final = explode("-", $data[$i]);
[0] => 2
[1] => 6
$t = '1-P,2-T,3-P,4-R,5-C,6-T,';
$temp = [];
// if the last comma is not typo the 3rd argument `-1` omit empty item
$array = explode(",", $t, -1);
foreach($array as $arr) {
list($v, $k) = explode('-', $arr);
$temp[$k][] = $v;
Lots of good answers here already, but none take the approach of first putting the data into a better structure.
The code below converts the data to an associative array mapping letters to arrays of numbers, so that you can then do repeated lookups by whichever letter you want:
$t = '1-P,2-T,3-P,4-R,5-C,6-T,';
$a = array_filter(explode(',', $t));
$map = [];
foreach($a as $item) {
$exploded = explode('-', $item);
$number = $exploded[0];
$letter = $exploded[1];
if (!array_key_exists($letter, $map)) {
$map[$letter] = [];
$map[$letter][] = $number;
// Array
// (
// [P] => Array
// (
// [0] => 1
// [1] => 3
// )
// [T] => Array
// (
// [0] => 2
// [1] => 6
// )
// [R] => Array
// (
// [0] => 4
// )
// [C] => Array
// (
// [0] => 5
// )
// )
// Array
// (
// [0] => 2
// [1] => 6
// )
// Array
// (
// [0] => 1
// [1] => 3
// )
I have a multi-dimensional array and from where i want to choose 11 different words. Each word from different array index.
Here is the array link: My multi-dimensional array
array (
'w' =>
array (
0 => 'walls',
1 => 'well',
2 => 'why',
'e' =>
array (
0 => 'end',
'a' =>
array (
0 => 'advantage',
1 => 'afford',
2 => 'affronting',
3 => 'again',
4 => 'agreeable',
5 => 'ask',
6 => 'at',
'c' =>
array (
0 => 'children',
1 => 'civil',
2 => 'continual',
My Desire Output:
From w => well
From e => end
From a => again
and so on.
Output like: array(well, end, again, ...) as array.
Use the following code:
$f = array_keys($result); // grouping the indices, namely, the characters
$a = "";
$a .= $f[$c];
} // grouping the indices stored in array $f to a string, $a
$words = array();
$random = $a[rand(0,strlen($a)-1)];
$k = $result[$random];
// $k stores the array of the character index, stored in $result
$random2 = rand(0,count($k)-1);
$words[$c] = $k[$random2];
// choose a word from a given character array
$a = preg_replace("/".$random."/","",$a);
// remove the character from $a to prevent picking words which start with the same character
I've tested and it was proved working
You can achieve this usin array_rand() function :
$words = [];
$limit = 3; //Replace this with your limit, 11
$count = 0;
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
$words[] = $value[array_rand($value)];
if ($limit == $count) {
Check Online, and let me know.
using shuffle and array_slice you can get what you want.
A shuffle function makes your array random, and array slice slice 11 sub array from it.
Array slice takes 3 argument, first one is the array, second one is the offset from where you want to start and last one how much you need to cut.
$words = array();
$res = array_slice($result, 0, 11);
foreach($res as $key => $value){
$words[] = $value[0];
$string = "The complete archive of The New York Times can now be searched from NYTimes.com " //the actual input is unknown, it would be read from textarea
$size = the longest word length from the string
I assigned and initialized array in for loop, for example array1, array2 ....arrayN, here is how i did
for ($i = 1; $i <= $size; $i++) {
${"array" . $i} = array();
so the $string would be divided in the length of the word
$array1 = [""];
$array2 = ["of", "be", ...]
$array3 = ["the", "can", "now", ...] and so on
So, my question is how to assign in simple for loop or foreach loop $string value to $array1, $array2, $array3 ....., since the input text or the size of the longest word is unknown
I'd probably start with $words = explode(' ', $string)
then sort the string by word length
usort($words, function($word1, $word2) {
if (strlen($word1) == strlen($word2)) {
return 0;
return (strlen($word1) < strlen($word2)) ? -1 : 1;
$longestWordSize = strlen(last($words));
Loop over the words and place in their respective buckets.
Rather than separate variables for each length array, you should consider something like
$sortedWords = array(
1 => array('a', 'I'),
2 => array('to', 'be', 'or', 'is'),
3 => array('not', 'the'),
by looping over the words you don't need to know the maximum word length.
The final solution is as simple as
foreach ($words as $word) {
$wordLength = strlen($word);
$sortedWords[ $wordLength ][] = $word;
You could use something like this:
$words = explode(" ", $string);
foreach ($words as $w) {
array_push(${"array" . strlen($w)}, $w);
This splits up $string into an array of $words and then evaluates each word for length and pushes that word to the appropriate array.
you can use explode().
$string = "The complete archive of The New York Times can now be searched from NYTimes.com " ;
$arr=explode(" ",$string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if($big<$p){ $big_val=$arr[$i]; $big=$p;}
echo $big_val;
Just use the word length as the index and append [] each word:
foreach(explode(' ', $string) as $word) {
$array[strlen($word)][] = $word;
To remove duplicates $array = array_map('array_unique', $array);.
[3] => Array
[0] => The
[2] => New
[3] => can
[4] => now
[8] => Array
[0] => complete
[1] => searched
[7] => Array
[0] => archive
[2] => Array
[0] => of
[1] => be
[4] => Array
[0] => York
[5] => Array
[0] => Times
If you want to re-index the main array use array_values() and to re-index the subarrays use array_map() with array_values().