Read contents of every file in FTP directory using one connection - php

My goal is to connect to an FTP account, read the files in a particular folder, grab the content and list out to my screen.
This is what I have:
// set up basic connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect('HOST_ADDRESS');
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
if (!$login_result)
// get contents of the current directory
$contents = ftp_nlist($conn_id, "DirectoryName");
$files = [];
foreach ($contents AS $content)
$ignoreArray = ['.','..'];
if ( ! in_array( $content , $ignoreArray) )
$files[] = $content;
The above works well to get the file names I need to grab the content from. Next I want to recurse through the filename array and store the content into a variable for further processing.
I am not sure how to do this, I would imagine it would need to be something like this though:
foreach ($files AS $file )
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($conn_id, filesize($file));
$content[$file] = $contents;
The above idea comes from here:
PHP: How do I read a .txt file from FTP server into a variable?
Although I don't like the idea of having to connect each time to grab the file contents, would prefer to do it on the initial instance.

To avoid having to connect/login for every file, use the ftp_get and reuse your connection ID ($conn_id):
foreach ($files as $file)
// Full path to a remote file
$remote_path = "DirectoryName/$file";
// Path to a temporary local copy of the remote file
$temp_path = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "ftp");
// Temporarily download the file
ftp_get($conn_id, $temp_path, $remote_path, FTP_BINARY);
// Read the contents of temporary copy
$contents = file_get_contents($temp_path);
$content[$file] = $contents;
// Discard the temporary copy
(You should add some error checking.)


Get name of all files from a directory and do a "for" with them

I have a php code that reads an encrypted file and decrypts it. What is a whole mass? That is, there is a folder that will only have 4/5 encrypted files and I want to decrypt all, preferably for a win rar.
$file= "text.txt";
$decrypted = decrypt_file($file,'pass');
function decrypt_file($file,$passphrase){
$iv = substr(md5("\x18\x3C\x58".$passphrase,true),0,8);
$key = substr(md5("\x2D\xFC\xD8".$passphrase,true).md5("\x2D\xFC\xD8".$passphrase,true),0,24);
$opts = array('iv'=>$iv, 'key'=>$key);
$fp = fopen($file,'rb');
stream_filter_append($fp, 'mdecrypt.tripledes', STREAM_FILTER_READ, $opts);
return $fp;
The glob() function does just that. And to make a zip file you can use ZipArchive too. Here's an exmaple:
// create a zip file
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$res = $zip->open('', ZipArchive::CREATE);
$directory = 'path/to/folder';
foreach (glob("$directory/*.txt") as $filename) {
// get the decrypted content
$decrypted = decrypt_file($filename,'pass');
// add it to the zip
$zip->addFromString($filename, $decrypted);
So we loop over each file, decrypt it and add that text to the zip as its own file with the same filename. When we're finished, we're left with in this example, so we redirect the user towards that file to download it. You could instead output the correct content-type and associated headers for the zip instead. Also note that you may need to sort out permissions for saving, and look at the ZipArchive's open method to provide the correct flags for overwriting. Good luck!

On creating zip file by php I get two files instead of one

I'm struggling around with a simple PHP functionality: Creating a ZIP Archive with some files in.
The problem is, it does not create only one file called but two files called and Pls. see the following screenshot:
The two files are perfect in size and I even can rename each of them to and extract it without any problems.
Can anybody tell me what is going wrong???
function zipFilesAndDownload_Defect($archive_file_name, $archiveDir, $file_path = array(), $files_array = array()) {
// Archive File Name
$archive_file = $archiveDir."/".$archive_file_name;
// Time-to-live
$archiveTTL = 86400; // 1 day
// Delete old zip file
// Create the object
$zip = new ZipArchive();
// Create the file and throw the error if unsuccessful
if ($zip->open($archive_file, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
$response->res = "Cannot open '$archive_file'";
return $response;
// Add each file of $file_name array to archive
$i = 0;
foreach($files_array as $value){
$expl = explode("/", $value);
$file = $expl[(count($expl)-1)];
$path_file = $file_path[$i] . "/" . $file;
$size = round((filesize ($path_file) / 1024), 0);
$zip->addFile($path_file, $file);
// Then send the headers to redirect to the ZIP file
header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); // 303 is technically correct for this type of redirect
header("Location: $archive_file");
The code which calls the function is a file with a switch-case... it is called itself by an ajax-call:
case "zdl":
$files_array = array();
$file_path = array();
foreach ($dbh->query("select GUID, DIRECTORY, BASENAME, ELEMENTID from SMDMS where ELEMENTID = ".$osguid." and PROJECTID = ".$osproject.";") as $subrow) {
$archive_file_name = $subrow['ELEMENTID'].".zip";
$archiveDir = "../".$subrow['DIRECTORY'];
$files_array[] = $archiveDir.DIR_SEPARATOR.$subrow['BASENAME'];
$file_path[] = $archiveDir;
zipFilesAndDownload_Defect($archive_file_name, $archiveDir, $file_path, $files_array);
One more code... I tried to rename the latest file to and then unlink the old (and all prior added .a01234 files) with this function:
function zip_file_exists($pathfile){
$arr = array();
$dir = dirname($pathfile);
$renamed = 0;
foreach(glob($pathfile.'.*') as $file) {
$path_parts = pathinfo($file);
$dirname = $path_parts['dirname'];
$basename = $path_parts['basename'];
$extension = $path_parts['extension'];
$filename = $path_parts['filename'];
if($renamed == 0){
$old_name = $file;
$new_name = str_replace(".".$extension, "", $file);
#copy($old_name, $new_name);
$renamed = 1;
//file_put_contents($dir."/test.txt", "old_name: ".$old_name." - new_name: ".$new_name." - dirname: ".$dirname." - basename: ".$basename." - extension: ".$extension." - filename: ".$filename." - test: ".$test);
In short: copy works, rename didn't work and "unlink"-doesn't work at all... I'm out of ideas now... :(
ONE MORE TRY: I placed the output of $zip->getStatusString() in a variable and wrote it to a log file... the log entry it produced is: Renaming temporary file failed: No such file or directory.
But as you can see in the graphic above the file is located in the directory where the zip-lib opens it temporarily.
Thank you in advance for your help!
So, after struggling around for days... It was so simple:
Actually I work ONLY on *nix Servers so in my scripts I created the folders dynamically with 0777 Perms. I didn't know that IIS doesn't accept this permissions format at all!
So I remoted to the server, right clicked on the folder Documents (the hierarchically most upper folder of all dynamically added files and folders) and gave full control to all users I found.
Now it works perfect!!! The only thing that would be interesting now is: is this dangerous of any reason???
Thanks for your good will answers...
My suspicion is that your script is hitting the PHP script timeout. PHP zip creates a temporary file to zip in to where the filename is This file is renamed to when the zip file is closed. If the script times out it will probably just get left there.
Try reducing the number of files to zip, or increasing the script timeout with set_time_limit()

Check if file exists in .tar using PHP

In my program I need to read .png files from a .tar file.
I am using pear Archive_Tar class (
Everything is fine if the file im looking for exists, but if it is not in the .tar file then the function timouts after 30 seconds. In the class documentation it states that it should return null if it does not find the file...
$tar = new Archive_Tar('path/to/mytar.tar');
$filePath = 'path/to/my/image/image.png';
$file = $tar->extractInString($filePath); // This works fine if the $filePath is correct
// if the path to the file does not exists
// the script will timeout after 30 seconds
Any suggestions on solving this or any other library that I could use to solve my problem?
The listContent method will return an array of all files (and other information about them) present in the specified archive. So if you check if the file you wish to extract is present in that array first, you can avoid the delay that you are experiencing.
The below code isn't optimised - for multiple calls to extract different files for example the $files array should only be populated once - but is a good way forward.
include "Archive/Tar.php";
$tar = new Archive_Tar('mytar.tar');
$filePath = 'path/to/my/image/image.png';
$contents = $tar->listContent();
$files = array();
foreach ($contents as $entry) {
$files[] = $entry['filename'];
$exists = in_array($filePath, $files);
if ($exists) {
$fileContent = $tar->extractInString($filePath);
} else {
echo "File $filePath does not exist in archive.\n";

Create diectory (ftp_mkdir) only if files exist

I currently have a program that connects to an ftp directory, if it finds csv files, runs a script, then after the script has run on the files, it creates a back up folder with the date and moves the csv files to this newly created back up folder in the ftp directory.
However, if there are no csv files in the root directory, I do not want a backup folder to be created, as there are no files to move. I know the solution is probably really simple but I cannot seem to figure it out!
logMessage("Creating backups");
$ftp_connection = #ftp_connect($ftp_url, $ftp_port, 6000);
if(!#ftp_login($ftp_connection, $ftp_username, $ftp_password )) {
logMessage("Could not connect to FTP: [$ftp_url], with Username: [$ftp_username], and Password: [$ftp_password]");
$date = date('Y_m_d_(His)');
$newBackup = $ftp_root."/".$ftp_backup."backup_$date";
if (ftp_mkdir($ftp_connection, $newBackup)) {
logMessage ("Successfully created [$newBackup\n]");
foreach($filesToProcess as $file){
$pathData = pathinfo($file);
if(isset($pathData['extension']) && $pathData['extension'] == 'csv'){
logMessage("Unable to move file: $file")
You have used, foreach($filesToProcess as $file) ,so in $filesToProcess it's array of files. you can use, count($filesToProcess) first count number of files, then if count>0 execute code.
// $csv = your checks for string ending to .csv
$ftp_files = ftp_nlist($ftp_connection, ".");
foreach ($ftp_files = $files) {
if ($files = $csv) {
// makedir
maybe something like this in very basic syntax. ftp_nlist returns an array of all files in a particular directory.

Improve my Unzip & Move function - PHP

I'm a PHP novice and so looking for some advice on a PHP function i have created to use within a Wordpress installation.
As you can see from the code below, it runs when one of the admin's press 'Publish' on a pending post.
It takes a Zip file that has been uploaded by a user via Gravity Forms, then unzips ONLY .mp3 extensions. Re-zips and moves all the files to a new folder in our Amazon S3 directory.
The code is pieced together from my limited knowledge and some help along the way with questions on here.
So, here's what i ended up with:
add_action('pending_to_publish', 'unzip_to_s3');
function unzip_to_s3() {
global $post;
global $wpdb;
// Only run function if post is portfolio post type
if ('portfolio' == $post->post_type) {
// Set temp path
$temp_path = '../wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/1-9e5dc27086c8b2fd2e48678e1f54f98c/2013/02/tmp/';
// Get filename from Zip file
$file = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'file_url', true);
$zip_file = basename($file);
// Create full Zip file path
$zip_file_path = $temp_path.$zip_file;
// Generate unique name for temp sub_folder for unzipped files
$temp_unzip_folder = uniqid('temp_TMS_', true);
// Create full temp sub_folder path
$temp_unzip_path = $temp_path.$temp_unzip_folder;
// Make the new temp sub_folder for unzipped files
if (!mkdir($temp_unzip_path, 0755, true)) {
die('Error: Could not create path: '.$temp_unzip_path);
// Unzip files to temp unzip folder, ignoring anything that is not a .mp3 extension
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$filename = $zip_file_path;
if ($zip->open($filename)!==TRUE) {
exit("cannot open <$filename>\n");
for ($i=0; $i<$zip->numFiles;$i++) {
$info = $zip->statIndex($i);
$file = pathinfo($info['name']);
if(strtolower($file['extension']) == "mp3") {
file_put_contents($temp_unzip_path.'/'.basename($info['name']), $zip->getFromIndex($i));
} else {
// Re-zip the unzipped mp3's and store new zip file in temp folder created earlier
$temp_unzip_path = $temp_unzip_path.'/';
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$dirArray = array();
$new_zip_file = $temp_unzip_path.$zip_file;
$new = $zip->open($new_zip_file, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
if ($new === true) {
$handle = opendir($temp_unzip_path);
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
$dirArray[] = $entry;
} else {
echo 'Failed to create Zip';
// Set Media bucket dir
$bucket_path = '../wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/1-9e5dc27086c8b2fd2e48678e1f54f98c/2013/02/mixtape2/';
// Generate unique name for sub_bucket
$sub_bucket = uniqid('TMS_', true);
// Create full sub_bucket path
$sub_bucket_path = $bucket_path.$sub_bucket;
// Make the new sub_bucket
if (!mkdir($sub_bucket_path, 0755, true)) {
die('Error: Could not create path: '.$sub_bucket_path);
// Move mp3's to new sub_bucket
// Get array of all source files
$files = scandir($temp_unzip_path);
// Identify directories
$source = $temp_unzip_path;
$destination = $sub_bucket_path.'/';
// Cycle through all source files
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (in_array($file, array(".",".."))) continue;
// if move files is successful delete the original temp folder
if (rename($source.$file, $destination.$file)) {
// Delete original Zip file
// Update Custom field for new Zip file location
update_post_meta($post->ID, 'file_url', ''.$sub_bucket.'/'.$zip_file);
Whilst this function does work, we're dealing with large files and so it does take a while to process...
What is happening is when the admin presses publish it triggers this function but the page just sits there until it's finished this function and then will continue. This function can take upto around 5 minutes to run.
I'm looking to optimise this function (in terms of code) but also see if there's a way i can run this in the background so that the admin can carry on with other things and not have to sit there waiting around.
Any help appreciated.
You may want to try to WP cron and schedule the task at that point so that it runs in the background. Here is some resources for that. the basic concept would go something like this.
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'pending_to_publish' ) ) {
add_action('pending_to_publish', 'unzip_to_s3');
