Why is wp-blog-header is seperate from index? - php

What it the advantages of having the code in wp-blog-header.php seperate from index.php in wordpress?
I tried to move the code in wp-blog-header.php to index.php and the website loads perfectly fine, I think.
Could someone please explain about the advantage of running a require function in index to call wp-blog-header instead to writing the wp-blog-header code in index

Code reuse. There is not only index.php as entry-script. Every entry-script that wan't to load Wordpress core library functionalities and templating functionalities can require that file.
Using require/include(_once) is the historic way in PHP to do code-reuse.
include has/is often used for (HTML) tamplating code.
require is more often used for PHP program code, like function and class definitions.
These are not rules set in stone, it's more what common usage patterns are. Both are very close to each other:
Difference between require, include and require_once?
Difference between "include" and "require" in php


include_once when using header files

Quick question, I have:
within my header and then on my internal pages I have:
<?php include 'header.php';?>
Do I still need to add:
on my internal pages? The reason I ask is: Right now I only have it within the header and sometimes my forms will save to the database and sometimes they will not. I'm just trying to find out what the best practice is.
No, includes are made "recursively".
FYI : "include" is faster than "include_once" because it doesn't check for included files
I usually do it manually, with a call to require() instead:
$c = Config();
// All library code here
This way, I'm sure everything is only defined once, and require will make sure the included file has no errors (will fail at that line if there are errors in it).
include_once() will include a file only once regardless of how many times you call it with the same parameter. include() will throw an error if its called twice with the same parameter.
if you have include('connection.php') in your header and all internal pages use this header then you wont need to include this in internal pages too.
However, it is bad practice to mix view layer with business logic layer. Read a bit on MVC patterns and how to use it. Connection should be done in a back end where all the database functions are called. Once header.php is called then you are in rendering mode and you should only be rendering content at that stage.

Include php file that includes another php file?

My PhP files contain some long string constants and I'm trying to factor them out. So I created "my_string_constants.php" and used include in header.php. So far that works fine.
Now another file, page.php also requires the string constants and header.php. The scheme below tries to clarify these dependendies.
The string constants now seem available in my header only, not the rest of my page. I tried to resolve this by adding global ... to each string constant in string_constants.php. This resolved the error of "Unknown variable" but my string constants still seem unavailable to most of the page content.
What's the right way to get this working?
The issue's been solved. I should have used define(myString instead of $myString = .... By doing so, I need just one include in header.php and the constants will be available to page.php as well.
Thanks a million, you guys are great.
One thing you would want to do is distinguish a constant from a variable. Especially if other developers end up working on this, they will be confused by your terminology.
For constants, you do not need to declare them as global and they are defined like so:
define('MY_CONSTANT', 'Value');
It seems to me that the constants file is acting as your site wide configuration file, so to me, it makes sense to have that on every page, regardless of whether header is used or not. I would normally create a bootstrap file for this purpose.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/constants.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/database.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/session.php');
You get the point, then every accessible page needs to include this bootstrap file and then possibly the header.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/bootstrap/bootstrap.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/header.php');
<h1>Page Title</h1>
In header.php, since it requires these constants, you can handle this in two ways, either check that the constants are defined (meaning, bootstrap was included first) or just use another require_once to make sure that file was loaded.
if (!defined('MY_CONSTANT')) exit('Bootstrap failure');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/bootstrap/constants.php');
Going to many directories or "files" deep regarding includes can really cause issues later when you are trying to debug. As a rule I try to only go one level deep in regards to including files. I.e. Create a folder called includes and place everything in there. If there is a file that needs multiple variables, functions etc, then include them in the needed pages at that point doing several includes like so:
There are also other issues in regards to having multiple includes, like if you have sessions or cookies some LAMP stacks will require you to declare
at the top of every page including all included php files that may need access to that session or cookie.
So to answer your question I believe the simplest solution would be to re-organize your site or script.
in the header page ontop u write
include 'header.php';
and in header.php you write
include 'my_string_constants.php';
so in this case the page.php calls the header and in the header the my_string_constants is being called...is this what you mean?

Application Entrypoint

I'm building an application and using index.php as and entry point to different modules. I noticed SugarCRM does this and it appears like a good idea.
The URL Looks like this
Where mod is the module and pag is the page
The index.php looks line this:
// Class Loader
require ('app/inc/app_autoload.php');
// HTML Header with js and css links
require ('header.php');
// Content Page
$url_module = $_GET["mod"];
$url_page = $_GET["pag"];
$content = $url_module."/".$url_page.".php";
// For the above URL $content = log/login.php
if (!file_exists ($content)) {
require ($content);
// Handle Error
// Footer
require ('footer.php');
Is this safe?
If it's safe, Is it in line with practices?
This can be potentially unsafe. Depends on all the other PHP files that PHP can open. If all of them are class files that don't execute anything, then you're safe. However, if any of them execute something automatically...maybe not.
Let's say that you have PHP files inside a folder:
And let's say that the folder has an .htaccess that prohibits anyone from navigating to the page directly. Or better, let's say it's above your root directory. However, the hacker sends "../secured" as the value of mod and "file" as the value of page. In such a case, PHP may allow the person to include that file, and if it self-executes, it may have unintended consequences.
This is why Zend Framework requires explicit configuration of all MVC paths. Other frameworks allow for a some dynamic inclusion, but they often do something like append "Controller.php" to the end of the string, which ensures that the file included must be a Controller...and thus intended to be included in such a way.
When it comes to security, the best thing you can do is make sure that YOU...with all the knowledge of the entire server...can't open up any file that you don't want to be opened by someone else. If you can't get the code to do it, knowing what files are there, then you have implemented some decent (though likely still not flawless) security.

How do I include a file of PHP functions in a Joomla template

I have been trying to include a file in my template which includes some functions I was intending to use for validation of the access level a member has in order to tailor content for different types of users in Joomla 2.5. The trouble is even though I have used the standard PHP include statement, none of the functions appear to be usable in the template. Instead calling the functions causes any pages using the template to crash. I could hard code the functions at the top of the template which is working, but I also have plans to use some the functions elsewhere in my web application, so it makes sense to store them in an include file. Does anyone have some insight into why the functions do not work from an include, but do when added to the top of the template? The following is the top few lines of my template with the include statement:
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true);
include ("/includes/checkAccess.php");
Please note the functions all work fine when hard-coded into the template, so it is definitely a problem with the include. Also, the include path above appears to be correct because if the include line above is added, the template still works fine unless a call is made to one of the functions it contains.
This certainly works if the folder "includes" is in the same directory
I have figured it out. The include path I had above was not correct even though it wasn't throwing an error (unless I called a function from the include). The following is correct and succeeds in pulling the functions through into the template:
include ("./includes/checkAccess.php");
You could include the functions inside a Joomla file which is already active on every page instead of the templates which usually read certain things and exclude others.
Is there a functions file Joomla already uses? You could include it at the bottom of that. Also make sure none of your variables or globals can conflict with Joomla, make sure they're all very much unique.
For access checks, I would use the build-in ACL (Access Control List).
Read more about ACL.

PHP include once

Is it more efficient to use PHP's include_once or require_once instead of using a C-like include with a header guard?
include_once 'init.php';
include 'init.php';
//contents of init.php
if (!defined('MY_INIT_PHP')) {
define('MY_INIT_PHP', true);
"require_once" and "include_once" are generally a bit slower that just "require" and "include" because they perform a check wether the file has already been loaded before.
But the difference only matters in really complex applications where you should do autoloading anyway and by that would not need require_once/include_once, if your autoloader is well coded.
In most simple applications, it's better to use the require_once/include_once for convenience reasons.
The header guard approach is just messy code that should be avoided. Just imagine, if you forgot that check in one of many files. Debugging that could be a nightmare.
Just use autoloading if your application is suitable for it. It's fast and the most convenient and clean way.
I would expect include_once to be faster than using header guard inside the included file, since you still need to open and load the file in the latter.
You could try it 10,000 times with a timer, but I think defining MY_INIT_PHP is infinitesimally faster.
To be honest, it's likely such a small difference that there's no practical need to care unless you're working for sites like Facebook.
I always use REQUIRE_ONCE if script contents is unique.
