I have a list of content that I would have a paging. Until now I was able to count correctly how content we are, then we have 3 content, and imposed a maximum of 2 applications per page, in my index shows the link to go to the next page.
Unfortunately, however, always displays the same content. For example:
However, I paste the current code, I hope you can help me out. Thank You
<?php require_once 'app/init.php'; ?>
<?php echo View::make('header')->render() ?>
<div class="row">
// Create a variable imposed where the number of records
// To display on each page
$x_pag = 2;
// Retrieve the current page number.
// Usually you use a querystring
$pag = isset($_GET['pag']) ? $_GET['pag'] : 1;
// Check if $pag is valued and if numeric
// ... Otherwise I assign a value of 1
if (!$pag || !is_numeric($pag)) $pag = 1;
$quest = DB::table('questions')
// Using a simple mathematical operation define the total number of pages
$all_pages = ceil($quest / $x_pag);
// Calculation of which record start
$first = ($pag - 1) * $x_pag;
$questions = DB::table('questions')
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
foreach ($questions as $question):
$user = User::find($question->user_id);
<div class="col-md-4 col-lg-4">
<div class="main-grid">
<div class="profile-inner img-responsive" style="background-image: url('images/<?php echo $question->h_image; ?>');border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px;">
<img src="<?php echo $user->avatar; ?>" class="small-thumb" >
<div class="description">
<h5><strong><?php echo $question->user_name; ?></strong>
<?php if (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->id != $question->user_id): ?>
<?php $contact = Contact::find(Auth::user()->id, $question->user_id); ?>
<?php if (!empty($contact) && !empty($contact->accepted)): ?>
( <?php _e('main.remove_contact') ?> )
<?php elseif (!empty($contact)): ?>
( <a href="javascript:EasyLogin.removeContact(<?php echo $question->user_id ?>)" data-contact-id="<?php echo $question->user_id ?>" ><?php _e('main.cancel_contact') ?></a> )
<?php else: ?>
( <?php _e('main.add_contact') ?> )
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<h3><?php echo $question->h_title; ?>?</h3>
<hr />
Help +
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- MAIN GRID END -->
// If the total pages are more than 1 ...
// Mold the link to go back and forth between different pages!
if ($all_pages > 1){
if ($pag > 1){
echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?pag=" . ($pag - 1) . "\">";
echo "Back</a> ";
if ($all_pages > $pag){
echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?pag=" . ($pag + 1) . "\">";
echo "Next</a>";
<?php echo View::make('footer')->render() ?>
My website has a list of office contacts being dynamically generated via PHP (partial snippet below). As you can see, each list result/child has a name, address and, on a following div, a google maps frame.
What I'd like to achieve is to call the latest result of the array and have that one NOT TO display the google maps div.
I think I can probably call it with the "end()" command, but I'm not being able to wrap my head around the right way to proceed... Can anyone point me in the right direction, please?
Thank you!
<header id="standardheader">
<div class="wrap">
<nav class="standardsubnav">
<ul class="standardsubnav_list vanilla"><!--
<?php include_partial( 'contact/citynav', array('class' => 'standardsubnav') ); ?>
<h1 class="standardpage_title"><?php echo $current->getHeadline(); ?></h1>
<div class="wrap">
<section class="">
<ul class="list4 vanilla">
<?php $contacts = $current->getChildren(); ?>
<?php foreach($contacts as $contact): $settings = $contact->getSettings(); ?>
<li class="item4">
<a name="<?php echo $settings['city']; ?>"></a>
<div class="link4">
<div class="link4_inner">
<h2 class="title4"><?php echo $settings['city']; ?></h2><!--
--><address class="address4">
<?php echo $settings['name']; ?><br />
<?php if(isset($settings['address1']) && $settings['address1'] != "") echo $settings['address1'] . '<br />'; ?>
<?php if(isset($settings['address2']) && $settings['address2'] != "") echo $settings['address2'] . '<br />'; ?>
<?php if(isset($settings['address3']) && $settings['address3'] != "") echo $settings['address3'] . '<br />'; ?>
<?php if(isset($settings['address4']) && $settings['address4'] != "") echo $settings['address4'] . '<br />'; ?>
<?php if(isset($settings['phone']) && $settings['phone'] != ""): ?>t. <?php echo $settings['phone']; ?><br /><?php endif; ?>
<?php if(isset($settings['fax']) && $settings['fax'] != ""): ?>f. <?php echo $settings['fax']; ?><br /><?php endif; ?>
<?php if(isset($settings['email']) && $settings['email'] != ""): ?>e. <?php echo $settings['email']; ?><?php endif; ?>
--><div class="link4_inner">
$mapurl = (!empty($settings['mapurl'])) ? $settings['mapurl'] : 'https://www.google.com/maps/#' . $settings['latitude'] . ',' . $settings['longitude'] . ',' . $settings['zoom'] . 'z'; ?>
<div class="gmap4" data-gmap="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( '{"lat":"'.$settings['latitude'].'","lng":"'.$settings['longitude'].'", "zoom":"'.$settings['zoom'].'", "mapurl":"'.$mapurl.'"}' ); ?>">
<noscript><?php echo __('Please enable javascript to see the map.'); ?></noscript>
<?php end($contacts)
Count the $contacts array. Then in the foreach loop check if the element beeing currently in the loop is equals the items in the array, if it's equal to the items, it's the last element, then exit the foreach:
$items = count($contacts );
$i = 0;
foreach($contacts as $contact) {
if(++$i === $items ) {
I didn't build this PHP file, but I am trying to figure out why it is giving me errors. If the "Block layout mode" ACF variable is set to "Modal" then the block works, but gives me this error. "Undefined variable $vids on line 176". If I select the "Embed & Thumbnail" mode, then none of the block is displayed and I get this error. "Call to undefined function vc_embed_layout() on line 252". I can't pin down why this is happening, and I haven't been able to find any unclosed tags or anything in my php file. This is the file in question, and I've marked the lines that trigger errors.
global $theme_text_domain;
$block_class_identifier = 'blk__vidcol';
// default variables
$block_id = $top_class = $top_style = $inner_class = $inner_style = '';
// check for custom id
$block_id .= BLOCK::set_id( get_sub_field('content_block_id') );
// set block class, $i comes from FLEX class loop and represents the block order on a page
$top_class .= BLOCK::set_standard_classes( $i );
$top_class .= BLOCK::set_custom_classes( get_sub_field('content_block_classes') );
// check for top padding adjustment
$top_class .= BLOCK::set_padding_class( get_sub_field('block_padding_adjustment') );
$top_style .= BLOCK::set_padding_style( get_sub_field('block_padding_adjustment'), get_sub_field('custom_top_padding'), get_sub_field('custom_bottom_padding'));
// check for custom color theme
$top_style .= BLOCK::set_colors( get_sub_field('color_theme'), get_sub_field('text_color'), get_sub_field('custom_background_color') );
// check for width settings
$inner_class .= BLOCK::set_width_class( get_sub_field('content_width') );
$inner_style .= BLOCK::set_width_style( get_sub_field('content_width'), get_sub_field('custom_maximum_content_width') );
$block_assets = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/inc/blocks/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '/assets/';
$layout = get_sub_field('block_layout_mode');
$top_class .= ' layout-' . $layout;
// title color
$h2_style = (get_sub_field('color_theme') == 'custom') ? ' color: ' . get_sub_field('custom_title_color') . ';' : '';
* outputs code for the modal version of the video collection block
* #return html output
if (!function_exists('vc_modal_layout')) {
function vc_modal_layout() {
global $block_class_identifier;
$cta_label = get_sub_field('cta_label');
$counter = 0;
$cta = array(
'style' => get_sub_field('cta_style'),
'button_color' => get_sub_field('button_color'),
'button_text_color' => get_sub_field('button_color')
$cta_class = BLOCK::get_cta_style( $cta, '.' . $block_class_identifier . ' .button');
<?php // list section ?>
<?php if( have_rows('videos') ): ?>
<div class="vid-container">
<?php while ( have_rows('videos') ) : the_row(); ?>
<?php if ($counter == 0): ?>
<div class="vid-featured">
<div class="video-wrapper">
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/<?php echo get_sub_field('youtube_embed_code'); ?>?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<a class="vid_overlay" data-fancybox data-src="#<?php echo $block_class_identifier; ?>_vid_0" href="javascript:;"></a>
<!-- modal -->
<div id="<?php echo $block_class_identifier; ?>_vid_0" class="modal video-modal" style="display: none;">
<div class="modal-inner">
<h3><?php echo get_sub_field('video_title'); ?></h3>
<div class="video-wrapper">
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/<?php echo get_sub_field('youtube_embed_code'); ?>?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div class="vid-list">
<?php else: ?>
<div class="vid-item">
<div class="item-btn">
<a class="button <?php echo $cta_class; ?>" data-fancybox data-src="#<?php echo $block_class_identifier; ?>_vid_<?php echo $counter; ?>" href="javascript:;"><?php echo $cta_label; ?></a>
<div class="item-title"><?php echo get_sub_field('video_title'); ?></div>
<!-- modal -->
<div id="<?php echo $block_class_identifier; ?>_vid_<?php echo $counter; ?>" class="modal video-modal" style="display: none;">
<div class="modal-inner">
<h3><?php echo get_sub_field('video_title'); ?></h3>
<div class="video-wrapper">
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/<?php echo get_sub_field('youtube_embed_code'); ?>?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $counter++; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else: ?>
No videos defined.
<?php endif; ?>
* outputs code for the embed version of the video collection block
* #return html output
if (!function_exists('vc_embed_layout')) {
function vc_embed_layout($vids, $i) {
<?php if ( $vids ): ?> **this is line 176**
<div class="vid-container2">
<h2 class="vid-title"><?php echo $vids[0]['video_title']; ?></h2>
<div class="vid-container2-inner">
<div class="vid-embed">
<div class="video-wrapper">
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/<?php echo $vids[0]['youtube_embed_code']; ?>?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen onload="this.style.visibility = 'visible';"></iframe>
<div class="vid-thumbnails">
<?php foreach ($vids as $key => $vid): ?>
<?php $wrap_class = ($key == 0) ? ' tn-hide' : ''; ?>
<div class="tn-wrapper <?php echo $wrap_class; ?>" data-embed="<?php echo $vid['youtube_embed_code']; ?>" data-title="<?php echo $vid['video_title']; ?>">
<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/<?php echo $vid['youtube_embed_code']; ?>/mqdefault.jpg" alt="">
<?php endforeach; ?>
var vid_swap = function() {
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-embed').css({opacity: 1});
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .tn-wrapper').on('click', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
var embed_id = $this.attr('data-embed');
var title = $this.attr('data-title');
console.log('embed = ' + embed_id);
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-title').animate({opacity: 0}, 100);
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-embed').animate({opacity: 0}, 1000, function() {
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-embed, .block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-title').css('visiblity','hidden');
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-title').html( title );
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-embed iframe').attr('src', 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/' + embed_id);
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .tn-wrapper.tn-hide').removeClass('tn-hide');
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-title').css('visiblity','visible').delay(500).animate({opacity: 1}, 500);
$('.block_<?php echo $i; ?> .vid-embed').delay(500).animate({opacity: 1}, 1000);
jQuery(document).on('block_init', vid_swap);
<?php else: ?>
No videos defined.
<?php endif; ?>
<section id="<?php echo $block_id; ?>" class="<?php echo $block_class_identifier; ?> <?php echo $top_class; ?>" style="<?php echo $top_style; ?>">
<div class="inner <?php echo $inner_class; ?>" style="<?php echo $inner_style; ?>">
<?php // title section ?>
<?php if (get_sub_field('title')): ?>
<h2 style="<?php echo $h2_style; ?>"><?php echo get_sub_field('title'); ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $vids = get_sub_field('videos'); ?>
<?php if ($layout == 'modal') vc_modal_layout($vids); ?>
<?php if ($layout == 'embed') vc_embed_layout($vids, $i); ?> **This is line 252**
You're not accepting any arguments in vc_modal_layout() function declaration.
if (!function_exists('vc_embed_layout')) {
function vc_embed_layout() {
needs to have parameters in order to accept arguments.
something like this is what you're looking for:
if (!function_exists('vc_embed_layout')) {
function vc_embed_layout($vids=[], $i=0) {
And it's the same idea with vc_modal_layout, the function needs to be able to accept the variables from outside it.
When we call a function, the function needs to be able to accept all arguments passed to it. And all variables we use need to be defined, if there's a risk of them being undefined or empty arrays, we can check them with if(!empty($var)) or if(isset($var))
An alternative to passing the variable to the function is to access it as a global. But it's generally better to pass the variable to the function because when we pass the variable to a function in PHP it works with a copy of the variable's value inside the function. When we do something like this:
$var = 10;
function doIt(){
global $var;
echo $var;
we could overcomplicate things..
let's have a closer look here:
if ($layout == 'modal') vc_modal_layout($vids);
if ($layout == 'embed') vc_embed_layout($vids, $i); ?> **This is line 252**
function vc_modal_layout(){ ... }
// should be:
function vc_modal_layout($vids){ ... }
function vc_embed_layout($vids, $i)
// looks good.
Aside from that, nothing stands out as really unusual & I'd want to have a look at the actual site to tinker with this problem further.
I need loop some code trough 24 times to create a 24 day Christmas calendar. I have the for loop below but how do i add the '$i' to the code to make sure the wherever there is a day number it changes from 1 through to 24 each time? What would the code look like?
<?php for ($i = 1; $i < 25; $i++) { ?>
<!-- DAY 1 -->
<a href="offer.php?day=1<? echo '&dealership='. $dealership; ?>" class="item <? if ($today[mday] == 1) { echo "current yellow"; } else if ($today[mday] < 2 ) { echo "disabled"; }?>">
<div class="offer">
<h2>Day 1</h2>
<p><? echo Day_1_Offer('CAL_OFFER'); ?></p>
<? echo $termsLink; ?>
<div class="offer-img">
<img src="img/day1.jpg">
<?php } ?>
Just add <?php echo $i; ?> whenever you need the number.
<!-- DAY 1 -->
<a href="offer.php?day=<?php echo $i; ?><? echo '&dealership='. $dealership; ?>" class="item <? if ($today[mday] == 1) { echo "current yellow"; } else if ($today[mday] < 2 ) { echo "disabled"; }?>">
<div class="offer">
<h2>Day <?php echo $i; ?></h2>
<p><? echo call_user_func('Day_'.$i.'_Offer', 'CAL_OFFER'); ?></p>
<? echo $termsLink; ?>
<div class="offer-img">
<img src="img/day<?php echo $i; ?>.jpg">
<?php } ?>
To modify the Day_1_Offer call you must do a things a bit differently, as it's a function and in the PHP and not part of the HTML. To do this, you need call_user_func(). Try this:
<p><? echo call_user_func('Day_'.$i.'_Offer', 'CAL_OFFER'); ?></p>
I have comments stored in a database with the post id that the comment is on, the comments id, the comments parent id, and when it was created, the content, etc.. Now I've got a query that will select all of the comments for a particular post and loop through each one displaying it. However, how can I 'indent' the comments to show that they are a child of another comment?
My current idea (somewhat pseudo-code) was to do:
get comments
for each comments as comment {
if comment has parent
margin += 16;
style = margin-left: margin
margin = 0
<div class="post" style="<?php echo $style; ?>">
However, this doesn't seem to be working as some of the replies are not positioned correctly, or sometimes don't even position under the parent comment. Am I doing something wrong here, is there a better way to do this?
Actual Code (it's very ugly):
$comments = $backend->getCommentsFromPost($post_id);
$level = 0;
$margin = 0;
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$author = $backend->getUserById($comment['comment_author_id']);
$author_name = $author[0]['user_name'];
$author_id_62 = $backend->to62($author[0]['user_id']);
$when = $backend->getTimePosted($comment['comment_created']);
$comment_karma = 2;
$style = "";
if ($comment['comment_parent'] != NULL) {
$margin = $margin + 60;
$style = "style=\"margin-left: " . $margin . "px;\"";
else {
$margin = 0;
<div <?php echo $style; ?> class="post">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="comment">
<p class="comment-data">
<?php echo $author_name; ?> | <?php echo $comment_karma; ?> points | <?php echo $when; ?></p>
<?php echo $comment['comment_content']; ?>
<p class="comment-footer">
<a class='cbtn btn-primary' title='upvote' href='#'><span class='fa fa-arrow-up'></span></a>
<a class='cbtn btn-primary' title='downvote' href='#'><span class='fa fa-arrow-down'></span></a>
if ($backend->isLoggedIn()) {
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$comment_id = $backend->to62($comment['comment_id']); ?>
<a class='cbtn btn-primary' title='post reply' href='comment-reply.php?comment=<?php echo $comment_id; ?>'><span class='fa fa-reply'></span></a>
if ($user_id == $author[0]['user_id'] || $backend->isUserNotPeasant($user_id)) {
<a class='cbtn btn-danger' title='delete comment' href="delete-comment.php?id=<?php echo $comment_id; ?>"><span class='fa fa-trash-o'></span></a>
<?php } ?>
It should be simply:
.post {margin-left: 0;}
.post div {margin-left: 16px;}
<div class="post">
2nd reply
4th level
reply 2
<div class="post">
another post
You can prepend the comment with any number of as desired. One per level seems good. Track the level depth of the comment, which you can get from your query, and translate that to number of to prepend with.
First get comments without parent, then loop in them and get child comments. That will fix your problem I think.
I have created some custom code (lines 287-309 in the code below)It is a duplicate function of 313-345 but with a few changes.
Although the function works perfectly well for some reason the page upon change or refresh duplicate the collection at the bottom of the page.
If I move lines 287-309 to line 347 onwards this does not happen. I'm assuming I a creating some sort of loop here or am I not closing the PHP correctly?
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
The Code:
include "../include/db.php";
include "../include/authenticate.php";
include "../include/general.php";
include "../include/resource_functions.php";
include "../include/collections_functions.php";
include "../include/header.php";
if (!hook("replacehome")) {
if (!hook("replaceslideshow")) {
# Count the files in the configured $homeanim_folder.
$dir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../" . $homeanim_folder;
$filecount = 0;
$checksum=0; # Work out a checksum which is the total of all the image files in bytes - used in image URLs to force a refresh if any of the images change.
$d = scandir($dir);
sort($d, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($d as $f) {
$checksum+=filesize($dir . "/" . $f);
$linkfile=substr($f,0,(strlen($f)-4)) . ".txt";
if(file_exists("../" . $homeanim_folder . "/" . $linkfile))
$linkref=file_get_contents("../" . $homeanim_folder . "/" . $linkfile);
$linkaccess = get_resource_access($linkref);
if (($linkaccess!=="") && (($linkaccess==0) || ($linkaccess==1))){$reslinks[$filecount]=$baseurl . "/pages/view.php?ref=" . $linkref;}
if ($filecount>1) { # Only add Javascript if more than one image.
<script type="text/javascript">
var num_photos=<?php echo $homeimages?>; // <---- number of photos (/images/slideshow?.jpg)
var photo_delay=5; // <---- photo delay in seconds
var link = new Array();
foreach ($reslinks as $reslink)
echo "link[" . $l . "]=\"" . $reslink . "\";";
var cur_photo=2;
var last_photo=1;
var next_photo=2;
var image1=0;
var image2=0;
function nextPhoto()
if (!document.getElementById('image1')) {return false;} /* Photo slideshow no longer available (AJAX page move) */
if (cur_photo==num_photos) {next_photo=1;} else {next_photo=cur_photo+1;}
image1 = document.getElementById("image1");
image2 = document.getElementById("photoholder");
sslink = document.getElementById("slideshowlink");
if (flip==0)
// image1.style.visibility='hidden';
window.setTimeout("image1.src='<?php echo $baseurl . "/" . $homeanim_folder?>/" + next_photo + ".jpg?checksum=<?php echo $checksum ?>';if(linktarget!=''){jQuery('#slideshowlink').attr('href',linktarget);}else{jQuery('#slideshowlink').removeAttr('href');}",1000);
// image1.style.visibility='visible';
window.setTimeout("image2.style.background='url(<?php echo $baseurl . "/" . $homeanim_folder?>/" + next_photo + ".jpg?checksum=<?php echo $checksum ?>)';if(linktarget!=''){jQuery('#slideshowlink').attr('href',linktarget);}else{jQuery('#slideshowlink').removeAttr('href');}",1000);
timers.push(window.setTimeout("nextPhoto()", 1000 * photo_delay));
jQuery(document).ready( function ()
/* Clear all old timers */
timers.push(window.setTimeout("nextPhoto()", 1000 * photo_delay));
<?php } ?>
<div class="HomePicturePanel"
<?php if (isset($home_slideshow_width)) {
echo "style=\"";
$slide_width = $home_slideshow_width + 0;
echo"width:" . (string)$slide_width ."px; ";
echo "\" ";
<a id="slideshowlink"
if(file_exists("../" . $homeanim_folder . "/1.txt"))
$linkres=file_get_contents("../" . $homeanim_folder . "/1.txt");
$linkaccess = get_resource_access($linkres);
if (($linkaccess!=="") && (($linkaccess==0) || ($linkaccess==1))) {$linkurl=$baseurl . "/pages/view.php?ref=" . $linkres;}
echo "href=\"" . $linkurl ."\" ";
<div class="HomePicturePanelIN" id='photoholder' style="
if (isset($home_slideshow_height)){
echo"height:" . (string)$home_slideshow_height ."px; ";
background-image:url('<?php echo $baseurl . "/" . $homeanim_folder?>/1.jpg?checksum=<?php echo $checksum ?>');">
<img src='<?php echo $baseurl . "/" . $homeanim_folder?>/2.jpg?checksum=<?php echo $checksum ?>' alt='' id='image1' style="display:none;<?php
if (isset($home_slideshow_width)){
echo"width:" . $home_slideshow_width ."px; ";
if (isset($home_slideshow_height)){
echo"height:" . $home_slideshow_height ."px; ";
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
<?php } # End of hook replaceslideshow
<?php if (checkperm("s")) {
<?php if ($home_themeheaders && $enable_themes) { ?>
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelIN">
<h2><a onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this,true);" href="<?php echo $baseurl_short?>pages/themes.php"><?php echo $lang["themes"]?></a></h2>
<?php echo text("themes")?>
<br /> <br />
<select style="width:140px;" onChange="CentralSpaceLoad(this.value,true);">
<option value=""><?php echo $lang["select"] ?></option>
for ($n=0;$n<count($headers);$n++)
<option value="<?php echo $baseurl_short?>pages/themes.php?header=<?php echo urlencode($headers[$n])?>"><?php echo i18n_get_translated(str_replace("*","",$headers[$n]))?></option>
<br />> <?php echo $lang["viewall"] ?>
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($home_themes && $enable_themes) { ?>
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelINtopA">
<div class="HomePanelINtopHeader"><?php echo $lang["themes"]?></div>
<div class="HomePanelINtopText"><?php echo text("themes")?></div>
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($home_mycollections && !checkperm("b") && $userrequestmode!=2 && $userrequestmode!=3) { ?>
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelINtopB">
<div class="HomePanelINtopHeader"> <?php echo $lang["mycollections"]?></div>
<div class="HomePanelINtopText"><?php echo text("mycollections")?></div>
<div class="PanelShadow">
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($home_advancedsearch) { ?>
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelINtopC">
<div class="HomePanelINtopHeader"> <?php echo $lang["advancedsearch"]?></div>
<div class="HomePanelINtopText"><?php echo text("advancedsearch")?></div>
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($home_mycontributions && (checkperm("d") || (checkperm("c") && checkperm("e0")))) { ?>
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelINtopD">
<div class="HomePanelINtopHeader"><?php echo $lang["mycontributions"]?></div>
<div class="HomePanelINtopText"><?php echo text("mycontributions")?></div>
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($home_helpadvice) { ?>
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelINtopE">
<div class="HomePanelINtopHeader"><?php echo $lang["helpandadvice"]?></div>
<div class="HomePanelINtopText"><?php echo text("help")?></div>
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($home_themes && $enable_themes) { ?>
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelINtopIntro">
<div class="HomePanelINtopHeader"><?php echo text("welcometitle")?></div>
<div class="HomePanelINtopText"><?php echo text("welcometext")?></div>
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
<?php } ?>
/* ------------ Customisable home page panels ------------------- */
if (isset($custom_home_panels))
for ($n=0;$n<count($custom_home_panels);$n++)
if (!hook("panelperm")) {
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelIN" <?php if ($custom_home_panels[$n]["text"]=="") {?>style="min-height:0;"<?php } ?>>
<h2><a href="<?php echo $custom_home_panels[$n]["link"] ?>" <?php if (isset($custom_home_panels[$n]["additional"])){ echo $custom_home_panels[$n]["additional"];} ?>> <?php echo i18n_get_translated($custom_home_panels[$n]["title"]) ?></a></h2>
<?php echo i18n_get_translated($custom_home_panels[$n]["text"]) ?>
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
} // end hook 'panelperm'
<!-- THIS IS LINE 287 please refer to question -->
/* ------------ Collections promoted to the home page ------------------- */
foreach ($home_collectionsx as $home_collectionx)
<div class="EditorsPick">
<div class="HomePanel"><div class="HomePanelINtopEditors">
<div class="HomePanelINtopHeader">Editors Pick</div>
<div class="HomePanelINtopText">This is the editors pick of Asset Space...</div>
<div class="EditorsPicImage"><div style="padding-top:<?php echo floor((155-$home_collectionx["thumb_height"])/2) ?>px; margin-top: -24px; margin-bottom: -15px;">
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl_short?>pages/search.php?search=!collection<?php echo $home_collectionx["ref"] ?>" onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this,true);"><img class="ImageBorder" src="<?php echo get_resource_path($home_collectionx["home_page_image"],false,"thm",false) ?>" width="<?php echo $home_collectionx["thumb_width"] ?>" height=" <?php echo $home_collectionx["thumb_height"] ?>" /></div>
endif; # end hook homefeaturedcol
<!-- THIS IS LINE 309 please refer to question -->
<!-- THIS IS LINE 313 please refer to question -->
/* ------------ Collections promoted to the home page ------------------- */
foreach ($home_collections as $home_collection)
<div class="ResourceOfTheDay"></div>
<div class="HomePanel HomePanelPromoted"><div class="HomePanelIN HomePanelPromotedIN">
<div class="MyCollectionsHighlite"></div>
<div class="HomePanelPromotedImageWrap">
<div style="padding-top:<?php echo floor((155-$home_collection["thumb_height"])/2) ?>px; margin-top: -24px; margin-bottom: -15px;">
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl_short?>pages/search.php?search=!collection<?php echo $home_collection["ref"] ?>" onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this,true);"><img class="ImageBorder" src="<?php echo get_resource_path($home_collection["home_page_image"],false,"thm",false) ?>" width="<?php echo $home_collection["thumb_width"] ?>" height="<?php echo $home_collection["thumb_height"] ?>" /></div>
<p style="font-size:14px; font-weight:bold"><?php echo i18n_get_translated($home_collection["home_page_text"]) ?></p>
<p style="font-size:12px; font-weight:normal">Click to view this collection</p>
<div class="PanelShadow"></div>
endif; # end hook homefeaturedcol
<!-- THIS IS LINE 345 please refer to question -->
<!-- THIS IS LINE 347 please refer to question -->
<div class="clearerleft"></div>
<?php }
} // End of ReplaceHome hook
include "../include/footer.php";
From your comment above I would say this line is to blame:
I'm assuming that this is running as well as your new code above it when it's not the homepage
You may also want to have a look at your HTML structure