This must be something ugly obvious, but I'm stucked on this and can't solve it for past two hours.
I have this piece of code:
foreach($idMap as $menuId=>$pageId)
echo('$this->update("menus_items", SET "link = /content/show?id='.$pageId.'" WHERE id = '.$menuId.');'."\n");
array('id = '.$menuId)
echo part works as expected ($pageId is different for each item, taken from $idMap), while Yii's CDbCommand::update() gets wako and have $pageId equal to it's last value for all loop iterations.
In other words, if I have 20 menu items and last item in result set has pageId = 18, then when using CDbCommand::update(), I'm getting all menu items set to that last value.
There must be some variable overwriting here, but I can't find it for past two hours, especially, that echo put just one line above works great. Can someone help here.
Guessing, but does $this->update() expect a single array for its bind arguments?
'link' => '/content/show?id='.$pageId,
'id' => $menuId
My code is pretty basic. I'm using an array to generate a datasheet for a product based on it's SKU and a filepath.
My array looks like this:
Where the first Key is the filepath, and the second Key is the SKU (as generated by the system) I then use an if/else to generate a button - so if a product is not in the array it returns a blank value and doesn't have a button which leads to nowhere
$factsheetweblink_url = array_search($product_sku,$a);
if ($factsheetweblink_url==false) {
echo " ";
else {
echo "<div class='productpagestockistBTN'>
<img src='/images/FactSheet_btn.png' >
This code works fine. The catch comes when I have products with different SKUs but the same datasheet file, (same brand and make but a different model). Currently I can only get it to work by uploading multiple copies of the datasheets with different names, but it's becoming a big waste of space.
I have tried using an array as a key to hold multiple values to the one key..
"/images/ManualSheets/factSheetMEDIUM.pdf"=> array("KE8000/12","KE7000/12"),
but it doesn't seem to be working... I'm not quite sure if I need to refine my if statement to search within the sub arrays as well or..?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
You should use arrays like this:
$products = array(
0 => array(
"pdf" => "/images/ManualSheets/factSheetCLASSIC.pdf",
"skus" => array("KE800/6","KE900/6")
1 => array(
"pdf" => "/images/ManualSheets/factSheetCLASSIC3.pdf",
"skus" => array("KE100/6","KE200/6"))
This is because array_search returns just first row whit that key.
Then just do your own search function like:
function findBySku($items, $sku) {
$pdf = ""; // return empty if not found.
foreach($items as $row) {
if (in_array($sku, $row['skus'])) {
$pdf = $row['pdf'];
return $pdf;
and call that function:
$pdf = findBySku($products, "some sku");
Bit stuck on how to achieve this.....
I have a PHP page which shows information for one record in a table. These records include a unique key (image_id) AND a name (image_name).
In order to display the correct record, I am using a search function on a previous page which results in a URL parameter (imageinfo.php?image_id=1 etc).
My problem is that I wish to add forward and back arrows to the table to cycle through different records, BUT based on the alphabetical order of 'image_name' rather than the numerical order of 'image_id.
I'm really not sure how to achieve this, so any help would be appreciated.
Something like this: (I hope the comments will explain)
$data = array(
123 => "B",
321 => "C",
124 => "A"
$id = 123; // This is the current image id
asort($data); // Sort the array based on values (names)
// Advance the internal pointer until it points to the current image
while(current($data) != $data[$id])
// TODO: Also check whether next is past end here
echo next($data); // Should be C
I'm pretty new to PHP so bear with me here. I'm trying to iterate through the words in a string of text, look for specific words, categorize them, and then count the number of times each word category was hit. I was able to do the easy part but I'm having problems counting the number of times each category is matched. Here's the main function that accepts my string:
public function matchThemeTest($query){
$marriageNum = 0;
$criminalNum = 0;
$contactNum = 0;
$keywords = array(
'background'=> array('category'=>'criminal'),
'marriage' => array('category'=>'marriage'),
'criminal' => array('category'=>'criminal'),
'arrest' => array('category'=>'criminal'),
'divorce' => array('category'=>'marriage'),
'person' => array('category'=>'contact'),
'contact' => array('category'=>'contact')
foreach (preg_split("/\s/", $query) as $word)
if (isset($keywords[$word]))
echo $keywords[$word]['category'];
if ($keywords[$word]['category'] == 'marriage') {
echo $marriageNum;
//return reset($matches);
I've got a php fiddle setup here: that I've been playing around with. In it's current form, I can get the words into categories but I'm not sure how to count how many times each category gets matched. I feel like I need an additional loop or something simple to count but I'm not exactly sure where. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You may need another array of data, to store the counts. Use an array like this:
$counts = array(
'criminal' => 0,
'marriage' => 0,
'contact' => 0
Then when you iterate through your foreach loop, you can use the $keywords[$word]['category'] as the key in $counts and increment it:
if(isset($keywords[$word]) {
Then you can return the $counts array so the caller can use it to find out what the counts of each theme were:
return $counts;
I have a question about associative arrays in php.
I have following array in which there are two items named 4 and 2 respectively.
$items = array(4,2);
Now i want to associate each item's quantity to it which can be done as follows:
which means that there are 23, 'item 4s' and no 'item 2'.
But I sometimes don't know in advance what is there in the $items so i want to associate quantity on basis of location. I wanted to do something like associate 23 to whatever is there on the zero location of the item array:
This of course did not work because its not the right way to extract whatever is placed on the zero location of items. Can anyone please tell me how do i do that?
You are confusing in the use of item and items. I imagine you have both an item array and an items array, else things can easily get hairy.
Anyhow, you just refer to it as a variable, not as a string:
$items[$item[0]] = 23;
Let me get this straight. So you start with an array that looks like this:
$items = array( 0 => 4, 1 => 2 )
And you want to end up with an array that looks like this: ?!
$items = array( 0 => 4, 1 => 2, 2 => 0, 4 => 23 )
I think you should use your array as a kind of "map". The item number is your key, and the quantity your value.
By calling
$items = array(4,2);
you create
$items[0] = 4;
$items[1] = 2;
but you want to use the 4 and 2 as a key in your array. So you should instead use
$items = array( 4 => false, 2 => false );
where false stands for an item that has not yet a quantity associated (could also be e.g. -1).
This creates
$items[2] = false;
$items[4] = false;
When using false, you can check for not assigned values by calling
if ($items[4] === false) {
echo "No quantity set!";
And now the second step.. if you want to assign the item #4 a quantity of 23, just call
$items[4] = 23;
So I don't think you will want to rely on the order inside your array..
I'm trying to create an array to display the last 5 products a customer has viewed.
The array is a 2 dimensional array like below...
$RView= array(
array( ID => "1001", RefCode => "Ref_01", Name => "Name_01" ),
array( ID => "1005", RefCode => "Ref_05", Name => "Name_05" )
The array values are retrieved from the products recordset and is designed to function as follows when a customer visits a product page.
Page will check if a Session Array exists
If yes, an array variable is created from existing Session
If no, a new array is created.
Array will add the new product details.
Array will count if there are more than 5 existing products in the array.
If yes, it will remove the oldest.
If no, moves to next step.
A Session is created/updated from the revised Array.
My current effort is attached below...
Many thanks for any help.
// Get or Create Array
IF (isset($_SESSION['sessRView'])) {
$RView = ($_SESSION['sessRView']); }
$RView = array(array());
// Append currently viewed Product to Array
array(array_unshift($RView, $row_rsPrd['PrdID'], $row_rsPrd['RefCode'], $row_rsPrd['Name']));
// Check if more than 5 products exist in Array, if so delete.
IF (sizeof($RView) > 5) {
array(array_pop($RView)); }
// Update Session for next page
$_SESSION['sessRView'] = $RView;
// Display Array
for ($row = 0; $row < 5; $row++)
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li><a href='?PrdID=".$RView[$row]["PrdID"]."'>".$RView[$row]["RefCode"]."</a> : ".$RView[$row]["Name"]."</li>";
echo "</ul>";
It's more or less right - just 2 lines need to be changed.
There's no need for the extra array() around array_unshift and array_pop.
When you use array_unshift you're pushing an array of items (not the id/codes individually) - I think you mean array_unshift($RView, array($prodid,$name,...))
What if $RView doesn't have 5 elements? In that case you're accessing undefined array indices (which may or may not show an error). Change it to a foreach loop: e.g.
foreach ($Rview as $prod) echo $prod['Name']...
It should work after you make these changes. You might want to clean up the coding style a bit, though :)
EDIT: Oh, I see, when you're referencing the array in the for loop it doesn't know that the array has "ProdID" and "Name" indices. When you make an array you have to define the indexes using the => operator.
Add indexes to the array when you array_unshift:
array_unshift($RView, array("ProdID" => $row_rsProd["ProdID"], "Name"...))
If row_rsProd isn't too big, you can just tack the entire row_rsprod onto $RView.
so change array_unshift(...) to just $RView[] = $row_rsProd
This way the indexes are preserved.
Alternatively you can change the indicies in the for loop to match. Right now the array you unshift onto $RView is 0-based - $RView[0][0] is the product ID for the first product, etc.
So you can change the stuff in the foreach loop to
echo "<li>..." $prod[0] $prod[1] $prod[2]
Hope that helps!