Add extra ports to existing ssl certificates - php

I have my domain which has SSL enabled, now I have configured some port on that same domain.
I want to know how can I add more port into that existing SSL cert file.
I have hosted site on Dreamhost, but as I configured custom port they refuse to help.

I want to know how can I add more port into that existing SSL cert file.
The certificate contains only the host name. It is independent of the port, so you could use it for any port on this host. Of course you still need to configure your web server to actually listen on this port with SSL, but this would be different question.


Enable HTTPS on php application served by httpd

We have an existing PHP web application served by httpd and my current responsibility is enabling HTTPS on that application. (I am not a PHP guy). I already have the signed certificates ready (.pem). Most tutorials I've read in enabling HTTPS assumes that I have some cPanel where I can install the certificates. In our case, the app is actually served by httpd installed in an AWS EC2 instance (RedHat Linux, I suppose). So my question is:
(1) In which part do I enable the HTTPS, in the httpd configuration or in the application's PHP code? Or both? What should I change?
(2) I understand that the standard port for HTTPS is 443. That port is non-existent based on our network ingress rules. Can we change the standard HTTPS port other than 443 and how?
I don't know anything about aws, but I can answer your two concrete questions:
Php does not serve websites through http or https. You have to enable https in the webserver. The webserver then calls php to execute the code and returns the result via http or https.
HTTPS port should always be 443, otherwise the user has to enter the port when connecting to your website -> port 80 -> port 443 -> port 1234

does ssl on firewall and website conflict with each other

we have had our firewall providers install an SSL certificate on the firewall and if we put an SSL certificate on the server ( website ) then will it conflict or it will run fine ?
Any advise on this will be highly appreciated.
So how SSL works is probably not what you expect, according to your description there will be two distinct connections, from the user to the firewall and from the firewall to the webserver.
From the user point of view, only the firewall certificate matters, it will be this one used to crypt the data.
If you activate ssl on the webserver and add a certificate, the only one seeing this certificate will be the firewall, so it has to be valid for the firewall client itself (if the firewall doesn't know the authority which signed the certificate, you'll have a validation problem if you don't add this authority certificate into the firewall certificate store).
Mostly in this case your firewall act as a reverse proxy, doing the user's SSL termination and initiating another SSL session between itself and the webserver.
In bad ascii art this may be shown like this:
user <--using firewall's cert--> Firewall <--using server's cert--> webserver

Can't connect to a port but 80 in php

I have a webspace on a free hosting platform. The latter doesn't allow server-to-server connections to a port different from 80 in php scripts. I need to connect to another website on a port different from 80 using php Curl libraries, but obviusly it doesn't work, my host blocks the connection. Is there a method to bypass this limitation?
Sounds like it's a firewall limitation and you can only ask your hosting company for specific permission.
But if you have control over another website, you can send request to it's 80 and route to port xx.

how to host a website using xampp server?

I have created a website for sending emails, it works fine in localhost and in LAN connection, but I'm not able to open my website from another network.
I use my public IP address (found on, I have also forwarded port (80) to the server computer in my router settings page.
I'm using xampp version 5.6.3. please help me out with this.
Thanks in advance
Make sure your firewall allows incoming connections from port 80. To do this, open your computers firewall-configuration and create an incoming-rule for port 80. If you are using Windows 8 please refer to this Microsoft-help-page.
To view your website from the internet, these conditions must be met:
Make sure you use the correct ip
Have an ISP that allows trafic on port 80 (thanks to DarkBee)
Forward the port to the correct computer, using the nat of your router
Configure your firewall to accept connections from port 80
Make sure your xampp listens to all ip-adresses (see "Listen 80" in httpd.conf)

Installing a SSL certificate on a subdomain on Plesk 10

I'm having trouble installing a SSL certificate on a subdomain within Plesk 10.
I don't seem to have an option to add the SSL certificate to a subdomain only. If i add the cert to the base domain will the subdomain share the same certificate?
Has anyone managed to install a cert on a subdomain using plesk 10?
SSL certificates affect all Connections made to the IP it is bound to, there is no way to bind a certificate to a subdomain or a specific folder because the SSL Setup has to be made before the URL is given to the server process.
You either need to use the same SSL certificate for all domains on your server or you need a new IP and use it only for the subdomain that needs to be protected. (I believe there was a SSL Configuration Link in IP management or something...)
Multiple Certificates on a single IP is now possible using SNI:
