i've developed the following function to highlight search results names.
function highlight($text, $words)
if (!is_array($words))
$words = preg_split('#\\W+#', $words, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$regex = '#\\b(\\w*)(';
$sep = '';
foreach ($words as $word)
$regex .= $sep . preg_quote($word, '#');
$sep = '|';
$regex .= ')(\\w*)\\b#i';
$text = preg_replace($regex, '\\1<b>\\2</b>\\3', $text);
$text = str_replace("</b> <b>"," ",$text);
return $text;
My problem is that if the text is "This is the end"
and i'm looking for "this is" it will highlight like that: "this is the end" because the word "is" is in "this", too.
Somebody know how to fix that?
My first thought was to only replace whitespace[whitespace] but that's not a good solution because the first word in a sentence got no whitespace at the beginning. :-(
Thank you for your help.
Remove the \w* fro the begining and the end of regex:
$regex = '#\\b(';
$sep = '';
foreach ($words as $word)
$regex .= $sep . preg_quote($word, '#');
$sep = '|';
$regex .= ')\\b#i';
$text = preg_replace($regex, '<b>$1</b>', $text);
am trying to replace a word in a string BUT i want to get the word found in the function and replace it with a word with stars with the exact length ?
Is this possible or do i need to do this in some other way ?
$text = "Hello world, its 2018";
$words = ['world', 'its'];
echo str_replace($words, str_repeat("*", count(FOUND) ), $text);
You could use a regular expression to do that :
$text = preg_replace_callback('~(?:'.implode('|',$words).')~i', function($matches){
return str_repeat('*', strlen($matches[0]));
}, $text);
echo $text ; // "Hello *****, *** 2018"
You also could secure this using preg_quote before to use preg_replace_callback() :
$words = array_map('preg_quote', $words);
EDIT : The following code is another way, that use a foreach() loop, but prevent unwanted behaviors (replacing part of words), and allows multi-bytes characters:
$words = ['foo', 'bar', 'bôz', 'notfound'];
$text = "Bar&foo; bAr notfoo, bôzo bôz :Bar! (foo), notFOO and NotBar or 'bar' foo";
$expt = "***&***; *** notfoo, bôzo *** :***! (***), notFOO and NotBar or '***' ***";
foreach ($words as $word) {
$text = preg_replace_callback("~\b$word\b~i", function($matches) use ($word) {
return str_ireplace($word, str_repeat('*', mb_strlen($word)), $matches[0]);
}, $text);
echo $text, PHP_EOL, $expt ;
Another approach:
$text = "Hello world, its 2018";
$words = ['world', 'its'];
$f = function($value) { return str_repeat("*", strlen($value)) ; } ;
$replacement = array_map($f, $words);
echo str_replace($words, $replacement, $text);
You can try this :
$text = "Hello world, its 2018";
$words = ['world', 'its'];
// Loop through your word array
foreach ($words as $word) {
$length = strlen($word); // length of the word you want to replace
$star = str_repeat("*", $length); // I build the new string ****
$text = str_replace($word, $star, $text); // I replace the $word by the new string
echo $text; // Hello *****, *** 2018
Is it what you are looking for?
You can go like this..
$text = "Hello crazy world, its 2018";
$words = ['world', 'its'];
function replace_me($value,$key)
global $text;
$text = str_replace($value,str_repeat("*",strlen($value)),$text);
echo $text;
$text = "Hello world, its 2018";
$words = ['world', 'its'];
// Loop through your word array
foreach ($words as $word) {
$length = strlen($word); // length of the word you want to replace
$star = str_repeat("*", $length); // I build the new string ****
$text = str_replace($word, $star, $text); // I replace the $word by the new string
echo $text; // Hello *****, *** 2018
I need to edit all odd words to upper case.
Here is sample of imput string:
very long string with many words
Expected output:
VERY long STRING with MANY words
I have this code, but it seams to me, that I can do it in better way.
$lines = file($_FILES["fname"]["tmp_name"]);
$pattern = "/(\S[\w]*)/";
foreach($lines as $value)
$words = NULL;
$fin_str = NULL;
preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $matches);
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i = $i + 2){
$matches[0][$i] = strtoupper($matches[0][$i]);
$fin_str = implode(" ", $matches[0]);
echo $fin_str ."<br>";
P.S. I need to use only preg_match function.
Here's a preg_replace_callback example:
$str = 'very long string with many words';
$newStr = preg_replace_callback('/([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)/',
function($matches) {
return strtoupper($matches[1]) . ' ' . $matches[2];
}, $str);
print $newStr;
// VERY long STRING with MANY words
You only need to match the repeating pattern: /([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)/, a pair of words, then preg_replace_callback recurses over the string until all possible matches are matched and replaced. preg_replace_callback is necessary to call the strtoupper function and pass the captured backreference to it.
If you have to use regular expressions, this should get you started:
$input = 'very long string with many words';
if (preg_match_all('/\s*(\S+)\s*(\S+)/', $input, $matches)) {
$words = array();
foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $odd) {
$even = isset($matches[2][$key]) ? $matches[2][$key] : null;
$words[] = strtoupper($odd);
if ($even) {
$words[] = $even;
echo implode(' ', $words);
This will output:
VERY long STRING with MANY words
You may don't need regex simply use explode and concatenate the string again:
function upperizeEvenWords($str){
$out = "";
$arr = explode(' ', $str);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++){
if (!($i%2)){
$out .= strtoupper($arr[$i])." ";
$out .= $arr[$i]." ";
return trim($out);
$str = "very long string with many words";
echo upperizeEvenWords($str);
Checkout this DEMO
I have a csv file that contains company names. I would want to match it against my database. In order to have a cleaner and nearer matches, I am thinking of eliminating some company suffixes like 'inc', ' inc', ', inc.' or ', inc'. Here's my sample code:
$string = 'Inc Incorporated inc.';
$wordlist = array("Inc","inc."," Inc.",", Inc.",", Inc"," Inc");
foreach ($wordlist as &$word) {
$word = '/\b' . preg_quote($word, '/') . '\b/';
$string = preg_replace($wordlist, '', $string);
$foo = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $string);
echo $foo;
My problem here is that the 'inc.' doesn't get removed. I'm guessing it has something to do with the preq_quote. But I just can't figure out how to solve this.
Try this :
$string = 'Inc incorporated inc.';
$wordlist = array("Inc","inc.");
foreach ($wordlist as $word) {
$string =str_replace($word, '', $string);
echo $string;
$string = 'Inc Incorporated inc.';
$wordlist = array("Inc","inc.");
$string = str_replace($wordlist, '', $string);
echo $string;
This will output as 'corporated'...
If you want "Incorporated" as result, make the "I" is small.. and than run my above code (first one)...
Try this. It may involve type juggling at some point, but will have your desired result
$string = 'Inc Incorporated inc.';
$wordlist = array('Inc', 'inc.');
$string_array = explode(' ', $string);
foreach($string_array as $k => $a) {
foreach($wordlist as $b) {
if($b == $a){
$string_array = implode('', $string_array);
You can use this
$string = 'Inc Incorporated inc.';
$wordlist = array("Inc "," inc.");
$foo = str_replace($wordlist, '', $string);
echo $foo;
Run this code here
This will work for any number of elements in array...
$string = 'Inc Incorporated inc.';
$wordlist = array("Inc");
foreach($wordlist as $stripped)
$string = preg_replace("/\b". preg_quote($stripped,'/') ."(\.|\b)/i", " ", $string) ;
$foo = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $string);
echo $foo;
I have made a script to highlight a word in a string. The script is below.
function highlight_text($text, $words){
$split_words = explode( " " , $words );
foreach ($split_words as $word){
$color = '#FFFF00';
$text = preg_replace("|($word)|Ui", "<span style=\"background:".$color.";\">$1</span>", $text );
return $text;
$text = '*bc';
$words = '*';
echo highlight_text($text, $words);
When running the script, I got the following error:
Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 1
Can anyone help me?
This can help you:
function highlight_text($text, $words){
$split_words = explode( " " , $words );
foreach ($split_words as $key=>$word){
if (preg_match('/[\'^£$%&*()}{##~?><>,|=_+¬-]/', $word))// looking for special characters
$word = preg_quote($word, '/');// if found output \ before that
$color = '#FFFF00';
$text = preg_replace("|($word)|Ui", "<span style=\"background:".$color.";\">$1</span>", $text );
return $text;
$text = '*bc';
$words = '*';
echo highlight_text($text, $words);
change "*" to "\*" and profit.
You can check if special character in function highlight_text
function highlight_text($text, $words){
$split_words = explode( " " , $words );
foreach ($split_words as $word){
$str = '';
$word = str_split($word);
foreach ($word as $c) {
if ($c == '*') {
$str .= '\*';
else {
$str .= $c;
$color = '#FFFF00';
$text = preg_replace("|($str)|Ui", "<span style=\"background:".$color.";\">$1</span>", $text );
return $text;
Change your code to
function highlight_text($text, $words){
$split_words = explode( " " , $words );
foreach ($split_words as $word){
$color = '#FFFF00';
$word = preg_quote($word, '/');
$text = preg_replace("|$word|Ui", "<span style=\"background:".$color.";\">$0</span>", $text );
return $text;
$text = '*bc';
$words = '*';
echo highlight_text($text, $words);
then will be ok.
I have got a function from Google to clean my paragraph in sentence case.
I want to modify this function such that it converts more than 2 new line character to newline. Else it converts all new line characters in space. So I would have it in paragraph format. Here it's converting all new line character to space.
It's converting in proper sentence case. But, In case If I found single word having first word as capital then I need function to ignore that. As Sometimes, if there would be any noun It needs to be capital. We can't change it small case. Else if noun and it is having more than 2 capital characters other than first character than convert it to lower case.
Like -> Noun => Noun but NoUn => noun. Means I want if other than first character is capital than it convert it two lower case Else it keep it in same format.
function sentence_case($string) {
$sentences = preg_split('/([.?!]+)/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY|PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$new_string = '';
foreach ($sentences as $key => $sentence) {
$new_string .= ($key & 1) == 0?
ucfirst(strtolower(trim($sentence))) :
$sentence.' ';
$new_string = preg_replace("/\bi\b/", "I", $new_string);
//$new_string = preg_replace("/\bi\'\b/", "I'", $new_string);
$new_string = clean_spaces($new_string);
$new_string = m_r_e_s($new_string);
return trim($new_string);
function sentence_case($str) {
$cap = true;
for($x = 0; $x < strlen($str); $x++){
$letter = substr($str, $x, 1);
if($letter == "." || $letter == "!" || $letter == "?"){
$cap = true;
}elseif($letter != " " && $cap == true){
$letter = strtoupper($letter);
$cap = false;
$ret .= $letter;
return $ret;
This will preserve existing proper noun capitals, acronyms and abbreviations.
This should do it:
function sentence_case($string) {
// Protect the paragraphs and the caps
$parDelim = "/(\n+\r?)/";
$string = preg_replace($parDelim, "#PAR#", $string);
$string = preg_replace("/\b([A-Z])/", "#$1#", $string);
$sentences = preg_split('/([.?!]+)/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY|PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$new_string = '';
foreach ($sentences as $key => $sentence) {
$new_string .= ($key & 1) == 0?
ucfirst(strtolower(trim($sentence))) :
$sentence.' ';
$new_string = preg_replace("/\bi\b/", "I", $new_string);
//$new_string = preg_replace("/\bi\'\b/", "I'", $new_string);
$new_string = clean_spaces($new_string);
$new_string = m_r_e_s($new_string);
// Restore the paragraphs and the caps
$new_string = preg_replace("#PAR#", PHP_EOL, $new_string);
$new_string = preg_replace("/#([A-Z])#/", "$1", $new_string);
return trim($new_string);
It works by identifying the items you want to protect (paragraph & first cap) and marking it with a string that you can then replace back when you are done. The assumption is that you don't already have #PAR# and #A-Z# in the string. You can use whatever you want to use for the paragraph delimiter afterwards if you want to force a certain type of line ending or several lines in between.
Slightly modifying Sylverdrag's function, I got something that is working well for me. This version works for every messed-up sentence I've thrown at it so far :)
function sentence_case($string) {
$string = strtolower($string); // ADDED THIS LINE
// Protect the paragraphs and the caps
$parDelim = "/(\n+\r?)/";
$string = preg_replace($parDelim, "#PAR#", $string);
$string = preg_replace("/\b([A-Z])/", "#$1#", $string);
$sentences = preg_split('/([.?!]+)/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY|PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$new_string = '';
foreach ($sentences as $key => $sentence) {
$new_string .= ($key & 1) == 0?
ucfirst(strtolower(trim($sentence))) :
$sentence.' ';
$new_string = preg_replace("/\bi\b/", "I", $new_string);
// $new_string = preg_replace("/\bi\'\b/", "I'", $new_string);
// $new_string = clean_spaces($new_string);
// $new_string = m_r_e_s($new_string);
// Restore the paragraphs and the caps
$new_string = preg_replace("#PAR#", PHP_EOL, $new_string);
$new_string = preg_replace("/#([A-Z])#/", "$1", $new_string);
$new_string = preg_replace("/#([A-Z])#/", "$1", $new_string);
preg_match('/#(.*?)#/', $new_string, $match); // MODIFIED THIS LINE TO USE (.*?)
return trim($new_string);
$string = "that IS it!! YOU and i are Totally DONE hanging out toGether... like FOREveR DUDE! i AM serious. a good FRIEND would NOT treAT me LIKE you dO. it Seems, howEVER, THAT you ARE not ONE of tHe GOOD ONEs.";
echo "<b>String 1:</b> " . $string . "<br><b>String 2:</b> " . sentence_case($string);
PHP Sandbox
:) :)