SageOne Accounts API in PHP - php

I have found an API class ( in PHP for the SageOne Accounts Cloud Software.
I used the code found in auth.php with my apps CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to gain an access code.
I then tried this code (/examples/get-ledger-accounts.php):
define('SAGE_CLIENT_ID', 'my client id');
define('SAGE_CLIENT_SECRET', 'my client secret');
// If you do not already have an access token please see:
// /examples/auth.php
define('SAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN', 'access code from auth.php');
$result = $client->getLedgerAccounts();
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
however when testing this code, i get the following:
string(26) "{"error":"invalid_token"} " int(0)
[error] => invalid_token
Does anyone know what this means and how i can fix it to gain access to our accounts data from SageOne?

Assuming you have signed up via, an invalid_token error is expected if you try to use the token beyond the expiration time, which is 1 hour after issuance.
Another thing I noticed is that the library you mentioned does not support the request signing which is required.

Are you working on a client app or accounting integration?
I've put up a wrapper for the Sage One Accounting API v 1.1.1, which uses an Api Key instead of clientId / accessToken. This will work better if you're going for automation.
API docs here:


Bigcommerce customer login api (single sign-on) invalid login issue

I'm new to bigcommerce and jwt tokens. I'm trying to get the customer login api to work on a trail store. But have not been able to successfully login a customer automatically.
I got it to work once or twice, but now it doesn't work anymore, and an unable to figure out the odd behavior since nothing changed with the code. I've tried googling if anyone else has had issues with the customer login api but have found nothing.
I've gone thru the tutorial on and copied the example provided.
Is there something I'm missing with the code below?
I've gone to and created a draft app.
I got the Client ID and Client Secret from the draft app.
I've gone into my trial store and successfully installed the draft app.
I've tested this page on SSL as well.
Could it be because it's a trail store and it will only work if it's a real store?
Here is the php code below:
include "vendor/autoload.php";
use Bigcommerce\Api\Client as Bigcommerce;
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
function getCustomerLoginToken($id, $redirectUrl = '', $requestIp = '') {
if (empty(self::$client_secret)) {
throw new Exception('Cannot sign customer login tokens without a client secret');
$payload = array(
'iss' => '#MyApp1's Client ID#',
'iat' => time(),
'jti' => bin2hex(random_bytes(32)),
'operation' => 'customer_login',
'store_hash' => '#Store Hash#',
'customer_id' => $id
if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
$payload['redirect_to'] = $redirectUrl;
if (!empty($requestIp)) {
$payload['request_ip'] = $requestIp;
return JWT::encode($payload, "#MyApp1's Client Secret#", "HS256");
$jwt = getCustomerLoginToken(1);
header("Location: " . 'https://store-#Store' . $jwt);
There are a couple of constraints that can cause errors:
The app must be installed on the store (seems like you're all good here - you can also test with an API token created locally in the store -
The app must have the Login OAuth scope
The JWT URL must be visited within about 30 seconds, or it won't work.
The computer/server that's generating the JWT needs to have a clock that's synchronized, otherwise your IAT value will appear to have been created more than 30 seconds ago or even in the future which will fail.
The URL can only be visited exactly once - if anything runs a GET request against it other than the intended end user's browser, it won't work. For example, if you send the URL in a Slack message, slack will try to preview the link by visiting it and therefore invalidate it.
It's good to double-check that your JWT is valid at
BigCommerce support has access to logs which can shed more light on the situation if you've ruled out the above.
Hope this helps!
do not need app client_id and Secret code , you need to api's client_id and secret code

Can only get access token for QuickBooks API once

I'm using PHPoAuthLib in order to connect to the QuickBooks API per their example
When I follow their example, the first request that I make to the API works perfectly:
$result = json_decode($quickbooksService->request($url));
echo 'result: <pre>' . print_r($result, true) . '</pre>';
However in their example they use $_GET['oauth_token'] and $_GET['oauth_verifier'] to request an access token, and these values are only available on the $_GET server variable during the single callback from QuickBooks Online immediately after my app has been authorized.
For future requests there are no such examples on PHPoAuthLib's docs, so I tried a quick homebrew solution:
Save the response from QBO somewhere
if (!empty($_GET['oauth_token']) {
file_put_contents("token.txt", json_encode([
'oauth_token' => $_GET['oauth_token'],
'oauth_verifier' => $_GET['oauth_verifier'],
'realm_id' => $_GET['realmId']
Use that response again later
$token = json_decode(file_get_contents("token.txt"));
// $token->getRequestTokenSecret() is not necessary - it will be automatically populated
// At this point my app crashes and return a 500 error
// Further code does not run
The error I receive is:
TokenResponseException in StreamClient.php line 68:
Failed to request resource. HTTP Code: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Remember that the token and verifier work perfectly if I use them immediately after the app is authorized. If I save them to a file and attempt to re-use them 30 seconds later, this happens.
I think it might be a fundamental misconception about OAuth 1.0
I don't think what you have is a correct OAuth implementation. Have you read the OAuth spec and implemented as it's defined there?
Once you have a request token and a verifier, you use those to get an access token.
That access token is then good for 6 months.
It looks like you're trying to use a short-lived request token to continually fetch access tokens instead. That won't work.
i.e. If you're doing this everytime you want to make another request:
Then you're doing something wrong. You should be doing that ONCE every 6 months, and that's it.
Working code here:
Spec is here:

Connecting to Twilio API using PHP

The example code asks for a $sid and $token.
I logged in to my account and went to Dev Tools → API Keys and created a new key which generated a Sid and Secret.
I went back to Account Settings → API Credentials and I have a AccountSID and AuthToken but the AccountSID is not the same as the Sid shown at Dev Tools → API Keys.
So I have 4 different strings, what am I suppose to do with them? What is the $sid that the example code asks for, is it the Sid in Dev Tools - API Keys or the AccountSID in Account Settings → API Credentials, and what on earth is the $token, I don't see this anywhere?
I've tried using a mixture on the below example code, with PHP error logging enabled, but it just causes the page to load as Server Error 500.
// Get the PHP helper library from
require_once('/twilio-php-master/Services/Twilio.php'); // Loads the library
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$sid = "";
$token = "";
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token);
// Loop over the list of numbers and echo a property for each one
foreach ($client->account->incoming_phone_numbers as $number) {
echo "<select>" . $number->phone_number . "</select>";
Side note: Does Twilio charge for API calls (actual API usage, not purchasing etc.)?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I can see how that got confusing. For what you're trying to do, you can just grab the AccountSid and AuthToken from your dashboard. Once you're there, just expand "Show API Credentials" and copy the values.
As for your question, Twilio will not charge for requests like the one you're trying to make. Worth having a look at our billing and pricing FAQ to get some more information.
Hope this helps you

How do I use Google's "Simple API Access key" to access Google Calendar info (PHP)?

I'm trying to use the Google API v3 to access one google calendar and according to the documentation here : and here :, the solution I need is the "Simple API Access" & "Key for server apps (with IP locking)".
Now, when I create a page with this code :
require_once 'fnc/google-api-php-client/src/apiClient.php';
require_once 'fnc/google-api-php-client/src/contrib/apiCalendarService.php';
$apiClient = new apiClient();
$service = new apiCalendarService($apiClient);
if (isset($_SESSION['oauth_access_token'])) {$apiClient->setAccessToken($_SESSION['oauth_access_token']);
} else {
$token = $apiClient->authenticate();
$_SESSION['oauth_access_token'] = $token;
and in my "config.php" file I add ONLY my developper key (in place of the "X") :
global $apiConfig;
$apiConfig = array(
// True if objects should be returned by the service classes.
// False if associative arrays should be returned (default behavior).
'use_objects' => false,
// The application_name is included in the User-Agent HTTP header.
'application_name' => '',
// OAuth2 Settings, you can get these keys at
'oauth2_client_id' => '',
'oauth2_client_secret' => '',
'oauth2_redirect_uri' => '',
// The developer key, you get this at
// OAuth1 Settings.
// If you're using the apiOAuth auth class, it will use these values for the oauth consumer key and secret.
// See for info on how to obtain those
'oauth_consumer_key' => 'anonymous',
'oauth_consumer_secret' => 'anonymous',
But then I get errors and it tells me it's trying to authenticate using the "OAuth 2.0" system which I don't want to use. I only want to access one calendar with an API key.
And amazingly, when I search in google "Simple API Access key" I find nothing, nothing on their docs, no examples, no tutorials, nothing. Am I the only one using this thing?
So can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
(i know this is an old question but i would've been glad if someone
gave a real answer here so i'm doing it now)
I came on the same problem, Simple API access is not well documented (or maybe just not where i searched), but using the Google API Explorer i found a way to get what i need, which is in fact pretty straightforward. You don't need specific lib or anything : it's actually really simple.
In my case i simply needed to search a keyword on G+, so i just had to do a GET request:{KEYWORD}&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
Now, for a calendar access (see here), let's pretend we want to fetch access control rules list. We need to refer to calendar.acl.list which give us the URI :{CALENDAR_ID}/acl?key={YOUR_API_KEY}
Fill in the blanks, and that's pretty much all you need to do. Get a server key (API Access submenu), store it somewhere in your project and call it within URIs you're requesting.
You cannot access your calendar information using API Key. API keys (or simple API acess key) are not authorized tokens and can only be used for some API calls such as a Google search query etc; API keys will not let you access any user specific data, which I am assuming is your objective through this calendar application.
Also, from what I see in your code, you are creating a client object which is going to use OAuth 2.0 authentication and hence you are getting authentication error messages.
There is no such a thing called Simple API Access key.
Normally OAuth 2.0 is used for authorization. But since you have your reason not to use it.
If you want to use OAuth1.0 for authorization. You need an API key in Simple API Access section on the API Access page.
If you want to use username & password login instead of OAuth, you can refer to ClientLogin, but this is not recommanded.
I got to this thread when trying to do the same today. Although this is way late, but the answer is YES, there is actually simple API key for those apis that does not need user authorizations, and the official client library support this.
The api library do this by Options, which is key, value pair.
Take the example of get information of a given youtube video, you would use this api:
To use api key, simply make a type that implements the CallOption interface, and let it return the api key:
type APIKey struct {
func (k *APIKey) Get() (string, string) {
return "key", "YOU API KEY HERE"
Then when calling the API, supply the APIKey to it:
youtube, err := youtube.New(&http.Client{})
call := youtube.Videos.List("snippet,contentDetails,statistics").Id(id)
rsp, err := call.Do(opt)
This way, you can construct the youtube client with the vallina http client, rather than oauth client, and enjoy the simple api key.
The first answer said you can use http GET directly, but then you will need to handle the errors and parse the result yourself.
See below link which is helpfull to you. The Google API Client Library enables you to work with Google APIs such as Analytics, Adsense, Google+, Calendar, Moderator, Tasks, or Latitude on your server, in the language of your choice.

Twitter OAuth (PHP): Need good, basic example to get started

Using Facebook's PHP SDK, I was able to get Facebook login working pretty quickly on my website. They simply set a $user variable that can be accessed very easily.
I've had no such luck trying to get Twitter's OAuth login working... quite frankly, their github material is confusing and useless for someone that's relatively new to PHP and web design, not to mention that many of the unofficial examples I've tried working through are just as confusing or are outdated.
I really need some help getting Twitter login working--I mean just a basic example where I click the login button, I authorize my app, and it redirects to a page where it displays the name of the logged in user.
I really appreciate your help.
EDIT I'm aware of the existence of abraham's twitter oauth but it provides close to no instructions whatsoever to get his stuff working.
this one is the basic example of getting the url for authorization and then fetching the user basic info when once u get back from twitter
//add autoload note:do check your file paths in autoload.php
require "ret/autoload.php";
use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth;
//this code will run when returned from twiter after authentication
$consumer_key = 'your consumer key';
$consumer_secret = 'your secret key';
$connection = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret);
//necessary to get access token other wise u will not have permision to get user info
$params=array("oauth_verifier" => $_GET['oauth_verifier'],"oauth_token"=>$_GET['oauth_token']);
$access_token = $connection->oauth("oauth/access_token", $params);
//now again create new instance using updated return oauth_token and oauth_token_secret because old one expired if u dont u this u will also get token expired error
$connection = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret,
$content = $connection->get("account/verify_credentials");
// main startup code
$consumer_key = 'your consumer key';
$consumer_secret = 'your secret key';
//this code will return your valid url which u can use in iframe src to popup or can directly view the page as its happening in this example
$connection = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret);
$temporary_credentials = $connection->oauth('oauth/request_token', array("oauth_callback" =>''));
$_SESSION['oauth_token']=$temporary_credentials['oauth_token']; $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']=$temporary_credentials['oauth_token_secret'];$url = $connection->url("oauth/authorize", array("oauth_token" => $temporary_credentials['oauth_token']));
header('Location: ' . $url);
I just tried abraham's twitteroauth from github and it seems to work fine for me. This is what I did
git clone
Upload this into your webhost with domain, say,
Go to Twitter Apps and register your application. The changes that you need are (assuming that you will use abraham's twitteroauth example hosted at
a) Application Website will be
b) Application type will be browser
c) Callback url is (Callback.php is included in the git source)
Once you do this, you will get the CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET which you can update in the config.php from the twitteroauth distribution. Also set the callback to be the same as
Thats it. If you now navigate to, you will get a "Signin with Twitter", that will take you to Twitter , authorize the request and get you back to the index.php page.
Example will not work but do not worry. Follow the above steps and upload to server.
Make sure you rename the file from github repository i.e. config-sample.php->config.php
if you want to see a working sample, find it here
Here are some OAuth 1.0A PHP libraries with examples:
Twitter async
Twitter async provides documentation on how to simply sign in a user as you asked for.
Here is the step by step guide to integrate Twitter OAuth API to Web-application using PHP. Please following tutorial.
You need to create Twitter App First By going thorugh following URL
Then you need to provide necessary information for the twitter app. Once your provided all the information and then save it. You will get Twitter application Consumer Key and Consumer secret.
Please download the source file from above link, and just replace TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET and TWITTER_OAUTH_CALLBACK with your Consumer Key (API Key), Consumer Secret (API Secret) and callback URL. Then upload this to your server. Now it will work successfully.
Abraham's Twitteroauth has a working demo here:
Following the steps in the demo readme worked for me. In order to run composer on macOS I had to do this after installing it: mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
IMO the demo could be a lot simpler and should be included in the main twitteroauth repo.
I recently had to post new tweets to Twitter via PHP using V2 of their API but couldn’t find any decent examples online that didn’t use V1 or V1.1. I eventually figured it out using the great package TwitterOAuth.
Install this package via composer require abraham/twitteroauth first (or manually) and visit, create a new app to get the credentials needed to use the API (see below). Then you can post a tweet based on the code below.
use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth;
// Connect
$connection = new TwitterOAuth($twitterConsumerKey, // Your API key
$twitterConsumerSecret, // Your API secret key
$twitterOauthAccessToken, // From your app created at
$twitterOauthAccessTokenSecret); // From your app created at
// Set API version to 2
// POST the tweet; the third parameter must be set to true so it is sent as JSON
// See for all options
$response = $connection->post('tweets', ['text' => 'Hello Twitter'], true);
if (isset($response['title']) && $response['title'] == 'Unauthorized') {
// Handle error
} else {
object(stdClass)#404 (1) {
object(stdClass)#397 (2) {
string(19) "0123456789012345678"
string(13) "Hello Twitter"
