Php Session on a new Lamp linux server - php

Short introduction : i have one server that is running a LAMP stack with a login form and 2 different servers with other IP's hosted in the same data center so i can setup Private networking between the servers .
To Accomplish :
User 1 logs in on webserver 1 that starts a php session on Webserver 2
without giving access to Webserver 3
User 2 logs in on webserver 1 that starts a php session on Webserver 3
without giving access to Webserver 2
i have been looking into the situation so i think it can be done with memcache ?
But i'm not sure on that any help on how this setup could be configured would be greatly appreciated .

When you start using multiple application servers they should be stateless. Eg. No database, no sessions, no caches. All of these resources should be moved to their own servers that can be accessed by any part of the system that needs them.
Your choice of session management store very much depends on your needs. If you have very low traffic you can get away with storing sessions in the database, otherwise look into something like Redis for high performance storage.

For sure You'll have to setup a server where You can store session information between webservers. Memcache is a very good choice. Another can be database server like MySQL, but this will be a poor performance solution.
You can configure PHP to store session information in memcache only by installing memcache extension and modifying .ini files. This is pretty easy.
More difficult task will be passing information about session ID between servers, because session started on WS1 must be restored on WS2 but not on WS3.
To help You with this, please describe more how the login and accessing servers flow look like.


Memcached and PHP Sessions in multiple servers

I will like to know how memcached manage cache for php sessions i mean. I would like to design a php app that scale out and in each http-PHP server include a memcached layer for (db,app cache and session caching), but if memcached dont replicate de data when a user come to webserver1 dont see the same session in webserver2.
memcached1 and memcached2 need to be replicated to handle php sessions
thanks in advance.
While I agree there is no question here we could try to help the OP understand how memcache works.
When you use memcache which is an in-memory cache how you set it up is determined upon your current infrastructure.
For instance if you only have 1 web server you could install memcache on that same machine along with the database layer being on that machine as well. This works for increasing performance of the site because the site can get data from memcache (in memory) rather than from the database (on disk, and slower to read). Using it in this manner is good but as your site requires better performance or scalability you would probably start up a cluster of web servers behind a load balancer.
This is when things can get a bit tricky. You have all these machines and you are thinking that you need to have memcache on every machine so how do we replicate these instances? The simple answer is you don't. If you have multiple web servers the best method is to put memcache on it's own server (or cluster behind a load balancer), this way every web server is hitting the same IP address for the memcache server(s).
You do not need to worry about keeping anything in sync because the way memcache works is it creates a hash that specifies which server the key has been assigned to (when you have a cluster of memcache servers).
Based on this question it would appear that you would need to do one of the following:
1.) Read up on system architecture
2.) Hire someone to architect your systems layer.
My best suggestion would be to use a single server for your memcache instance and set the web servers to use that for memcache rather than trying to run memcache on each of the web servers.
I undertand your point, I already test the architecture with a separate memcached server (and redis too). My intentions is to "pack" the application server in a unit (docker) and the measure the load parameters to deploy a new instance, to scale out the infraestructure.
I found this.
thanks for your reply!

Is there any way to save PHP sessions in RAM?

I have php with nginx. I want to make PHP save it's sessions on RAM for security reasons. Is there any way doing it?
If it's impossible, is there is any advice to make php sessions unrecoverable from hard disk after the server is shutdown?
After a lot of searching I've found the Shared memory module of php, which can be used like persistent memory cache over sessions. is it shared with other applications too?, and how secure is it?
I would use memcached to store session data in RAM. If you are already using a database you might simply use a memory storage engine. However, I don't get what security reasons you have in mind. If you have concerns that somebody is able to access your session data then make sure that he is not able to do so. Regardless where they are stored as otherwise the security is completely broken.
You told that the client and the server are running on the same physical machine. I can imagine of a kiosk application.
As a general advice the client needs to run as a different user. This is possible in Windows too. Then make sure that the client has a limited system access and is not able to access the secret data. that's it.
You might also consider to separate server and client using virtual machines.

How to manage sessions on common database for multiple servers in PHP? [duplicate]

Hi I have to retrieve data from several web servers. First I login as a user to my web site. After successfull login I have to fetch data from different web servers and display. How can I share a single session with multiple servers. How can I achieve this?
When I first login it create session and session id saved on temp folder of that server. When I try to access another server how can I use current session that already created when I logged in. Can anybody suggest a solution?
You'll have to use another session handler.
You can:
build your own (see session_set_save_handler) or
use extensions that provide their own session handler, like memcached
In complement to all these answers:
If you store sessions in databases, check that garbage collecting of sessions in PHP is really activated (it's not the case on Debian-like distributions, they decided to garbage sessions with their own cron and altered the php.ini so that it never launch any gc, so check the session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor). The main problem of sessionstorage in database is that it means a lot of write queries and a lot of conflicting access in the database. This is a great way of stressing a database server like MySQL. So IMHO using another solution is better, this keeps your read/write ratio in a better web-database way.
You could also keep the file storage system and simply share the file directory between servers with NFS. Alter the session.save_path setting to use something other than /tmp. But NFS is by definition not the fastest wày of using a disk. Prefer memcached or mongodb for fast access.
If the only thing you need to share between the server is authentification, then instead of sharing the real session storage you could share authentification credentials. Like the OpenId system in SO, it's what we call an SSO, for the web part you have several solutions, from OpenId to CAS, and others. If the data is merged on the client side (ajax, ESI-gate) then you do not really need a common session data storage on server-side. This will avoid having 3 of your 5 impacted web application writing data in the shared session in the same time. Other session sharing techniques (database, NFS, even memcached) are mostly used to share your data between several servers because Load Balancing tools can put your sequential HTTP request from one server to another, but if you really mean parallel gathering of data you should really study SSO.
Another option would be to use memcached to store the sessions.
The important thing is that you must have a shared resource - be it a SQL database, memcached, a NoSQL database, etc. that all servers can access. You then use session_set_save_handler to access the shared resource.
Store sessions in a database which is accessible from the whole server pool.
Store it in a database - get all servers to connect to that same database. First result for "php store session in database"

PHP Sessions to handle Multiple Servers

I have a PHP5 web application written with Zend Framework and MVC. This application is installed on 2 servers with the same setup. Server X has php5/MySql/Apache and Server Y also have the same. We don't have a common DB server between both the servers.
My application works when accessed individually via https on Server X and Server Y. But when we turn on load balancing and have both servers up, the sessions get lost.
How can I make sure my sessions persist across servers? Should I maintain my db on a third server and write sessions to it? IF so, what's the easiest and most secure way to do it?
memcached is a popular way to solve this problem. You just need to get it up and running (easy) and update your php.ini file to tell it to use memcached as the session storage.
In php.ini you would modify:
session.save_handler = memcache
session.save_path = ""
For the general idea: PHP Sessions in Memcached.
There are any number of tutorials on setting up the Zend session handler to work with memcached. Take your pick.
Should I maintain my db on a third
server and write sessions to it?
Yes, one way to handle it is to have a 3rd machine running the database that both webservers use for the application. I've done that for several projects in the past and its worked well. The question with that approach is... is the bottleneck at the webservers or the database. If its at the database, you wont see much improvement by throwing load balancing of the web servers into the mix. You may need to instead think of mirroring schemes for the database.
Another option is to use the sticky sessions feature on your load balancer. What this will do is keep users on certain servers. So when user 1 comes to the site, they will be directed to server X. Every subsequent request will also be directed to server X. This allows you to not worry about persisting sessions between servers, as each user will continue to be directed to the server they have their session on.
The one downside of this is that when you take a web server out of the pool, half the users with a session will be logged out. So the effectiveness of this solution depends on how often you take servers out of the pool.

Caching issue of cakephp on distributed server architecture

We having been using multiple webservers for our cakephp application,
problem is there are two cache directories, server 2 is clearing his cache before doing any insertion in his database. But server 1 doesn't know the about the database has been changed , so server 1 cached is not cleared
When new web request comes to server 2 , he creates new cache files and return good results. BUT when it comes to server 1 , he show same old results :( .
I wonder is there any way we can share the cache directory among various physical servers, without compromising with performance.
We may increase the web servers, so please recommend good long term solution for this
Thanks for reading
I would look into using Memcache as for your caching mechanism. You can set up the Memcache daemon (memcached) on one server and then connect both servers to the one cache. See the core.php for set up details. Of course you will also have to install the memcache php ext and the daemon, but it will be worth it.
Easiest way would be setting up the cache directory to be served from an nfs (file) server. You wouldn't have to change anything else.
For performance i'd also stick to Memcache as bucho said, but it will likely require you to change your application code.
