PHP/SQL fetch query data - php

I'm having a problem in this simple SQL/PHP query...
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question WHERE course='$course' AND cat='$cat'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['question'].'?<br>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="qqqq[]" value="'.$qid.'" />';
echo '<select name="answer[]">';
echo '<option>Select Answer></option>';
$resultik = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choices WHERE question='$qid' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 4");
while($rowik = mysql_fetch_array($resultik))
echo '<option>';
echo $rowik['opt'];
echo '</option>';
echo '</select><br><br>';
Basically, this is a online examination. I want to display all the questions if the student will login. And the questions will be order/arrange according by their course. But eventually, there's no display at all. Not even a single letter will display.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much.

In this there must some POST or GET values to get the course and cat which means
Since the $row is empty this is the case it will not display anything. Check with isset() like following
$course = isset($row['course']) ? $row['course'] : 'COURSE';
$cat = isset($row['cat']) ? $row['cat'] : 'CAT';
The included file include('../db.php'); please check the database connectivity has established or not?.


echo selected in html select option if value exists in array

I have been searching for days and trying everything, but i can't seem to get this working.
Question :
I have a user profile where a user can select some hobbies from a dropdown menu. This user can also edit his profile. On this edit page I would like to display a dropdown where the previously selected hobbies are selected and the rest of the available hobbies option are displayed for selection.
This is the basic code I have so far ( minus all the code that didnt work ). I hope someone can help he out.
$existing_hobby_values = array("Football", "Tennis", "Volleyball");
$sql = "select hobby from hobbies ORDER BY id ASC";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
echo "<select multiple>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$interesse = $row['hobby'];
//if{$interesse = in_array($existing_hobby_values) echo "selected" inside option }
echo "<option value='$interesse'>$interesse</option>";
echo "</select>";
By the way...I know I should start using PDO instead of Mysqli, but because this project has a deadline I have to finish this before starting with learning PDO.
You can try something like
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$interesse = $row['hobby'];
echo '<option ';
if (in_array($interesse, $existing_hobby_values)) {
echo 'selected ';
echo "value='$interesse'>$interesse</option>";
And you should definitely do something about your tabulation.
echo "<option value='$interesse'>$interesse</option>";
echo "<option value='$interesse' ".( in_array($intresse,$existing_hobby_values) ? "SELECTED ": "" ) .">$interesse</option>";
though to be fair, #rept1d's answer should work just fine as well.

PHP passing Array

I have two php page.
In the first I have looping checkbox array :
<td><input type="checkbox" name="cek[]" value=" <?php echo "$kodeinventarisit" ?>"></td>`
Then i submit form from page one to page two :
include 'koneksi.php';
$cek = $_POST['cek'];
$jumlah_dipilih = count($cek);
$jojo = $cek[$x];
$coba = "select * from msstok where kodeinventarisit = '$jojo' ";
$cobaquery = mysql_query($coba);
$hasil = mysql_fetch_array($cobaquery);
$jenis = $hasil['jenis'];
<input name="kode" type="text" id="license" value="<?php echo htmlentities($jenis) ; ?>" readonly="readonly" />
echo "$jojo";
The problem is in the sql query return nothing, I try echo "$jojo" and it's print the value but in the text field is empty..
Does anyone have suggestions on how to fix this?
Thank You Very Much
What you are doing is bad.
Load your data before your loop and loop every result to print them.
Protect your sql request from injection.
$db = new mysqli("","root","","");
Prepare your request
$sql = "select * from msstok where kodeinventarisit = ? ";
$res = $db->prepare($sql);
Get results
Documentation :
If you want to pass the array you need to check if arrive in you second page.
Now, if arrive here, you can read the values like this:
// If is array(), then you can go to loop
// Run the loop
foreach($_POST['cek'] as $value)
// Show values per line
echo $value. "<br/>";
You can read only 1 value of your array
<?php echo $_POST['cek'][0]; ?>
<?php echo $_POST['cek'][1]; ?>
<?php echo $_POST['cek'][2]; ?>
You can't pass array to SQL in query. If you want to use it, this is the only way with implode.
$coba = "SELECT * FROM msstok WHERE kodeinventarisit IN (".implode(',', $jojo).")";
$records = mysql_query($coba, $connection);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($records)) {
echo "Name: " . $rows['name'] . "<br />"; // replace the name for column you want

PHP echo out data into HTML drop drop down menu

I have a HTML etc.. tags now what I want to achieve is upon a selection of ie. i want to load the related info from database to in a new tag with as many tags.
I am using PHP to do achieve this now at this point if for example i choose option1 then the query behind it retrieves relevant information and stores it in a array, and if I select option2 exactly the same is done.
The next step I made is to create a loop to display the results from array() but I am struggling to come up with the right solution to echo retrieved data into etc. As its not my strongest side.
Hope you understand what I am trying to achieve the below code will clear thing out.
<select id="workshop" name="workshop" onchange="return test();">
<option value="">Please select a Workshop</option>
<option value="Forex">Forex</option>
<option value="BinaryOptions">Binary Options</option>
$form = Array();
$form['workshop'] = $_POST['workshop'];
$form['forex'] = $_POST['Forex'];
$form['binary'] = $_POST['Binary'];
//Retrieve Binary Workshops
if($form['workshop'] == 'Forex'){
$sql2 = "SELECT id, course, location FROM courses WHERE course LIKE '%Forex%' OR course LIKE '&forex%'";
$query2 = mysqli_query($link, $sql2);
while($result2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query2)){
//The problem I am having is here :/
echo "<select id='Forex' name='Forex' style='display: none'>";
echo "<option value='oko'>.$result[1].</option>";
echo "</select>";
print_r($result2);echo '</br>';
$sql = "SELECT id, course, location FROM courses WHERE course LIKE '%Binary%' OR course LIKE '%binary%'";
$query = mysqli_query($link, $sql);
while($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){
print_r($result);echo '</br>';
Try this code:
$query2 = mysqli_query($link, $sql2);
echo "<select id='Forex' name='Forex' style='display: none'>";
while($result2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query2)){
echo "<option value='oko'>{$result['course']}</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo '</br>';
From the top in your php:
// not seeing uses of the $form I removed it from my answer
$workshop = $_POST['workshop'];
$lowerWorkshop = strtolower($workshop);
// neither of $_POST['Forex'] nor $_POST['Binary'] are defined in your POST. you could as well remove those lines?
//Retrieve Binary Workshops HERE we can define the sql in a single line:
$sql = "SELECT id, course, location FROM courses WHERE course LIKE '%$workshop%' OR course LIKE '&$lowerWorkhop%'";
$query = mysqli_query($link, $sql); // here no need to have two results
// Here lets build our select first, we'll echo it later.
$select = '<select id="$workshop" name="$workshop" style="display: none">';
while($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){
$select.= '<option value="' . $result['id'] . '">' . $result['course'] . '</option>';
// here I replaced the outer containing quotes around the html by single quotes.
// since you use _fetch_assoc the resulting array will have stroing keys.
// to retrieve them, you have to use quotes around the key, hence the change
$select.= '</select>';
echo $vSelect;
this will output a select containing one option for each row returned by either of the queries. by the way this particular exemple won't echo anything on screen (since your select display's set to none). but see the source code to retrieve the exemple.

mysql query within a mysql query

I'm trying to display information from a table in my database in a loop, but for certain information, I'm referencing other tables. When I try to get data from other tables, any data following will disappear. here is the code I am using:
//Below is the SQL query
$listing = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Musicians");
//This is displaying the results of the SQL query
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($listing))
...html here...
<? echo $row['name']; ?>
<? echo $row['Town']; ?>
$CountyRef = $row['CountyId'];
$county = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM County WHERE CouInt='$CountyRef'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($county))
echo $row['CouName'];
<?php echo $row['instrument']; ?>
<?php echo $row['style']; ?>`
My problem is that everything after the second while loop is not displaying. Anyone have any suggestions?
Second loop should say $row2. $row is being overwritten. Both variables should be named different from each other.
You can acomplish that with a one single query:
(SELECT CouName FROM County WHERE CouInt=mus.CountyId) as Country
FROM Musicians mus;
You final code should looks like:
$listing = mysql_query("SELECT *,
(SELECT CouName FROM County WHERE CouInt=mus.CountyId) as Country
FROM Musicians mus;");
//This is displaying the results of the SQL query
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($listing))
echo $row['name'];
echo $row['Town'];
echo $row['Country']; //Thats all folks xD
echo $row['instrument'];
echo $row['style'];
} ?>
Saludos ;)
And that?:
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($county)) {
echo $row2['CouName'];

Display checked checkbox record from database

I have looked through similar problems and solution but somehow only half way help me with my problem. I'm trying to make a form to checked more than one record from MySQL database and display the checked record to another page. Somehow I managed to do the page with check boxes but I don't know how to display the record checked. It can only display the first row of the record or all the records regardless which box are checked.
This is checkbox page
$columns = count($fieldarray);
//run the query
$result = mysql_query(
"SELECT * FROM request_item
ORDER BY request_item.IllNo DESC LIMIT 0, 6") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_num_rows($result);
$rows[] = $row['IllNo'];
foreach($rows as $value);
echo "";
echo " ";
echo $row['IllNo'];
echo "";
echo "";
This is display record checked
$columns = count($fieldarray);
//run the query
$result = mysql_query(
"SELECT * FROM request_item
ORDER BY request_item.IllNo DESC LIMIT 0, 6") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_num_rows($result);
foreach($rows as $value);
if ($rows= 'checked') {
echo "";
echo $value;
Any help are welcome. Thank you.
There's actually a lot of problems with that script including syntax errors, calling the wrong variable name, form not opening where it should, invoking PHP after you already have, etc...
To get a good answer to you, you should share what make $row['IllNo'] should equal to indicate if it should be checked or not.
I reformatted it a bit and this may give you a good start.
<form NAME ="form1" METHOD ="POST" ACTION ="dari.php">
$columns = count($fieldarray);
//run the query
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM request_item ORDER BY request_item.IllNo DESC LIMIT 0, 6") or die(mysql_error()) ;
$row = mysql_num_rows($result);
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr><td>";
echo "<Input type = 'Checkbox' Name ='ch1' value ='ch1'";
// check checked if it is. this will be checked if $row['IllNo'] has a value
// if there were a condition to make it checked, you would put the condition
// before the ?
echo $row['IllNo'] ? ' checked' : '';
echo ' />';
echo $row['IllNo'];
echo "</td></tr>";
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit" Name = "Submit1" VALUE = "Choose your books">
