PHP-EWS Exchange 2010 error on large mailbox - php

I'm using php-ews to read through a mailbox which has over 1000 on Exchange 2010, I have a function for listing all the emails with the use of EWSType_FindItemType to grab all of the ID keys and store them into an array which I have then used a foreach loop of that array to call another function to grab that email message contents such as body and from email addresses.
I have tested this on a much smaller mailbox and it works perfectly fine with two different tests, one on the same Exchange and one using Exchange 2013 on microsoft 365.
But I keep getting this error when I reach about 300 emails into the array of keys from the last call:
SoapFault exception: [Client] looks like we got no XML document in E:\Development\ExchangeInt\php-ews\ExchangeWebServices.php:17
Stack trace:
#0 E:\Development\ExchangeInt\php-ews\ExchangeWebServices.php(17): SoapClient->__call('GetItem', Array)
#1 E:\Development\ExchangeInt\php-ews\ExchangeWebServices.php(17): NTLMSoapClient_Exchange->GetItem(Object(EWSType_GetItemType))
#2 E:\Development\ExchangeInt\php-ews\ExchangeWebServices.php(694): ExchangeWebServices->__doRequest(Object(EWSType_GetItemType))
#3 E:\Development\ExchangeInt\mail.php(405): ExchangeWebServices->GetItem(Object(EWSType_GetItemType))
#4 E:\Development\ExchangeInt\mail.php(341): Message(Object(Folder), Object(User), 'AAMkAGEzOGJmNjg...')
#5 E:\Development\ExchangeInt\mail.php(800): listFolder(Object(Folder), Object(User))
#6 E:\Development\ExchangeInt\mail.php(99): getFolders(Object(User))
#7 E:\Development\ExchangeInt\exchange.php(38): User->mailboxes()
#8 {main}
I really have no idea what do with this, I keep going round in circles and some help would very helpful.
Thanks Guys
My Code:
List Emails and grab ID keys -
$request = new EWSType_FindItemType();
$request->ItemShape = new EWSType_ItemResponseShapeType();
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES;
$request->Traversal = EWSType_ItemQueryTraversalType::SHALLOW;
// Limits the number of items retrieved
$request->IndexedPageItemView = new EWSType_IndexedPageViewType();
$request->IndexedPageItemView->BasePoint = "Beginning";
$request->IndexedPageItemView->Offset = 0; // Item number you want to start at
$request->IndexedPageItemView->MaxEntriesReturned = 500; // Numer of items to return in total
$request->ParentFolderIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId = new EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdNameType::INBOX;
// sort order
$request->SortOrder = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfFieldOrdersType();
$request->SortOrder->FieldOrder = array();
$order = new EWSType_FieldOrderType();
// sorts mails so that oldest appear first
// more field uri definitions can be found from types.xsd (look for UnindexedFieldURIType)
$order->FieldURI = '';
#$order->FieldURI->FieldURI = 'item:DateTimeReceived'; // # symbol stops the creating default object from empty value error
$order->Order = 'Ascending';
$request->SortOrder->FieldOrder[] = $order;
$response = $ews->EX->FindItem($request);
//For Debugging
//die("<pre>" . print_r($arr, 1) . "</pre>");
$responseMessage = $response->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage;
die("<h3 style='text-align: center;'>Email</h3>" . $responseMessage->MessageText . "<br /><br />" . $responseMessage->ResponseCode);
$totalItems = $response->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->RootFolder->TotalItemsInView;
$rootFolder = $response->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->RootFolder;
$messages = $rootFolder->Items->Message;
$lastItemInRange = $rootFolder->IncludesLastItemInRange;
$i = 1; // Counter to multply the max etries retrurned, to create the offset value
while($lastItemInRange != 1) // While the last item in the inbox is still not in range retrieve the next 1000 messages
$limit = $request->IndexedPageItemView->MaxEntriesReturned;
$request->IndexedPageItemView->Offset = $limit * $i;
$response = $ews->EX->FindItem($request);
$rootFolder = $response->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->RootFolder;
$messages = array_merge($messages, $rootFolder->Items->Message);
$lastItemInRange = $rootFolder->IncludesLastItemInRange;
foreach($messages as $msg)
$arrID = $msg->ItemId->Id;
echo $arrID . "<br>";
Message($user, $ews, $arrID);
//echo print_r($msg);
Message Function:
function Message($user,$ews,$key) {
$email = new Email;
$email->ID = $key;
// Build the request for the parts.
$request = new EWSType_GetItemType();
$request->ItemShape = new EWSType_ItemResponseShapeType();
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES;
// You can get the body as HTML, text or "best".
$request->ItemShape->BodyType = EWSType_BodyTypeResponseType::TEXT;
// Add the body property.
$body_property = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$body_property->FieldURI = 'item:Body';
$request->ItemShape->AdditionalProperties = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfPathsToElementType();
$request->ItemShape->AdditionalProperties->FieldURI = array($body_property);
$request->ItemIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseItemIdsType();
$request->ItemIds->ItemId = array();
// Add the message to the request.
$message_item = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$message_item->Id = $key;
$request->ItemIds->ItemId[] = $message_item;
$response = $ews->EX->GetItem($request); <-- Breaks Here I Think
echo print_r($response);


PHP NetSuite - Advanced Search with criterion

I have PHP code for Advanced Search items in NetSuite,
but I don't know how I can combine to my search - filtering by item name.
My code is:
$service = new NetSuiteService($config);
$service->setSearchPreferences(true, $page_size, true);
$savedSearchId = '###';
$searchAdvanced = new ItemSearchAdvanced();
setFields($searchAdvanced, array('savedSearchScriptId'=>$savedSearchId));
$request = new SearchRequest();
$request->searchRecord = $searchAdvanced;
$results = $service->search($request);
I want to combine a criteria
Here's sample code I found to get inventory details using Item internal id as a filter. You can reference Suite Answer 90401, 37585, and 25066.
require_once '../PHPToolkit/NetSuiteService.php';
$service = new NetSuiteService();
// formulate the criteria
$itemRecord = new RecordRef();
$itemRecord--->internalId = 140;
$itemMultiSelect = new SearchMultiSelectField();
$itemMultiSelect->operator = 'anyOf';
$itemMultiSelect->searchValue = $itemRecord;
$itemSearchBasic = new ItemSearchBasic();
$itemSearchBasic->internalId = $itemMultiSelect;
$criteria = new ItemSearch();
$criteria->basic = $itemSearchBasic;
// formulate the resulting columns
$searchRowBasic = new ItemSearchRowBasic();
$searchRowBasic->itemId = new SearchColumnStringField(); // Item Name/Number in UI
$searchRowBasic->internalId = new SearchColumnSelectField(); // Internal ID in UI
$searchRowBasic->location = new SearchColumnSelectField(); // Location (Main section of Inventory Item) in UI
$searchRowBasic->inventoryLocation = new SearchColumnSelectField(); // Location column in Locations tab (Inventory Item) in UI
$searchRowBasic->locationQuantityOnHand = new SearchColumnDoubleField();// Quantity on Hand column in Locations tab (Inventory Item) in UI
$columns = new ItemSearchRow();
$columns->basic = $searchRowBasic;
// item search advanced
$search = new ItemSearchAdvanced();
$search->criteria = $criteria;
$search->columns = $columns;
$request = new SearchRequest();
$request->searchRecord = $search;
$searchResponse = $service->search($request);
if (!$searchResponse->searchResult->status->isSuccess) {
} else {
echo "SEARCH SUCCESS, records found: " . $searchResponse->searchResult->totalRecords ;

How to post an event directly to another user's calendar

i want To post an event directly to another user's calendar with jamesiarmes/php-ews but in example i have find only how to make it with invitation.
I have admin account so i can write in athers user's post calendar directly.
i don't understant a lot because i'm new in ews so thx for any help.
// Replace this with your desired start/end times and guests.
$start = new DateTime('tomorrow 4:00pm');
$end = new DateTime('tomorrow 5:00pm');
$guests = array(
'name' => 'Homer Simpson',
'email' => '',
'name' => 'Marge Simpson',
'email' => '',
// Set connection information.
$host = '';
$username = '';
$password = '';
$version = Client::VERSION_2016;
$client = new Client($host, $username, $password, $version);
// Build the request,
$request = new CreateItemType();
$request->SendMeetingInvitations = CalendarItemCreateOrDeleteOperationType::SEND_ONLY_TO_ALL;
$request->Items = new NonEmptyArrayOfAllItemsType();
// Build the event to be added.
$event = new CalendarItemType();
$event->RequiredAttendees = new NonEmptyArrayOfAttendeesType();
$event->Start = $start->format('c');
$event->End = $end->format('c');
$event->Subject = 'EWS Test Event';
// Set the event body.
$event->Body = new BodyType();
$event->Body->_ = 'This is the event body';
$event->Body->BodyType = BodyTypeType::TEXT;
// Iterate over the guests, adding each as an attendee to the request.
foreach ($guests as $guest) {
$attendee = new AttendeeType();
$attendee->Mailbox = new EmailAddressType();
$attendee->Mailbox->EmailAddress = $guest['email'];
$attendee->Mailbox->Name = $guest['name'];
$attendee->Mailbox->RoutingType = RoutingType::SMTP;
$event->RequiredAttendees->Attendee[] = $attendee;
// Add the event to the request. You could add multiple events to create more
// than one in a single request.
$request->Items->CalendarItem[] = $event;
$response = $client->CreateItem($request);
// Iterate over the results, printing any error messages or event ids.
$response_messages = $response->ResponseMessages->CreateItemResponseMessage;
foreach ($response_messages as $response_message) {
// Make sure the request succeeded.
if ($response_message->ResponseClass != ResponseClassType::SUCCESS) {
$code = $response_message->ResponseCode;
$message = $response_message->MessageText;
fwrite(STDERR, "Event failed to create with \"$code: $message\"\n");
// Iterate over the created events, printing the id for each.
foreach ($response_message->Items->CalendarItem as $item) {
$id = $item->ItemId->Id;
fwrite(STDOUT, "Created event $id\n");
You define the attendees but miss the account where you want to create the event in:add this code before the $response
$request->Items->CalendarItem[] = $event;
//following lines are missing
$lsEmail = '';
$request->SavedItemFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType();
$request->SavedItemFolderId->DistinguishedFolderId = new DistinguishedFolderIdType();
$request->SavedItemFolderId->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = self::DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID;
$request->SavedItemFolderId->DistinguishedFolderId->Mailbox = new EmailAddressType();
$request->SavedItemFolderId->DistinguishedFolderId->Mailbox->EmailAddress = $lsEmail;
// here your code continues
$response = $client->CreateItem($request);

Sending WooCommerce order to NetSuite

I'm attempting to take an order from WooCommerce using the Rest API, and add that information into NetSuite as a Sales Order. I can successfully grab the order information from WooCommerce, but I am unsuccessful when adding the order into NetSuite using the PHPToolkit. Here is what I have so far:
* Add a customer to Netsuite.
* paramtypesmap
require_once 'includes/functions.php';
// create array of fields
$itemArr = array();
$i = 0;
$service = new NetSuiteService();
$salesOrder = new SalesOrder();
$salesOrder->entity = new RecordRef();
$salesOrder->entity->internalId = 512;
$salesOrder->entity->type = 'customer';
$salesOrder->shipDate = formatDate('2014-10-06T07:12:57.000-07:00');
$service = new NetSuiteService();
$service->setSearchPreferences(false, 1000);
$siteCategory = new SearchMultiSelectField();
$siteCategory->operator = "anyOf";
$siteCategory->searchValue = array('internalId' => 512);
$search = new ItemSearchBasic();
$search->internalId = $siteCategory;
$request = new SearchRequest();
$request->searchRecord = $search;
$searchResponse = $service->search($request);
$products = $searchResponse->searchResult->recordList->record;
$salesOrder->itemList = new SalesOrderItemList();
$item = new SalesOrderItem();
$item->item = new RecordRef();
$item->item->internalId = 531;
$item->quantity = 1;
$item->price = new RecordRef();
$item->price->internalId = 1;
$item->amount = 55.3;
//Equivalent too print_r
//Equivalent too print_r
$request = new AddRequest();
$request->record = $salesOrder;
$response = $service->add($request);
if (!$response->writeResponse->status->isSuccess) {
echo getErrors($response->writeResponse);
} else {
echo success($response->writeResponse->baseRef->internalId);
I'm just trying to work from the ground up to see what fields are required and how to build them, however I keep getting this error when ran:
Please choose a child matrix item
I have spent the last couple of days attempting to try some Google Fu on the problem, but with my luck found nothing. Can anyone help me with this?
Based from the error message, you are trying to submit a Parent Matrix Item instead of the child. Verify it by checking the Item Record with internal id 531.
The best way to achieve correct internal ids is to import Matrix Items directly from NetSuite into WooCommerce as variable products. Assigning the internal id to each variation.

PHP-EWS 2010, how to set the IsRead flag

I have been able to successfully retrieve the unread emails from an Exchange 2010 inbox using php-ews API. However after I have fetched the emails, I want to set the IsRead property of the email to true, so that these messages do not appear the next time I fetch emails.
Anyone done this before ?
This is how I am trying to set the IsRead flag :
$message_id = ''; //id of message
$change_key = ''; //change key
$response = $ews->GetItem($request);
if( $response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->ResponseCode == 'NoError' &&
$response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->ResponseClass == 'Success' ) {
$a = array();
$message = $response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->Items->Message;
$a['message_body'] = $message->Body->_;
$a['sender'] = $message->From->Mailbox->EmailAddress;
$a['subject'] = $message->ConversationTopic;
$data[] = $a;
//process the message data.
$messageType = new EWSType_MessageType();
$messageType->IsRead = true;
$path = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$path->FieldURI = 'message:IsRead';
$setField = new EWSType_SetItemFieldType();
$setField->Message = $messageType;
$setField->FieldURI = $path;
$u = new EWSType_ItemChangeType();
$u->Updates = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfItemChangeDescriptionsType();
$u->Updates->SetItemField = $setField;
$u->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$u->ItemId->Id = $message_id;
$u->ItemId->ChangeKey = $change_key;
$updatedItems = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfItemChangesType();
$updatedItems->ItemChange = $u;
$updateMessenger = new EWSType_UpdateItemType();
$updateMessenger->ItemChanges = $updatedItems;
$updateMessenger->MessageDisposition = 'SaveOnly';
$updateMessenger->ConflictResolution = 'AutoResolve';
try {
$update_response = $ews->UpdateItem($updateMessenger);
}catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
When I run the file I get the following error :
An internal server error occurred. The operation failed.
After debugging for some time, I have concluded that the error happens at the curl_exec function in NTLMSoapClient.php file.
I dont know where to go on from here. Please help.
I've faced a similar issue when updating a calendar event and setting the IsAllDayEvent flag. This is the code that worked for me:
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices(...);
$request = new EWSType_UpdateItemType();
$request->ConflictResolution = 'AlwaysOverwrite';
$request->ItemChanges = array();
$change = new EWSType_ItemChangeType();
$change->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$change->ItemId->Id = $id;
$change->ItemId->ChangeKey = $changeKey;
$field = new EWSType_SetItemFieldType();
$field->FieldURI = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$field->FieldURI->FieldURI = "calendar:IsAllDayEvent";
$field->CalendarItem = new EWSType_CalendarItemType();
$field->CalendarItem->IsAllDayEvent = true;
$change->Updates->SetItemField[] = $field;
$request->ItemChanges[] = $change;
$response = $ews->UpdateItem($request);
The biggest difference I see here is that you do $u->Updates->SetItemField = $setField;, whereas my code uses $u->Updates->SetItemField[] = $setField;.
I hope this helps.
Edit: You might have already seen this, but I based my code on the one from the php-ews wiki.
I tried everything including PathToExtendedFieldType and it doesn't work at the end code below worked for me
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices('red', 'red', 'red',ExchangeWebServices::VERSION_2007_SP1);
$request = new EWSType_UpdateItemType();
$request->SendMeetingInvitationsOrCancellations = 'SendToNone';
$request->MessageDisposition = 'SaveOnly';
$request->ConflictResolution = 'AlwaysOverwrite';
$request->ItemChanges = array();
// Build out item change request.
$change = new EWSType_ItemChangeType();
$change->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$change->ItemId->Id = $contact_id;
$change->ItemId->ChangeKey = $contact_change_key;
#$change->Updates = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfItemChangeDescriptionsType();
#$change->Updates->SetItemField = array();
// Build the set item field object and set the item on it.
$field = new EWSType_SetItemFieldType();
$field->FieldURI = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$field->FieldURI->FieldURI = "message:IsRead";
$field->Message = new EWSType_MessageType();
$field->Message->IsRead = true;
$change->Updates->SetItemField[] = $field;
$request->ItemChanges[] = $change;
$response = $ews->UpdateItem($request);
Well, i dont know how it is in php, but in C# there is another field, that must be set: IsReadSpecified = true.
email.IsRead = true;
email.IsReadSpecified = true;

Exporting Invoices from Magento

I have been trying to export all of our invoices in a specific format for importing into Sage accounting. I have been unable to export via Dataflow as I need to export the customer ID (which strangely is unavailable) and also a couple of static fields to denote tax codes etc…
This has left me with the option of using the API to export the data and write it to a CSV. I have taken an example script I found (sorry can’t remember where in order to credit it...) and made some amendments and have come up with the following:
$website = '';
$api_login = 'user';
$api_key ='password';
function magento_soap_array($website,$api_login,$api_key,$list_type,$extra_info){
$proxy = new SoapClient('http://'.$website.'/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login($api_login, $api_key);
$results = $proxy->call($sessionId,$list_type,1);
if($list_type == 'order_invoice.list'){
$filename = "invoices.csv";
$data = "Type,Account Reference,Nominal A/C Ref,Date,Invoice No,Net Amount,Tax Code,Tax Amount\n";
foreach($results as $invoice){
foreach($invoice as $entry => $value){
if ($entry == "order_id"){
$orders = $proxy->call($sessionId,'sales_order.list',$value);
$type = "SI";
$nominal = "4600";
$format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $invoice['created_at']);
$invoicedOn = $date->format('d/m/Y');
$invoiceNo = $invoice['increment_id'];
$subtotal = $invoice['base_subtotal'];
$shipping = $invoice['base_shipping_amount'];
$net = $subtotal+$shipping;
$taxCode = "T1";
$taxAmount = $invoice['tax_amount'];
$orderNumber = $invoice['order_id'];
foreach($orders as $order){
if ($order['order_id'] == $orderNumber){
$accRef = $order['customer_id'];
$data .= "$type,$accRef,$nominal,$invoicedOn,$invoiceNo,$net,$taxCode,$taxAmount\n";
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/var/export/" . $filename, "$header\n$data");
echo "nothing to see here";
}/*** END function magento_soap_array ***/
magento_soap_array($website,$api_login,$api_key,'customer.list','Customer List');
else if($_GET['p']=="2")
magento_soap_array($website,$api_login,$api_key,'order_creditmemo.list','Credit Note List');
else if($_GET['p']=="3")
magento_soap_array($website,$api_login,$api_key,'sales_order.list','Orders List');
else if($_GET['p']=="4")
magento_soap_array($website,$api_login,$api_key,'order_invoice.list','Invoice List');
This seems to be working fine, however it is VERY slow and I can’t help but think there must be a better, more efficient way of doing it…
Has anybody got any ideas?
i think on put break; would be okey. because only one key with order_id, no need to looping after found order_id key.
if ($entry == "order_id"){
$orders = $proxy->call($sessionId,'sales_order.list',$value);
and you can gather all call(s) and call it with multicall as example:
$client = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/soap/api/?wsdl');
// If somestuff requires api authentification,
// then get a session token
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');
$result = $client->call($session, 'somestuff.method');
$result = $client->call($session, 'somestuff.method', 'arg1');
$result = $client->call($session, 'somestuff.method', array('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'));
$result = $client->multiCall($session, array(
array('somestuff.method', 'arg1'),
array('somestuff.method', array('arg1', 'arg2'))
// If you don't need the session anymore
