How to calculate luck factor based on bet winchance/result? - php

I am working on a website where users can bet on events with variable win chance. One of the rquests is to display the "Luck factor" of a certain user, based on his bets.
Here is the definition of the Luck factor:
The luck percentage displayed shows how many bets you have won compared to how many you 'should' have won. For example, if you play 10 times with a 10% chance of winning and win two of the 10 bets, your luck will show as 200%, since you have won twice as many as you 'should' have. Bet size is not taken into account when calculating luck, so it is possible to have a luck less than 100% and still show a profit if your winning bets risked more than your losing bets.
Here is my (MySQL) database structure:
Table bet
winchance (0.01 - 99.99)
win (true/false)
The application is written in php, but I am sure a pseudocode example would push me to the right direction.

If I understand your question, right, You can take the average of winning probability using mysql winchance column and real winning ratio, would be (number of wins / total number of bets). Given these two values, luck factor would be real ratio / winchance avg * 100.
For instance, avg win chance is 0.1 and real winning ratio, is 2 / 10 = 0.2, then luck factor is 0.2/0.1 * 100 = 200%. This shall be easily calculated with mysql inbuilt functions itself.


Probabilities Function -

This is a bit of a math question, and cause am quite weak at math [ :( ] I can't figure this out
I have an application that must "randomly" decide if you won or not with a maximum daily winners, the problem is that i don't want to do a simple x chance of winning cause this might result in 20 people winning at the start of the day, and then everyone will keep losing, is there a generic formula to do this?
I have x amount of Gifts (x=20)
The user must know immediately if he won or not (can't do it at the end of the day)
And I want to randomly spread them throughout the day, is there a generic function/script?
After some suggestions in the comments, I could settle with either,
a solution that takes a predictable number of daily contestants (i ll just have a random guess for the first few days and change it accordingly)
a solution considering the time of the day, the gifts won so far, and the remaining gifts
Any ideas?
There is no math question here, not really, just some decisions that you need to make.
One possibility is to make the probability of winning be X/N where N is the expected number of visitors, until the gifts run out for that day. It is random, so it might be the case that on some days the gifts exhaust early. So what? That is how probability works. Extreme imbalances are unlikely. For example, say you have 20 gifts and 1000 visitors on an average day. The probability that the gifts will be exhausted by the 500th visitor is a binomial probability: the probability of having at least 20 successes in 500 trials where the probability of success is 20/1000 = 0.02. This probability works out to be just 0.003.
On days when there are unclaimed gifts -- increase the gift count for the next day and correspondingly increase the probability of winning. If you spin it the right way, this could increase interest in the game in sort of the same way that people buy more lottery tickets on days when a jackpot goes unclaimed.
Note that essentially the same idea can be implemented on different time resolutions. For example, use 4-hour time slots in place of whole days (with X and N adjusted accordingly). This will guarantee a more even spread of the gifts throughout the day (but to pull it off you might need to take into account that the expected number of visitors in a 4-hour time slot is unlikely to be constant over the course of a day. Different time slots might need different denominators).

Ranking players based off the percentages

I have a database that has over 1,000 users and points that rank them on skill. I'm going to take the user with the most points and base off my rankings on that alone. So, say the player has 900 points, I will create 5 "divisions" based off that. The higher the division, the lesser the percentages and harder it is to get into. So, with that being said, let me show you an example.
Here are 5 divisions based from best to least.
So, the player with the most points would already be in the "Master" division. Then I want to create percentages based off of these divisions. So, for example, here is how I plan on setting up the percentages.
Master 5%
Platinum 10%
Gold 15%
Silver 20%
Bronze 25%
Iron 25%
So as you can see, I need to be able to get the percentages of this and use it on the player who has the most points. So in this case, I need to be able to display this on any user's profile. So I need to take the user's points of the profile I am looking at and compare it with the player who has the most points and form a division for the given player's profile I am looking at.
function rank($rank, $mostpoints) {
$count = $rank / $mostpoints;
I am aware it isn't really much. But I know I can finish the rest off with IF statements, however, I want to know the best way to take percents of this number. I need to be able to take the current rank and spit out a division. I realized, however, that I can't just take the percent of Master (5%) and divide it by the most points and have it allocate as the Master. I need a way to be able to break the mostpoints into 5 sections based on the percentages and then do if statements to see if the user belongs in them based on the rank. Can anyone provide any feedback on the most efficient way to do this?

Reverse number order lowest become highest and highest become lowest?

I have a issue, I am using Facebook Score API. But by default it only sorts scores descending so for example 1000, is higher then 10. But my problem is my scores are based on time, so in my case 10 is better then 1000. And I don't really want to have to do it manually which requires looping over every facebook friend, seeing if they have a score, if they do cache it in an object, then reverse sort it.
So I am wondering if there is some way that I could make
10 or 6 or what ever a larger number then 1000 (so basically large numbers become small, and small numbers become large) which could then be reversed. I can do something to both ends (before they are posted, and when I retrieve them). But they have to remain numbers.
Any ideas if this is possible?
It cannot be a decimal or a negative number. The numbers will never be higher then 100,000 so it's basically 1-100000
If 100,000 is the highest number the score can be, then store the score as 100000 - actual_score. Later, you can retrieve the actual score by doing the same operation: 100000 - recorded_score.

Rating Formula Design (conceptual not coding)

One element of my site is a rating system. I am puzzled a bit by how best to set up the formula and I hope someone with more math aptitude can help me.
Users upload pictures that are rated 1-10 by other users. The users rating then is the average of those scores.
Simple enough. However, I want to add some system which rewards users for uploading more pictures. SO that the formula would be average of ratings + some function of the number of pictures uploaded.
An example might be, Rating = AVG + .05 * Count
This formula would be somewhat fair for users who have uploaded 1-20 pictures... However, if users upload 2000 pictures they will have bipassed the entire rating system and automatically will have a 10/10.
So, my limited knowledge of post algebra math is failing. What would be some formula that would produce the desired effect? The word "log" keeps bouncing around in my head--but I honesty can't remember anything about why... :)
Just do something like:
avg + numofpics*scale*(.9^numofpics)
This will make it do that as they upload more pictures they get less and less. You can change .09 (the rate of decay) depending on how many pictures you expect the average user to upload.
This the equation used for half life decay
you could do something like:
Rating = Average + (\sum_{i=1}^numofuploads 1/i)*scalefactor
though the sum grows to infinity - the sum grows very slowly
The idea is basically the same as with #maxhud's solution you add less points to your rating for every picture, and for simplicity say scaling is 1/3, and for now i use exact not floating point math
1 -> avg + (1/1)*.3 = avg + 1/3
2 -> avg + (1/1+1/2)/3 = avg + (3/2)/3) = avg + 1/2
3 -> avg + (3/2+1/3)/3 = avg + (10/6)/3 = avg + 10/18 = avg + 5/9 ~ avg + .55555
4 -> ...
technically the series (1+1/2+1/3+…) is going to infinity but you'd have to upload a huge amount of pictures to go over 50 - so you'd better choose your scaling factor carefully and give a bit, of thought. If you want to have a maximum of points that can be achieved via uploading this is the WRONG solution. You should rather go with something like
avg + scaling*(.9^n)
where n is the number of pictures. if you could upload infinitely many pictures you would have
avg + scaling*(1/(1-.9)) = avg + 10*scaling
for your rating: which is, as I commented, much better.
ps: I think #maxhud should leave
avg + numofpics*scale*(.9^numofpics)
because after uploading 10 pictures you have outweight your shrinking growth function.
Consider an alternative approach - you want to reward users by increasing for uploading images but perhaps the user is uploading many many images that are not rated highly. Do you want to reward them if the majority of their images are poor?? Consider stackoverflow as an example - you can answer many many questions, but if they are not considered "good" by the rest of the community your reputation will not increase, no matter how many answers you provide.
It is possible that this is not how you want to do it and want to reward quantity rather than quality, but should you decide the opposite you could try something like
UserRating = 10 * (AverageRating/10 + Scalefactor*((AverageRating/10)^2 * ImageUploadCount)))
You choose scale factor to be what you want and obviously limit the rating as maximum 10. This way, you reward mutiple image uploads, but you reward users with higher quality image uploads too. Consider someone automates uploading images with some type of web bot and all images are considered poor by users - do you want to reward it? This way you can reward multiple uploads, but better quality uploads are treated more favourably. Maybe not what you are looking for but worth considering perhaps - only you can decide....

Adding an extra factor (number of clicks) to a Bayesian ranking system

I run a music website for amateur musicians where we have a rating system based on a score out of 10, which is then calculated into an overall score out of 100. We have a "credibility" points system for users which directly influences the average score at the point of rating, but the next step is to implement a chart system which uses this data effectively.
I'll try and explain exactly how it all works so you can see which data I have at my disposal.
A site member rates a track between 1 and 10.
That site member has a "credibility" score, which is just a total of points accumulated for various activities around the site. A user gains, for example, 100 points for giving a rating so the more ratings they give, the higher their "credibility" score. Only the total credibility score is saved in the database, updated each time a user performs an activity with a points reward attached. These individual activities are not stored.
Based on the credibility of this user compared to other users who have rated the track, a weighted average is calculated for the track, which is then stored as a number between 1 and 100 in the tracks table.
In the tracks table, the number of times a track is listened to (i.e. number of plays) is also stored as a total.
So the data I have to work with is:
Overall rating for the track (number between 1 and 100)
Number of ratings for the track
Number of plays for the track
In the chart system I want to create a ranking that uses the above 3 sets of data to create a fair balance between quality (overall rating, normalized with number of ratings) and popularity (number of plays). BUT the system should factor quality more heavily than popularity, so for example the quality aspect makes up 75% of the normalized ranking and popularity 25%.
After a search on this site I found the IMDB Bayesian-style system which is helpful for working out the quality aspect, but how do I add in the popularity (number of plays) and have it balanced in the way I want?
The site is written in PHP and MySQL if that helps.
EDIT: the title says "number of clicks" but this is basically the direct equivalent of "number of plays".
You may want to try the following. The IMDB equation you mentioned uses weighing to lean toward either the average rating of the movie or the average rating of all movies:
WR = (v/(v+m)) × R + (m/(v+m)) × C
v << m => v/(v+m) -> 0; m/(v+m) -> 1 => WR -> C
v >> m => v/(v+m) -> 1; m/(v+m) -> 0 => WR -> R
This should generally be fair. Calculating a popularity score between 0 and 100 based on the number of plays is pretty tricky unless you really know your data. As a first try calculate the average number of plays avg(p) and the variance var(p) you can then use these to scale the number of plays using a technique call whitening:
WHITE(P) = (p - avg(p))/var(p)
This will give you a score between -1 and 1 by assuming your data looks like a bell curve. You can then scale this to be in the range 0 - 100 by scaling again:
POP = 50 * (1 + WHITE(P))
To combine the score based on some weighting factor w (e.g. 0.75) you'd simply do:
RATING = w x WR + (1 - w) x POP
Play with these and let me know how you get on.
NOTE: this does not account for the fact that a use can "game" the popularity buy playing a track many times. You could get around this by penalising multiple plays of a single song:
deltaP = (1 - (Puser - 1)/TPuser)
deltaP = Change in # plays
Puser = number of time this user has played this track
TPuser = total number of tracks (not unique) played by the user
So the more times a user plays just the one track the less it counts toward the total number of plays for that track. If the users listening habits are diverse then TPuser will be large and so deltaP will tend back to 1. This still can be gamed but is a good start.
