I am new in php. I want to combine two array data into one table. My first array is given below:
My second array is given below :
My output will be:
Name Date Start time End time
Billal 1-14-15 11:29 AM 8:30 Pm
Emrul 1-14-15 2:21 PM 8:34 pm
Limon 1-14-15 11:26 AM
Mamun 1-14-15 11:47 AM 8:32 pm
Masum 1-14-15 12:12 PM 8:33 pm
Shahed 1-14-15 11:30 Am
Emrul 1-15-15 11:29 AM 8:30 Pm
Limon 1-15-15 11:47 AM 8:32 pm
Masum 1-15-15 12:12 PM 8:33 pm
Here start time will be 10 am to 2 pm and rest are end time. when start/end time two data found fast data will be counted
Looks like what you need here is to combine two arrays you have given and order the result based on the time taken.
Here are some best practices to approach your problem.
If you ever need to calculate date/time do not use strings, use timestamps because it is just a one big number which you can use to easily manipulate (in your case you just need to subtract start date/time from end date/time to get the total time taken) using simple math.
If you store the data in a SQL database then don't retrieve them and calculate the time taken in PHP, instead calculate the durations using SQL before retrieving data. It will massively reduce the application overhead. You also can use SQL sorting to sort your result set.
Please don't attach screenshots of your xdebug output in future, instead paste on to the editor.
$array1a = array_chunk($array1, 3);
$array2a = array_chunk($array2, 3);
$table =array();
foreach($array1a as $v1){
$tmp = array(
'date' => $v1[1],
'time1' => $v1[2]
foreach($array2a as $v2){
if($v2[1] == $v1[1] && $v2[0] == $v1[0]){
$table[] = $tmp;
hope it help
array_merge() is an useful function for merging two arrays. Here is a simple example.
$array1 = array("color" => "red", 2, 4);
$array2 = array("a", "b", "color" => "green", "shape" => "trapezoid", 4);
$result = array_merge($array1, $array2);
I'm building a local events calendar which takes RSS feeds and website scrapes and extracts event dates from them.
I've previously asked how to extract dates from text in PHP here, and received a good answer at the time from MarcDefiant:
function parse_date_tokens($tokens) {
# only try to extract a date if we have 2 or more tokens
if(!is_array($tokens) || count($tokens) < 2) return false;
return strtotime(implode(" ", $tokens));
function extract_dates($text) {
static $patterns = Array(
'/^[0-9]+(st|nd|rd|th|)?$/i', # day
'/^(Jan(uary)?|Feb(ruary)?|Mar(ch)?|etc)$/i', # month
'/^20[0-9]{2}$/', # year
'/^of$/' #words
# defines which of the above patterns aren't actually part of a date
static $drop_patterns = Array(
$tokens = Array();
$result = Array();
$text = str_word_count($text, 1, '0123456789'); # get all words in text
# iterate words and search for matching patterns
foreach($text as $word) {
$found = false;
foreach($patterns as $key => $pattern) {
if(preg_match($pattern, $word)) {
if(!$drop_patterns[$key]) {
$tokens[] = $word;
$found = true;
if(!$found) {
$result[] = parse_date_tokens($tokens);
$tokens = Array();
$result[] = parse_date_tokens($tokens);
return array_filter($result);
# test
$texts = Array(
"The focus of the seminar, on Saturday 2nd February 2013 will be [...]",
"Valentines Special # The Radisson, Feb 14th",
"On Friday the 15th of February, a special Hollywood themed [...]",
"Symposium on Childhood Play on Friday, February 8th",
"Hosting a craft workshop March 9th - 11th in the old [...]"
$dates = extract_dates(implode(" ", $texts));
echo "Dates: \n";
foreach($dates as $date) {
echo " " . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $date) . "\n";
However, the solution has some downsides - for one thing, it can't match date ranges.
I'm now looking for a more complex solution that can extract dates, times and date ranges from sample text.
Whats the best approach for this? It seems like I'm leaning back toward a series of regex statements run one after the other to catch these cases. I can't see a better way of catching date ranges in particular, but I know there must be a better way of doing this. Are there any libraries out there just for date parsing in PHP?
Date / Date Range samples, as requested
$dates = [
" Saturday 28th December",
"Friday 10th of January",
"Thursday 19th December",
" on Sunday the 15th December at 1 p.m",
"On Saturday December 14th ",
"On Saturday December 21st at 7.30pm",
"Saturday, March 21st, 9.30 a.m.",
"Jan-April 2014",
"January 21st - Jan 24th 2014",
"Dec 30th - Jan 3rd, 2014",
"February 14th-16th, 2014",
"Mon 14 - Wed 16 April, 12 - 2pm",
"Sun 13 April, 8pm",
"Mon 21 - Wed 23 April",
"Friday 25 April, 10 – 3pm",
"The focus of the seminar, on Saturday 2nd February 2013 will be [...]",
"Valentines Special # The Radisson, Feb 14th",
"On Friday the 15th of February, a special Hollywood themed [...]",
"Symposium on Childhood Play on Friday, February 8th",
"Hosting a craft workshop March 9th - 11th in the old [...]"
The function I'm currently using (not the above) is about 90% accurate. It can catch date ranges, but has difficulty if a time is also specified. It uses a list of regex expressions and is very convoluted.
UPDATE: Jan 6th, 2014
I'm working on code that does this, working on my original method of a series of regex statements run one after the other. I think I'm close to a working solution that can pretty much extract almost any date/time range / format from a piece of text. When I'm done I'll post it here as an answer.
I think you can sum up the regex in your question like the one below.
(?<date_format_1>(?<day>(?i)\b\s*[0-9]+(?:st|nd|rd|th|)?)(?<month>(?i)\b\s*(?:Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|etc))(?<year>\b\s*20[0-9]{2}) ) |
(?<date_format_2>(?&month)(?&day)(?!\s+-)) |
(?<date_format_3>(?&day)\s+of\s+(?&month)) |
Flags: x
By using recursive subpatterns, you reduce the complexity of the final regex.
I have used a negative lookahead in the date_format_2 because it would match partially range_type_1. You may need to add more range type depending on your data. Don't forget to check other partterns in case of partial match.
Another solution would consist in build small regexes in different string variables and then concatenate them in PHP to build a bigger regex.
I'm using PHP and MySQL. I have a page that displays meetings created by people with a link to view details. Right now I'm using just a simple table to display everything sorted by date. The table in the database is called 'meetings' and there are 3 columns -
'meetingid' (int)
'time' (datetime)
'creator' (text)
My problem is that it looks a little messy and difficult to read when there are quite a few meetings created since they are all in just one big clump. I'd like to split them up by week (starting Monday, ending Sunday - or Sunday-Saturday if that's easier). I've linked to a doc at the bottom showing what I currently have (first page) and something more like what I want (second page). The week labels (ex. September 3rd - September 9th) would need to only go on for as long as there are meetings booked. So, if the latest meeting is October 7th then the last week shown should be 'October 1st - October 7th'. Figuring out how to separate them by month seems easy enough but I can't wrap my head around how to do it by week. I'm assuming that there's some php date function that will help greatly with this but I can't find it. Hoping you all can help.
What is the best way to do this?
I haven't decided yet whether or not I'd want the weeks where there are no meetings to show the week label or not. (Ex. There are no meetings between September 10th - September 16th. - so do or do not show that label.
Link to examples (no need to sign into google)
Use date("W") to get the week number of the year.Then you can separate your results according to the week number.
Without knowing how your data is structured; you could use the week number returned by the date() function to keep track of which week you are in and break it up that way.
$currentWeekNumber = -1;
$rows = array(
array('id' => 5, 'started_by' => 'Ben', 'when' => '2012-09-06 09:00:00'),
array('id' => 6, 'started_by' => 'Julie', 'when' => '2012-09-07 18:00:00'),
array('id' => 18, 'started_by' => 'Ben', 'when' => '2012-09-18 20:00:00')
foreach($rows as $row) {
$eventSeconds = strtotime($row['when']);
$rowWeek = intval(date('W', $eventSeconds));
if( $rowWeek !== $currentWeekNumber && $currentWeekNumber !== -1) {
echo "----- Week Break ------\n";
$currentWeekNumber = $rowWeek;
echo "Meeting #{$row['id']}, started by {$row['started_by']}, occurs at ".strftime('%c', $eventSeconds)."\n";
Which produces the following output:
Meeting #5, started by Ben, occurs at Thu Sep 6 09:00:00 2012
Meeting #6, started by Julie, occurs at Fri Sep 7 18:00:00 2012
----- Week Break ------
Meeting #18, started by Ben, occurs at Tue Sep 18 20:00:00 2012
Given an arbitrary string, for example ("I'm going to play croquet next Friday" or "Gadzooks, is it 17th June already?"), how would you go about extracting the dates from there?
If this is looking like a good candidate for the too-hard basket, perhaps you could suggest an alternative. I want to be able to parse Twitter messages for dates. The tweets I'd be looking at would be ones which users are directing at this service, so they could be coached into using an easier format, however I'd like it to be as transparent as possible. Is there a good middle ground you could think of?
If you have the horsepower, you could try the following algorithm. I'm showing an example, and leaving the tedious work up to you :)
//Attempt to perform strtotime() on each contiguous subset of words...
//1st iteration
strtotime("Gadzooks, is it 17th June already")
strtotime("is it 17th June already")
strtotime("it 17th June already")
strtotime("17th June already")
strtotime("June already")
//2nd iteration
strtotime("Gadzooks, is it 17th June")
strtotime("is it 17th June")
strtotime("17th June") //date!
strtotime("June") //date!
//3rd iteration
strtotime("Gadzooks, is it 17th")
strtotime("is it 17th")
strtotime("it 17th")
strtotime("17th") //date!
//4th iteration
strtotime("Gadzooks, is it")
And we can assume that strtotime("17th June") is more accurate than strtotime("17th") simply because it contains more words... i.e. "next Friday" will always be more accurate than "Friday".
I would do it this way:
First check if the entire string is a valid date with strtotime(). If so, you're done.
If not, determine how many words are in your string (split on whitespace for example). Let this number be n.
Loop over every n-1 word combination and use strtotime() to see if the phrase is a valid date. If so you've found the longest valid date string within your original string.
If not, loop over every n-2 word combination and use strtotime() to see if the phrase is a valid date. If so you've found the longest valid date string within your original string.
...and so on until you've found a valid date string or searched every single/individual word. By finding the longest matches, you'll get the most informed dates (if that makes sense). Since you're dealing with tweets, your strings will never be huge.
Inspired by Juan Cortes's broken link based off Dolph's algorithm, I went ahead and wrote it up myself. Note that I decided to just return on first successful match.
function extractDatetime($string) {
if(strtotime($string)) return $string;
$string = str_replace(array(" at ", " on ", " the "), " ", $string);
if(strtotime($string)) return $string;
$list = explode(" ", $string);
$first_length = count($list);
for($j=0; $j < $first_length; $j++) {
$original_length = count($list);
for($i=0; $i < $original_length; $i++) {
$temp_list = $list;
for($k = 0; $k < $i; $k++) unset($temp_list[$k]);
//echo "<code>".implode(" ", $temp_list)."</code><br/>"; // for visualizing the tests, if you want to see it
if(strtotime(implode(" ", $temp_list))) return implode(" ", $temp_list);
return false;
$array = array(
"Gadzooks, is it 17th June already",
"I’m going to play croquet next Friday",
"Where was the dog yesterday at 6 PM?",
"Where was Steve on Monday at 7am?"
foreach($array as $a) echo "$a => ".extractDatetime(str_replace("?", "", $a))."<hr/>";
Gadzooks, is it 17th June already
is it 17th June already
it 17th June already
17th June already
June already
Gadzooks, is it 17th June
is it 17th June
it 17th June
17th June
Gadzooks, is it 17th June already => 17th June
I’m going to play croquet next Friday
going to play croquet next Friday
to play croquet next Friday
play croquet next Friday
croquet next Friday
next Friday
I’m going to play croquet next Friday => next Friday
Where was Rav Four yesterday 6 PM
was Rav Four yesterday 6 PM
Rav Four yesterday 6 PM
Four yesterday 6 PM
yesterday 6 PM
Where was the Rav Four yesterday at 6 PM? => yesterday 6 PM
Where was Steve Monday 7am
was Steve Monday 7am
Steve Monday 7am
Monday 7am
Where was Steve on Monday at 7am? => Monday 7am
Something like the following might do it:
$months = array(
"01" => "January",
"02" => "Feberuary",
"03" => "March",
"04" => "April",
"05" => "May",
"06" => "June",
"07" => "July",
"08" => "August",
"09" => "September",
"10" => "October",
"11" => "November",
"12" => "December"
$weekDays = array(
"01" => "Monday",
"02" => "Tuesday",
"03" => "Wednesday",
"04" => "Thursday",
"05" => "Friday",
"06" => "Saturday",
"07" => "Sunday"
foreach($months as $value){
\\ extract and assign as you like...
Probably do a nother loop to check for other weekDays or other formats, or just nest.
Use the strtotime php function.
Of course you would need to set up some rules to parse them since you need to get rid of all the extra content on the string, but aside from that, it's a very flexible function that will more than likely help you out here.
For example, it can take strings like "next Friday" and "June 15th" and return the appropriate UNIX timestamp for the date in the string. I guess that if you consider some basic rules like looking for "next X" and week and month names you would be able to do this.
If you could locate the "next Friday" from the "I'm going to play croquet next Friday" you could extract the date. Looks like a fun project to do! But keep in mind that strtotime only takes english phrases and will not work with any other language.
For example, a rule that will locate all the "Next weekday" cases would be as simple as:
$datestring = "I'm going to play croquet next Friday";
$weekdays = array('monday','tuesday','wednesday',
foreach($weekdays as $weekday){
if(strpos(strtolower($datestring),"next ".$weekday) !== false){
echo date("F j, Y, g:i a",strtotime("next ".$weekday));
This will return the date of the next weekday mentioned on the string as long as it follows the rule! In this particular case, the output was June 18, 2010, 12:00 am.
With a few (maybe more than a few!) of those rules you will more than likely extract the correct date in a high percentage of the cases, considering that the users use correct spelling though.
Like it's been pointed out, with regular expressions and a little patience you can do this. The hardest part of coding is deciding what way you are going to approach your problem, not coding it once you know what!
Following Dolph Mathews idea and basically ignoring my previous answer, I built a pretty nice function that does exactly that. It returns the string it thinks is the one that matches a date, the unix datestamp of it, and the date itself either with the user specified format or the predefined one (F j, Y).I wrote a small post about it on Extracting a date from a string with PHP. As a teaser, here's the output of the two example strings:
Input: “I’m going to play croquet next Friday”
Output: Array (
[string] => "next friday",
[unix] => 1276844400,
[date] => "June 18, 2010"
Input: “Gadzooks, is it 17th June already?”
Output: Array (
[string] => "17th june",
[unix] => 1276758000,
[date] => "June 17, 2010"
I hope it helps someone.
Based on Dolph's suggestion, I wrote out a function that I think serves the purpose.
public function parse_date($text, $offset, $length){
$parseArray = preg_split( "/[\s,.]/", $text);
$dateTest = implode(" ", array_slice($parseArray, $offset, $length == 0 ? null : $length));
$date = strtotime($dateTest);
if ($date){
return $date;
//make the string one word shorter in the front
//have we reached the end of the array?
if($offset > count($parseArray)){
//reset the start of the string
$offset = 0;
//trim the end by one
//reached the very bottom with no date found
if(abs($length) >= count($parseArray)){
return false;
//try to find the date with the new substring
return $this->parse_date($text, $offset, $length);
You would call it like this:
parse_date('Setting the due date january 5th 2017 now', 0 , 0)
What you're looking for a is a temporal expression parser. You might look at the Wikipedia article to get started. Keep in mind that the parsers can get pretty complicated, because this really a language recognition problem. That is commonly a problem tackled by the artificial intelligence/computational linguistics field.
Majority of suggested algorithms are in fact pretty lame. I suggest using some nice regex for dates and testing the sentence with it. Use this as an example:
(\d{1,2})? (\d{2,4})?
I skipped months, since I'm not sure I remember them in the right order.
This is the easiest solution, yet I will do the job better than other compute-power based solutions. (And yeah, it's hardly a fail-proof regex, but you get the point). Then apply the strtotime function on the matched string. This is the simplest and the fastest solution.