Laravel - Multi fields search form - php

I'm builind a form with laravel to search users, this form has multiple fields like
Age (which is mandatory)
Hobbies (optional)
What the user likes (optional)
And some others to come
For the age, the user can select in the list (18+, 18-23,23-30, 30+ etc...) and my problem is that i would like to know how i can do to combine these fields into one single query that i return to the view.
For now, i have something like this :
$users = User::where('gender', $user->interested_by)->has('interestedBy', Input::get('like'))->get();
if(strlen(Input::get('age')) == 3){
$input = substr(Input::get('age'),0, -1);
if(Input::get('age') == '18+' || Input::get('age') == '30+' )
foreach ($users as $user)
if($user->age($user->id) >= $input){
$result[] = $user;
// On enregistre les users étant supérieur au if plus haut
$result = [];
return view('search.result', ['users' => $result]);
elseif (strlen(Input::get('age')) == 5) {
$min = substr(Input::get('age'), 0, -3);
$max = substr(Input::get('age'), -2);
$result = array();
foreach($users as $user)
if($user->age($user->id) >= $min && $user->age($user->id) <= $max)
$result[] = $user;
return view('search.result', ['users' => $result]);
$users = User::all();
And so the problem is that there is gonna be 2 or 3 more optional fields coming and i would like to query for each input if empty but i don't know how to do it, i kept the age at the end because it's mandatory but i don't know if it's the good thing to do.
Actually this code works for now, but if i had an other field i don't know how i can do to query for each input, i know that i have to remove the get in my where and do it at the end but i wanna add the get for the last query..
Edit: my models :
public function interestedBy()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\InterestedBy');
And the same in InterestedBy.php
class InterestedBy extends Model{
* The database table used by the model.
* #var string
protected $table = 'interested_by';
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User');

you can use query builer to do this as follow
$userBuilder = User::where(DB::raw('1')); //this will return builder object to continue with the optional things
// if User model object injected using ioc container $user->newQuery() will return blank builder object
$hobbies = Request::input('hobbies') // for laravel 5
if( !empty($hobbies) )
$userBuilder = $userBuilder->whereIn('hobbies',$hobbies) //$hobbies is array
//other fields so on
$users = $userBuilder->get();
//filter by age
$age = Request::input('age');
$finalRows = $users->filter(function($q) use($age){
return $q->age >= $age; //$q will be object of User
//$finalRows will hold the final collection which will have only ages test passed in the filter

A way you could possible do this is using query scopes (more about that here) and then check if the optional fields have inputs.
Here is an example
Inside your User Model
//Just a few simple examples to get the hang of it.
public function scopeSearchAge($query, $age)
return $query->where('age', '=', $age);
public function scopeSearchHobby($query, $hobby)
return $query->hobby()->where('hobby', '=', $hobby);
Inside your Controller
public function search()
$queryBuilder = User::query();
if (Input::has('age'))
$queryBuilder ->searchAge(Input::get('age'));
if (Input::has('hobby'))
$users= $queryBuilder->get();


Laravel 8 not finding "tag" from package "\Conner\Tagging\Taggable;"

The code works perfectly when I want to create a new tag from scratch, but when $skillsQuery->count() > 0 and enters in the if statement. It prints...
Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::tag does not exist.
How can I update tags using this package?
public function storeSkills(Request $request)
$id = auth()->user()->id;
$skillsQuery = Skill::where('created_by', $id)->get();
// If skill exists
if ($skillsQuery->count() > 0) {
$input = $request->all();
$tags = explode(", ", $input['name']);
// $skill = Skill::create($input);
$skillsQuery->created_by = $id;
if ($skillsQuery->save()) {
return redirect()->route('profile')->with('success', 'Skills updated successfully');
} else {
return redirect()->route('profile')->with('error', 'Error updated your Skills!');
} else {
$input = $request->all();
$tags = explode(", ", $input['name']);
$skill = Skill::create($input);
$skill->created_by = $id;
if ($skill->save())
return redirect()->route('profile')->with('success', 'Skills stored successfully');
else {
return redirect()->route('profile')->with('error', 'Error storing your Skills!');
The result of calling ->get() on a Illuminate\Database\Query is that you will receive an instance of a Illuminate\Database\Collection, which does not contain a ->tag() method. Even if it was a query (by removing ->get()) this still would not work, as you can't call a relationship method off of a collection.
If instead you loop over the skillsQuery then you will receive an instance of a Model object which then allows you to access functions and/or relationships off of it:
$skillsQuery->each(function ($skill) use ($tags) {
$skill->tag($tags); // or perhaps ->retag($tags); here

OctoberCMS Pagination

I use octobercms and User Extended plugin(Clacke). I try to render a pagination because for now i have a lot of registered users and they display on one page.
I use random users function from \classes\UserManager.php
public static function getRandomUserSet($limit = 7)
$returner = new Collection;
$userCount = User::all()->count();
if(!isset($userCount) || empty($userCount) || $userCount == 0)
return [];
if($userCount < $limit)
$limit = $userCount;
$users = User::all(); //paginate(5)
return $returner;
$friends = FriendsManager::getAllFriends();
foreach($users as $user)
$userAdd = true;
foreach($friends as $friend)
if($user->id == $friend->id)
$userAdd = false;
if($user->id == UserUtil::getLoggedInUser()->id)
$userAdd = false;
return $returner->shuffle();
try to do this with changing return $returner->paginate(25); and $users = User::paginate(25); but throws me an error
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template
("Method paginate does not exist.").
After that i try to change directly in \components\User.php
public function randomUsers()
return UserManager::getRandomUserSet($this->property('maxItems'))->paginate(12);
But again the same error.
Tryed and with this code and render in default.htm {{ tests.render|raw }}
public function randomUsers()
$test = UserManager::getRandomUserSet($this->property('maxItems'));
return $test->paginate(10);
Again with no success. Could anyoune give me some navigation and help to fix this?
If you are using random users function from \classes\UserManager.php
I checked the code and found that its using Illuminate\Support\Collection Object. So, for that Collection Object pagination works differently
You need to use forPage method.
On the other hands paginate is method of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection <- so both collection are not same
Use forpage
// OLD return UserManager::getRandomUserSet($this->property('maxItems'))
// ->paginate(12);
return UserManager::getRandomUserSet($this->property('maxItems'))
->forPage(1, 12);
forPage method works like forPage(<<PAGE_NO>>, <<NO_OF_ITEM_PER_PAGE>>);
so if you use forPage it will work fine.
if any doubt please comment.

Compare laravel query results

Inside the $get_user and $get_code queries they both have a group_id.
I have dd(); them Both and made 100% sure.
the $get_user query has multiple group_id's and the $get_code only has one group_id which is equal to one of the $get_user group_id's.
The goal at the moment is to create a group_id match query.
Get the code that has a group ID equal to one of the $get_user group_id's
public function getCodesViewQr($code_id)
$userid = Auth::id();
$get_user = GroupUser::all()->where('user_id',$userid);
$get_code = Code::all()->where('id',$code_id);
$group_match = GroupUser::where('group_id', $get_code->group_id);
$view['get_users'] = $get_user;
$view['get_codes'] = $get_code;
$view['group_matchs'] = $group_match;
return view('codes.view_qr_code', $view);
The group match query does not work. $get_code->group_id does not get the code group_id.
If there is a match then set $match equal to rue. else $match is False
$group_match = GroupUser::where('group_id', $get_code->group_id);
I'm using two Models Code and GroupUser
My Code table is like this :
-group_id (This is the only on important right now)
My GroupUser table is like this :
-group_id (This is the only on important right now)
I have linked the Models
Inside my Code Model I have the relationship to GroupUser
public function group_user()
return $this->belongsto('App\GroupUser');
And Inside my GroupUser Model I have the relationship to Code
public function code()
return $this->belongsto('App\Code');
Inside My Code controller I have included my models.
use App\Code;
use App\GroupUser;
Hi guys so I had some help from a guy I work with and this is the solution he came up with. We made a few adjustments. all the Databases and results stayed the same. we just changed the method we used to get the results.
I really appreciate all the help from #linktoahref
public function view_code($random)
$code = Code::where('random', $random)->first();
$view['code'] = $code;
if ($code->code_type == 1)
// Its a coupon
if (!empty(Auth::user()))
// Someones is logged in
$user = Auth::user();
$view['user'] = $user;
$user_groups = GroupUser::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('group_id')->toArray();
if (in_array($code->group_id, $user_groups))
// The user is an admin of this code
return view('view_codes.coupon_admin', $view);
// Save the code to that users account
return view('view_codes.generic_code', $view);
// Anon
return view('view_codes.coupon_anon', $view);
}elseif ($code->code_type == 2)
// Voucher..
// We don't know how to deal with that code type
$get_code = Code::find($code_id);
// Check if the code isn't null, else give a fallback to group_id
$group_id = 0;
if (! is_null($get_code)) {
$group_id = $get_code->group_id;
$group_match = GroupUser::where('group_id', $group_id)
$match = FALSE;
if ($group_match->count()) {
$match = TRUE;

Laravel get conversation where users in array

I am making a messaging app, and i need to check if a conversation already exists that has a certain list of users (no more, no less). I have this model:
class Conversation{
public function users(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User');
public function messages(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Message');
I have these tables:
user_id <- the owner of the conversation
I want to make a post request like this:
"users": [1,4,6], <- user ids
"message": "Some message"
If a conversation already exists with all and only users 1,4,6, the message should be added to that conversation to avoid having duplicate conversations in the database. Otherwise i will make a new conversation with the specified users.
This is the best i have been able to do so far:
$existing_conversation = $user->conversations()->whereHas('users',
function($query) use ($data){
$query->whereIn('user_id', $data['users']);
)->has('users', '=', count($data['users']));
But it just returns the conversations that has exactly the amount of users that was in the users array. It ignores the inner query..
Does anyone have an idea for this? :)
You can try the following query
$existing_conversation = $user->conversations()->wherePivotIn('user_id', $data['users'])->has('users', count($data['users'])->get();
Haven't tested, should work I think.
Not a very elegant solution, however it works. You can add some helper methods in your controller like
//Get user's conversations with no of users equal to count($data['users']);
protected function get_conversations_with_equal_users(User $user, array $user_ids)
return $user->conversations()
->wherePivotIn('user_id', $user_ids)
->has('users', '=', count($user_ids))
//Get the id of a user conversation with exactly same users as $data['users'] if it exists otherwise it will return 0;
protected function get_existing_conversation_id(User $user, array $user_ids)
$existing_conversation_id = 0;
$user_conversations_with_equal_users = $this->get_conversations_with_equal_users($user, $user_ids);
foreach($user_conversations_with_equal_users as $conv)
$ids = [];
foreach($conv->users as $user)
$ids[] = $user->id;
if($this->array_equal($user_ids, $ids))
$existing_conversation_id = $conv->id;
return $existing_conversation_id;
//Function to compare two arrays for equality.
protected function array_equal($a, $b) {
return (
is_array($a) && is_array($b) &&
count($a) == count($b) &&
array_diff($a, $b) === array_diff($b, $a)
The you can use the following in your controller to get the existing conversation for user (if it exists)
$existing_conversation_id = $this->get_existing_conversation_id($user, $data['users']);
$existing_conversation = Conversation::with('users')

Laravel sort Relationship

How can I sort my result with related tables?
I have this tables: Clients and Managers (users table)
class Client extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'clients';
public function Manager(){
return $this->belongsTo('User','manager','id');
public function Transaction(){
return $this->hasMany('ClientTransaction','client','id');
Users.php (default Laravel's model)
My question is how can I query table clients to be sorted by Manager's name.
Here is my code so far:
public function getClients() {
// Sorting preparations
$allowed = array('name','contact','money');
$sort = in_array(Input::get('sort'), $allowed) ? Input::get('sort') : 'name';
$order = Input::get('order') === 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
// Get Clients from DB
if($sort == 'contact'){
$clients = Client::with(array('Manager' => function($query) use ($order) {
$query->orderBy('name', $order);
} else {
$clients = Client::orderBy($sort, $order)->with('Manager');
// Filters
$cname = null;
$clients = $clients->where('name', Input::get('cname'));
$cname = '$cname='.Input::get('cname');
// Pagination
$clients = $clients->paginate(25);
// Return View
return View::make('pages.platform.clients')
->with('clients', $clients);
If I try to sort by Name it sorts OK by Clients name but if I try to sort by contact it needs to sort by User's (Manager's) name.
Try this.
$clients = Client::join('users as manager', '','=','clients.manager')
->orderBy('', $order)
->select('clients.*') // avoid fetching anything from joined table
->with('Manager'); // if you need managers data anyway
Put this into your if statement if($sort == 'contact'){ /***/ }
