move_uploaded_file not uploading image - php

I am trying to upload a file to an images folder and also insert the directory path into a mysql db.
Here is my HTML form
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="newfacility.php">
<legend>New Facility</legend>
<label for="photo">Facility Photo:</label>
<input type="file" id="facilityphoto" name="facilityphoto" /><br />
<label for="province">Photo Description:</label>
<input type="text" id="photodesc" name="photodesc" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Create" name="submit" />
//connect to db and test connection.
$dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
if (!$dbc) {
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// Grab the user data from the POST
$facilityNumber = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['facilitynumber']));
//This is defined in appvars.php -- define('MM_UPLOADPATH', 'images/');
//facility photo
$facilityPhoto = MM_UPLOADPATH . basename($_FILES["facilityphoto"]["name"]);
$facilityPhotoDesc = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['photodesc']));
// check if the faciliy info already exists.
if (!empty($facilityNumber) && !empty($facilityName) && !empty($facilityAddress) && !empty($facilityCity)) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM facility WHERE facility_number = '$facilityNumber' AND facility_name = '$facilityName' "
. "AND facility_address = '$facilityAddress' AND facility_city = '$facilityCity'";
$data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
//if the facility is unique insert the data into the database
if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) {
//insert into facility table
$query = "INSERT INTO facility (facility_id, account_id, facility_number, facility_name, facility_address,"
. " facility_city, facility_province, facility_postal_code, facility_photo, facility_roof_plan,"
. " facility_roof_size, facility_roof_size_inspected, facility_last_inspected_date, facility_inspected_by)"
. " VALUES (NULL, '$selectedAssocAccount', '$facilityNumber', '$facilityName', '$facilityAddress', "
. "'$facilityCity', '$facilityProvince', '$facilityPostalCode', '$facilityRoofSize', "
. "'$facilityRoofSizeInspected', '$facilityDayInspected', '$facilityInspectedBy')";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
//query used to get the facility_id of the facility we had just entered -- I haven't tested this yet.
$getFacilityID = "SELECT facility_id FROM facility WHERE facility_number = '$facilityNumber' AND facility_name = '$facilityName' "
. "AND facility_address = '$facilityAddress' AND facility_city = '$facilityCity'";
$facilityID = mysqli_query($dbc, $getFacilityID);
//insert into photo table
$photoQuery = "INSERT INTO photo (photo_id, facility_id, photo, photo_desc)"
. "VALUES (NULL, $facilityID, $facilityPhoto, $facilityPhotoDesc)";
mysqli_query($dbc, $photoQuery);
// Confirm success with the user
echo '<p>You have succesfully created a new facility. '
. 'Please go back to the admin panel.</p>';
//testing to see if I can view the image
echo '<img class="profile" src="' . MM_UPLOADPATH . $facilityPhoto . '"/>';
//close db connection
And finally here is upload_image.php
if(isset($_FILES["facilityphoto"])) {
// Check if file already exists
if (file_exists($facilityPhoto)) {
echo "Sorry, facility photo already exists.";
if($_FILES['facilityphoto']['error'] !==0) {
echo "Error uploading facility photo image.";
} else {
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["facilityphoto"]["tmp_name"], $facilityPhoto)) {
echo "The file ".( $_FILES["facilityphoto"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";
} else {
echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading the facility photo.";
So the error I keep hitting right now is: echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading the facility photo.";
I don't understand what I am doing wrong here that is resulting in the image not being uploaded into my images/ directory.

I am going to provide an answer that addresses only the file upload problem, all the database stuff is striped from the answer as it is not relevant.
// returns true only if the file was written to $to,
// the value of $status_msg will be a user friendly string
// representing the outcome.
function save_facility_photo($from, $to, &$status_msg) {
// Check if file already exists
if (file_exists($to)) {
$status_msg = "Sorry, facility photo already exists.";
return false;
if (move_uploaded_file($from, $to)) {
$status_msg = "The file ".basename($to)." has been uploaded.";
return true;
$status_msg = "Sorry, there was an error uploading the facility photo.";
return false;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
define('MM_UPLOADPATH', 'images/');
$facilityPhoto = MM_UPLOADPATH . basename($_FILES["facilityphoto"]["name"]);
if ($_FILES['facilityphoto']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$status_msg = '';
$from = $_FILES["facilityphoto"]["tmp_name"];
$saved = save_facility_photo($from, $facilityPhoto, $status_msg);
else {
// handle upload error
// continue with code
The following is an explanation of what I think is happening in your scripts.
At the top of newfacility.php, require_once('upload_image.php'); is called. Now lets step though upload_image.php noting that $facilityPhoto has not yet been defined
// this is very likely true
if(isset($_FILES["facilityphoto"])) {
// $facilityPhoto is undefined so file_exists(NULL) will return false
if (file_exists($facilityPhoto)) { }
// the image upload was probably successful, so we jump to the else branch
if($_FILES['facilityphoto']['error'] !==0) {
else {
// $facilityPhoto is undefined move_uploaded_file('p/a/t/h', NULL)
// will return false, so we jump to the else branch
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["facilityphoto"]["tmp_name"], $facilityPhoto)) {
else {
// resulting in this error
echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading the facility photo.";

Replace these lines:
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["facilityphoto"]["tmp_name"], $facilityPhoto)){
echo "The file ".( $_FILES["facilityphoto"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";
with these:
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["facilityphoto"]["tmp_name"], 'images/'. $_FILES["facilityphoto"]["name"])){
echo "The file ".( $_FILES["facilityphoto"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";


I cant seem to upload my picture in my function

I still have the error 2 days after. Help...
I have an error with picture upload in my code. The file upload works perfectly when i remove anything image related but fails once i add anything image related.
I get 2 errors
"Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file." and
"Problem uploading item". I have no idea why...
I'll post the section i have the problem with.
if((($_FILES["pic"]["type"] != "image/jpg")
|| ($_FILES["pic"]["type"] != "image/jpeg")
|| ($_FILES["pic"]["type"] != "image/png")
|| ($_FILES["pic"]["type"] != "image/pjpeg"))
&& ($_FILES["pic"]["size"] > 1000000))
$_SESSION['itemerror'][] = "Pic must be jpg, jpeg, png or pjpeg and must be less than 1mb";
//final disposition
if (count($_SESSION['itemerror']) > 0) {
die(header("Location: postitem.php"));
} else {
if(registerItem($_POST)) {
$_SESSION['itemsuccess'][] = "Successfully Uploaded";
die(header("Location: postitem.php"));
} else {
error_log("Problem uploading item: {$_POST['name']}");
$_SESSION['itemerror'][] = "Problem uploading item";
die(header("Location: upload.php"));
function registerItem($userData) {
$mysqli = new mysqli(DBHOST,DBUSER,DBPASS,DB);
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
error_log("Cannot connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error);
return false;
$target = "img/";
$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['pic']['name']);
$poster = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['user']));
$itemcategory = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['category']));
$itemname = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['name']));
$itemdescription = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['description']));
$itemprice = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['price']));
$itemlocation = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['addr']));
$itemcity = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['city']));
$itemstate = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['state']));
$itemphone = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['phone']));
$itemnegotiate = htmlspecialchars($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['negotiate']));
$query = "INSERT INTO Product
state,phone,negotiatable,pic_link)" .
" VALUES ('{$itemcategory}','{$itemname}',NOW(),'{$poster}',
'{$itemdescription}','{$itemprice}','{$itemlocation}'" .
",'{$itemcity}','{$itemstate}','{$itemphone}','{$itemnegotiate}', '{$pic}')";
if ($mysqli->query($query)) {
$itemname = $mysqli->insert_itemname;
error_log("Inserted {$itemname} as ID {$id}");
return true;
} else {
error_log("Problem inserting {$query}");
return false;
} else {
$_SESSION['itemerror'][] = "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.";
The form contains this:
<form id="userForm" method="POST" action="upload.php">
And this for the picture input:
<label for="pic">Pictures: </label>
<input class="input100" type="file" id="pic" name="pic">
Add the attribute enctype="multipart/form-data" to your <form>
Like this
<form id="userForm" method="POST" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
I do not know if that will solve your problem, but it will probably help you.
It seems to me that it's mandatory for an upload form.

How to INSERT an array of uploaded filenames into a table and later display them?

I am working on a project where each item could have multiple images, I created a form that would accept the images and store them into an array. The problem is whenever I try inserting the images into a table row in the database it displays an error:
"Array to string conversion"
How can I fix this? And also how do I fetch each images on another page from the same database table. Below is my code.
-Form code
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
<input required type="text" name="name">
<input required type="text" name="location">
<input required type="text" name="status">
<select required name="category">
<option value="construct">Construction</option>
<option value="promgt">Project Development</option>
<option value="archdesign">Architectural Designs</option>
<textarea required class="form-control" name="descrip" rows="5"></textarea>
<input style="text-align:left" type="file" name="imgs[]" multiple>
<button type="submit" name="submit" formaction="addaction.php">Add Project</button>
-Addaction.php code
$imgs = $_FILES['imgs'];
$uploaded = array();
$failed = array();
$allowed = array('jpg', 'png');
foreach($imgs['name'] as $position => $img_name){
$img_tmp = $imgs['tmp_name'][$position];
$img_size = $imgs['size'][$position];
$img_error = $imgs['error'][$position];
$img_ext = explode('.',$img_name);
$img_ext = strtolower(end($img_ext));
if(in_array($img_ext, $allowed)) {
if($img_error === 0){
if($img_size <= 500000) {
$img_name_new = uniqid('', true) . '.' . $img_ext;
$img_destination = 'img/'.$img_name_new;
if(move_uploaded_file($img_tmp, $img_destination)){
$uploaded[$position] = $img_destination;
$failed[$position] = "[{$img_name}] failed to upload";
$failed[$position] = "[{$img_name}] is too large";
$failed[$position] = "[{$img_name}] error";
$failed[$position] = "[{$img_name}] file extension";
$name = $_POST['name'];
$location = $_POST['location'];
$status = $_POST['status'];
$descrip = $_POST['descrip'];
$category = $_POST['category'];
$img_name_new = $_FILES['imgs']['name'];
if ($db->connect_error){
die ("Connection Failed: " . $db->connect_error);
$sql_u = "SELECT * FROM projects WHERE name='$name'";
$sql_e = "SELECT * FROM projects WHERE category='$category'";
$res_u = mysqli_query($db, $sql_u);
$res_e = mysqli_query($db, $sql_e);
if (mysqli_num_rows($res_u) && mysqli_num_rows($res_e) > 0) {
echo "<div style='margin: 0 80px' class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'> Error. Item Already exists </div>";
header("refresh:3 url=add.php");
$sql_i = "INSERT INTO items (name, location, status, descrip, imgs, category) VALUES ('$name','$location','$status,'$descrip','$img_name_new','$category')";
if (mysqli_query($db, $sql_i)){
echo "Project Added Successfully";
echo mysqli_error($db);
$img_name_new = $_FILES['imgs']['name'] is an array of one or more image names.
You will need to decide how you wish to store the array data as a string in your database.
Here are a couple of sensible options, but choosing the best one will be determined by how you are going to using this data once it is in the database.
implode() it -- $img_name_new = implode(',', $_FILES['imgs']['name']);
json_encode() it -- $img_name_new = json_encode($_FILES['imgs']['name']);
And here is my good deed for the year...
Form Script:
if (!$db = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "db")) { // declare and check for a falsey value
echo "Connection Failure"; // $db->connect_error <-- never show actual error details to public
} else {
if ($result = $db->query("SELECT name FROM items")) {
for ($rows = []; $row = $result->fetch_row(); $rows[] = $row);
function checkName() {
var names = '<?php echo json_encode($rows); ?>';
var value = document.forms['project']['name'].value;
if (names.indexOf(value) !== -1) { // might not work on some old browsers
alert(value + ' is not a unique name. Please choose another.');
return false;
<form name="project" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return checkName()">
Name: <input required type="text" name="name"><br>
Location: <input required type="text" name="location"><br>
Status: <input required type="text" name="status"><br>
Category: <select required name="category">
if ($result = $db->query("SELECT category, category_alias FROM categories")) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo "<option value=\"{$row['category']}\">{$row['category_alias']}</option>";
<textarea required class="form-control" name="descrip" rows="5"></textarea><br>
<input style="text-align:left" type="file" name="imgs[]" multiple><br>
<button type="submit" name="submit" formaction="addaction.php">Add Project</button>
*notice that I have made a separate category table for validation.
Submission Handling Script: (addaction.php)
if (isset($_POST['submit'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['location'], $_POST['status'], $_POST['descrip'], $_POST['category'], $_FILES['imgs']['name'][0])) {
$paths = [];
if (!empty($_FILES['imgs']['name'][0])) {
$imgs = $_FILES['imgs'];
$allowed = array('jpg', 'png');
foreach($imgs['name'] as $position => $img_name){
$img_tmp = $imgs['tmp_name'][$position];
$img_size = $imgs['size'][$position];
$img_error = $imgs['error'][$position];
$img_ext = strtolower(pathinfo($img_name)['extension']);
if (!in_array($img_ext, $allowed)) {
$errors[] = "File extension is not in whitelist for $img_name ($position)";
} elseif ($img_error) {
$errors[] = "Image error for $img_name ($position): $image_error";
} elseif ($img_size > 500000) {
$errors[] = "Image $image_name ($position) is too large";
} else {
$img_destination = 'img/' . uniqid('', true) . ".$img_ext";
if (!move_uploaded_file($img_tmp, $img_destination)) {
$errors[] = "Failed to move $img_name ($position) to new directory";
} else {
$paths[] = $img_destination;
if (!empty($errors)) {
echo '<ul><li>' , implode('</li><li>', $errors) , '</li></ul>';
} elseif (!$db = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "db")) { // declare and check for a falsey value
echo "Connection Failure"; // $db->connect_error <-- never show actual error details to public
} elseif (!$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM categories WHERE category = ?")) {
echo "Prepare Syntax Error"; // $db->error; <-- never show actual error details to public
} elseif (!$stmt->bind_param("s", $_POST['category']) || !$stmt->execute() || !$stmt->bind_result($found) || !$stmt->fetch()) {
echo "Category Statement Error"; // $stmt->error; <-- never show actual error details to public
} elseif (!$found) {
echo "Category Not Found - Project Not Saved";
} else {
$cs_paths = (string)implode(',', $paths);
// Set the `name` column in `items` to UNIQUE so that you cannot receive duplicate names in database table
if (!$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO items (name, location, status, category, descrip, imgs) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)")) {
echo "Error # prepare"; // $db->error; // don't show to public
} elseif (!$stmt->bind_param("ssssss", $_POST['name'], $_POST['location'], $_POST['status'], $_POST['category'], $_POST['descrip'], $cs_paths)) {
echo "Error # bind"; // $stmt->error; // don't show to public
} elseif (!$stmt->execute()) {
if ($stmt->errno == 1062) {
echo "Duplicate name submitted, please go back to the form and change the project name to be unique";
} else {
echo "Error # execute" , $stmt->error; // $stmt->error; // don't show to public
} else {
echo "Project Added Successfully";

You have an error in your SQL syntax error message when inserting record

I'm getting the error message when uploading a form in php.
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near"
I've followed instructions from other posts as follows, to no avail:
1-Wrapped the column heading names in backticks.
2-Made sure all strings were passed as strings, and ints as ints.
3-Cleaned up any strings before sending out.
4-Made sure the connection to the database works and we can query from it.
5-Checked and re-checked my html code.
Here's my php code:
// Redirect browser if the upload form WAS NOT submited.
if (!isset($_POST['submit_upload']))
header("location: upload.html");
// Continue if the upload form WAS SUBMITED
// Set the upload directory path
$target_path = realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . "/uploads/audio/";
// Array to store validation errors
$error_msg = array();
// Validation error flag, if this becomes true we won't upload
$error_flag = false;
// We get the data from the upload form
$filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$temp_filename = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$filesize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$mimetype = $_FILES['file']['type'];
// Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
$filename = htmlentities($filename);
$mimetype = htmlentities($mimetype);
// Check for empty file
if ($filename == "")
$error_msg[] = 'No file selected!';
$error_flag = true;
// Check the mimetype of the file
if ($mimetype != "audio/x-mp3" && $mimetype != "audio/mp3")
$error_msg[] = 'The file you are trying to upload does not contain expected data.
Are you sure that the file is an MP3 one?';
$error_flag = true;
// Get the file extension, an honest file should have one
$ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.') , 1);
if ($ext != 'mp3')
$error_msg[] = 'The file type or extention you are trying to upload is not allowed!
You can only upload MP3 files to the server!';
$error_flag = true;
// Check that the file really is an MP3 file by reading the first few characters of the file
$open = #fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'r');
$read = #fread($open, 3);
if ($read != "ID3")
$error_msg[] = "The file you are trying to upload does not seem to be an MP3 file.";
$error_flag = true;
// Now we check the filesize.
// The file size shouldn't include any other type of character than numbers
if (!is_numeric($filesize))
$error_msg[] = 'Bad filesize!';
$error_flag = true;
// If it is too big or too small then we reject it
// MP3 files should be at least 1MB and no more than 10 MB
// Check if the file is too large
if ($filesize > 10485760)
$error_msg[] = 'The file you are trying to upload is too large!
Please upload a smaller MP3 file';
$error_flag = true;
// Check if the file is too small
if ($filesize < 1048600)
$error_msg[] = 'The file you are trying to upload is too small!
It is too small to be a valid MP3 file.';
$error_flag = true;
// Function to sanitize values received from the form. Prevents SQL injection
function clean($conn, $str)
$str = #trim($str);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$str = stripslashes($str);
return mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $str);
// Sanitize the POST values
$title = clean($conn, $_POST['title']);
$context = clean($conn, $_POST['context']);
$source = clean($conn, $_POST['source']);
$interviewer = clean($conn, $_POST['interviewer']);
$interviewee = clean($conn, $_POST['interviewee']);
$intervieweeAge = (int)$_POST['intervieweeAge'];
$geoRegion = clean($conn, $_POST['geoRegion']);
$language = clean($conn, $_POST['language']);
$recDate = clean($conn,$_POST['recDate']);
$keywords = $_POST['keywords'];
if ($title == '')
$error_msg[] = 'Title is missing';
$error_flag = true;
if ($interviewee == '')
$error_msg[] = 'Interviewee name/anonymous is missing';
$error_flag = true;
// If there are input validations, show errors
if ($error_flag == true)
foreach($error_msg as $c => $p) echo "Error " . $c . ": " . $p . "<br />";
// Else, all checks are done, move the file.
if (is_uploaded_file($temp_filename))
// Generate an uniqid
$uniqfilename = $interviewee . '_' . str_replace("_", "", $recDate) . '.mp3';
$filePath = '/uploads/audio/' . $uniqfilename;
// If the file was moved, change the filename
if (move_uploaded_file($temp_filename, $target_path . $uniqfilename))
// Again check that the file exists in the target path
if (#file_exists($target_path . $uniqfilename))
// Assign upload date to a variable
$upload_date = date("Y-m-d");
// Create INSERT query
$qry = "INSERT INTO FDM177_AUDIO_CLIPS (title,context,source,interviewer,interviewee,intervieweeAge,geoRegion,language,recDate,fileName,filePath)
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $qry) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
if ($result)
$id = mysqli_insert_id($conn);
echo "File uploaded. Now it is called :" . $uniqfilename . "<br />" . $date . "<br />";
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
if(1) {
//if (is_array($keywords) || is_object($keywords)) {
foreach($keywords as $k) {
// $idQuery = "SELECT keyword_ID from KEYWORDS WHERE keywordName=" . $k";
$idQuery = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM FDM177_KEYWORDS WHERE (`keywordName` LIKE '%".$k."%')") or die(mysql_error());
$matchingKArray = mysqli_fetch_array($idQuery);
$keyword_FK = $matchingKArray[keyword_ID];
// echo $kQuery;
echo $keyword_FK;
$qry = "INSERT INTO FDM177_JNCT_KWDS_CLIPS (keyword_FK, clip_FK)
VALUES ('$keyword_FK', '$id')";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $qry);
if ($result)
echo 'inserted with keyword.' . $k . ' <br />';
else {
echo "keywords are missing";
else {
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
The problem occurs at the first MYSQL query that starts as MYSQL query INSERT INTO FDM177_AUDIO_CLIPS...
What am I missing?
Thank you!
quotes breaking in one query '$interviewer',$interviewee',
(title, context, source,interviewer, interviewee,
('$title', '$context', '$source', '$interviewer', '$interviewee',

file_get_contents(): Filename cannot be empty (uploading files to be optional)

I am new to php. I made a simple upload form in php. This is my code.
<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Upload File:
<input type="file" name="upload" /><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
if(isset($_POST['submit']) )
$filename = $con->real_escape_string($_FILES['upload']['name']);
$filedata= $con->real_escape_string(file_get_contents($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']));
$filetype = $con->real_escape_string($_FILES['upload']['type']);
$filesize = intval($_FILES['upload']['size']);
if ($_FILES['upload']['name'] == 0 ){
echo "<br><br> New record created successfully";
else {
$query = "INSERT INTO contracts(`filename`,`filedata`, `filetype`,`filesize`) VALUES ('$filename','$filedata','$filetype','$filesize')" ;
if ($con->query($query) === TRUE) {
echo "<br><br> New record created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error:<br>" . $con->error;
It works fine. But if I press the submit with no files attached, it displays the error, Warning: file_get_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in C:\xampp\htdocs\contractdb\filetest.php on line 20 .
I want uploading files to be optional because not every user has the files to attach. I also want the user to download the files after uploading without removing file_get_contents($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']).
How do I do this?
Your check should take in place before calling file_get_content() so it does not throw an error and you only call the function if file input is not empty:
if(isset($_POST['submit']) ) {
if ($_FILES['upload']['size'] != 0 ) {
$filename = $con->real_escape_string($_FILES['upload']['name']);
$filedata= $con->real_escape_string(file_get_contents($_FILES['upload']
$filetype = $con->real_escape_string($_FILES['upload']['type']);
$filesize = intval($_FILES['upload']['size']);
$query = "INSERT INTO contracts(`filename`,`filedata`, `filetype`,`filesize`) VALUES ('$filename','$filedata','$filetype','$filesize')" ;
if ($con->query($query) == TRUE) {
echo "<br><br> New record created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error:<br>" . $con->error;
else {
echo 'error: empty file';
Try this:
if (isset($_POST['submit']) & ($_FILES['upload']['name']!=''))
// Statement

I can't seem to get the values to upload into the database table

I can't seem to get the values to upload into the database table. It keeps giving me this error:
Upload Error, please try again.
Here is my code:
$uploaddir = "/accounts/groups/MDM2013.02/public_html/TPFinal/music/";
$uploadfile = basename($_FILES['musicFile']['name']);
$uploadpath = $uploaddir . $uploadfile;
//echo substr($uploadfile, -3);
//echo $uploaddir;
//echo $uploadpath;
if((strcasecmp(substr($uploadfile, -3), "mp3") == 0))//||(strcasecmp(substr($uploadfile, -3, 3), "wav") == 0))
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['musicFile']['tmp_name'],$uploadpath))
if((strcasecmp($type,"audio/mp3") == 0))// || (strcasecmp($type, "music/wav")== 0))
echo "File of a valid type ($type), and was stored as $uploadfile<br/>\n";
$data = $_POST['musicFile']; $art = $_POST['ArtistName']; $title = $_POST['MusicTitle'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO Music(UserName,MusicName,MusicType, Artist, Data) VALUES ('$username','$title','$type', '$art', '$data')";
$result= mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_affected_rows() == 1)
echo "Music inserted into Database, with ID = ",
}else{echo "Failed mime-checking <br/>"; unlink($uploadpath);}
}else{echo "Upload Error, please try again! <BR/> \n";}
}else echo "File already exists <br/>\n";}
else echo "Only MP3 files are acceptable ($uploadfile) <br/>\n";}
include_once ("db_close.php");
You can actually check what specific error you are getting. Try checking your errors here
